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So according to men's health, these are the friends you should dump

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Literally none of my friends are any of those people, because I don't hang out with shitty 1 dimensional people.

I am that last one, though, but it's not for lack of being, I have anxiety and the friends that understand are still friends.

Literally the first half of the list is "some douchebags you hang out with a lot because you don't know how to meet and befriend new people"


The guy/girl who just wants to get laid should get other hobbies

The sports guy/girl should just get other hobbies

The whiny single guy/girl should stop hanging out on MRA subreddits in the former case and shitty "just single girl things" or w/e tumblrs in the latter

The married with kids by 24 guy/girl you will drift apart from because of life so there's no need to be a dick and do it consciously

Cheaters are shitty but if they're not dragging me into their exploits I don't care

The "loser" seems pretty chill and it's dumb to cut off a loyal and dependable friend who probably likes good music just because you can't control how often they smoke pot

The living in the past guy is probably way more of a loser than the previous entry who at least has hobbies

Just stop inviting the undependable guy/girl to things

That list was dumb



The loser sounds like a cool guy and the undependable person does too, usually when someone bails it's more of a relief for me than it is disappointing, like sure we would've had fun but o well, now I can just stay home and maybe get high with my loser friend.


Here's a much simpler list:

Who not to be friends with:

  • People who you don't have fun with


Boom. Done.
The bulk of actual substance in that article was scale back when you're not enjoying and confront people about things that bother you. Do guys really need to be instructed to do these things? This isn't like laundry we're dealing with here.

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