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i'll go first.


i really, strongly dislike led zeppelin.


and not for lack of trying. i really just hate their whole sound.


i mean, kashmere is okay. but that's seriously the only song of theirs I can stomach.  :|



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Controversial opinion that will surely offend OP: Teenage girls' masturbatory Twilight fanfics are infinitely better than any drivel Murakami has ever written. :it:


Controversial opinion that will surely offend OP: Teenage girls' masturbatory Twilight fanfics are infinitely better than any drivel Murakami has ever written. :it:


everyone is entitled to their opinion.  :|


you see what i did there? that was me taking the high road.  :420:




there hasn't been a good anime or other television show since 2011 (House of Cards and Man in the High Castle notwithstanding). part of why i stopped watching anything in 2011 is because they all had the same three or four banal plot. no i'm not going to try OMG YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS. no. i don't care.


there hasn't been a good anime or other television show since 2011 (House of Cards and Man in the High Castle notwithstanding). part of why i stopped watching anything in 2011 is because they all had the same three or four banal plot. no i'm not going to try OMG YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS. no. i don't care.


and both house of cards and man in the high castle were based on books written way before 2011...


and both house of cards and man in the high castle were based on books written way before 2011...

HoC and MiTHC are actually interesting. HoC somewhat less so in more recent seasons. High Castle is still a beautiful mindfuck


i'm not going to persecute you but i need to know. why


Because the 1970's adaptation of Wonka is an overrated, unfaithful hack job full of songs that DO absolutely nothing for the plot.


The 2005 film may not have been 100% faithful to the book, but it was a lot more respectful to it and had far better special effects, not like the chocolate water in the 70s version that looks like shit water.


Because the 1970's adaptation of Wonka is an overrated, unfaithful hack job full of songs that DO absolutely nothing for the plot.


The 2005 film may not have been 100% faithful to the book, but it was a lot more respectful to it and had far better special effects, not like the chocolate water in the 70s version that looks like shit water.

i mean i would hope a 2005 adaptation would have better effects than a version that came nearly 30 years prior.


HoC and MiTHC are actually interesting. HoC somewhat less so in more recent seasons. High Castle is still a beautiful mindfuck


i still haven't seen MITHC, which is odd as i'm a huge PK Dick fan. i know i should watch it. everyone whose opinions i trust say it's good. it's just that some of the stuff the entertainment industry has done with his work has been crazy bad and i don't want it to ruin the novel for me.


i'll watch it. eventually.


i still haven't seen MITHC, which is odd as i'm a huge PK Dick fan. i know i should watch it. everyone whose opinion's i trust say it's good. it's just that some of the stuff the entertainment industry has done with his work has been crazy bad and i don't want it to ruin the novel for me.


i'll watch it. eventually.

it is actually good. i wouldn't have excluded it if it wasn't. it moves away from the book in the second season but it's still good


i actually completely agree with this.


i think the beach boys harmonies and arrangements are seriously underrated.

Brian Wilson and George Harrison are the two most talented people from both of those bands. wish Brian would have been in the Travelling Wilburys after Orbison died


Evangelion sucks, there I said it :|


yeah. i just think that...


no. you're probably right.


i actually prefer rahxephon, which has a similar but more coherent story.


i always just got the feeling that eva was intentionally trying to be confusing so that people would think it was deeper than it really is.


Brian Wilson and George Harrison are the two most talented people from both of those bands. wish Brian would have been in the Travelling Wilburys after Orbison died


that would have been so cool...


yeah. i just think that...


no. you're probably right.


i actually prefer rahxephon, which has a similar but more coherent story.


i always just got the feeling that eva was intentionally trying to be confusing so that people would think it was deeper than it really is.




The only thing good about Evangelion is Misato :|


I bet it was because there was more feet.

Johnny Depp will never be near as talented as Gene Wilder. that's not saying anything about the specific movie (even though i thought the remake was awful)



i actually completely agree with this.


i think the beach boys harmonies and arrangements are seriously underrated.

Don't agree with the original opinion per se, but Brian Wilson was a production genius.  I think the Beach Boys get overlooked so much despite their musical prowess because their lyrics were, let's face it, largely fluff.  Catchy feel-good sunshiney California fluff, but still.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is better than Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.


Come and get me :|.

If you mean the original book, then definitely.  I didn't have the stomach to watch Johnny Depp do his shtick all over it.


They're all-time greats. T2 is a cinematic achievement for its use of CGI, but the pacing of the original is just so tight, it never lets up. The Terminator in 1 never ceases to be terrifying.





Kanye West has had more consistently great albums than the Beach Boys, Skynard, The Eagles, Aerosmith, The Doors, or any of the dreck Eric Clapton has pumped out.


Hip Hop went to shit exactly this year thanks to all this mopey trap shit.


The Who is garbage compared to The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, and Oasis.


Kiss is also garbage, and would've faded into the obscurity they deserved if they didn't put their faces on air fresheners, beer coolers, condoms, and caskets.


Bohemian Rhapsody isn't a song that works well with anything other than a Queen album. If you're listening to the original album or a greatest hits, the song feels right at home. If you're going to mix the song in with other 70's buttrock, it's a jarring and unpleasant transition.


My Sharona should've been a criminal offense, and should give everyone the same level of disgust as Nickelbacks music, the Christmas Shoes, and It's Everyday Bro.


Don't agree with the original opinion per se, but Brian Wilson was a production genius.  I think the Beach Boys get overlooked so much despite their musical prowess because their lyrics were, let's face it, largely fluff.  Catchy feel-good sunshiney California fluff, but still.


i concede the point the lyrics, though i think wilson was improving until he had his breakdown. heroes and villains, god only knows, etc. show development and promise.


but yeah. as it stands, his reputation has to stand on the arrangements.


Great scene. Great movie. But the overall payoff kind of falls flat.


Terminator 1 is a sum-of-its-parts experience. I think my gripe comes withthe pacing of T2. If it were a little bit tighter, it would be perfect.

i guess i'll allow it. it's not like you said Terminator 3 or something


Kanye West has had more consistently great albums than the Beach Boys, Skynard, The Eagles, Aerosmith, The Doors, or any of the dreck Eric Clapton has pumped out.


Hip Hop went to shit exactly this year thanks to all this mopey trap shit.


The Who is garbage compared to The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, and Oasis.


Kiss is also garbage, and would've faded into the obscurity they deserved if they didn't put their faces on air fresheners, beer coolers, condoms, and caskets.


Bohemian Rhapsody isn't a song that works well with anything other than a Queen album. If you're listening to the original album or a greatest hits, the song feels right at home. If you're going to mix the song in with other 70's buttrock, it's a jarring and unpleasant transition.


My Sharona should've been a criminal offense, and should give everyone the same level of disgust as Nickelbacks music, the Christmas Shoes, and It's Everyday Bro.

Where have you been all my life?

i guess i'll allow it. it's not like you said Terminator 3 or something

Should have killed the franchise after 2. Everything's wrapped up nice and pretty. 3 is just a cash grab that is both by the numbers and filled with cheap gimmicks. Just a purely average movie.

Should have killed the franchise after 2. Everything's wrapped up nice and pretty. 3 is just a cash grab that is both by the numbers and filled with cheap gimmicks. Just a purely average movie.

Sarah Connor Chronicles wasn't bad


The Who is garbage compared to The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, and Oasis.

Kiss is also garbage, and would've faded into the obscurity they deserved if they didn't put their faces on air fresheners, beer coolers, condoms, and caskets.


i agree that the who and kiss are garbage. but would throw oasis on the pile light that bitch.  :P


An underrated facet of Terminator 1 is its score. The music helps keep the adrenaline up throughout.

the music wasn't bad in 1, but i felt a lot improved in 2 since they had an actual budget. 1 was a great movie, don't get me wrong.


Friends is one of the most overrated sitcoms ever.


friends is just so generic. i'd go with coupling, which is basically the same show only with british accents and an intelligent sense of humor.


brian wilson should have a shrine dedicated to him in every state of america for his contributions. i love the man and if i ever see him live i will instantly break down crying.

the same for morrissey, but in england.


oasis was actually a really good band.

not just in the "fookin rock and roll innit m8" but they were incredibly artistic.


TLOP was one of the worst listening experiences of my life.

i don't know how i managed to get through it, but my god i can't imagine listening to it ever again. 


the velvet underground are still one of the most underrated bands ever.

even after cale left, lou was still making unreal music, literally transcendent shit.


i don't like bowie that much, but i've only listened to a few of his albums.

i still think heroes is his best song though.


i can't stand the who, van halen, or any dad rock bands.

i don't want to sound pretentious but it physically bothers me whenever i hear those types of songs.

just no merit at all.


i can think of a lot more but i'm on the verge of falling asleep.


brian wilson should have a shrine dedicated to him in every state of america for his contributions. i love the man and if i ever see him live i will instantly break down crying.

the same for morrissey, but in england.


oasis was actually a really good band.

not just in the "fookin rock and roll innit m8" but they were incredibly artistic.


TLOP was one of the worst listening experiences of my life.

i don't know how i managed to get through it, but my god i can't imagine listening to it ever again. 


the velvet underground are still one of the most underrated bands ever.

even after cale left, lou was still making unreal music, literally transcendent shit.


i don't like bowie that much, but i've only listened to a few of his albums.

i still think heroes is his best song though.


i can't stand the who, van halen, or any dad rock bands.

i don't want to sound pretentious but it physically bothers me whenever i hear those types of songs.

just no merit at all.


i can think of a lot more but i'm on the verge of falling asleep.

also you're my spirit animal so there's that too

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