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Why is he allowed to use it? Is he accepted among the popluation? His dad was African and his mom is a white Jew canadian.


I am spanish irish, I tan like a mother fucker in the summer... I SAY! IF HE CAN SAY IT! I CAN SAY IT!


But I will wait for the black delegation for validation, except fuggs.. fuck that.


Well most people who care about that stuff think that you need some obvious African ancestry/urban edge to be able to say it, so it would set them off if blonde-haired Chris Kramer from Tumbleweed, Iowa came around talking in ebonics.


I'm not even sure why it's that important to you......The rules are simple, but if you really need to test that last bit of power, just go for it.....You've heard the legends of what can happen......I can't stop you from living on the edge. 


You're safe anyway.....If you use it, the black dude in question will be accused of a hate crime so It's really non-issue.


Of course you can say it.


Well, if his dad is African, that seems like enough justification to me.


But what do I know. I'm a cracker-ass honky from the Midwest.

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