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Yuri on Ice was a diamond in a sea of homophobia and fanservice

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realistically there will never be another anime as Gay as Yuri on ice(''>_>'')..........so I'm glad Yoi exists, because it gave me what I always wanted and thought I could never have


however now I'm left with the knowlage that I'll never get another show like it, so....it's sort of bittersweet


Yuri on Ice was also insanely popular. The industry would have to be crazy not to shoehorn in more gay relationships into shows for that YOI money.

this is Japan we're talking about, they don't abide by trying new things


and if they do add more gay stuff it'll probably be Puri Puri Prisoner level awful (since Japan absolutely adores the "predatory gay" stereotype)


>did something good and new that was successful

>decides to not do something just like it, again.


this is the anime industry we're talking about, like chaps said...the same industry thats been putting out the exact same shows for years.




In case you forgot you guys.... Mochi is gay.


That being said, Yuri on Ice (from what I seen) has some pretty good human animation.


I have no interest in figure skating, however... and thus the series bored me.


You say that like enjoying Puri Puri Prisoner for the facets of his character beyond the "gay prison rapist" shtick is a bad thing. I, for one, very much enjoy the Angel Dash, whose only negative attribute is his being naked while performing it.


You say that like enjoying Puri Puri Prisoner for the facets of his character beyond the "gay prison rapist" shtick is a bad thing. I, for one, very much enjoy the Angel Dash, whose only negative attribute is his being naked while performing it.

isn't "gay prison rapist" pretty much all he is?

isn't "gay prison rapist" pretty much all he is?


He's a parody of those "too dangerous to hang out with others" teammates in superhero books.  Youngblood was full of them.


>did something good and new that was successful

>decides to not do something just like it, again.


this is the anime industry we're talking about, like chaps said...the same industry thats been putting out the exact same shows for years.



true........I'm just still kinda surprised Yuri on Ice even happened and am in sort of a state of disbelief that it could....an anime where the bromance isn't just baiting but is ACTUALLY gay has never happened before


in the past either a show

A. billed itself as Yaoi/Shonen ai,

B. had no gay characters,

or C. had one Gay character who was purposefully written to be offensive and disgusting for the sake of a joke


Yuri on ice was none of the above, it was billed and promoted as a sport anime, and had well written Gay characters with actual depth


He's a parody of those "too dangerous to hang out with others" teammates in superhero books.  Youngblood was full of them.

they could've parodied that without making him a gay rapist

There's a gay character in Fuuka who doesn't seem to be a cliche stereotype.

the fuuka wiki makes it sound arguable


(namely it says the character is openly gay but then says his interaction with the title female character were romantic enough to make another person assume they were a couple) granted I have no reason to belive he isn't gay


on another note, I have actually seen a few anime where an actually established "Gay" character ends up in a hetero romance at the end(meaning either the character was Bi the whole time or the writer thinks you can just turn off your sexuality)

that guy in please twins who says he's Gay  then ends up in love with a woman and is later stated to have been "joking" when he said he was gay comes to mind



however now I'm left with the knowledge that I'll never get another show like it, so....it's sort of bittersweet

The first volume sold over 50K its first week, 65.5K by the 3rd.  To put that in perspective, the combined editions of One Piece Gold only sold 2K more copies during the same time period.  On top of that, there's all the merchandising ¥ rolling in.


Not only will there be a second season at the very least (probably some movies and live action too), there will be a slew of imitators.  Some of those will not be terrible.


And some of them will.  Heh, did you see how quickly Hallmark moved to do a hetero rip-off with live-action Love on Ice?  I watched like 4 minutes of it and had to bail.  Even their body double skaters were terrible.


The first volume sold over 50K its first week, 65.5K by the 3rd.  To put that in perspective, the combined editions of One Piece Gold only sold 2K more copies during the same time period.  On top of that, there's all the merchandising ¥ rolling in.


Not only will there be a second season at the very least (probably some movies and live action too), there will be a slew of imitators.  Some of those will not be terrible.


And some of them will.  Heh, did you see how quickly Hallmark moved to do a hetero rip-off with live-action Love on Ice?  I watched like 4 minutes of it and had to bail.  Even their body double skaters were terrible.

I heard about "heteros on Ice" I chose to not acknowlage it existed


I hope Hallmark realizes in retrospect that making a "totally hetero" rip-off of a Gay romance series is kind of completely missing the point


and honestly yeah I largely expect there to be imitators, it's just that the anime industry has a HUUUUGE capacity to not know what the hell they're doing, so 90% of YOI's immitators are probably gonna be complete garbage, and it'll be a very long time since any come out (probably won't be any Yoi imitators till around this time in 2018)


like I mean a lot of them are probably gonna either totally miss that the male/male romance was what made everyone go insane for YOI and be more like Free! (namely implying same sex romance then never delivering)

or try TOO hard to be super gay and be nothing but Stereotypes they saw on American TV(the new "King of Prism" movie's title and promo poster tells me it may be the latter)


Actually, Love on Ice was originally a book, written about a year before YOI was even known to the public. Hallmark just happened to have pretty bad timing :D even the YOI writer stated she doesn't want people harassing the author for "plagiarism".


Doesn't really make it that much better, but at least it's not trying to copy.


Sounds like we need more LGBT content creators in the manga/anime/light novel industries.

come to think of it I don't think there are any openly gay mangaka


except maybe for some bara authors......but even they don't call themselves gay as far as I know


Actually, Love on Ice was originally a book, written about a year before YOI was even known to the public. Hallmark just happened to have pretty bad timing :D even the YOI writer stated she doesn't want people harassing the author for "plagiarism".


Doesn't really make it that much better, but at least it's not trying to copy.

wasn't aware of that

Isn't hetero "ice skaters falling in love" already a thing? I mean Ice Castles and The Cutting Edge covered that ground decades ago.

there've been a ton of hetero figure skater romance stories


there've been almost no same sex romance stories with happy endings


there's several reasons Yuri on Ice was such a hit and I hope content creators both in japan AND here take notice


1. Yuri and Victor were not made to suffer because they were Gay, in most American Gay romance dramas the main couple seem to have the entire fucking world against them and their sexuality seems to be directly responsible for everything bad that happens to them, in Yuri on Ice everybody pretty much seemed to know Yuri and Victor were gay and were completely fine with it, it was a non-issue (the only person who had anything negative to say about it was J.J. and everyone decided they hated him after he opened his stupid mouth)

2. nobody gay died, in north American series that include gay characters, there always comes a time where one of the gay characters (usually a lesbian but gay men aren't immune) dies to show how serious a situation has become....basically gay people are red-shirts to north American writers, the same is true in anime to some extent

3. Yuri and Victor's relationship was healthy and surprisingly stable considering Yuri's ever-present self esteem issues, the only "turmoil" in their relationship was the stress of the competition, otherwise they had no terrible issues in their relationship that could cause a break-up (hell their only fight only lasted about a minuet, and involved Yuri trying to break up with Victor because he thought he was ruining Victor's career by being with him, Victor's reaction was to cry and shoot down the idea that Yuri was in ANY way holding him down, thus preventing any kind of break up from happening)

4. it actually delivered on same sex romance, for some reason in Japan(and a small capacity in America) they think it's a good marketing tactic to have same sex characters ALMOST make out, then insist that they're straight and that their super gay behavior just means they're "best friends", best friends aren't usually in a constant state of being seconds away from screwing, YOI is one of the only series in Japan where a pair of characters that seemed Gay...turned out to actually BE gay


wasn't aware of that

Just like you "weren't aware" that SAO was originally written before or at the same time of .hack and Reki's inspiration was, you know, THE ACTUAL MMOS HE PLAYED AT THE TIME?

Isn't hetero "ice skaters falling in love" already a thing? I mean Ice Castles and The Cutting Edge covered that ground decades ago.

Mochi thinks everything is a ripoff of everything, regardless of facts, logic, or what came first.

Just like you "weren't aware" that SAO was originally written before or at the same time of .hack and Reki's inspiration was, you know, THE ACTUAL MMOS HE PLAYED AT THE TIME?

I'm aware that SAO's author claims he wrote SAO before .hack


I'm also aware SAO wasn't officially published until after .hack came out and that .hack is better


I'm aware that SAO's author claims he wrote SAO before .hack


I'm also aware SAO wasn't officially published until after .hack came out and that .hack is better

"Claims?"  It's a fact.  Go on believing your conspiracy theories though.


Fuck, why do I even bother with you?  You draw Sonic porn.  Nothing you say matters.


"Claims?"  It's a fact.  Go on believing your conspiracy theories though.


Fuck, why do I even bother with you?  You draw Sonic porn.  Nothing you say matters.

that's a good question, perhaps you should ask yourself that question and give it further thought :|

I'm a glutton for punishment, I guess.

listen, for some reason I find you marginally less unbearable than moose, so I'm just gonna say this


do not be like moose....if you really have that much of an issue with me, just ignore me, like he refuses to do


I thought this show was fujobait.

everyone did at first but then the characters were actually Gay and the writer said that it was her intent to make something that would appeal to gay fans and not just fujoshi

everyone did at first but then the characters were actually Gay and the writer said that it was her intent to make something that would appeal to gay fans and not just fujoshi


I mean, that can still be called fujobait, it just had a wider appeal.


I mean, that can still be called fujobait, it just had a wider appeal.

nah, fujobait is usually like Free! and Dramatical Murder's anime adaption....and Sasuke and Naruto in Shippuden


typically a fujobait show will imply a gay romance between two men, then adamantly assert that they are both heterosexual whenever the subtext gets too thick, and by the end have them both in Heterosexual relationships/marriages


YOI did none of the above


nah, fujobait is usually like Free! and Dramatical Murder's anime adaption....and Sasuke and Naruto in Shippuden


typically a fujobait show will imply a gay romance between two men, then adamantly assert that they are both heterosexual whenever the subtext gets too thick, and by the end have them both in Heterosexual relationships/marriages


YOI did none of the above


That's not all fujobait is. Actual, hardcore, butt stuffing yaoi is literal fujobait. The characters being gay doesn't disprove that it's fujobait.


Also, Naruto and Sasuke's relationship isn't fujobait, that's just Kishimoto's subconscious homoeroticism bleeding into his work. I'm completely sure it was unintentional in the original manga.


That's not all fujobait is. Actual, hardcore, butt stuffing yaoi is literal fujobait. The characters being gay doesn't disprove that it's fujobait.


Also, Naruto and Sasuke's relationship isn't fujobait, that's just Kishimoto's subconscious homoeroticism bleeding into his work. I'm completely sure it was unintentional in the original manga.

fair enough but I'm not gonna stop liking literally the ONLY anime I've ever found that portrayed gay romance well just because "icky girls are into it" so stop whining about it being fujobait  :|



and yeah the subtext was entirely accidental on Kishimoto's part....the anime however added more because the other writers picked up on it and ran with it


I'm still hoping a fujobait rip-off of Naruto gets made someday where their Naruto and Sasuke do end up together


listen, for some reason I find you marginally less unbearable than moose, so I'm just gonna say this


do not be like moose....if you really have that much of an issue with me, just ignore me, like he refuses to do

It's just certain things you do and say really grind my gears.  You aren't all bad, though.

fair enough but I'm not gonna stop liking literally the ONLY anime I've ever found that portrayed gay romance well just because "icky girls are into it" so stop whining about it being fujobait  :|



and yeah the subtext was entirely accidental on Kishimoto's part....the anime however added more because the other writers picked up on it and ran with it


I'm still hoping a fujobait rip-off of Naruto gets made someday where their Naruto and Sasuke do end up together


If the Hollywood adaptation of Naruto changes the ending, it will probably end up killing Sasuke.


I would call that a marked improvement.


If the Hollywood adaptation of Naruto changes the ending, it will probably end up killing Sasuke.


I would call that a marked improvement.

him being dead would also explain why his and Naruto's blatant gay crushes on each other never went anywhere




but ironically one half of a Gay couple being killed off tragically is also a clichee and a stereotype

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