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The cherry tree outside my apartment didn't make it through the summer.  People abused it.  They let their kids climb all over it, breaking small branches, chipping off the bark, etc.  It had been dying a few limbs at a time time for about four years.  This year, it didn't blossom, didn't produce one cherry and only the top most twigs had any leaves all summer.


It's gone now - sent to the wood chipper. 


I'm looking for a new cherry tree... nine to twelve feet tall, high branches.  Trees like that less likely candidates for climbing.


I'll be calling tree farms for pricing this week and if it's not too expensive, I'll propose planting a new tree to the building manager and try to get the NY LLC that owns this property to sign off on it.  I'm proposing to pay for everything from the tree itself to costs related to delivery and planting. 


Things just weren't right for me this past spring when blossom petals didn't fall on my path to the mail boxes.


You do realize that you don't but a tree that's 9 to 12 feet tall, and that it's going to take a few years before you have petals on your path to the mail box.


You do realize that you don't but a tree that's 9 to 12 feet tall, and that it's going to take a few years before you have petals on your path to the mail box.

I haven't yet called any tree farms to get that information, but thanks for the advice.  What does it mean to "but" a tree and what's the maximum size for planting?

I haven't yet called any tree farms to get that information, but thanks for the advice.  What does it mean to "but" a tree and what's the maximum size for planting?


The ones I've seen are maybe between 5 and 6 feet tall; I don't know what the maximum size would be - the nursery person could tell you better.


To but a tree means that I made a typo; should have been buy.


The ones I've seen are maybe between 5 and 6 feet tall; I don't know what the maximum size would be - the nursery person could tell you better.


To but a tree means that I made a typo; should have been buy.

I'll keep that in mind when I call.  I'm not sure whether a six foot tree would be feasible because the thin trunk might tempt some fool to break it down, like some of the new trees planted along Atlantic Avenue.

Buy a cherry and properly plant and maintain the pit.


But you'll die before you even see your tree grow

A seedling is likely to get chopped up in the lawn mower before it's eight inches tall. 

What I mean bt are you even allowed is are you sure it's not gone because of some hazard or building code?

We also have live, healthy oak trees.  They were not taken down.  The cherry tree was obviously dying.
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