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we're in the midst of all this fucking rain. it started on wednesday night and it's supposed to keep going until sunday. we might get 8+" before it's over (what she said lol ugh). but i get this irrational stress level whenever it rains this much. it happens maybe once a year or so, and i swear it takes five years off my life every time. but it's not like i'm unprepared for it. just about everything in the basement at home is either in a plastic tub or 3' off the ground. at the bar, everything in the basement lives on a shelf no less than 6" off the ground, and i've never in 12 years seen the water get that high in there. roofs are both tight as a drum. there's really no reason to be stressing right now. but here i am, staring down three different weather sites, refreshing radars and pouring over forecast discussions like some kind of god damn weirdo. my fucking skin is crawling. shit, i hate this.

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1 minute ago, Admin_Raptorpat said:

are your basements flood-prone, or did you have a bad experience as a kid with a rainy weather event?

basement in the new house doesn't even have a sump pump because, according to the last owner, there's been water in it exactly once in the last 18 years, and that was when we had 5" of rain in 3 hours. so it shouldn't be a concern. the bar gets a wet basement every time it rains because the city hasn't repaired storm drains in like 20 years, so any rain that filters into the alley tends to just wash into the basement. it's been bad for several years, but there's an overflow in place to divert the storm water into the sewer once it gets more than a couple inches deep. all of this is supposed to be repaired in the spring when the city tears up the alley...supposedly. but we've never had enough rain to cause any significant damage in that basement, for as long as i've been involved with the place.

i don't know of any reason i would be traumatized by a lot of water or rain, even from childhood. i recognize the irrationality of this. kinda fucked, but here we are.


i would think that it would be totally reasonable if you had an experience where your house flooded or something in a storm as a kid and that set the bar for your for all storms in the future

but you also kinda admit it's completely irrational, so there's that


i grew up in a valley that flooded regularly. the house never flooded, but the root cellar would fill up with several feet of water. happened all the time, to the point where it wasn't a big deal. that's why i don't get it. my parents would be like "hey the cellar flooded again, don't go down there for a couple days" and that was all.

i fucking love boating and swimming and all that shit. just not rain. i think this brain is broken. :(

45 minutes ago, Admin_Raptorpat said:

what is a root cellar

I expect this from one of the young'uns. I take it that your schools didn't have Laura Ingalls Wilder books as required reading?

12 minutes ago, SorceressPol said:

I expect this from one of the young'uns. I take it that your schools didn't have Laura Ingalls Wilder books as required reading?

I'm under 30 and even I know what it is

And school never taught me it


Preface everything I say with the fact that I am sick and can't really think straight, but a separate and distinct "root cellar" as opposed to a standard "cellar" or "basement" just sounded so folksy and farmy that it hasn't been a thing for 150 years and only in rural areas, and I live in an area that's been relatively urbanized and industrialized for nearly 200 years thank you Erie Canal.

Ok I go now

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25 minutes ago, SorceressPol said:

I expect this from one of the young'uns. I take it that your schools didn't have Laura Ingalls Wilder books as required reading?

Pat is forever 14.

14 minutes ago, Admin_Raptorpat said:

Preface everything I say with the fact that I am sick and can't really think straight, but a separate and distinct "root cellar" as opposed to a standard "cellar" or "basement" just sounded so folksy and farmy that it hasn't been a thing for 150 years and only in rural areas, and I live in an area that's been relatively urbanized and industrialized for nearly 200 years thank you Erie Canal.

Ok I go now

You are right for thinking this.

Stop bullying him you bumpkins!

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3 hours ago, Admin_Raptorpat said:

Preface everything I say with the fact that I am sick and can't really think straight, but a separate and distinct "root cellar" as opposed to a standard "cellar" or "basement" just sounded so folksy and farmy that it hasn't been a thing for 150 years and only in rural areas, and I live in an area that's been relatively urbanized and industrialized for nearly 200 years thank you Erie Canal.

Ok I go now

well, it's under a farmhouse that's about 160 years old, so you're pretty much dead on. 


anyways. it took a couple hours to track something down, but i'm going on a lorazepam journey tonight. rainfall forecast is now upwards of 5" over the next 24 hours. i think the only way i'm gonna live to sunday is heavily drugged.

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