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  On 11/18/2017 at 4:37 PM, Naraku4656 said:

complaining about jobs is dumb. everyone should suck the dick of their CEO to thank them for the opportunity to work 40 years of their life.


Not what I meant at all. I'm just tired of reading post after post from her complaining about work. She can't tell her boss to chill or something? You know, to lighten up since she's doing the best she can?

  On 11/18/2017 at 4:38 PM, RPM Jr. said:

Not what I meant at all. I'm just tired of reading post after post from her complaining about work. She can't tell her boss to chill or something? You know, to lighten up since she's doing the best she can?


My boss is actually one of the few redeeming qualities about my job. He's awesome.

  On 11/18/2017 at 4:45 PM, RPM Jr. said:

In that case, fantastic! I'm glad you've got a great boss. Mine is a total bitch, and her boss is kind of an asshole, too.


Unfortunately I work for the state so there's a ton of bureaucracy and my boss can't really make any changes that will make the job any better. 

  On 11/18/2017 at 4:38 PM, RPM Jr. said:

Not what I meant at all. I'm just tired of reading post after post from her complaining about work. She can't tell her boss to chill or something? You know, to lighten up since she's doing the best she can?


if you can still speak coherently, you don't have enough of his dick in your mouth. better keep going, i hear that he's about to give a raise

  On 11/18/2017 at 5:21 PM, RPM Jr. said:

Yes, actually. But that's gonna change soon. I've been applying to several TV stations for work. I'm bound to get a job offer.


Those are the work complaint threads I want to read. Not this semi-professional class shit. Let us in on what that "fucking biitch" boss at Kroger makes you do, is she mean or just rude, how does she speak to you?

  On 11/18/2017 at 5:25 PM, Nabloom said:

Those are the work complaint threads I want to read. Not this semi-professional class shit. Let us in on what that "fucking biitch" boss at Kroger makes you do, is she mean or just rude, how does she speak to you?


No. Not gonna fall for it.

Move along.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/18/2017 at 5:26 PM, Naraku4656 said:

i can start making work complaint threads again. i'm not semi-professional class


You're at least two tiers above Kroger, I need that dark-dark, that getting bitched out by a teenager, sweeping the parking lot shit. 

Edited by Nabloom
  On 11/18/2017 at 5:31 PM, Naraku4656 said:

what's two tiers above Kroger considered? semi-semi professional?


I don't know I'm in the Kroger tier so it just looks like a towering middle finger to me, but I know people one tier up and they're still reduced to installing their own car batteries

  On 11/19/2017 at 5:59 AM, Distortedreasoning said:

is there any way you can get on unemployment? this really cant be good for you feeling like that all the time. 


there are rules to unemployment though .... probably easier to find a sympathetic doctor who would pencil you in temporary disability for depression

  On 11/19/2017 at 6:07 AM, Distortedreasoning said:

yeah i know you cant leave a job willingly but you can easily get yourself fired without making it seem like you were trying to. it shouldnt be that hard to figure something out. 


but I feel like if they were real assholes or tight fisted they could argue anything was intentional misconduct. 

Just keep looking for something else. I haven't found a job social work related but I did just get promoted so I'll probably stick around until I get my masters 

  On 11/19/2017 at 6:07 AM, Distortedreasoning said:

yeah i know you cant leave a job willingly but you can easily get yourself fired without making it seem like you were trying to. it shouldnt be that hard to figure something out. 


Well, for starters unemployment wouldn't be enough to cover my expenses. Already used up a lot of my savings when I was on it before and haven't been able to build up enough to last more than a month. Second, they rarely fire people here so they can avoid paying unemployment. They "ask you to resign". I'm guessing if you refuse they either find a way to fire you for cause so you can't get unemployment or just put you under indefinite, unpaid administrative leave while they "investigate". 

  On 11/19/2017 at 6:02 AM, Vamped said:

there are rules to unemployment though .... probably easier to find a sympathetic doctor who would pencil you in temporary disability for depression


Costs money to see a doctor and disability takes time to get approved.

  On 11/19/2017 at 5:52 AM, Vamped said:

I just got off nights and I feel way fucking better 


Honestly I think I'd prefer nights to second shift. First shift is obviously my first choice but I feel like if I was on third shift I could go to bed around 8am when most people are leaving for work, wake up at like 3 or 4pm when they're getting home and then actually have a few hours to have a real social life before I have to go to work. Second shift fucking blows. 

  On 11/19/2017 at 6:14 AM, Vamped said:

but I feel like if they were real assholes or tight fisted they could argue anything was intentional misconduct. 

Just keep looking for something else. I haven't found a job social work related but I did just get promoted so I'll probably stick around until I get my masters 


it must be different for other states cuz i never had a problem with getting unemployment after leaving a job under all sorts of different circumstances, including walking away. 


  On 11/19/2017 at 6:17 AM, Athena Ninety-two said:

Well, for starters unemployment wouldn't be enough to cover my expenses. Already used up a lot of my savings when I was on it before and haven't been able to build up enough to last more than a month. Second, they rarely fire people here so they can avoid paying unemployment. They "ask you to resign". I'm guessing if you refuse they either find a way to fire you for cause so you can't get unemployment or just put you under indefinite, unpaid administrative leave while they "investigate". 


looks like unemployment is not an option for you, what a shitty place. that sounds like an illegal thing to do. just look for anything that pays your bills for now. i feel you. 

  On 11/19/2017 at 6:31 AM, Naraku4656 said:

in my last job i did second shift for the last few months i worked there and i hated it


Tell me about it. Like, working holidays wouldn't be so bad if I worked first shift because they get off at 2:30pm where I work so I could just go to my parents house after work. And even third shift wouldn't be so bad because they don't go in until 10pm so I could do the holiday stuff before work. But second shift is 2-10pm so when the fuck am I supposed to have a social life. 



the second shift where i worked was 11-7 which wasn't nearly as bad as that but pretty much everyone was gone by that point and the office was dead. no one ever had new cases at that time so we just dicked around until it was quitting time

  On 11/19/2017 at 6:28 AM, Athena Ninety-two said:

Honestly I think I'd prefer nights to second shift. First shift is obviously my first choice but I feel like if I was on third shift I could go to bed around 8am when most people are leaving for work, wake up at like 3 or 4pm when they're getting home and then actually have a few hours to have a real social life before I have to go to work. Second shift fucking blows. 


I got no fucking sleep on nights. You think it would be cool, but everyone else is on a regular sleep schedule and they expect you to be too. I hated nights. I had a good day shift but  went to 2nd shift to finish my internship. It wouldnt have been sooo bad but i have other things going on now that I've graduated and needed to be on days. Plus I hate having all that time before work starts. It just makes me dread going even more

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it's really hard to find an 8-5 that doesn't go over very often, which is what i have now. it's partially why i'm so reluctant to go anywhere else because i know i'll never get that again because of the industry i work in

  On 11/19/2017 at 8:24 AM, empty said:

I don't like my job, I get paid shit and work retail but I'm getting promoted and will soon be working more hours.

I don't know what I got myself into. Why did I say yes? Please help me.


It's not too late, just act irredeemably incompetent w ur new responsibilities, get paid a little extra a few weeks, and if they don't demote you just ask to return to your old position, maybe working one shift less a week for awhile since you banked extra cash while taking a tour of retail mid-mgmt life. 

Don't fuck this up or you'll end up like op


okay, so without going overboard on detail, i was having panic attacks and suicidal ideation for about 4 months leading up the end of my previous job. i pulled some strings with an old boss and took a big short term hit on pay to take a job that i'd had before and knew i could live with.

i did this because i knew i couldn't stay, that i was increasingly likely to harm myself or do something to get myself fired. all that is to say, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to get out. you spend a huge chunk of your life at your place of employment, and if you can't live with it that's a huge problem. 

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