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We all know I should have an extremely hot and personable girlfriend, but the single life is good and in my search for a partner, I've exposed the illogical (and borderline criminal) femigazi that seems to provoke guys like myself for its own entertainment. Time to go to work.  -_'


When you post stupidity like this, I'm genuinely torn between the rational decision to ignore you and not offer any reaction that might be misconstrued as encouragement, and the desire to beat you into submission, tie you up, and drop you on the doorstep of a contemplative order of monks, preferably one that espouses a vow of silence and eschews modern conveniences like the internet and indoor plumbing.


So cruel, mthor. :(


Almost certainly a defense mechanism! :)


Definitely a defense mechanism - stupidity as blatant as that which you keep offering is so aggressive as to be contagious.


Oh, I don't feel bad for you at all. However, I do feel bad for anyone who ends up with you.



On second thought, no I don't. Anyone who ignores all the warning signs and red flags deserves what they're getting into.

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