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90's anime Homophobia time ::]::


the era when they still drew us looking like human beings  and not grotesgue monsters like this




Don't think I ever realized it until now but Vandread must have gotten the idea for Bart's role on the ship from Melfina


Since he followed in her footsteps.



Vandread is also Homophobic

Vandread is also Homophobic


It makes fun of hetero stuff too, actually it makes fun of everything.


Loved that show, but it does favor hetero since it's got some harem elements yeah.


Vandread now there's an anime I haven't heard of in a while

it's about as homophobic as OS, if not moreso since it goes into great detail of trying to rationalize that Homosexuality is bad

i dozed off like hell last week, but this time, i took a nap before dragon ball super

I may legit take a disco nap during super from now on


I'm sick of it


I remember the encore channel back in the day would show it


Oh yeah, that's how I first saw the dub. Was a lot of fun.


It took me a bit to give it a shot back when it came out since I thought it'd be overly harem, but that aspect really did fade into the background quickly.

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