FoleyisGood149 Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Jojo... Joseph... He's getting a lot of use out of that metal hand, thanks Kars. Gundam... Dude you have a target painted right on your forehead did you really think that was a good omen. Whoever's job it is to name Gundam characters needs to be slapped. Hunter... Ging is not proud because he is a terrible father and doesn't deserve Gon... This random man they've only known for about 45 minutes is a much better father than Ging will ever be. Lupin... HIIIII FUJI. Sorry Jigen, Lupin can't resist those boobs and I can't blame him... I could stare at Fuji's boobs all day. I would call that, "thanks, von Stoheim." :D , and several times, respectively. Almost complete agreement on both points, because I think that between the screening process, the explanation of what the dude hiring the Hunters to play the game wanted, the time spent teaming up and strategizing before going to this village, and the time spent in the challenges, the boys spent more than 45 minutes around Tsezguerra. Now, I am in complete agreement here. HUNTER x HUNTER Whatever happened to that black dude with the freaky worm on his back? LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE There’s never a bad time for Fujiko fanservice... I've been wondering that as well. Maybe we'll get lucky in that he'll randomly appear in Gon's fight against Team Bomber to provide an unexpected, but timely, assist to Gon. If the dude does survive the show, then he'll probably be stuck with that gross worm creature for the rest of his life, since the game happens in the physical world, so there's no reason the spell that created it would lose its power when the game is cleared. Indeed. DBS - I like that Vegeta was stronger than Hit. Of course Hit was still strong and fast, but he also had a special power that tipped the balance in his favor. The King of Universe 7 speculated that Hit could jump forward in time, and he was right. 1/10th of a second isn't much, and it's enough that most people wouldn't notice it, but Hit would still need to read his opponent's attack to find an opening he could use, so it would take skill to use the power effectively. While we know that Hit was limited due to the "no killing" provision in the rules, I still like that Vegeta was the only opponent to take that many hits from Hit and live. Goku was quite polite when he heard that Hit is 1000 years old. I'm not sure whether to call it arrogance or confidence in his toughness that Goku didn't go full power at the start, holding his Blue form to use after studying Hit's motion habits. When Goku was able to block and counter twice, that was a sign that he had truly figured out Hit's special power. I like that both Goku and Hit decided it was time to get serious for the next episode. Whis outing Beerus on Monaka not truly being strong looked like it went unnoticed by the other combatants. In talking with a co-worker who watches the subs, he said that Toriyama's involvement with Super is that he approves an outline for the big developments in an arc, and that's pretty much it. DBZK - After Goku found Gohan, it looked to me like Goku could handle the Z Sword about as well as Gohan could at first. Once the two had the ever-necessary snack, it was time to test the sharpness of the Z Sword. While Goku's idea of using a boulder worked fine, Shin took it too far in using the hardest known material in the universe, which broke the Z Sword. I forget why the Supreme Kai from 15 generations ago was sealed in the Z Sword, but we'll get to that when episodes return. Yep, it sure was busy at King Yama's check-in station, but I still feel like Earth in the DB Universe is much less populated than our planet is. Buu's break from destruction to torment one kid went better for the kid than expected, and I feel like part of that was due to the kid's blindness. He lacked the visual experience to compare Buu's appearance to others, and that coupled with his gratitude at having his eyes healed lead him to call Buu handsome. I still don't understand Buu's obsession with being handsome, but eh. I surely hope the kid would never learn that Buu turned a guy into milk for him to drink. JoJo: SC - No, Dio's number 1 fangirl. Centerfold was not murdered. There's a concept called "the avenger of blood." In the past, it was considered to apply when someone was slain unprovokedly, which is to say the dead person did nothing which would justify the killer using deadly force against them. Judaism even had something called cities of refuge to which a killer could flee to avoid being killed for instances of what we would now call manslaughter, wherein the death resulted from an accident, was not a foreseeable consequence of an action, or was otherwise unintentional. However, going to a city of refuge did entail the person abandoning the life they had for a period of years, and if they left the city before that time had elapsed, then they were subject to deadly retribution by an avenger of blood. Back to the avenger, if surviving family members of the slain person wanted, they could seek out the killer and try to kill them (an eye for an eye), and the person who did so would be held faultless since they were avenging the innocent blood of their family member. This is the essence of Jean's search for the man with two right hands, so Jean is covered under this concept for putting himself in the proximity of Centerfold. Once they were in the same area, Centerfold decided to attack Jean and used Hanged Man's powers to chase Jean when he tried to flee the immediate danger, so Jean using Silver Chariot to dice up Hanged Man and, by the connection of a Stand to its user, kill Centerfold would then come under self-defense. Thus, this old woman was clearly insane with grief. Actually, she might have just been insane, since her description of her son and his character were completely wrong. Centerfold was a wretched evildoer who'd been beaten so hard with the Ugly Stick that it broke on him. In order to give someone else in the house the context of this paragraph and the one that preceded it, I showed them this scene and described who Centerfold and Jean were, then read those to them. In showing the scene, I noticed that the old woman also had two right hands. I missed that detail up until that point. I think the wounds the old woman suffered had to be in her skin. Any deeper than that could've killed her too. The cat was understandably freaked by her wailing and sudden bleeding, and I pity it for her hitting and chasing it. Crap. The infection from the blood on Joseph's arm grew, and of course it was a Stand. Even if the mouth was able to bite the scalpel, I'm not sure how it would've been able to inflict that exact wound on the doctor from the angle of attack it would've had. Once it killed the doctor, it was a real dick to make a false claim of responsibility for Joseph. I'm not sure how it would be able to talk, let alone eat, since it would ostensibly lack the organs for those processes when it was small enough to just be a face on Joseph's arm. I was glad to see that Hermit Purple could bind it, but it was no surprise that hamon was ineffective since it grew from Joseph's body. Once it grew big enough to reach Joseph's neck, I thought that the simple solution would be to turn his arm down and hold it out from his body. Yes, it would be an awkward shoulder motion and position to hold, but his life rides on it. The thing might, might be able to strike his ribs, but not necessarily, since a large part of the thing being able to reach Joseph's neck was how he held his arm up to put his right-side vital organs out of its reach. From both a material durability and pressure perspective, I would like to know how strong Joseph's mechanical hand is. I'm willing to accept that Hermit Purple could make a map in those ashes, but how was it able not only to locate the barrel of coal tar, but also to determine what was in it? Maybe I don't have a good grasp of Hermit Purple's powers. Anyway, the coal tar was unable to suffocate the thing, but it hardened in the air to immobilize it. From there, Hermit Purple and gravity combined to slice to bits. I wonder how long the girl was controlled by/was the Stand user. If she was the a user from the beginning, it's possible the team of Centerfold and Hol was actually a trio. If so, the question becomes whether Centerfold and/or Hol were/was aware of that. Poor Jean. He was oblivious to the danger at his side the entire episode. MSG: IBO 2 - I liked the shrewdness of the Dawn pirates in using some ships to tow others to disguise their numbers from opponent's sensors. I feel like we had a more realistic portrayal here of combat in that several of Iron Flower's units were running low on or out of munitions by the end of the episode. Even in my experiences at the range, I'll occasionally think I have more rounds in the magazine than I do and will be surprised by the "click." Back to the show, Mikazuki even had to get more propellant, though, like Nadi said, it was more of a topping-off while they had the chance, since Mikazuki's connection to Barbatos lets him move more intuitively, resulting in using less propellant. Of course, Mikazuki also used the time for a quick meal, because he's hypoglycemic or something. Even if the Ariannerhod (sp?) Fleet is under a different chain of command than the people McGyllis sent, I feel like it's poor communication and bad organizational structure if the newly-arrived Gjallarhorn forces haven't been informed of who the mercenary allies in Iron Flower are so they aren't mistaken for hostile pirates. HxH - Crap, Razor absorbed his nen men to compete at maximum power. I liked how our remaining trio of active players used teamwork to catch the throw. I very much liked how Razor, albeit internally, praised Killua's skillful use of nen balance. When they said Gon put his all in that attack, they weren't kidding. He was so drained that when it was deflect back toward him, he collapsed in exhaustion for an inadvertent "dodge" of the rebound. Hisoka earned some respect from me when he honored the spirit of how Gon wanted to win by using Bungee Gum to rebound the ball and stick it to Razor as he was pushed out of bounds. Oh, so Razor was also a condemned man. Ging hired him and the Devils for this challenge, and Razor was also tasked with island security, evidently. Plus, Razor's shoes and the ball were understandably ruined, but I don't get how ball was not completely obliterated by Gon's last punch. The "local woman" transformed into Strip of Beach. That's fine. I'm also fine with there being no treasure in the cave she mentioned. I am alarmed at the card having a conversion limit of three, though. Of course Team Bomber would threaten our groups to get the cards they need. I appreciate Tsezguerra and his men buying time for Gon and Killua to recover, and I'm fine with them wanting Wild Luck Alexandrite in exchange. Tsezguerra is right that it would be too much work to do again after giving those "sick villagers" all their cards to get Wild Luck Alexandrite. I consider that quirk of the game to be a dick move by Ging and company. A player or group of players must be willing to give everything they have when they have very little, or they'll have to do it later when the cost of the card (still everything they have) is substantially higher. While this is reminiscent of the Widow's Mite, it also makes those players very vulnerable at a point when unscrupulous players could take advantage of the easy opportunity to get a card that most would fail to get. It's peculiar (but I don't feel like it's truly ironic) that one of the keys to winning Greed Island is being generous to the point of putting oneself in danger. Yes, Killua should focus on recovery, but I don't know how that will happen without pins to align broken bones in his hands. If he can do it with nen alone, then that's some awfully convenient malarkey. I'm not sure how I feel about Biscuit teaching Gon how to fight the Bombers. It's good for the main character to get stronger, and I like that Biscuit specifically said she wanted to focus on teaching Gon to avoid Little Flower, but part of what makes the dynamic between Gon and Killua work so well is that they're (at least seemingly) evenly matched. They feel like true equals as friends. It's not like Goku surpassing Krillin, and Krillin later having to rely on Goku to save the day. Yes, I remember that earlier in the show Killua was actually much stronger physically than Gon (recall the door at the Zoldyck estate), and that may not have changed, but ever since the introduction of nen and the powers it gives the boys, they've felt much more evenly matched. Gon getting exclusive training from Biscuit could result in Gon pulling ahead in his nen capabilities. While that coupled with physical power may result in the boys actually being more equal, it feels like something with the potential to upset the sense of balance between the boys. Lupin - The deadline for meeting the cruise ship at harbor being the same as restaurant reservation telegraphed that the guys would miss their reservation. I'm not entirely clear on how Lupin found Josephine the dog in the first place. Anyway, Josephine's owner was clearly crazy to offer a million Euro reward for a dog. How do you lose a tiny, weak dog like that when it's on a leash, Goemon? Our poor guys. Zenigata kept finding them to make them late. I'm willing to call it extremely bad luck for Lupin (or extremely good luck for Zenigata) at the bathroom, but otherwise it was good detective work for Zenigata to figure out where the guys were going. How do you run out of gas, Lupin? If you knew how far you needed to go, then you should've made sure you had enough fuel before you left. Lupin driving off the cliff onto the ship should've crashed the car into deck with either the nose or the tail of the car down, depending on where motor is in the car. Also, the guys should've suffered serious injuries in this crash. Oh well. Good. Lupin got to spend some time with Fujiko at dinner. That was not the sushi Goemon had in mind. At least Jigen's pizza was good. Josephine had a habit of eyeing pretty girls. Are we sure "she" is really a girl? I guess it's possible she just likes amazing human boobs. Speaking of amazing human boobs, the trio of sisters from before found Josephine, which, due to Goemon's misunderstanding, they thought was named Goemon. The older sisters were completely hot. If the younger one will be anything like them, she's going to grow up beautiful. Shippuden - Yes, it was a free period for Choji and Shikamaru, and they were forthright to tell Kakashi why when he questioned them, but Kakashi was right that even in a free period students should stay on school grounds. Still, it was fortuitous for Iruka and Naruto that Choji and Shikamaru did leave Academy grounds, or Kakashi wouldn't have known that he should go back up Iruka, so I can't fault the two boys very much. Naruto finding a kunai with a map of the patrol patterns sure was convenient. I take slight issue with the Sexy Jutsu working on Iruka but not the female enemy ninjas. There could've been at least one lesbian in the trio. It worked out in the end with Iruka rescuing Naruto and Kakashi covering their escape. I was surprised all three kunoichi survived Chidori, given what we've seen Chidori do in the past. So, Iruka was a prankster like Naruto - an orphan wanting attention. I get the impression that there's an official financial support network for orphans (or at least the survivors of slain shinobi) in Konoha, but after a certain age the kid will live alone. I feel like Iruka was comforted and advised by Hiruzen to a greater extent than Naruto was, but that could be due to Iruka being more willing to listen to Hiruzen than young Naruto was in the first series. Ah, yes, the Will of Fire and how it gives the shinobi of Konoha a sense of purpose. OS - The bickering and growling between Gene and Jim got very tedious by the end of the episode. I will agree with Jim that Gene could try to learn at least some of the things he would need to know about how to maintain the Outlaw Star. Yes, moving costs money, so getting some bounty cash before reaching Heifong would be a good idea. At least Gene got some money for taking down the android version of the fugitive. After Gene's talk toward Jim about thinking small versus thinking big, I very much liked the object lesson for Gene of the 10,000 Wong reward, which he thought was substantial, being what Suzuka considered a trifling amount. When we consider the balance of Gene's credit with Fred being over 700,000 Wong after all the things Gene ordered being based on the fee to hire Suzuka, it should come as no surprise that she'd think of 10,000 Wong as a little spending money. CB - I hadn't thought about it before now, but I wondered why Spike would've had a hangover. I would like to think he drank a lot to ease his sense of guilt over Wen. Yes, Spike knew the "kid" was several decades his senior, but he still looked like a child, and Spike went with a specialized bullet to kill him. Even with Spike's history in organized crime, I would like to think that he had never intentionally killed a child, and so this shooting may have weighed particularly heavily on his conscience. Spike was partly in the wrong. While it was good that he intervened to help V.T. defend Muriel, he shouldn't have blamed the guy who was knocked into him for spilling the egg. That guy couldn't tell where he was going and wasn't going there of his own volition, so rightly V.T. should be blamed for hitting Spike, albeit not deliberately, with the guy. Oh well. Eel guy could lodge a complaint against Faye for threatening him with a weapon and destruction of private property. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - This show will be like CB and OS have been for the last couple weeks, in that I'm watching them off my dvds instead of on the television live. Rise still gives me tingles when I hear it. I love that song, despite not knowing the meaning of all the Russian words. Yes, I've read translations, but it's hard to remember them. It's easy to overlook the amount of confidence that Aramaki had in his team. He could've gone to prison for the rest of his life if even one hostage or the captive police officer had died, since the failure to recover everyone alive would be blamed on his team's intervention. Ostensibly Batou and the Major are the two most skilled operatives overall, and yet they were the only two that anyone on the police raiding squad saw, but I feel like the Major intentionally let herself be seen so those guys would know who resolved the situation, even if that information wouldn't be made public. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 I didn't watch the Jack marathon live, but I did record it and watch it on Monday. There's no good reason I didn't post this then. Jack - If one were inclined, a drinking game could be made with this season of Jack for every time he's down on himself over feelings of failure. That could include when he has visions of the spectral warrior on horseback. When Jack hid from the septuplets, the only sounds I can think that he would've made to clue them to his location were gripping the sword that he found in the crypt and breathing. Their hearing must've been exceptional. I still say that since Ashi and Jack survived the fall, then the last two of her other sisters could've survived as well. I'm not sure what function the needle rain inside the creature would serve. Maybe it's an immune system response. The aged Scotsman calling Aku a big baby to his face continued to bring a smile to my face. I still don't understand why Ashi's hair doesn't change until she scrubs the black coating off her skin. Her hair got wet several times before that. Ashi showed amazing stamina in protecting Jack while he was on his vision quest. Not only did she fend off the army, but she also subsequently bested her mother. A "replay instructions" option would've been great. Ashi's mom shouldn't have drank that, but without it, Jack never would've had the quest to regain his sword. This was even worse than Nia, because at least she made it through her wedding ceremony. Ashi never made it to the platform. In the first shot of Jack on his horse afterward, it even looked like the horse was sad for him. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 4, 2017 Author Posted November 4, 2017 I would call that, "thanks, von Stoheim." I've been wondering that as well. Maybe we'll get lucky in that he'll randomly appear in Gon's fight against Team Bomber to provide an unexpected, but timely, assist to Gon. If the dude does survive the show, then he'll probably be stuck with that gross worm creature for the rest of his life, since the game happens in the physical world, so there's no reason the spell that created it would lose its power when the game is cleared. Rise still gives me tingles when I hear it. I love that song, despite not knowing the meaning of all the Russian words. Yes, I've read translations, but it's hard to remember them. Eh, I'd thank the both of them. If not for Kars slicing off Joseph's hand, Von Stroheim wouldn't have had any reason to give him the prosthetic replacement. IIRC, he created the worm creature for the sole purpose of counteracting Genthru's Nen, so I'd imagine it would only disappear when Genthru dies. Agreed, Rise is as god tier an OP as it gets. Back when Inuyasha, FMA 2003 and Eureka seveN were the only anime I was actively watching on the Saturday block, I used to watch just the OP for 2nd Gig and between Rise and the intro bump before it, it was a wonderful little moment I took advantage of as much as I could. Tonight on Toonami, Goku's attempts to keep up with Hit prove surprisingly struggling, Goten and Trunks finally get the Fusion pose down, turns out they make STANDs in car form now, Tekkadan tracks down the guy who sicced the Dawn Horizon Corps on them, Team Tzesguerra faces off with Team Genthru while Gon gets back to training, Lupin's gang is kidnapped an anti-criminal philanthropist who turned one of them into his puppet (but they don't know who), Kakashi flashes back to what he was doing during episode 3 of the original series, Gene enters the Outlaw Star in a space race in the hopes of winning money and gaining intel, Spike teaches Jeet Kune Do to a guy on the run from the Venusian mafia, and a corporate helicopter pilot plots revenge against his boss and Japanese society as a whole in a strange allegory to Taxi Driver. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #38 - The 6th Universe's Mightest Warrior! Engage the Assassin Hit! - TV-PGLV 8:30 - Dragonball Super #39 - The Developed "Time Skip" Counterstrike?! Here Comes Goku's New Move! - TV-PGV ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #39 - The Developed "Time Skip" Counterstrike?! Here Comes Goku's New Move! - TV-PGV 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #138 - The Birth of a Merged Superwarrior! His Name is Gotenks! - TV-14D 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #13 - Wheel of Fortune - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #29 - The Trigger of Success - TV-14V 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #72 - Chase and Chance - TV-14 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #18 - The Murdering Marionette - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #179 - Kakashi Hatake, the Jonin in Charge - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #10 - Gathering for the Space Race - TV-PG 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #8 - Waltz for Venus - TV-14LSV 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #2 - NIGHT CRUISE - TV-MA [ello gov'nor] Quote
EmpressAngel Posted November 5, 2017 Posted November 5, 2017 Jojo- Hey you know what I miss, it's my goddamn boyfriend who got shot in the face. I sense a douchebag in this car. Polnareff's a dumbass don't let him drive. Oh goddammit not that kid again just run her over. Kid if you think a sweet set of knockers are gonna hold you back in life you are drastically mistaken. THE CAR IS A STAND. And then they got hit by a truck. I agree, Jotaro is really cool and also attractive. Aw crap now they'll never find the way. JOJO NO DON'T PUNCH EVERYONE. I feel like this is a bad idea. And then they fell off a cliff. Poolnoodle you dumb fuck. Joseph you have magic tentacles too maybe you could help. Thank god Kakyoin's the smart one here. I'm glad Jotaro's having fun. Yeah the magic teleporting car definitely wasn't a stand. Would you like to buy a vowel? Well hey at least it looks cool now. The hell is it shooting? Use the kid as a human shield. Leave her behind. I know that feel, kiddo. Joseph screaming "OH NO" will never not crack me up. Punch it in whatever the equivalent of balls it has. Aw shit that can't be good. Hey you know who had fire powers who could probably shrug this off if he wasn't fucking dead? Oh good he's okay. It's nice to see that Jotaro inherited Joseph's insanely buff arms. Dude skipped leg day and everything else but arm day. Now steal his shitty car too. He's gonna die out there. I got a bad feeling about Yoda here. Gundam- Kill her, Mika. This series continues a proud Gundam tradition of me being unable to follow a single damn fight but at least it looks cool. Yay they won I think. I'm also confused here, kids. Big talk for a guy who literally has a target painted on his face and just got captured by a ragtag gang of children. Hi harem man how's your super hot main wife. Suck it, douche. HI MAIN WIFE I LOVE YOU. Fuck off, kid. Mika continues to not give a single fuck. No big deal, just a universally-liked diplomat's life in danger of assassination. Just kill him, boys. Why does this guy have a face like that Titan that age Eren's mom? Start taking limbs as payment. Mika does not fuck around. Now loot his corpse. Do her parents know that the maid they trusted their only child with for years was actually a spy sent to murder her? Come work the dirt farm with the hillbillies, princess. Does harem guy finally get to be reunited with his fightin' wives? This seems like it's going too well. Why did people just bury their robots? I still don't trust Geass. Orga this seems like a decision that's going to bite you in the ass sooner rather than later. Hunter- Never trust Hisoka. Dude have you looked at Hisoka, of course he's a freak. I am uncomfortable. Wait shit isn't that Killua's sister? Do not leave Hisoka alone with that small child. Kill him now, girl. I'm not sure I like these guys' odds here. I hope my kids are healing well. Her skirt is magic. He's doing his best. What in the hell? Okay that's definitely a stand. Boo hoo, the douchebags are in trouble. Oh, fuck off. Whelp, this guy's about to die. This plan could definitely be going beter. Now that's a big rock. Oh this is gonna get annoying. It's refreshing that Gon is sucking at this technique. Good luck kids I believe in you. Do you have a card for just punching him in the dick a couple dozen times? Ohhh this can't be a good thing. This is suspicious as fuck. Whelp. Lupin- Never trust a priest in anime. You okay there Jigen? Don't be a dick, Fuji's body is great. Alright cool you just gotta steal a cup. Bet on yourselves, you either make a fortune or die before you have to pay. Aw crap who's hypnotized now. I'm digging Fuji's outfit. I mean, he's got a point about Fuji. Everybody just sit down and keep your eyes on each other for a couple hours. I dunno man, I'm pretty sure one of them can fit several tools in their rack without you noticing. Please don't hurt her I love her. NO NOT THAT GLORIOUS RACK. Jigen not smoking really is suspicious. Whelp Lupin's dead, show's over. Maybe the puppet is Zeni in a surprising twist. Guys no don't kill each other, you're friends. Is it the oysters again? GODDAMMIT LUPIN. I can't blame him for being curious about who'd win in their fight. Well this is a downer ending. Eat shit, asshole. No knife can penetrate Fujiko's boobs of steel. Drugs are bad, kids. Seriously, I hope you guys bet every penny you had on yourselves in this fight. I'm glad Lupin is having fun here. Fujiko lying on a bed of shitloads of money is a beautiful sight. And hey, they got that fancy cup out of it. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted November 5, 2017 Posted November 5, 2017 Gundam... Hi harem man how's your super hot main wife... HI MAIN WIFE... Lupin... Everybody just sit down and keep your eyes on each other for a couple hours. Yes, Amida still looks mighty good. That would've been the simplest and most sensible solution. DBS - I'm slightly confused. I thought of the Super Saiyan transformation, at least in Goku's case, as reaching a level unlocked though the mechanics of the kaioh-ken plus unbridled rage. Super Saiyan Blue requires our Saiyans to calm themselves and keep the energy from pouring out so freely. The kaioh-ken results in Goku's energy surging massively. It seems like a technique that shouldn't work in conjunction with Super Saiyan Blue. Oh well. Hit improving his time-traveling technique in the match was impressive, but it would also require him to spot upcoming openings even sooner. DBZK - I feel like Goku didn't give the boys and Piccolo enough information, since they weren't warned that a botched Fusion Dance would result in an entity that was weaker than either boy. However, it's possible that Goku didn't know about this, since the Metamorans either failed to tell him about it or never failed at it in front of him. Poor Gohan. I know I wouldn't be able, even on grass, to stand in one place for 25 hours. Kibito and Shin are in a similar situation, but they might be "allowed" to walk around or sit down. Goku was shameless in taking advantage of his freedom of movement and lack of direct or reverent involvement by taking a nap. Even if the old Supreme Kai is a powerful deity, Bulma wouldn't hesitate to slap or punch him if he got fresh with her. I can't say I blame him for wanting to get grabby with her, though. JoJo: SC - That car screamed Stand to me as soon as our group passed it. I'm not sure how it would be able to propel gas droplets without damaging the base car's fuel system, meaning it would be inoperable for our group later. As for the guy, clearly he's never seen the "Arms Race with Legs" episode of TTG. The sign they left up with him was funny, but yeah, they left him to die a horrible death from the combination of dehydration and exposure to the sun. Yes, having to protect Ann makes the battles more difficult for Team Joestar, but I don't mind Jotaro having a fangirl in the show. I saw two problems with using the winch to save Team Joestar from falling. First, the winch is mounted to the vehicle frame with bolts that could shear under sudden stress. Even if only one of them broke, it would then increase the load on the other bolts, putting them at risk of failing under sustained strain. Second, even if the bolts would be able to take the shock and static load of the vehicle and occupants' weight, it's possible the cable on the winch or the drum mounting wouldn't, meaning the cable or the winch itself would break. Enya is the last Stand user between Team Joestar and Dio. I feel like we have a lot of episodes left to have so few opponents remaining against them. Wait. Did she say her Stand was Justice, or Great Justice? On a more serious note, Joseph is very lucky that this part of the show takes place during the 1980s. With modern systems of communication and information, his arrest warrant, description, and passport information would be at every border checkpoint in the country, meaning he'd have to cross into Pakistan illegally, which would complicate every border crossing from here onward. MSG: IBO 2 - I was relieved that Iron Flower and the Gjallarhorn forces not under McGyllis' command didn't shoot at each other. As for capturing the pirate leader to finish the battle, sure. That's fine. While a new mine may not pay Iron Flower right now, their share of the profits has the potential to pay the group well for years to come once it is established, and the boys knew it. I like that it made them think about the future, even if just for a moment. Them uncovering some old mobile suits strikes me as an added bonus, even though it will take time and money to get those into battle-ready condition. I have mixed feelings about Mikazuki and Orga's trip to the weasely guy. Yes, they needed to get reparations for the damages inflicted at his behest, but gunning him down like that was straight up murder. This wasn't like killing in combat. It was using a deadly weapon against an outnumbered, unarmed man with no martial prowess of note. HxH - After Machi said she would hunt down Hisoka and kill him if he's successful in a fight against Chrollo, I began to fear for her safety. Kalluto being around makes me nervous for other's safety in general. Granted, not for anyone from the P.T. other than Machi and Shizuku, but I am concerned for this nen exorcist and, to a lesser degree, even for Hisoka. Yes, he's shady and creepy at times, but he is entertaining and has been very helpful to Gon. Skipping levels of instruction to try to force Gon to get good at a technique in a hurry looked like it backfired. Tsezguerra and his men running from Team Bomber like that seemed like a waste of cards. Back at the rich guy's place, it was highly suspicious that the place was cleared out, but the rich dude crying made me very curious as to what happened in the last several weeks or months. What happened, show? Lupin - I don't understand why The Greek would get such a huge following by plotting and televising the murder of criminals. He should be a fugitive. Drug-induced hypnosis sounds like it could wear off the instant the person became physiologically sober. Oh well. Lupin fooling The Greek was fine, and it was due to clever strategies and acting on the part of our group. Still, I would give the edge to Goemon over Jigen in an enclosed space at close range like that. Thank you, Fujiko, for not only showing us more cleavage when you unzipped your top, but also letting us see your very sexy lingerie. Leave it to her magnificent boobs to be able to hide enough of the knife blade in her cleavage to trick onlookers into thinking she'd been fatally stabbed. Also, we got a great look at her butt in that skirt early in the episode. Shippuden - It sounded to me like at least some of the dialogue in the flashback (mainly Sakura's) was re-recorded for this episode. The Land of Fire's feudal lord shouldn't have changed his mind. Danzo is an immense dick who did nothing during any of the attacks on Konoha, while Kakashi put his life on the line, as did the others Danzo criticized in his diatribe. At least Shikaku tried to have a better man than Danzo installed as interim Hokage. I don't recall it being mentioned that Hinata, Kiba and Shino were the first genin team Kurenai mentored. Plus, the first Ino-Shika-Cho team probably had huge smiles on the inside when their children were put together as a team. OS - Yes, racing is expensive. It's part of why there are so many company and product names and logos on NASCAR vehicles. At least the registration office woman was pretty. I don't blame Gene. The waitress dress Aisha wore was tight in a flattering way. While publicly available information on Melfina may be rare, I feel like Gene, Jim and Melfina could've and should've found out more about the checkpoints for the race before it began. The staggered start times for the ships said to me that it's the ship with the fastest time which wins rather than the first to cross the finish line. Once the first ship to reach the finish line crosses it, it's the ships that started after it which could still beat it. CB - If the science involved in the container for the Gray Ash plant is so sophisticated that it could filter out whatever it was in the Venusian atmosphere that killed the plant (it couldn't be truly sealed, since plants require air as well, though they don't die as soon with very limited supplies as animals do), then I would think they could go with a polycarbonate or otherwise shatterproof dome to cover it. That was a massive failure of design there. I feel like the other life in which Rocco and Spike could be friends would be one where Spike never joined the Red Dragons. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - I noticed some things that I never bothered to note previously. First, since there was an indoor range where Gino practiced with his pistol, I would say that the law has changed by the 2030s in the GitS universe to allow private ownership of firearms in Japan. Second, the number of casings on the floor at the range was over fifty, but that just means he was on his second (or third, since some of the casings may have fallen ahead of the firing line) box of ammunition. Third, his assortment of handguns was such that the had at least two calibers represented, but I would expect there to be three (or possibly even four), which would complicate his carry strategy in that he would need to keep spare magazines situated in a way that would prevent them from mixing while he was carrying them. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 5, 2017 Author Posted November 5, 2017 I’m splitting the comments this week. DB Super through Hunter today, Lupin through GITS tomorrow. COUNTDOWN Sweet, new font. Fuck yeah, HD letterboxing. ;D Kuroneko, you say? Holy shit those are kids’ drawings this really takes me back to when I was 5. Such speechlessness. Because Cartoon Network loves its classic stock footage. Well, that escalated quickly. He’s been gone for 60 years, and wherever he went, he’s their king now. ZA WARUDO. Pretty low, TOM. Pretty low. Next week, the CLYDEs are pissed about their sudden redesign. DRAGONBALL SUPER You’d think they’d shorten the OP to accommodate Countdown, but I guess not. [fighting noises] The thing about DBZ fights is, it’s more about the moment itself than the stakes surrounding. I feel like that portrait of Champa is mocking me. STOMACH PUNCH. Vegeta is infinitely jealous right now. YOU PISSED ME OFF. I literally started acapella-singing Jotaro’s theme from Stardust Crusaders the moment he started powering up. “Guess you’re the sort of guy who yells when he powers up too.” I love this self-awareness. He screamed because he was really pissed off. Only Piccolo knows what really went down in that fraction of a second before the obvious. Noisy transformations. Tell me what you mean by this “technique”. ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA! Rule #1 of DBZ: Never underestimate Goku. “Surely he hasn’t discovered a transformation beyond Super Saiyan Blue. But if not that… what could he be trying to do?” BULLHORN. More like he’s sounding more like Vegeta. Shin’s still pissed that he’s not as strong as the protagonists. Kaio-what? Wanna see me run behind you? … Wanna see me do it again? Remember that time Vegeta dropped a 50+ second F-bomb? Infinitely. Jealous. FUCK YEAH OPENING THEME. When all else fails, use the Kamehameha. I can see the universe inside his mouth! For the longest time, I thought Puss in Boots’ hat was some sort of misshapen apple. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Nothing’s more terrifying than a fat kid with unlimited power. Ooh, intensely suggestive dialogue! SETSUMEISHIO. And that man’s name was Beerus the Destroyer. Please don’t punch the senior citizen Goku. Or that, don’t do that either. Oh Goku, you’re incorrigible. The fate of the whole universe lies in Bulma’s tits! THE LIMITS AND BEYOND. Even Elder Kai is disappointed in Shin and his weaksauciness. Apparently he’s doing some type of tribal dance. PADDING PADDING PADDING! Goku just don’t give a fuck. Sometimes I forget how giant Ox King is. Wait, why are Goten and Trunks on those playing cards? Chi-Chi asking the real questions here. They both look like they’re about to take a dump, but that’s how all DBZ characters look when they power up. Again, Piccolo knowing what’s about to happen before everyone else processes what does. Oh shit, it’s Creosote Jr.! That’s cold, Chi-Chi. Huh, I thought it was ‘cause Trunks said “sion” later than he should have. Oh yeah, Goku never explained how to de-fuse at will, did he? And now they’re a cancer patient. Ah, there’s the Gotenks we know and love. 18’s thinking, “Eh, it’s nothin’ special.” I believe this is the beginning of Trunks’ edgy phase. You have way too much faith, Yamcha. “…I’m just gonna go back to sleep.” JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS Oh no, it’s Truck-san! Huh, so Joseph didn’t completely hate India at the start. Wait, didn’t they already bury Avdol offscreen? This car was animated by Studio Khara. And so the token loli returns (may God have mercy on us all). This car sure loves tailgating. TRUCK-SAAAAAAAN! Now that was exciting! “We would’ve been crushed beneath that like a Japanese schoolgirl!” Because DIO’s henchmen are short-sighted like that. What happens with Truck-san, stays with Truck-san. Tea break! I, too, am interested in those weird marks on the wall. What a waste of good sugarcane juice. Poor Kakyoin’s surrounded by short-tempered delinquents. At least he had the excuse of being under the control of DIO’s flesh-bud when he was acting all delinquent-y. We’ve got one clue, at least; he takes steroids like it’s nobody’s deal. Polnareff, you dumbass. ;D I fucking love this show and if you don’t agree, then we can’t be friends. We never got an explanation for those weird markings, now did we? Speaking of weird markings, check out those tire tracks on the side of the rock formations. Told y’all that car was a STAND! ELLO, GOV’NOR! “He’s acting like some stupid musclehead who got cut off in traffic and flew into a fit of road rage!” Takes one to know one, eh, Polnareff? ::]:: JoJo fangirls really do come in all sizes, don’t they? WHEEL! OF! TORTURE! Gasoline bullets? This show is insane. The Wheel of Fortune has found that the only way to defeat a STAND user… is to burn it. I bet you anything that guy’s just a disembodied arm. Stop drop and roll, Jotaro! Or maybe he didn’t need to. ;D Oh hey, he actually does have a body. This dude skipped leg day something fierce. Oh, so he’s what they were all laughing at. You think anyone’s gonna understand what that sign says? Meanwhile, Enya’s still mourning. Does Hol Horse really count as a defeat? I mean, he ran away like a little bitch, so maybe it counts? “I’d curse Avdol, but he’s dead so what’s the point!?” See, told you Khara animated that car. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS (may God have mercy on us all) “Please stand down!” “NO YOU!” Is it wrong for me to say that I had more fun commenting on Root A than I am on these fights right now? “He’s more likely to hit me if I dodge.” And that’s why Gohan doesn’t. Of course sparing the enemy would be difficult for Mika. I don’t trust this guy and his fuzzy yellow coat. On goes the pimp hat. :* Who is this guy and why should we care about him? Well, that answered my question quickly. Don’t be so uppity, Blonde Kirito. “Miss Atra” sounds kinda off, even if it is the formal thing to call her. Nobliss’s secretary looks pretty attractive, I’m gonna call her “Brown Fumitan”. Orga’s gonna kick some ass. Threats pulled from the basket of deplorables. These guys are so screwed. He dropped his Mars pods, shit just got real. Goddamn I wanna use Kudelia’s ponytail as a pillow so badly. “You mean you haven’t gone back to visit your mother and father?” “Ah, screw ‘em.” REPLY TO ANGEL: “Do her parents know that the maid they trusted their only child with for years was actually a spy sent to murder her?” If they did, I doubt they reacted negatively to that. I wanna know who voices her black secretary. I think that’s the closest the show’s ever come to pronouncing Tekkadan the way it’s spelled. Oh no, they found a Victory Gundam. Merribit’s here to represent the female fraction of their work force. “Huh, so that’s what you look like.” The boy in the hat is Biscuit, for those who forgot. HUNTER x HUNTER Huh, boxer guy made it into the game too. Guess Machi’s still too busy mourning Pakunoda to bother with the nerdy shit the others have gotten themselves involved in Nevermind she’s here too, just offscreen. Wait, so Abengane’s the Nen exorcist? I… really should have expected that. Hisoka, you erotic bastard. Oh fuck it’s Killua’s creepy little sister. Well, so much for shipping those two together, but that’s not gonna stop Hisoka apparently. I can only imagine what card 0 is. WE DO BATTLE NOW… NOT! Meanwhile, more training. It takes skill to jump good using only your hands. Bisky’s a professional liar, of course she’s allowed to skip levels like that. For some reason my IBO recording caught the first 8 minutes of Hunter after it. Luckily, my Hunter recording picked them up too. Unfortunately, Lupin didn’t show up as its own recording for some reason, so boo on that. But hey, that’s what On Demand is for. Ah, so that’s who that girl working on Bisky’s hair in the ending theme was. Hey, he got a little higher that time. Fuck yeah, hit-and-run tactics. Oh shit he said “Bomber” while touching him that dude is dooooomed. I think I hate this guy more than Sugo now. That guy with the sideburns has a weird voice. I can’t believe it, a giant rock! It’s a rock and it’s giant! This whole chasing thing is ridiculous but damn do I love it. Clearly they chose those two cities because they’re the only ones worth mentioning, especially Lawlharemtown. Poor Gon, he was so absorbed in his training. Sucks for that newbie, I guess. And now we’re back to the real world. Welp, so much for the reward money. Whatever happened to that old man, it had to have been pretty damn important. Fuck you, Genthru, I hope Sugo shanks you in a parking lot somewhere. So we know the deal with the shampoo lady, but what about that framed picture, or Killua’s Jewish yo-yo? A WORD OR TWO FROM OUR SPONSORS Everything tastes better when it’s more liable to give you a heart attack! Huh, I never noticed he was using Kit-Kat packages in place of cassettes. Anyone who pays more attention to their phone than a movie or TV show or even their loved ones should never be allowed to use one again, unless it’s a direct line. How do you know stress sweat smells that much worse than regular sweat? This promo soundtrack is positively lit. Holy crap, Jerome from Gotham’s in that show! You are now reading my comments in Master Shake’s voice. That’s what it does! Does it really matter what burger tastes better, as long as both taste delicious? These Hot Pocket commercials are so annoying. How can a black human kid not have any idea that his jellyfish parents aren’t his real parents? ??? [and his name is john cena] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 6, 2017 Author Posted November 6, 2017 Welp, Lupin’s not On Demand yet, guess I’m gonna have to wait a little longer for that one. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN And now for a surprisingly plot-relevant meeting. Yes, we all would have preferred Jiraiya to be Hokage over Tsunade. Danzo’s gonna make the Leaf Village great again. And so the NaruSaku shipping resumes. Oh how times have changed and characters have developed. Please use your indoor voice, Sarutobi, all of them can hear you just fine. Remember when Asuma was alive and Kurenai was relevant? Ooh, a promoted pawn; one of the few shogi-related things I’ve picked up from watching March Comes in Like a Lion early this year. Hmm, so they call it Japanese chess now. I love how they managed to reference that expired milk punchline without forcing any extra comedy out of it. CEILING KAKASHI IS WATCHING YOU GOOF OFF DURING CLASS. I feel like the events of this flashback are more than a little out of order. Even so, the infamous kiss that made SasuNaru even more of a thing than it could’ve been is still quite the moment. The funny thing is the Kyuubi actually did go wild on the first mission, albeit at the small scale. So I take it the whole “best student and worst student on the same team” thing was just an alternative suggestion fed to Iruka? I feel like episode 3 did things better. Sakura’s only on the team because she happened to be sitting between them. Shikamaru finds this odd outburst of laughter awfully disturbing. “I put a hold on re-reading my book for this?” For an Uchiha, Obito was a pretty cool guy. Someone tied up on the floor while another person in an OTN mask stands behind them? If the genders were swapped, this would actually be hot. THIS IS A SHOW ABOUT NINJAS, APPARENTLY. Oh Sakura, shit-talk like that is the reason why people hate you, even now. “Shut the hell up, you fussbag.” It’s like Sasuke can’t think of anything to call Naruto but “loser”. I feel things are about to get super-awkward real fast. Or maybe it’s just yet another anime misunderstanding (even though the misunderstanding’s somewhat close to the truth). Huh, didn’t expect that. Akame ga KILL! ruined the phrase “trump card” for all of us. This only confirms that Sasuke is an asexual being. I’ll admit, I’d be hurting there if that happened too. Oh how times have changed and characters have developed. New ED next week, for those curious. OUTLAW STAR We Redline now? Check it out, new OP image showing off all three of the girls. :-D I gotta agree with them, Heifong looks like a happenin’ place. Gene’s flirtation missed the mark, and he apparently doesn’t care. Aaaaand there go his chances of getting more than some. So Fred’s company HQ is located there, huh? Was that mentioned previously, or did I just forget it? That’s a nice-looking outfit, I’d love to see Melfina wear that. (Even though Fred might have been intending for Gene to wear it…) That was an awfully quick topic change. I love these bright ‘90s colors in the backgrounds. Aww, this is both adorable and kinda sad. YESSSSS AISHA. I feel like I’ve heard this conversation before. Poor, poor Aisha. Poor Gilliam too (get it?), he’s really outta the loop. Don’t sound so angrily doubtful, Jim. Aisha’s voice shouldn’t have my approval, but it does, there’s something about the scratchiness that’s all so fitting. Oh yeah, he doesn’t know the MacDougalls’ first names, now does he? Calm your tits, Gene. Suzuka might not care about racing, but when you gotta bet on someone, you gotta bet. If anything looks familiar, it’s that one old dude. 14 hours already? Gene, you crazy sumbitch. Gee, that’s helpful. S: COWBOY BEBOP That cat is an obvious Tom knock-off, but at least the mouse looks different enough from Jerry to avoid making it a total rip-off. I love Spike’s sleeping blindfold. Check it, an actually successful bounty collection. It’s all a bunch of gibberish beyond the names and heights. At this point, I’m not sure if this guy is fun or annoying. Perhaps both? And so Ein finally got his dog food. YOU GOTTA MOVE LIKE WATER. Somehow Spike always finds himself caught up in the most interesting/dangerous of bounties. Somehow I completely forgot that Rocco’s sister lived on a wrecked ship. What a poor time to have your dick hanging out. She’s surprisingly understanding for a blind woman. The art setting in this show is nothing short of breathtaking. Rule #1: don’t fuck with Faye. Such self-awareness, this show has. To whoever brought it up: their lower halves are covered by that blanket, there’s no way to tell if there was anal sex going on under there or not! I wouldn’t underestimate Spike’s abilities if I were you, buddy. He was so impressed with his own ability, that it wound up being what killed him. So I take it that’s why they call it Grey Ash. Dang, this ending hurts more than I remember. About 50% of the people who call this show overrated have no idea what they’re talking about. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG Okay, now I’m convinced they brought this show back in reruns for political relevance. Doesn’t stop it from being any less invigorating, though. Gino is a more true-to-life self-insert than 99.9% of harem protagonists, and the way in which I mean that is up to you. MORE WORDS FROM OUR SPONSORS Clearly squids have the bigger dicks, they’ve got two of them. Forget the Old Spice sprays looting Morty’s room, is that a GIGANTOR figure on his shelf? I patiently await the Bob’s Burgers episode where Jimmy Pesto gets seriously injured or dies. Maybe this commercial was the whole reason The Jellies is a thing? I’m getting pretty fucking sick of this “cigarettes make you their slave” ad bullshit. >( I feel like these commercials are getting lengthier the further I go into the night. Seeing this FlexTape ad in Standard Def on an HDTV makes me feel that it’s all a sham. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 9, 2017 Author Posted November 9, 2017 Three days after airing and Spectrum On Demand still doesn't have this week's Lupin up. [sigh] Thank god for alternative options... LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE It's probably the fact that I'm watching it online and not on a TV, but this episode seems more fast-paced than normal. I wouldn't be surprised Goemon doesn't know him, he spends most of his time meditating or something. Damn, this Greco guy thought ahead. Were those rolls supposed to resemble breasts on purpose? Twenty bucks says he has a Millennium Rod. Fuck the Italian soundtrack haters, they don't know good retro easy listening when they hear it. This seems too easy. TOO EASY INDEED. By the way, he learned that trick from watching Excel Saga. Like I said, Greco plans ahead. (Bullhorn.) Greco's a real jerk. Huh, I never thought of Jigen and Fujiko as being rivals. Yes, Fujiko, play the tsundere card and blame the main character for everything. It's like a certain something synched up between all three of them. HAMMER. "Lupin has a 0% chance of survival." Tell that to Nyx, his calculations are never wrong, unlike yours. Uhh... did she just die? ohno He didn't hear any gunshot because she was clearly stabbed (supposedly). Zantetsuken? That's the first time I'm hearing that name. Poor Lupin's the only one here who wants peace. "We will now begin our second act immediately." Made even funnier by the fact that the commercials were cut from this stream. Oh shit I did not expect Lupin to go down next, I swore he'd be the last man standing. Shows what I know. |:: WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ESPRESSO. And then they recreated their fight scene from the finale of Fujiko's anime, only without the owl heads and out-of-context crossdressing. applause That was an amazing fight, shame it ended in a double-KO. Lupin being the marionette seemed so obvious that it couldn't possibly have been the answer, and that's what makes a good twist. Finally they acknowledged his monkey face. Wow, this sure got dark in a hurry. OR MAYBE NOT. ;D I had a feeling he was faking it. Of course Fujiko's cleavage saved her from what would've been a fatal blow. FUCKIN'. BRILLIANT. When they said this was one of the best episodes of the series, they were not kidding. They're swimmin' in euros! It's a buttload of cash, so why not just split it four ways? Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 11, 2017 Author Posted November 11, 2017 Man, this thread is deaaaaaaaaad outside of me, Foley and Angel. Tonight on Toonami, TOM finds himself trapped on a different Vindication with a group of hostile Clydes, the Tournament of Power reaches its conclusion in a tense and quite possibly unpredictable fashion, a newly formed and highly impatient Gotenks rushes to face Majin Buu without the proper preparations for such an event, with all her assassins defeated it's up to Enyaba herself to keep the Joestars from making it to DIO, someone set Arbrau up the bomb!, Genthru tries to strike a deal with Gon and the others while Tzesguerra learns the truth behind why he was hired to play Greed Island, all the relevant players in the "Dream of Italy" incident head to Milan to learn what's up with these paintings of them popping up nationwide, this week's flashback filler is a little adventure taking place not long after the Zabuza Saga, Gene winds up having to contend with Aisha as the Heifong Space Race continues, the hacking of a laser satellite over Earth forces the Bebop crew to team up with a mysterious hacker called "Radical Edward", and Section 9 finds themselves pulling double duty as they're tasked with investigating a businessman with ties to Yakushima and protecting his stash from a mysterious female thief. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #39 - The Developed "Time Skip" Counterstrike?! Here Comes Goku's New Move! - TV-PGV 8:30 - Dragonball Super #40 - A Decision at Last! Is the Winner Beerus? Or is it Champa? - TV-14 ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #40 - A Decision at Last! Is the Winner Beerus? Or is it Champa? - TV-14 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #139 - Who Will Defeat Majin Buu? The Mightiest of Men Moves Out!! - TV-PG 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #14 - Justice, Part 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #30 - Inauguration of the Arbrau Defense Forces - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #73 - Insanity and Sanity - TV-14 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #19 - The First Supper - TV-14 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #180 - Inari's Courage Put to the Test - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #11 - Adrift in Subspace - TV-14L 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #9 - Jamming With Edward - TV-PG 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #3 - CASH EYE - TV-14DS By the way, the subspace they speak of is most likely not the subspace I normally think of. Quote
Blatch Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 I should definitely check in here more often. Of course, it's hard to know what to say when you literally only watch JoJo's on the block anymore. :ghost: The episode with Empress was just so fucked up. Having Christine Marie Cabanos voice its first form was pretty genius, and yet I couldn't stand a minute of her highest possible angry voice. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 11, 2017 Author Posted November 11, 2017 Pretty sure that was actually Dorothy Fahn throughout, but I have no way of knowing that. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted November 12, 2017 Posted November 12, 2017 Jojo- Jotaro did you really waste several hours having a new jacket custom-made to replace your old one? Go away, kid. It's okay Joseph's not on this plane so it shouldn't crash. I hope we never see her again. Oh my god it's wool how have you not died of heat stroke. Polnareff was traumatized by the pig toilet. the fog a stand? Goddammit Joseph you offended him. Well this is some real creepy shit. Aw crap a gun, is it Hol Horse? Oh this is very not normal. Okay y'all should really just get out of town immediately. THAT'S A STAND YOU IDIOTS. Oh honey, the police aren't gonna come. Loot his corpse. Grandpa's got some mad jump skills. What in the hell? Just a creepy demonic woman strolling through the ghost town, nothing suspicious here. Polnareff you stupid bastard. THIS IS NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL. Jotaro your name isn't even Joestar. Polnareff you dumb fuck. Goddamn, Yoda knows how to plan revenge. I hope that bathroom's clean. OH GODDAMMIT IT'S HOL HORSE. You're both terrible people and I don't trust either of you. Holy shit she is not fucking around. "First of all, it's pronounced 'creetin'; if you're gonna threaten me, do it properly." Oh that can't be good. THE FOG IS A STAND. Choked by his own fist. Y'all might wanna just leave while she's distracted. Thank god one of them can recognize blatant evil happening twenty feet away. Gundam- Sucks for Mars, I guess. I got a bad feeling about all these kids' survival odds. You're like 12 who put you in charge of security. Whelp, something tragic is definitely about to happen to you. I don't think Chad's gonna come out of this alright. I love the harem girls. Please use this guy as a human shield. Orga looks good in that outfit. That ship looks like a busted Death Star. Did you say bearded man with a nice body, is Joseph here? What I'm taking from this conversation is that nobody likes this girl. It seems like a really bad idea to put the forth graders in the security team. THE FLOWERS ARE A STAND. How did you guys fuck up this hard. Fuck you too, strange adult man I don't have any memory of seeing before. I disagree, get revenge for Chad. PAY FOR CHAD. Yeah this doesn't sound suspicious at all. Take one of the fighter wives with you. No pressure here, kiddo. Dude I have several members of my own family that I wouldn't trust with a potato peeler. I continue to not trust Geass. And now everything goes to hell. Do not trust shady bearded men, child. Hunter- It's conerning that being called by the pedophile monster clown is one of the better options here. Oh good it's that one guy. I mean I'd rather give up the game instead of getting blown right the hell up. This seems like it's going too well for him, he's going to die. Meanwhile, what's up with this guy. Damn grandpa good job on that. Oh no that's sad but what did that have to do with the game? Oh shit that's depressing. Alright kids, the plan is to use your smaller size to kick them all right in the dicks. This seems like a good plan I'm cautiously optimistic. SHIT HE SAID IT DON'T LET HIM GET NEAR YOU. I stand by my idea of dick kicking. Please don't hurt my adorable child. Gon how was the plan getting your jaw punched in? This may be the only show that I don't enjoy seeing the small children get beaten. Bisky's got good cardio for an old lady. KICK HIS ASS, BISKY. Oh hey she grows up. What in the hell. Lady if Jojo's established anything it's that there's no such thing as too buff. Shock his balls off! RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Oh hey, fat boy did something useful. I would have knocked myself out with that thing in 12 seconds flat. Joseph Joestar would be proud, Killua. Things are going well for everyone but Gon. Lupin- This seems elaborate and overly complicated I'm intrigued. Oh right, Da Vinci was randomly here a couple weeks back. Goemon has standards with his clothes, Lupin. Guys you have access to ridiculously realistic masks, you could pick better disguises. Oh hey Rebecca. HIII FUJIKO. Quiet Jigen don't question the fanservice. If Lupin had been behind it Fuji's picture would have been naked. Oh hey Nyx. Oh hey Zeni. Shouldn't there be more people for the last supper? That is a stupidly British name. Okay I'm lost here what are you up to here, painter man? I'm not sure I'd trust anything on that table. Hey now don't take the booze. Don't worry Fuji all the fat goes to your boobs. I'm still not sure where this is going but now I'm hungry. Wait what the hell? Okay a naked Leonardo Da Vinci running through the Italian countryside is hilarious. I'm just gonna pretend this makes sense. the room turning into a Transformer? FLY, MY PRETTIES. Is the rest of the show gonna be about stopping the collective conscious clone of Da Vinci from destroying the modern world because I can get behind this. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted November 12, 2017 Posted November 12, 2017 Jojo- Go away, kid... I hope we never see her again. It's okay Joseph's not on this plane so it shouldn't crash. Jotaro your name isn't even Joestar. Gundam- It seems like a really bad idea to put the fo(u)rth graders in the security team. Hunter- I would have knocked myself out with that thing in 12 seconds flat... Killua. Lupin- Guys you have access to ridiculously realistic masks, you could pick better disguises. Oh hey Rebecca. HIII FUJIKO. Quiet Jigen don't question the fanservice. Don't worry Fuji all the fat goes to your boobs. Is the rest of the show gonna be about stopping the collective conscious clone of Da Vinci from destroying the modern world because I can get behind this. I get the feeling that if there is another season, Ann will be the grandma to Jotaro's grandson who ends up with superpowers, but I would expect Jotaro to wait until Ann is at least a late-teen to start seeing her. Also, that's cold, but it is a legitimate concern regarding air travel in this show. Plus, I would like to think of it as a sign of Jotaro truly accepting Joseph as his grandfather. For one, several of them are at least junior high-aged. For another, I feel like they would've checked the flowers before allowing them into Makenai's office, but that would've likely resulted in an explosion that would kill at least one of them. If I heard what I thought I heard, Killua said the yo-yos weigh 50 kilograms each. That's 110 pounds. I doubt that you, or any of us, would be able to lift something of that mass with the necessary density to pack it into such a small object. I can lift standing people of that weight and heavier off the ground, but I don't need to hold all the mass with the grip strength of my hands alone. Also, of what are his shorts made that the yo-yos don't immediately tear out his pockets? What are the strings on the yo-yos that they don’t break? I concur. Indeed, don't blow it for the rest of us. Plus, thankfully so. Also, I can work with that as well. DBS - So, Goku was dumb enough to believe that Monaka really is stronger than he is. Perhaps "dumb" is being too harsh. It might be more accurate to say that he's naively trusting of Beerus, or just in general. I did like that Hit was sporting enough to throw the next match like Goku did for him when the Destroyers couldn't agree to let the two of them fight unfettered. Another Zeno? Hm. It is interesting that this one's arrival was enough to stop Champa from killing his team in angry disappointment. DBZK - Yep. Gotenks underestimated Buu. Plus, Piccolo failed to inform Gotenks that ordinary striking attacks don't work on Buu, so that helped make this a wasted effort. Mr. Satan's schemes failing to kill Buu was no surprise, but I remember Buu making Mr. Satan his servant being an unexpected development the first time I saw this stretch. Y'all may or may not be aware that I'm reading the Dragon Ball manga. I'm now in the last of the 3-in-1 volume collections. I'm not yet to the point of Goku showing the boys the Fusion Dance, but I anticipate being done with the manga before the end of the show. It's kind of like back when I was reading the DN manga while the show was in premieres on [as], but since this is much lighter on dialogue, I don't anticipate failing to finish reading before the final episode. JoJo: SC - I feel like it would take a day or more for a tailor to make a replacement coat for Jotaro. That's time which Holly doesn't have. I suspect that we haven't seen the last of Ann yet. It would surprise me if anyone in the town outside our group and Enya is actually alive. It would also surprise me if they don't need to fight off a zombie horde before/while fighting Enya. As for her Stand, a creepy fog which can make people hallucinate and can cause blood to explosively boil is strange and overpowered. I wonder if the wound must be fresh for the fog to interact with someone's blood, i.e. would a scab or a large bandage over a wound be enough to keep the fog out of the person? Enya was wise to bandage her left-side hand. She also put up a moderately convincing front. Hol went about his interaction with Enya all wrong. He should've led with that he couldn't keep up with Centerfold's speed when chasing Jean, and that by the time he got there, Centerfold was already dead. Enya might believe those facts, but he'd still be on shaky ground with her regarding his tactically-sound choice to flee a 4-on-1 confrontation with Team Joestar. As for trying to fight her with his Stand, he was dumb. She just said and demonstrated that she could control his arm. Why did he put his pistol Stand into the hand she just controlled? At least try to make Emperor appear in the other hand which she hadn't yet manipulated. He made killing him too easy for her. I'm concerned for Joseph. He might've gotten a small wound on his back from that fence which could serve as an entry point for Enya's (In)Justice. MSG: IBO 2 - Hey, traitor guy. It's not the fault of the Iron Flower kids that they're uneducated. That's the fault of your society for failing to treat them as people with human rights. In fact, several of them, and I think Takaki is included in that number, have actively sought out education in the intervening years since the first season. It's also unreasonable to hold them at fault for their comparative lack of life experience due to their younger ages. True, they may place an amount of trust in their leader which you consider foolish, but at least they didn't intentionally seek out a personal arrangement with a competing faction which would require them to betray a person to whom they owe allegiance, like you did against Chad and Makenai in your (hopefully) unsuccessful murder plot. You're also a dick to shut out Takaki and the others in your communications with their home office. Plus, yes, Takaki does realize how long a trip from Mars to Earth takes. He's done it at least one time, and I would think no fewer than two times. Don't patronize him, jerk. As for Arbrau building their own military force, it's sensible compared to being reliant solely on contractors like Gjallarhorn or Iron Flower. However, if someone who is going to be high in the organizational structure of that force is willing to conspire in an assassination plot against the elected leader, then I have little hope for them to refrain from enacting a coup attempt. I can't quite place my finger on it, but I'm concerned for Takaki and his sister's survival. Oh, wait. Maybe it's the whole "a traitor is involved in a plot to draw them into a war on Earth and isn't above sneaking bombs into sensitive locations" thing. The man in the mask with the Ariannerhod (sp?) fleet sure sounds like he has Gaelio's voice, so I'd be surprised if it were someone else. HxH - Okay. I can understand the rich guy calling off the project, since his sole reason for doing it, saving his woman's life, was no longer necessary. I felt a little bad for the two of them. I would expect that he also had Hunters searching in the rest of the world for people with the ability to heal others with nen, but neither endeavor was successful in time. I didn't expect Biscuit's "true" form to be a bodybuilder, but that helped her finish her fight quickly. If we can apply conservation of mass in the show's universe, then either she must use a lot of nen to accomplish this transformation, or she is much heavier in her tiny form than she looks like she should be. I liked Killua using his fight as an opportunity to try out new techniques and maneuvers to test their efficacy. Yep, Gon is tough and tenacious. I like that he was able to endure Genthru's attacks and force Genthru to prepare the kind of attack that Gon wanted him to use. We'll see if Biscuit and Gon's plan works next time. Ha ha, joke's on you, Team Bomber. Tsezguerra had a plan to preserve his team's important cards. Hm. If there's now no huge reward for clearing the game, does that mean that anyone who does gets to keep all the cards? Will anyone else who played get some kind of modest payment? They have been working this job for months, so it would only be right that they get some kind of compensation, since the main offer of the huge reward for being first has doubtlessly been rescinded. Lupin - I don't think I really got what was going on here, but I think that the clone of Leonardo wanted everyone to know that he worked out his origin and their involvement with the project. Mostly it was to say that MI6 was behind it and they used Rebecca's dead boyfriend's research to make it possible. I guess Zenigata needed to be there for him to take the information to his superiors, but I doubt anything will come of it if he does. How did Leonardo afford all this? That's another mystery. At least the meal looked good. Speaking of looking good, dang, Fujiko and Rebecca were rocking it at that fashion show. Shippuden - Yeah, Naruto and Sauce essentially engaged in another C-rank mission there in fighting off the bandits, and it was for no pay. Maybe it could be considered following up their proper mission. Inari and the other boys reconciled. Good. I'm not really surprised, though I am somewhat disappointed, that after Sauce doubtlessly inflicted deadly wounds on some of the bandits with his giant shuriken, the villagers failed to kill any more of the bandits with their archery fire. OS - I can fully understand that Gene, who was adrift in an escape pod for an unknown length of time following the attack on his dad's ship, would be unwilling to leave someone stranded when he could do something about it. Granted, it's unlikely Aisha knew this about his past, but her Plan B did work. Outside of a solar wind, I'm unaware of anything truly analogous to an Ether Stream in reality, but a comparatively high-density flow of fast-moving particles and solar sails could be used to augment propulsion as long as it's relative speed was greater than that of the ship flying in it. Yeah, this Harry guy is a liar and a cheater. He gets creepily worse. CB - In the interview with Yuri, the news anchor definitely had the same V.A. as Gene. I hadn't noticed that until now. It's easy to forget that ships in space will get dirty, because there are clouds of gases and dust and debris clusters through which the ships will fly. Thus, Spike needing to wash the Swordfish makes sense. In light of the dangers and difficulties that a disaster like the Hyperspace Gate explosion would cause for humanity in their daily lives, it's also easy to overlook the damage that the explosion and subsequent years of rock showers would cause to cultural heritage sites like the Nazca Lines and other large historic human construction endeavors. You're wrong, Jet. Edward is a very good thing to come from Earth, and chocolate-dipped Peeps Piyokos would also be good. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - The politician dude was totally slimy, and so are his fellow fetishists. In a world with high-performance, fully-prosthetic bodies, I don't understand the politician dude jumping immediately to the conclusion that the intruder was an android rather than a cyborg. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 12, 2017 Author Posted November 12, 2017 How did Leonardo afford all this? That's another mystery. Because he's Leonardo da Vinci and he can do whatever he wants. COUNTDOWN Huh, so they aren’t waiting until the break in DBZ Kai to continue the story. Well the lighting is definitely moody. Shit, the Clydes all stole TOM’s face! SUPER RUN AWAY! I understand what Astral Projection!TOM is getting at, but the way he’s saying it, someone’s bound to be confused. Well that sucks for… just about everybody. CRAZY THEORY OF THE WEEK: the nebula they flew through was where the Intruder originated from to begin with. “Must be Saturday.” Cheeky. Clydes really are useless, aren’t they? DRAGONBALL SUPER “Now I’ll show you the Kaioken!” “Kaio-what?” I love that no matter the power level, the Kamehame-ha is still treated as the be-all end-all. It’s funny when Champa gets hurt. We’re running on playground make-up bullshit logic now, apparently. Hit takes offense to that “pawn” comment. Telepathic conversation, go! Tough given the circumstances, maybe. Vados sounds like she’s about to get… aroused. ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA! “Impossible!” Nothing’s impossible in Dragonball! Unless you’re trying to bring people back to life in Trunks’ shitty timeline. I love Beerus’s reaction here with the tongue-wiggling. Screw the rules, I’m Super Saiyan Blue with Kaioken! And then brotherly argument. Sometimes I wonder if ringing out on purpose after proposing a rule disposal was Goku’s plan all along. And then he suffered the short-term effects of steroid abuse. It’s amazing that I don’t hate Beerus now as much as I did six months ago. Whis is still love, though. More like Moe-naka, am I right? This is so ridiculous and bad it wraps right back around to being hilariously awesome. HOORAY FOR MONAKA. That’s no tentacle; that’s a gentacle! Champa truly is the sorest loser of all. FROST IS DED. This little guy must be super-important if he’s got the freaking Destroyers scared shitless. DRAGONBALL Z KAI You think they’re talking about Gotenks when they say “the mightiest of men”? Buu sink their battleship! And their whaaaaaaaaaaales. That guy totally wishes he drowned instead. STOP. Gotenks Time~. You should’ve vaporized the whole body, then. Welp, so much for the “mightiest of men”, then. Sometimes I wonder why “military intelligence” is a famous oxymoron, and moments like this give me that reason. DELAYED FACEPLANT. You think Gohan needs to use the restroom after standing still for so long? IT’S BUU’S SUPER-DEFORMED THEATRE! Too soon, show. Turns out the “mightiest of men” was Mr. Satan all along. The Championship belt’s off, shit just got real. MANLY HANDS. I actually kinda like this dorky BGM. “I fart in your general direction!” This is going over better than any of us expected. Don’t you mean “Gamepoy”? Satan does not know what he got himself into. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS You gotta love textile shops. I think the loli just realized that Avdol isn’t with them. Holy crap Jotaro is so cool. Ah yes, good ol’ pre-9/11 Pakistan. That fog-covered town just below that cliff looks pretty comfy, in an unconventional kind of way. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think they’ve even made it to the Middle East yet. A dead dog? ARAKIIIIIIIII. That’s an overreaction if I’ve ever seen one. Gah, roaches! Eughhh, lizards! “Why is he lying dead in the road?” Because you moved him, duh. Polnareff isn’t exactly the brightest. Kakyoin, you’re Japanese, you should know all about turning your back to obvious tragedy. Gross, boils! :barf: The word “Tokyoite” confused my dad just now. Wow, the show’s not even sugarcoating the fact that the fog is really a STAND. Good god, that corpse looks like it walked out of a Machino Henmaru manga! Cartoon cheese from Tom & Jerry. OH SHIT THAT AIN’T THE CAR! Oh double shit, it’s Enyaba. They have B&Bs in Pakistan? Between boil lady and those two ugly dudes, this town is filled with 1/10s. If only those fun facts were true. I actually had to rewind to see if she said “Joestar”. She did. REPLY TO ANGEL: “Jotaro your name isn't even Joestar.” No, but considering his lineage, it might as well be. Clearly she’s a psychic old lady. Oh Polnareff, you flirt. SWEET BABY JEEBUS, THAT’S A NASTY THREAT. Paul-nareff. Fuck yeah, Hol Horse. Dammit man, you and your six-shooter had your chance, let Enyaba have her turn. And on go the crocodile One Piece tears. (Happy accident, BTW.) Not exactly an overreaction, but it feels like one without context. Don’t fuck with an old lady brandishing scissors as a weapon. Definitely don’t fuck with an old lady with a killer fog as her STAND. Polnareff’s about to get his retribution for causing Avdol’s death, just like Hol Horse got not a minute ago for the very same. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Nobody cares, lady narrator. Insert importaste “Kudelia pleases old men for money” joke here. Oh hey, another character whose name I don’t recognize. “What a jerk.” King Jerk, even! It’d be a shame if something terrible happened to that suit. Someone who thinks school is fun? Inconceivable! I’m starting to think Hush has a tsundere guy-crush on Mikazuki. All these people talking about re-heating food that’s still fairly warm sound like my mother. Mars pods are the secret to Mika’s fit physique. You mean that man? Didn’t expect that B-word. This masked man sounds awfully familiar… Thank you, announcer Jamieson Price. That’s one frighteningly photorealistic vase of flowers. OH MY GOD JC A BOMB. Guess that explains how “off” those flowers looked, then. And there’s some photorealistic liquor bottles, are they bombs too? 3 boring days in which nothing has happened. Yes, it’s been well established that Chad’s in a coma, but what about his suit? PROOFREADING ANGEL: “PRAY FOR CHAD.” You know a show’s starting to get boring when you can’t even think up good comments to make on it, but I’m sure it’ll come around eventually. Wait, what’s the SAU? “Now that Chad is no longer with us…” You’re not allowed to say that until he loses more than just his consciousness. Does that sudden noise count as a jump scare? Because I jumped. Seriously, what does SAU even stand for? Sword Art Underground? HUNTER x HUNTER Well, at least Gon’s improving in one field. Damn, they really thought ahead, didn’t they. What a heartbreaking and reasonable exposition for this whole arc. And here’s a case where no comments can be thought up because an episode is that engrossing. Gon, you madman. Apparently my dad thinks I’m watching Naruto in here. KEIKAKU DOORI. Careful, Gon, get beat up enough and he might start licking your tears. FUCK YEAH BISKY. ;D Oh shit she took off her power limiter, shit’s about to get really real. FACE PUNCH. I’m not too big on the voice, but Buff!Bisky looks way more attractive than I would’ve guessed upon hearing the phrase “muscle granny”. Now chuck him in the ocean! KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU. Followed by a Chidori, apparently. And now the yo-yo sees its importance. Oh hey, Milluki’s actually useful for once. That blood stain looks like a soul patch. He blames the Jews for that surprise head shot. And then electrotorture. Genthru, you a busta. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE “Huh, so that’s what Lupin looks like…” What the hell are you even talking about, Da Vinci? One stubborn samurai, indeed. “Why is it that Pops always blames me for everything?” Insert cutaway gag of Zenigata blaming Lupin for something innocuous like a cold cup of coffee. Between those two, Rebecca’s the cuter one and Fujiko’s the sexier one. Lupin calls it his “Yellow Jacket” look. The real surprise is that Robson was included too. I like seeing Nyx in casual wear; makes him look more personable. Not really surprised that he and Zenigata were hit too. Aw shit, MI-6 was watching them the whole time. Neat, a recreation of the Last Supper. Wait, why’s Zenigata still standing? MI-6 sure seems to love murdering people if they know too much, don’t they. So that explains why he quit. MOLTAR, SERVE THE FIRST COURSE! A giant plate of spaghetti? Make it gluten-free, and sign me the fuck up. DEEP. Too much tomato for me, also. GO TIME. Aw man, he’s already given him a nickname. Wait, where’d Lupin go? Still, this is a great four-part escape scene. Turns out he went to confront Da Vinci himself. Leonardo da Vinci, awayyyyy~! What Da Vinci will make next is a doomsday device to blow up all the bullies on his home planet. That Da Vinci’s one hell of a guy. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Oh hey, the rain finally let up. Poor Yamato, so useful and yet he’s the only one they’re relying on for that job. Holy crap, is everybody in a coma this week? Hi there, Tazuna and aged-up Inari, nice to see you two again. AND HERE COMES THE FILLER PORTION. Shut the fuck up, Sasuke. FUN FACT: The character 楽 can be pronounced as either “raku” or “gaku”. Tough talk about teamwork, coming from the guy who would abandon his village and is only coming back to lay it to further waste. Is ass pronunciation supposed to be some Japanese-exclusive form of mockery? Oh hey, it’s those two jerks. Take a drink every time Naruto tries to use Sexy Jutsu on Sasuke and it fails spectacularly. Take two whenever Sasuke calls Naruto a loser. You got your coupon, now keep it safe before you go off and fight. Naturally the guy with stitches smack down the middle of his forehead looks like a mental patient when he laughs. And they say Inari’s the crybaby here. What a fitting pair of bumpers, those were. It’s always somewhat nice seeing Naruto and Sasuke put their differences aside to fight a common enemy. Playing the decoy, that kid is surprisingly brave. Oh Eyepatch Guy, you and your obsession with cutting. ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. Yes, the water’s cold, but only at first. “I have to stop… so why can’t I stop!?” GENICHIROU ABE SAKUGA SPOTTED. TIMBERRRRRRRRRR! So much for that coupon. Fuck yeah, who else to build Ichiraku II? It might just be the slightly different animation style, but this was a pretty good filler episode. Fuck yeah, new ending theme. OUTLAW STAR STILL NOT HELPING, GILLIAM. Sometimes the smartest option isn’t the one that works out the best; tell that to Byakuya Kuchiki and the guy who founded Jameson. Fuck yeah, barely made it! Thank you friendly, official dude. Suzuka’s really enjoying her time off. FOOD BREAK. I love that Gene isn’t buying into their lies for a second. Fred is disappointed in the commentators’ bias. Harry, you crazy bastard. Aisha is a cute. A CUTE! Things aren’t going her way today, are they? Ah, asteroids, the icebergs of the sky. Considering his reasons, I can forgive Gene walking into danger just this once. Check it out, an upside-down Tri-Force. Too freaking adorable. :catsmile Meanwhile, bathing Suzuka. “BREAK INTO THE DOCK” sounds like an Engrish rock song. Welcome to Subspace: not nearly as kinky as it sounds. Oh good, they made it. How had I not noticed before that the ship’s cockpit has a freaking hood ornament? Is Aisha giving them a pep talk, because I like it. RIDE THE ETHER, BITCH. “In dumbass stunts, you’re in first place.” He’ll take that as a compliment. FUCK YEAH THIRD PLACE. Ah, screw you, other ship. >( Aisha looks good in that outfit, but I wasn’t expecting Jim to wear it too. Wish I could see how Melfina looked in it… All in all, good ending. (Not great.) COWBOY BEBOP A PG episode of Bebop? Inconceivable! Nice, laser doodles. My god… it’s full of ads. Heh, Bebop’s the only ship on that list being used for vacationing purposes. All this HD information. This Peter Lurie-sounding crackpot cracks me up. I love the banter between these guys. So you could say that they’re… super-hackers? Holy crap I forgot how much fun Ed was. It’s Spike’s day off, don’t wake him up. “Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code~!” BULLHORN. All these false rumors. I assume they only rated this TV-14 at first because that “drag queen” comment was too risqué in 2001. PEEEEEEEEPS. We artificial intelligence now. LIKE CPU, ONLY NEATER. Francoise ““Radical” Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV” Appledelhi is the best name. Mmm, chocolate Peeps. Dammit Spike, don’t feed chocolate to your dog! Well, that’s a kinda nice explanation. And so they all meet. Not a whole lot to say during this stretch, I’m afraid. So… did the copy work? That’s pretty harsh, Faye. When all else fails, hack them into agreement. Huh, was Ed’s face always drawn into South America like that? GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG It’s probably just because of all the different costumes and stuff and how those gynoids pull them off, or maybe it’s just my own interests, but I have very little problem with this party. Did anyone else notice that one of the ones on display looked kind of like the Major from the original GITS manga? COMMERCIAL CORNER So that’s where the “mountain bike juice delivery” idea came from! Still, a better subversion of the story would be if she was kicked out of her shoe due to zoning regulations. A home video of Oprah sobbing into a Lean Cuisine, indeed. Now if only these local on-demand ads would actually show up on the on-demand service itself… Holy shit Randy Jackson got thin. DirecTV is the true entity that needs its dick cut off. SURPRISE, MOTHAFUCKA with Snoop Dogg: coming to TBS this April 20th. We don’t even get to hear the Omniking’s voice this week? So the uglier Sonic guy is a college dropout who actually lives at the restaurant? Man, am I glad I’m not that loser. I have no desire t purchase Apple products, but that was a pretty sweet-ass ad. Poor Reincarnation of Stalin, he was just trying to enjoy some Doritos. King looks like he’s about to shank that guy with his spatula. That land-whale sounds awfully familiar. Oh, so Morty was referring to the manipulator chip as “cruel”. Whenever I hear people complaining about how people in real life don’t talk like the people in anime, I think about directing them to this one Cheetos commercial and the father’s “Which one of you… has been eating all… the Cheeto snacks?”, and asking them why they’re complaining about the way people in anime talk and not the much less realistic way that phony enunciates what he says. Quote
Bad_Witch Posted November 17, 2017 Posted November 17, 2017 Don't remember the last time I was here, but I miss Avdol. Jojo's not the same without him. Is it wrong to root for the old hag to kill Frenchie? 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 18, 2017 Author Posted November 18, 2017 (edited) Time for some good news, bad news. Good news: Toonami's expanding by half an hour starting December 2nd, meaning it will now start at 10:30. Bad news: said expansion involved the pickup of Black Clover, which premieres the same day at 11:30. Oh, and the prime-time DB hour is gone, so there's that to be excited about. Tonight on Toonami, the 6th Universe Tournament receives a post-festivities visit from the Omni-King Grand Zenoh, Goten and Trunks are forced to do fusion in Super Saiyan form before facing off against Buu again, Enyaba invokes her wrath on Jotaro's party with Polnareff as her first victim, Arbrau and the SAU engage in a meaningless border war (hopefully to the tune of the Warm & Scratchy track below), Gon shows how more than a little fucked in the head he can really be in his battle with Genthru, the theft of MI6's master list of agents forces Nyx to come out of retirement, you know you're in Filler Hell when your plot involves a random ostrich and silly revenge tactics, Gene gets a message from Harry MacDougall challenging him and the Outlaw Star crew to a grappler ship duel, the crew's visit to Ganymede forces Jet to face some loose threads from his mysterious past, and you haven't seen anyone unpleasant to look at until you've seen Kazundo Goda. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #40 - A Decision at Last! Is the Winner Beerus? Or is it Champa? - TV-14 8:30 - Dragonball Super #41 - Come Forth, Divine Dragon and Grant My Wish, Peas and Carrots! - TV-PGL ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #41 - Come Forth, Divine Dragon and Grant My Wish, Peas and Carrots! - TV-PGL 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #140 - The Powering Up Continues?! Super Gotenks is Achieved! - TV-PGV 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #15 - Justice, Part 2 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #31 - Silent War - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #74 - Victor and Loser - TV-14V 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #20 - Dragons Sleep Soundly - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #181 - Naruto's School of Revenge - TV-PGL 2:30 - Outlaw Star #12 - Mortal Combat with the El Dorado - TV-14L 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #10 - Ganymede Elegy - TV-PGLV 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #4 - NATURAL ENEMY - TV-14V [the big guns are comin' out] Edited November 18, 2017 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 8 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: Enyaba invokes her wrath on Jotaro's party with Polnareff as her first victim He deserves it. #stillsalty 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Jojo- Yoda here is a terrible person but Hol Horse and Polnareff deserve it for getting Avdol killed. How do you not notice a dead hillbilly 20 feet behind you? Poolnoodle you stupid bastard. Enya bout to have a rage-induced aneurism here. Oh hey he's not dead, stab him again. Surprisingly decent of you, horse boy. EVERYBODY ZOMBIE NIGHT. Oh no even the dog. Fuck off Hol Horse, you shot my husband in the face. Enyaba don't fuck around. Sorry Pol you're going to die in a filthy bathroom. Maybe they forgot about you. FALSE ALARM YOU'RE FUCKED. Ouch right in the mouth. She makes the zombies laugh with her. Oh god that's disgusting. And then Polnareff tongue-fucked a toilet. Thank god for Jotaro. I'm sure it's been awhile, it takes a long time to mouth-clean a toilet. Not today, granny. Good old Qtaro to the rescue. Oh good it's punching time. Damn you, baby! This is the weirdest teamup. You can't punch a cloud, Qojo. Jotaro gives no shits. Damn, Splats must be taking mouth lessons from Kakyoin. Frenching a toilet is acceptable penance for getting Avdol killed. Joseph is having a good time. Well that's horrifying. Sure take a hostage I'm sure that'll work out great. GODDAMMIT HOL HORSE. Gundam- Yeah just a freak accident with some exploding flowers.There is absolutely no way this can go badly no sir. Kiddo a lot of this isn't right and also I'm fairly sure most of you can't count past 14. Never trust Geass. You goddamn idiots. This guy is definitely not shady as fuck, y'all. Hey you want some gum? Oh yeah that's not an evil laugh at all. What is it good for, absolutely nothing. Gee I dunno maybe it's because you're all dying for nothing in some douche's shady scheme. Is the mask guy the one dude with the purple hair who went crazy last season because I don't remember if he lived or not. Oh kids, Chad's probably dead. I too like to watch buff shirtless dudes work out, ladies. Hi, kid Dandy. Dude you are just exhausting. Genuinely surprised that Chad's still alive. Fuck off, beard guy. YELLING SOLVES ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. Time for an emergency Joestar landing. Stop talking you're just tempting fate now. Goddammit Geass. Okay you are definitely going to die now. Hunter- Please don't hurt my son. Gon might just be insane. I like Killua's yoyo tricks. Please don't blow him up he's a good kid. Punch him and break his shitty glasses. Noo just follow the plan it's a good plan. I am concerned. Eat shit, asshole. GON WHAT THE FUCK YOU NEED ARMS. Sweetie it's really not a good thing when you out-crazy the mad bomber. At least he's managed to horrify his enemy beyond words. you have an extra hand in that book? Dude he just let you blow up his limbs you think he gives a shit? PLEASE STOP GETTING YOURSELF HURT. Blow up the bomber, excellent idea. Punch him in the dick and run. Well that was unexpected. Okay by now you should realized that this boy will suffer any amout of horriffic bodily harm in a fight without a care in the world. Now that's a big rock. Now get this kid medical attention immediately. Kill them all, kids. I guess it's nice that the assholes care about each other. Fuck that guy, heal Gon's injuries. Haaa she's like a reverse Enyaba. Aw crap no healing for you. No it's absolutely fine to let them die just because you hate them. Congratulations, you're all rich! Panda Maid is definitely the best card. Who the hell are all these people!? Lupin- Things are going too well for Nyx. Dude takes a sniper round to the torso like a champ. That is still the most British name I've ever heard. Hi sorry we shot at your kids but we need you to go into Hulk mode now. That was a surpisingly easy lock to defeat. Whelp that went awry. I hope that's a CD full of naked Fujiko. This could be going better for Nyx. Maybe y'all could help instead of sitting around on a damn boat. I'd still rather have a CD full of naked Fujiko but that sounds pretty useful. Oh right, he was supposed to be playing dead. You're a good dude, Lupin. And then everything blew up. That doesn't sound like overkill or anything. Whelp, y'all are gonna die. Nyx isn't looking so good. Lupin I don't think that's how odds work but I don't know enough about probability to dispute it. Well that's depressing. OHHHH YOU FUCKED UP, ASSHOLE. Oh hey, Jigen and Goemon decided to help afterall. Goddammit Da Vinci, get out of here! Well Leonardo Da Vinci is proving to be more bloodthirsty than I expected. Quote
Bad_Witch Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Jojo- Hey, know what can keep fog a bay. Fire. Avdol should would be nice to have around right now, but you assholes had to get him killed. God, I hope you die Frenchie. Old hag you might be evil but I really enjoy you. Hag you suck at did you not make sure cowboy was dead. Enter the living dead. Okay, keeping cowboy alive so hag can whack him was worth it You are going to die in a bathroom Frenchie, that's what you get for getting Avdol killed AFTER HE SPARED YOUR WORTHLESS LIFE. Did you stick your tongue do you get cut there. Yes, make him lick the toilet. I want it to sparkle. Ask for God, enter Jotaro. I love you Jotaro. Hag, I'm sorry but you're finished. Why has no one killed cowboy yet?! Punching is always the is sucking up all the fog. Joseph, never change. No, that's a bad plan...just kill her. Why are you still alive cowboy? If you had just killed him you all would still have your car. Gundam- I'm watching, just have nothing to say. Gundam's pretty mah for me. Hunter- Gon had no fucks to give. Just follow the plan. Why would you do that? You need your limbs. Gon you can't die here. Okay good, great plan only cost you a hand. Always kill your enemies. You kids are to nice, I have a bad feeling that might cost later. Killua, if the angel can heal everything, just ask for everything. Yay, money! Why are all you people here? Lupin- Nyx, for someone who's retired you're sure involved alot. Why are you two missing all the fun? Lupin, saying he's going to give the baddies what they want bet they don't get it. I was wrong, they did get it...not that it did them any good. Why does it look like Nyx's family is in the crosshairs? You are not going to kill the family! Told ya. Jigen and Goemon doing their duty. I never knew Da Vinci was this awesome. They never teach you the cool shit in school. 1 Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 (edited) On 11/19/2017 at 2:01 AM, EmpressAngel said: Jojo- She makes the zombies laugh with her. Gundam- Is the mask guy the one dude with the purple hair who went crazy last season because I don't remember if he lived or not. Hunter- Please don't hurt my son. Gon might just be insane... GON WHAT THE FUCK YOU NEED ARMS. Sweetie it's really not a good thing when you out-crazy the mad bomber... PLEASE STOP GETTING YOURSELF HURT. Lupin- I hope that's a CD full of naked Fujiko... I'd still rather have a CD full of naked Fujiko... Yes, I laughed that she commanded the zombies to laugh. I think it is, because he sounds like he has the same voice. If it's not Gaelio, I'll be surprised. Yes, Gon is far too casual about suffering horrible injuries and immense pain than anyone should be. Wouldn't we all? Witchy: You make a good point about Avdol. The advice about enemies could apply to both Team Joestar and our Hunter trio - that's synchronicity. I feel like the writers took some liberties with Leonardo's badassity here, but I'm perfectly willing to let it slide. DBS - For a moment, I thought Grand Zeno wasn't going to say anything other than "mm-hm." As for him being powerful enough to destroy all 12 universes, I have no idea why he would. Unless he's also able to create universes, he'd have nothing to rule if he did destroy them. A tournament with all the universes would take quite some time, I would think. Goku is sure lucky he's so likeable in his irreverent familiarity. I would think that either guard could take down all of the fighters present when they were healed and rested in a matter of moments. Good eye, 18. You gave Monaka what he needed to inspire the epiphany about the last Super Dragon Ball. Dang, that Dragon sure was huge. I feel like its mere presence would cause gravitational disturbances which would throw millions, if not billions, of star systems in the galaxies around it into chaos. Beerus wishing for Champa's Earth to be restored, with the population intact, was not only a nice gesture toward Champa, but it also would eliminate Champa's motivation to get Beerus' Earth. DBZK - Yep, Super Saiyan Gotenks was also rash in his overconfidence and youthful exuberance. What else would you expect from an 8-year-old? I'm beyond this episode in my manga reading, so I know that the puppy wasn't yet named Bee at this point, but I'm still going to call it that. Bee is a nice, friendly puppy which didn't deserve to be shot. However, when we consider something that the episode omitted, it's no surprise that the dude would shoot a dog - that thing is that the man and his cohort shot an elderly couple and 37 other people over the nine pages preceding shooting Bee, because he "always wanted shoot people! Here's (his) chance!!" Since the world was now ending, there were no long-term consequences to discourage him, and if the world didn't end, the deaths would likely be attributed to Buu's rampage of death and destruction. Another difference in the manga and the anime is that the words Buu says in the manga make him seem not only more intelligent, but also more vicious than in the anime. Maybe that's an effect of the dub giving him a high-pitched voice, but there's no getting around Buu's insight in the line to Bobbidi, from when Goku went to face Buu to buy Trunks time to get the Dragon Radar, "seal me... and he kill you," said with what strikes me as a sinister grin on his face. I don't understand how the chocolate Buu pulled from his pants wasn't at least partly melted. JoJo: SC - The scene with Jean intruding on Enya in the room where she tried to kill Hol and unintentionally making all those infuriating comments seemed like it dragged on and on and on. Once Hol, whose survival is effectively shenanigans, pulled himself out from under the sofa, Jean blew it in that he didn't attack Enya directly with Silver Chariot (S.C.). S.C.'s blade may not be able to cut the fog of Justice, but Justice also would be unable to block the blade, meaning this is an instance of a Stand being able to beat a Stand-user in order to beat the other Stand. We and Team Joestar all know that Stand's can interact with physical objects, including people. Had Jean simply thought of that, he could've been spared the chase by the zombies, hiding in a filthy bathroom, injury, exposure to a source of horrible infections, and humiliation. Jotaro, however, was clever to set a trap with his questions. I'm not sure about S.P. inhaling the fog to deprive Enya of oxygen for long enough to render her unconscious, but eh. I think that not killing her will be a decision they regret later. Of course Hol stole their vehicle and still plans to side with Dio, but that may be because Dio would kill him for fleeing after taking payment should he ever find Hol, but Dio might let Hol live in the hopes that he'd be a useful distraction when facing Team Joestar. Also, I only noticed this episode that Justice also has two right hands. I need to watch more closely. MSG: IBO 2 - The obvious answer to being denied landing at any Arbrau-controlled spaceport is simply to land somewhere in Arbrau territory that isn't a city or spaceport, Eugene. Just run it by Orga first to see if he has a better idea. If I understand this correctly, Rastall sent to dude with the black jacket to undermine Iron Flower and the SAU. That it thwarts McGyllis' secret dealings with Iron Flower is a bonus, but not the primary objective. The undermining effort taking the form of getting Iron Flower members killed off slowly in an attrition battle while manipulating them psychologically to keep fighting strikes me as particularly slimy. Hey, show? Can you telegraph that Aston and Takaki are going to die any more blatantly? With all the talk about wanting to go back to a peaceful life raising Fuuka and her wanting her brother to come back safely, it's a near certainty that he'll die in the next episode, especially if McGyllis, in his official capacity, is coming to the battlefield. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Aston and Takaki both die in the next episode. Frankly, I'd be surprised if one or neither of them die. Of course Akihiro passes the time lifting weights. Plus, Mikazuki gave good advice and insight to Hash about resting if all his other tasks were completed. I find it interesting that the medical beds on Earth work more slowly than the Martian ones, but they repair the damage more completely. It says to me that the focus on and around Mars is to get the soldiers back into the fight as quickly as possible. HxH - The hell, Gon? I understand that you were aware that Angel's Breath was available, but that only works if you survive. Losing a hand and having another wrist badly burned could be fatal injuries if not treated promptly, and you were gambling that you would be able to inflict enough damage to Genthru with one kick that he wouldn't be able to finish you in short order in your diminished state. Yes, it worked, but I have no idea how it worked mechanically, since the damage to your right wrist doubtlessly would've included blood vessels and nerves to your hand. Since the surface flesh was charred black, then the deeper tissues would also have been damaged. With compromised circulatory and nervous structures, I have no idea how he would've been able to channel energy from the rest of his body to his hand to use in defeating Genthru. Also, Gon's pain tolerance must be astounding. I don't remember whether Biscuit, Gon and Killua are aware that the game occurs in the physical world, but Angel's Breath is straight up magic. I very much doubt that even the most skillful nen-healers would be able to COMPLETELY REGENERATE A LOST APPENDAGE, but Angel's Breath did it in seconds. Plus, since they had up to four copies to use, I think they wasted them. None of the injuries, outside Gon's, were so severe that the person wouldn't be able to heal (almost) completely on their own. Sure, the black-haired Bomber might have some trouble breathing deeply or in high-stress situations, but he'd be able to live a mostly normal life, even for a Hunter (if he is one). If our trio knows that they are in the physical world and the cards still work, then they should've saved the other three cards. There's no telling if those would be useful later. I can understand Card 0 being unlocked once one team had gathered Cards 1 - 99, but a pop quiz to determine who would get Card 0 doesn't sound right to me. Let's say that a team, like our trio, gathered the cards through effort and amicable trades. If some other player or group gets lucky on answering the questions (let's face it: Gon isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, so he's at a distinct disadvantage in a test arrangement like this, even when he can consult with teammates or the information on the cards), then they could be awarded what is likely the only instance of Card 0, which is likely immune to cloning or the card that steals cards from an open book within a certain range. Since it was said that the card would go to the player with the most correct answers, I would imagine that time will be a factor, because the first quiz with every question answered correctly couldn't be outdone by anyone after them. Regardless of whether the player or group that wins Card 0 is deserving, they would then be a target for every other competing player or group in the game until they could get out of the game, and they will likely be required to leave through the official portal rather than using the Leave card in order to be recognized as having cleared the game. At least Mr. Battera did right by the players in that he'll pay each (surviving) player one billion for their efforts. I feel like that and the 50 billion offer being rescinded are pieces of information which should be made known to the players prior to the start of the quiz. Lupin - That was cruel, MI6. You put Nyx's blond daughter in danger to assure you would score a tranquilizer shot on him. It had to be a dart, because any number of sniper rounds would not only punch through Nyx and still hit the girl, but he would also be jolted forward by the impact much more than we saw. Still, it worked to capture Nyx so he could be coerced into cooperating to recover the list. I understand that a list of personnel is necessary, and I do applaud that it was stored on a physical medium which had to be stolen by physical intrusion rather than on a server which could be hacked. I like that the disc also bore the software of a call-home program to alert MI6 to its location. However, they had to rely on the tracker on Nyx to clue them to the exact location. The bombers wouldn't have been able to reach the location in such a short amount of time if they needed to rely on the call-home program. That means that the intel about who had the disc and where they were was already in MI6's possession, so the only reason to send Nyx was to try to recover the disc quietly. Thanks for the assist, Goemon and Jigen. That was some manly-looking slugging between Nyx and Percival. I'm impressed that Leonardo was able to breach that facility to prevent Nyx from finishing Percival, but I don't understand why he would intervene. Lupin holding that information would be a good way to keep other law enforcement agencies from pestering him and his crew, but the list would eventually become outdated and thus useless to compel MI6 to keep those other agencies off Lupin and company's backs. Shippuden - Vendetta permits sound a lot like the Avenger of Blood, including that the family of the slain person could choose another relative to pursue the slayer. However, I feel like the Avenger in this case shirked his duty. Whether the story the pursued offered was true or not (especially in light of the slain man's refusal to honor his debt being the cause of the scuffle), it's not the pursuer's decision to make alone about whether to call off the vendetta. The slain man's immediate family needs to know this and make a decision about whether to maintain the vendetta or not. Also, the twin who was actually involved in the manslaughter going into hiding is much like going to a City of Refuge, albeit informally and not alone. Still, the scoundrel twin taking on his brother's identity to draw the heat off his brother was a good turn, and he doesn't deserve to die for it. OS - Yes, two-on-one is sneaky and underhanded - also called a classic MacDougall tactic. I'm fine with Gilliam shutting down to prevent damage to or co-opting it, but if the ship's A.I. is off, then how could the main computer be still be active for Harry to infiltrate? Maybe it's because Melfina was in her interface tube and can conduct some ship functions on her own. Still, I feel bad for her for having to face Harry's intrusion alone. Thanks for stopping Harry before he could accost Melfina more, Gene, even though you had no idea it was happening. The Outlaw Star having a breaching tube was something I forgot, but I am curious as to whether there are safety systems involved to keep the ship sealed if the other ship tries to fly away and breaks the tube in the process. I would expect so. Gwen Khan is completely shady, but I feel like some of his odd character here was due to the dub script, though I didn't compare his subbed lines to his English dialogue. CB - It took me several viewings before I figured out what the odd structures at the water's edge were, but now I know they're placed along shorelines in places which are very susceptible to erosion in order to slow that process. We know it's been a few years since Jet left the police, but it amazes me how all the guys he knows are older than him, and so much so that Donnelly could be considered like another father-figure, not just a respected senior officer and mentor. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - In other words, this wasn't just a problem of the technology running out of control with regard to legitimate external inputs, but it was also a failure of the pilot both to recognize that something was wrong with him and report that he wasn't feeling well. That said, if the guy has never had a heart attack, he wouldn't necessarily recognize what was happening to him. It's also a failure of the technology in the form of the pilot's cyberbrain continuing to function without a functional circulatory system. Also, Goda. The answer is Goda finding a convenient target whose murder via micromachine could be disguised as an accident to set up his scheme. This means that later on, he was a conspirator in a plot to murder an SDA pilot and hijack several pieces of military equipment. Defection aside, he was guilty of murder and treason, so shooting him as he attempted to flee the country could be considered justified. Edited November 20, 2017 by FoleyisGood149 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 19, 2017 Author Posted November 19, 2017 COUNTDOWN Damn, I forgot to cover this in yesterday’s preview… I see only one flaw in Future TOM’s logic: if he couldn’t take out Evil!SARA, what makes him think our TOM has any chance of doing better? Okay, so maybe the countdown’s actually for when they reach the Nebula of No Return. Time travel logic, fuck yeah. OR MAYBE IT WAS A DETONATOR ALL ALONG. Turns out SARA can move in the stopped time. Is that Earth down there? I don’t think I like this timeline anymore… Next week, TOM gets tentacle raped? DRAGONBALL SUPER Only the narrator would make the phrase “peas and carrots” sound completely awesome-sounding. Shin, you ignorant slut. To be fair, Beerus has destroyed recently, just on really unfair terms. Vados is best girl (female). Well at least these guys are more polite about rejecting Goku’s requests than Chi-Chi is. It’s just a handshake, don’t act so mortified. And that’s another god Goku basically befriended. LATER GATORS. Goku thinks on the simplest of terms. Vegeta is best tsundere (male). Hit, meanwhile, is dandere because he’s not angry enough to be a proper tsundere. You can’t not love Mr. Satan. Pour one out for Bulma’s Japanese VA. Thank you for the assistance, 18 and Monaka. And then Shogo 162 imploded, the end. The divine language looks like it’d be fun to speak in. “Why do I feel like I’m being pranked right now?” You’re not the only one with that feeling, Beerus. Ian Sinclair’s voice is a national treasure. YOHOHOHOHO. I summon Slyfer, the Executive Producer! And then shit got weeeeeeeeird. ECHO (echo, echo, echo…)! Goddammit Chi-Chi he was being serious, don’t assume he wasn’t just because he said “poop”. Such snarkiness, Krillin. You fool! No mattress store could possibly have one comfortable enough to suit Beerus’s taste! Huh, what a nice guy, that Beerus. Turns out Monaka was a space delivery boy. The big question is, was it the “suck” or the “freaking” that got us the L subrating? And then Evil!SARA blew up the Earth, the end. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Shut up, Nightmare Yamcha. Meanwhile, Elder Kai’s just speaking in tongues now, nothing sounds divine about that language. Meditation time! Pour another one out for Bulma’s Japanese VA. Okay, I did not expect that spanking. “Listen to your mothers,” says Green Dad. Piccolo has the most metro powers. Kibito doesn’t like it when people talk with their mouths full, apparently. And they say the Japanese have no concept of sarcasm… Fuck yeah, sped up recap animation. “My toupee!” Goddammit, Super Gotenks. Well, at least he proved himself one of the fastest in the universe. It appears that the “two-bastard rule” now applies to PG properties as well. BUU TAKE OFFENSE TO THAT. Hearing Piccolo scream over a still image is kind of a weird sight. DYN-O-MITE DYN-O-MITE. “And I’ll be a bigger hero to the world than Seal Team Six!” Once again, Buu fails to understand that healing others makes others look up to you in a positive light. Feeding a dog chocolate is dangerous, but poison-but poison-but poison-[REBOOT IN PROGRESS]-but poison chocolate? Really dangerous! And then Mr. Satan realized that maybe he’s going about this the wrong way. BIBIDI BABIDI BUU. Thank you, Mr. Satan, you saved us all! That dude sounds like Sean Connery. Oh fuck you, you British bastard. Buu’s eyes are open, shit’s ‘bout to get real. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS I… don’t think that means she’s okay, Polnareff. Ah, the good ol’ “distract him away from the obvious corpse” maneuver. “Puppet of Justice” sounds like a good name for a J-Rock band. TRIGGERED. What really hurts here is that Centerfold was too ugly to score a daughter-in-law for Enyaba. Oh goddammit Polnareff you’re cracking me up with your ignorance. Turns out Hol Horse was alive all along. AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. [cue Pillar Men theme] Oh shit it’s the boil lady. Zombie dogs, zombie babies, are there any more zombies I need to know about? TIME FOR THE POLNAREFF SECRET TECHNIQUE! Not sure if Polnareff’s being honest or hypocritical here. These villains really have it out for his genitalia. It’s funny when Hol Horse gets hurt. At least the toilet doesn’t have a pig’s head sticking out of it this time. Face it, it’s more fun to fuck with you this way. HARDCORE TONGUE ON TONGUE ACTION. Oh look, something more disturbing than the boil lady. RERORERORERORERORERORERO. Oh hey, Jotaro’s finally doing something. Rule #1: never underestimate Jotaro Kujo. Here comes the stress sweat… Great, now I wanna watch Columbo. FUN FACT: Kakyoin used a fake name too. MOSH PIIIIIIIIIT. Fuck you, naked zombie baby. You could always burn the fog, but Avdol’s no longer with us, so… For the longest time I thought Justice getting sucked up by Star Platinum was OVA original. Oh Jotaro, you and your lame puns. SHIT COUNT: 4. Turns out it was a cemetery all along. HOL HOOOOOOOOOORSE! We already know DIO was capable of burning a dog alive and letting a woman feast on her baby, I can’t see how more terrifying he can be than that. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS We Canada-America border wars now! Oh, those guys are still a thing? Hell, forget that, how long has this conflict even been going on? Did we skip an episode or something? And since when did McGillis get there!? Cocky blonde dude is so dead. “Stop, in the name of-!” [boom] I can’t even tell what game this dude with the facial hair is playing. If “goddamn” is no longer 14-L worthy, I wonder how long it’ll be before they finally allow the F-bomb to slip by uncensored. DON’T LOSE YOUR WAAAAAAAAAAY~. “Who’s underneath that mask?” “If I told you, it’d ruin the illusion, and you know how us mask fetishists hate that.” Canada vs. America is the best war, and the best song on Warm & Scratchy (barring Crimson Red and The Equestrian, of course). Lafter’s thinking about having an affair. Those are some cool-looking soda cozies. This guy really wants to do stuff, doesn’t he? Mikazuki makes a fair point. You said it, Blonde Kirito. Stone cold, Mika. Cool, more animated shots of urban Edmonton. Dang, coma curation technology has really advanced since our time. Of course you should be doing it, math is absolutely important! H-HAYAI! That’s Captain Galan to you, boy. “Something here doesn’t feel right…” It’s Evil SARA, isn’t it? I KNEW IT, IT IS EVIL SARA! Blonde Kirito says fuck your rules. Sure, they may be dogs, but if they die, their masters will fuck you up something fierce. Assuming they care as much as Majin Buu, that is. Thank god McGillis is bringing an end to this bullshit. I assume that imagery’s supposed to be significant to some degree. HUNTER x HUNTER Nothing’s creepier than watching staticky footage of Killua messing around with a yo-yo. Genthru truly is the Sugo of this show, someone get him a crying Cherami Leigh-voiced character to help prove my point. STOMACH PUNCH. Rule #2: Never underestimate Gon. Bisky’s a great teacher. GYO GYO GYO. Gon just had a Brain Blast™, that can’t be good. BAAAAAAAD TOUCH. What just happened, indeed. Holy shit Gon, you truly are your father’s son. I can literally feel the hype building up. More than a little fucked in the head, indeed. Okay, I was not expecting that pit of doom. OH MY GOD A GIANT ROCK. HYYYYYYYYYPE. Well that ended fairly well. I assume that card’s the reason why Gon got his hands blown off in the first place. Neat, a lesson on the morality of killing. Angel’s Breath looks like a Leiji Matsumoto character. One billion jenny each. Time to hunt down the elusive card 0, then! Or maybe you just have to win it in a quiz bowl competition, which appeals to my interests. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE I’m surprised he was able to shrug off that sniper bullet for as long as he could, honestly. I swear, it’s like he’s trying to piss Nyx off on purpose. Well, at least there’s… decent reason for why he was drugged and brought in. Of course Lupin would steal the relevant item of the week; for what reason, that’s still up for debate. Lemme guess, ski mask guy is Nyx. One of the background goons is a girl in an OTN mask, this episode just got way better. Any reason one of those guys is shirtless? WATERBOARDING. Something tells me Nyx wouldn’t go down that easily. Called it. Ooh, the plot thickens. “I will annihilate you!” he says as he gets shot in the thigh. He actually called him Dolph Lundgren. With bondage as simple as that, of course Lupin got out of it that easily. Nyx fucked up, and now he’s being left behind. Don’t call Lupin a monkey, Dolph, he hypnotized the last guy who did that into acting like one himself. This dub script is amazing. Oh shit, it’s the Blue Angels! Random bathtub. That’s a pretty cut-and-dry system they’ve put together. Noooo not the OTN mask girl. Nothing’s impossible when Lupin’s on your side! I love it whenever those two team up. SHOE BOMB. Ohhhh so this is a teacher-student thing, is it? I know this is depressing and all but there’s still something off-sounding about Nyx’s redheaded daughter. FUCK YOU GIBBONS. FUCK YEAH NYX. I knew he’d make it out just fine. And then Leonardo da Vinci showed up because why the fuck not. He’s surprisingly a cool guy for someone who wants to “recreate the world”. Holy shit what did he even do to him? NARUTO SHIPPUDEN “Hey, here’s an idea… GO TO HELL SASUKE!” Hey, he’s been subject to no shortage of negative feedback for the better part of 12 years, he’s gotta get in all the compliments that he can. I’d say Sakura’s remembering Filler Hell, but considering this was before Sasuke turned his back on the village, I’ll just redact that comment. EVIL OSTRICH TIME, GO. I dunno about it being “cute”, hell, even that elephant/jellyfish hybrid from SAO II was cuter than that thing. I guess that explains the brain damage Naruto had in Filler Hell. Okay, Sasuke getting pecked was pretty funny. It’s official, Naruto does a better job defining “vendetta” for first-timers of the word than the Simpsons did. The murder weapon was a rock, you say… Any word on how giant it was? Dude’s clearly not fit to wild a sword that ungodly huge. QUOTE FROM MY DAD: “They sure love saying ‘bastard’ on that show.” VENDETTA! The Sakura of then would easily be shocked to know how fondly the Sakura of now looks back on this little misadventure. “What an angrily nice young man.” Huh, I never knew ninja villages had otaku in them. OH NO HE’S HOT. In the ninja world, instead of killer Japanese trucks, they have killer Japanese ostriches. Well this filler just got slightly more interesting. I can see why he’s afraid of those eyes, they’re exactly the same as Yamato’s. “There’s somethin’ about this fight that’s bugging me, and it ain’t the gambling.” Exactly like Yamato’s. Turns out it was all just a misunderstanding, and a surprisingly well-done dramatic one too. And of course, the big crime boss in town has a problem with all that. Well that turned out pretty alright in the end. I get what Sasuke means, but I don’t necessarily agree with it, considering he’s already plotting greater revenge. Well he did stop by your guys’ village a while back, so he could’ve seen you were you not out on business. The funny thing is that Naruto isn’t even lying, he’s just downplaying things. Damn that kid’s edgier than Akame ga Kill, maybe even edgier than Tokyo Ghoul. My dad just came in again and pointed out that the chakra receivers in Pain’s nose look like guitar threads. OUTLAW STAR Corrupted voice Gilliam reminds me too much of Evil SARA to be even the least bit amusing. [“Memory” by the Seatbelts plays softly] So… don’t fuck with the MacDougalls, then. Interesting intercutting between flashbacks and the present. You just can’t not love Aisha. Why hello there, creepy old dude. This guy seems to love repeating things. Okay… that was a strange encounter. Did she just call him a dick? I just noticed Suzuka still isn’t there. “You won’t get away… Dammit, he got away!” You gotta love those grappler arms. I’m not entirely sure what “high” is supposed to mean. Again, Aisha is just too adorable. GRAPPLER FIGHT! I knew that dude was a pansy the moment I saw his pink tracksuit. Melfina’s basically getting mind-raped right now, and I, sir, do not like it. “You shot me! You shot me in the arm!” SUPER RUN AWAY. That means Harry’s just Ron’s accomplice; his surprisingly murder-happy accomplice. HOT DAMMIT. “Now what?” You pick up Aisha, that’s what. COWBOY BEBOP I can’t remember how many times I watched this episode in the past and zoned out doing other shit at the halfway point. If only I didn’t miss out on all that… GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG “Pathetic… What’s the world coming to?” You said it, Batou. AND ALL THE REST Well shit, the bumps got corrupted something fierce. No way, since when did Keanu Reeves join the Star Wars universe? Fuck yeah, local infrastructure! “Pop music has always been my jam.” And it’s also been real shitty the past few years. C.C. would love that new pizza. I feel like this is the beginning of a new GEICO gimmick. CHESTBUMP. That’s a pretty hype marathon ad, the Countdown aesthetic really works in its favor. Lookit that, a whole new slew of things I’d never enjoy if I liked cable like those dregs of humanity! This African-American friendly Claymation Sprite commercial is oddly comfy. I made my own Reuben last Friday with me-safe ingredients and it was fucking delicious. I don’t know what a “goo day” is, but even though I have an idea, I don’t think I wanna know the truth… Fuck yeah, new Off the Air episodes this week (and the next two). This ad is too brotastic for me. Valerian and Laureline? You mean like that French anime that came out on DVD this year? Momma Jelly don’t give no fuck about anything. YOU GOTTA DANCE YRSELF CLEAN. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bank robbery in commercials outside of that one “Arby’s is Good Mood Food” ad get stopped. They really need to have more hostages say “fuck you” to those “don’t be a hero” assholes and do something about that shit. “Life is short.” Is it? Is it really? Oh crap that last bump cycled through all the shows that’s really not good. [really dangerous too] 1 Quote
Blatch Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 (edited) So for Countdown, one of the TOMs blew up the Earth, or at least an Earth-like planet prone to nu... Nutella-focused meltdowns. It also has some confusing time travel rules. So if you can just replace your current self with a version from the past and take their place, I guess TOM didn't realize that his early version could set right what he thought went wrong. Go figure. But he also left behind that hologram, so it's uncertain which plan he felt had a better chance of success; in other words, huh. This is probably the weakest TIE of the new era, at least in my opinion, but it's still fun. I honestly wasn't too impressed with JoJo's this week. The idea of Enyaba being able to bring back the Stands of departed villains has a lot of potential, probably for more than two parts, but they focused too much on Polnareff in the disgusting bathroom, plus the licking, and then Star Platinum swallowed Justice just like that? It felt like an ass pull. But on the plus side, at least Hol Horse is still around, so this is no longer just a binary matter of getting to Egypt for DIO. I hope the show stays that strong. Edited November 19, 2017 by Blatch Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 25, 2017 Author Posted November 25, 2017 You know what the best part of Thanksgiving marathons is? The strikethroughs don't affect the ratings any. That said, enjoy the finale of Countdown and a repeat run of the last 10 episodes of DBZ Kai, the best ten to remind you that the days of TV-PGLV ratings ad nauseum are finally over. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #40 - A Decision at Last! Is the Winner Beerus? Or is it Champa? - TV-14 8:30 - Dragonball Super #41 - Come Forth, Divine Dragon and Grant My Wish, Peas and Carrots! - TV-PGL ... 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #131 - Find the Nuisances: Babidi's Retaliation Begins! - TV-PGLV 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #132 - A Time of Trials! Lay Hold of Legendary Powers! - TV-PGV 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #133 - Hold Majin Buu in Check! Limit: Super Saiyan 3! - TV-PGV 12:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #134 - True Worth Beginning to Show: The Treacherous Buu! - TV-14 1:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #135 - Silly Looking? Drilling the Fusion Pose! - TV-14 1:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #136 - Bye-Bye, Everyone! Goku Returns to the Next World - TV-PGL 2:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #137 - Gohan Located! Intensive Training in the World of the Kais! - TV-PG 2:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #138 - Birth of a Merged Superwarrior! His Name is Gotenks! - TV-14D 3:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #139 - Who Will Defeat Majin Buu? The Mightiest of Men Moves Out! - TV-PG 3:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #140 - The Powering Up Continues?! Super Gotenks is Achieved! - TV-PGV Quote
Top Gun Posted November 25, 2017 Posted November 25, 2017 So at what time have they been running this Countdown thingy? I have a DVR backlog weeks long by now, and I wouldn't mind recording it if I can figure out when. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 25, 2017 Author Posted November 25, 2017 All the way at the top of the block, just before Super at 11. If you don't have those recordings, then the first three episodes shouldn't be too hard to find on YouTube. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted November 26, 2017 Posted November 26, 2017 Okay, I'll bite. What's with the strikethroughs on the "m's? Regarding the Black Clover promo, two things strike me. First, the guy being unable to use magic in a world where it's widespread makes me think of Rock Lee being a ninja with no ninjutsu, i.e. he has a tremendous handicap. However, the guy wanting to be this Wizard King complicates it further, since it would be like Rock wanting to be the Hokage when he only has taijutsu, which would verge on delusional. Second, this strikes me as a show which I wouldn't seek on my own, but since Toonami will put it in front of my face, I intend to watch it. DBZK - Children aged seven and eight years may resist the idea of naps, and they probably don't truly need them daily, but one every now and then will do them good, and especially so after two tough fights in one day and getting knocked out by a grown man. If Bulma was eavesdropping to assure Goku was treating Trunks well in instructing the boys and barged in after having Trunks lower his power to match Goten, then I'm going to guess she was otherwise occupied the day Super Saiyan Vegeta punched Trunks in the face in the Gravity Room. Buu destroying a city one building at a time and terrorizing individual victims actually bought Trunks more time to search for the Dragon Radar. Plus, it's not really necessary to fret stopping Bobbidi. Krillin could probably manage it, or even Chaotzu were he there. Buu is the only actual problem for the Z Fighters. I don't really get the limitation on Goku's time on Earth being tied to how much power he used, but eh. It might just be my proclivity toward redheads, but I can't blame Buu for singling out that woman in the city to ask for a kiss. For this show's character designs, she was a hot mama. Buu needs more fiber in his diet if he must strain that much to poop. It's entirely to be expected, since we haven't seen him eat anything other than sweet treats. The cakes probably had the most fiber of anything he consumed. After a day of Buu rampaging through cities, I don't know why people wouldn't flee population centers to hide miles and miles away in the countryside. Yes, he did destroy a small town when making his house, but that was more due to chance that he was tired and looked for the closest relatively flat place. Goku may have remained pure in his intentions such that he could ride kinto'un, but he became aware of perversity thanks to Master Roshi, and that insight did give Goku the savviness to bargain with the Elder Kai. Also, in the manga, the panels for the boys performing fusion up to the botched parts looked like they were recycled, and in one panel Krillin said "hey, wait a minute! What's Toriyama pulling?! These panels have gotta be photocopies!" In that panel, Toriyama's drawn version of himself appeared in the background and said, "um... Mr. Editor... ? You don't have to pay me for this page... Really..." Mr. Satan did make legitimate sly attempts to kill or defeat Buu, but he just couldn't overcome Buu's powers. Kibito and Shin need to be careful about feeding Goku, because he'll eat practically anything and everything that's offered to him, so he could devour their entire food supply and still have room for more. Quote
Bad_Witch Posted November 26, 2017 Posted November 26, 2017 50 minutes ago, FoleyisGood149 said: Regarding the Black Clover promo, two things strike me. First, the guy being unable to use magic in a world where it's widespread makes me think of Rock Lee being a ninja with no ninjutsu, i.e. he has a tremendous handicap. However, the guy wanting to be this Wizard King complicates it further, since it would be like Rock wanting to be the Hokage when he only has taijutsu, which would verge on delusional. Second, this strikes me as a show which I wouldn't seek on my own, but since Toonami will put it in front of my face, I intend to watch it. That's why I'll be watching. Maybe it's because of the magic, but it reminded me more of Harry Potter. Main character = Filch and I can't wait to find out how he gets his job cleaning toilets at Hogwarts. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 26, 2017 Author Posted November 26, 2017 3 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: Okay, I'll bite. What's with the strikethroughs on the "m's? It's an Ohio State tradition. The week of the game against Michigan, the good majority the Ms on-campus, particularly those on outside signs, are crossed out with red tape. One of the local stations this year went the extra mile and replaced all the Ms with an asterisk during any and all game-related coverage. I'm not a huge fan of their football team - my dad being both a Purdue fan and one who hates the Buckeye fandom's "holier-than-thou" attitude might have helped with that - but I might as well do my part as a graduate of/grad student at the university, so there you go. I did the exact same thing last year, only it was more obvious because I said "Go Bucks" at the end. That aside, thoughts on all that aired. As I expected, Countdown didn't shake up the Toonami universe like one would think it would. The ending was sort of confusing (so are they gonna try and avoid that killer nebula in the present or not?), but I liked how the point of it was to show how good friends TOM and SARA really are. I totally called that there was gonna be a Black Clover promo, shows Elfie for assuming they wouldn't have one because they didn't show it on Pre-Flight. In regards to the whole "Asta being the only person in the world who can't use magic" thing, my first thought was actually Cross Ange. At least here, Asta's only looked down upon for his lacking magic abilities. Ange was disowned by practically everybody who has magic in her world and bullied by those like her who don't. At least, until she met Kira Yamato and learned to stop giving a fuck. Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted November 27, 2017 Posted November 27, 2017 Oh, that nonsense again? Well, I'm sure y'all beat Michigan since you're now up to face Wisconsin, one of the last 2 unbeaten teams, next week! And your cross-state rivals, Ohio, are about to get a serious DRAGON BITE closer to Christmas! But I digress. I dug Countdown as a whole. It may have been somewhat anti-climactic, but it did do something no other TIE has done: leave something unresolved. Even though just in another timeline, S.A.R.A. was destroyed, and T.O.M. ended up floating endlessly through space. Yes, we got the Black Clover promo! I saw the sub first and I found it really intriguing. Results may vary, but hopefully it will do better in the ratings at 11:30 PM than DBZ Kai did, especially because DB Super is one-and-done for the first time ever like most of the rest of Toonami. And, with one exception, for the first time ever, Toonami's airing is now a premiere! Quote
Blatch Posted November 27, 2017 Posted November 27, 2017 I just watched the Black Clover trailer. Asta's VA sounds like a poor man's Bryce Papenbrook, but I thought he was competently done. I'm not sure if I could stand a show with such an ingloriously angry protagonist, however, but that's what actually getting down and sampling it is for. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted November 29, 2017 Posted November 29, 2017 (edited) On 11/26/2017 at 7:50 AM, PokeNirvash said: It's an Ohio State tradition. The week of the game against Michigan, the good majority the Ms on-campus, particularly those on outside signs, are crossed out with red tape. One of the local stations this year went the extra mile and replaced all the Ms with an asterisk during any and all game-related coverage. Now that you mention it, I do remember you doing that previously. I just didn't recall what it was. Sounds like a lot of effort for a petty jab, especially when it was an away game for OSU. The expansion of the block made me change my alarm for Saturday night. Edited November 29, 2017 by FoleyisGood149 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 2, 2017 Author Posted December 2, 2017 (edited) I wouldn't really call it a "petty jab" on my end, I don't even care that much about the rivalry but the idea of finding a certain letter wherever you can and crossing it out sounds like fun regardless of the context. Tonight on Toonami, the block expands by another half-hour as everyone but Goku learns the shocking truth about Monaka, Buu gets revenge on the vaguely Australian asshole who shot his dog, the world's pluckiest shounen protagonist attempts to become the "Wizard King" in spite of having as much magical power as a real-life magician, Joseph teaches the boys how to haggle as they make it to Karachi, McGillis enters the Canada-America border war as a third party, the Greed Island arc reaches its conclusion with a quiz bowl tournament for the final slot card, Lupin's latest steal proves too expensive for Zenigata to actually do anything about, Gaara reflects on an early interaction with Team 7 after finally hearing news of Pain's attack on the Hidden Leaf, the Outlaw Star crew take up multiple odd jobs in Heifong and hijinks expectedly ensue, the Bebop crew finds themselves trapped on the ship with a formless alien entity, and Prime Minister Kayabuki's redaction of Japan's refugee policy makes her the target of an assassination attempt by a member of the Individual Eleven. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #42 - A Chaotic Victory Party! Showdown at Last!? Monaka vs. Goku! - TV-PGLV 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #141 - What Anger Gives Rise To: Another Majin! - TV-14 11:30 - Black Clover #1 - Asta and Yuno - TV-PGLV 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #16 - The Lovers, Part 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #32 - My Friend - TV-14V 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #75 - Ging's Friends and True Friends - TV-PGL 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #21 - To Hear You Sing Again - TV-PG 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #182 - Gaara's Bond - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #13 - Advance Guard from Another World - TV-PGL 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #11 - Toys in the Attic - TV-14L 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #5 - INDUCTANCE - TV-14V [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] Edited December 2, 2017 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted December 3, 2017 Posted December 3, 2017 Clover- I'm already tired of these babies. I'll admit, I have to respect a baby with a decent roundhouse kick. Fuck off kid, do you not know how nuns work? Christ, I hate him already. The good twin is right about all of that. What in the fuck is wrong with this kid. "Could you try harder to be nicer to this spastic dickwad that everyone hates?" This boy is worse than Naruto. Howdy, dicks. Morning, Gandalf. Thank you dick joke, the single bright spot in this dumpster fire. You don't get a spellbook because you're not really a human, you're some kind of weird unlikable hobgoblin. I'm glad the good twin gets the best book. Everyone, point and laugh at him. Oh hell yeah, three whole potatoes. Oh my god, shut up. Kick them in the dicks with your magic. Oh what the hell now. I'm already tired of this. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. Is it too much to hope that the thief guy brutally murders him in the first episode? No it's over and you're done just give up. God this is corny. Oh what in the fuck is this. Yes, I can believe the devil made this show just to make me suffer. Jojo- Nice carriage, dorks. I could go for some kebabs. I will give you $1.50 for that. The narrator is having fun. Good job Joseph you tried. Aw damn granny's up. Aw shit the kebab guy's evil. Bye granny it was fun while it lasted. DAN OF STEEL is the best name. Polnareff she made you lick a toilet why are you concerned. Quick, hamon it out of her. Okay but her son deserved to die. Now that's some real loyalty. Fuck off, Danny boy. I got a bad feeling about this. SHIT. Joseph's ribcage just exploded. "Small child, kick my ass!" Whelp, Joseph's fucked. Quick, use hamon on it! Steely Dan is a dick. Jotaro no you're gonna kill grandpa. YOU MAD BRO? Every time Joseph references part 2 I smile and clap my hands like a seal. You're an asshole and your stand is an asshole. I'm going to enjoy watching Jotaro kick his ass later. Gotta do some quick roadside brain surgery. The tiniest stands possible. Suuuuch a dick. MY LEG. Be the best bridge you can be, Jojo. Kakyoin: student by day, brain surgeon by night. This is the longest ten minutes of his life. Gundam- You're a dick, Geass. There's no way these kids are getting out of here alive. Hey maybe the suspicious fucker you're blindly following is actually a bad guy, y'all. Whelp so much for that kid. Dying robot hug, go. Oh hey Mika. Oh that looks rough. Ouuuch. And the award for least surprising death goes to this boy. Kid's got some lungs on him. Kick his ass, my dudes. Hi wives! Kill him slowly and painfully. Buddy just sit down and let Mike wipe the floor with them alone. LET ME AXE YOU A QUESTION. Wow you're really bad at this. Oh shut up. Now this is satisfying to watch. Now bang that wife. Your excuses are bad and you should feel bad. I do enjoy Mika refusing to give an iota of a fuck and just immediatley hopping on the murder train. Shoot him in the face and also the dick. Don't congratulate him, he sucked and failed. Here have some candy. Yeah sure, he was really kind when he spent a full month going through child soldiers like disposable forks. This is gonna be a pleasent conversation I'm sure. Hunter- I don't trust these guys. I love my adorable idiot children. I'd fail this quiz immediately. Oh hey is that the one dude with the gross slug thing? I swear to god if it's Hioka i'm flipping a table. YAY HE WON. Is he finally gonna see his shitlord dad? Fuck off, weirdos. I'm glad that was such a quick fight. Do you still have that weird gross slug thing? OH FUCK IT'S HISOKA. I will be shocked if Ging actually bothered to show up for his son. Hello, random small child. What in the hell? I feel better about the cluttered squalor I live in now. Dude you're kind of a dick. Man you should have saved one of those magic Angel cards. Gon is a good kid. Why was Ging dicking around with some small child instead of his own fucking kid? Yeah we already know Ging's a dick. Wow man I'm sorry both of your parents were obviously illiterate. Ging, reigning champ at dodging child support. I wish these card descripions didn't flash by at the speed of goddamn light. Wait what's your plan here what are you doing. I don't know how these are gonna help you. I'm glad Bisky got her fancy rock. Okay you're gonna have to explain more things to me. Wow that's an unfortunate anagram. Ging why the fuck did you bring a baby here? Oh my god, you're adorable. Lady you're missing out, dilfs are great. Too late you're already a much better parent than either of them have ever had. Something is about to go very wrong I'm sure. Lupin- Oh hey she's cute. That is a nice car I can't blame him for taking the opportunity. Is the reward Fuji's boobs because I'd steal a car for that. Don't be such a cockblock, antique car. Five million Euros doesn't sound like a ridiculous amount consdering he stole the Mona Lisa like a month ago. Oh hey it's the cute girl. The car wants to go home. Just let her be happy. If you barf in that car I'll kill you. GET IT, CUTE LADY. Oh he's gonna touch some merchandise alright. Aw shit is she dead? Hiiiii Fujiko. That is a sneaky and underhanded plan, I like it. They definitely fucked in that car. Sending Fuji in to negotiate seems like a weird tactic let's see how this plays out. Oh hey Zeni. Nothing like setting off a flash bomb roughly ten feet away from a dying woman. Car knows what's up. Ice cream also makes me happy. Well this is downright heartwarming. Aaaand I'm crying. Fuji is going to kill you. Quote
Bad_Witch Posted December 3, 2017 Posted December 3, 2017 BC: Why do we have to start with babies? Dude, she's a nun. "How do you use water magic on accident?" I ask out loud. "She got wet," my wonderful son replies. My god you are annoying. Learn to take no for an answer. *Asta goes on training montage, is saying stupid shit about how he's going to get stronger...I think. I don't know because in the middle of the this montage, when he starts doing sit ups, my son blurts out "by trying to suck my own dick." I love my son. Seriously after every "Wizard King" there's my son supplying "Believe it!" It was great. Back to thoughts...dude you have no magic why would you get a book? Rich uppity little bitch is going to get schooled. Stranger danger is back and he has chains. And Asta hits the wall coming to the rescue...without a magical world. Yes Mr. Danger we know he has no magical powers. Grown ass man making fun of a child just isn't right. Oh what is this. Great, so Asta's the antichrist. I enjoyed this more than I thought...though that's probably because of my son. Red-headed girl is my favorite character. Hope to see more of her. JJ: Joseph gets to shine. You get those kebobs. You should have just killed the old hag. Is she going to die now? Kebob guy's evil! Dio's dick must be fantastic to warrant that level of loyalty. Just when I thought they were done with band name puns, I am rewarded with Dan of Steel. Jotaro, don't take the bait. Noooo, not Joseph! Why can't this show kill of the two characters I don't care that much about. Joseph has a plan, just look at that face. Dan, Jotaro is killing you in his mind. The doctors are in. Yes, keep humiliating him, it will make the killing of you that much sweeter. IBO: This was an enjoyable episode. Sorry to see the kid die. HH: Gon wins the prize. Assholes get beaten quickly. Off to get his prize. Everyone knows Ging and hates him. Gon should just stop looking for him now. You're choosing cards to find him aren't you? My son laughs for the next five minutes about the anagram. And off we go. Are we finally going to meet Ging? L3: Missed it. Going to have to watch later. 1 Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted December 3, 2017 Posted December 3, 2017 (edited) Ang: I think you're onto something with Asta not being human, but I think it's a little too early to call the show a dumpster fire. I know that mentioning his name might be a sensitive subject for you, but with Avdol no longer being with them, they need all the intelligence that Kakyoin can bring. I fully agree on Akihiro getting vengeance being good, and I wouldn't mind Lafter having a fling with him either. I may have clutter in the house, but at least it's not piles of literal garbage like Dune, so I can feel you there. I'm inclined to agree with your assessment of Biscuit's parent performance. Yeah, the car's steering getting temperamental was a bit of a stretch on suspension of disbelief for me, but it was an otherwise fine episode. Witchy: I am simultaneously horrified and impressed by your son's reactions to Asta. I feel like Dan's comeuppance will be better than the beating that the guy who impersonated Kakyoin suffered. Since Ging leaves a negative impression on a lot of people and has, as far as we can tell, been a terrible person for most, if not all, of his adult life, then perhaps it's a good thing that he left Gon to be raised by Mito and grandma, since Gon has, so far, turned out to be a great kid. DBS - This felt like filler. Also, are we sure Goku didn't suffer additional damage to his brain beyond mellowing his Saiyan bent toward destruction? Thanks for providing a useful disguise, Hercule. The idea of someone else out there being stronger than him may have been necessary for Goku, but I thought that Vegeta wanting to surpass Goku would've been enough motivation for him. DBZK - Yay, the puppy lived! Also, Buu saved Hercule, even though he shouldn't have needed it, since the way the thrill-killer landed on his neck after being knocked off that cliff should've killed him. Evil Buu didn't mess around with the thrill-killer. I've finished the Dragon Ball manga, and the events of this episode were greatly drawn out. BC - Yuno strikes me as a decent guy for the most part, but he was a little too aloof at points. Asta, on the other hand, wow. I started to feel exhausted for those having to interact with him before the commercial break. Ritalin was made for kids like that. The other grimoire-seekers laughing at Asta made me mad for him. If magical potential is inherent to humans, then he's literally lacking something that he should naturally have. It's not his fault he has no magical potential. It'd be like mocking someone with a birth defect. What a bunch of dicks. In light of what we learned from the chain dude, if magical potential is a thing for humans, then Asta, while under tremendous stress, getting a grimmoire with a five-leaf clover, and that being associated with the Devil, says to me that this story is borrowing elements from both Blue Exorcist and Naruto (or maybe just BE), with the son of Satan wanting to be best magician of all. It also looks like his grimoire will give us a series title next episode. JoJo: SC - The concept of haggling for everything is unappealing to me. It strikes me as unjust and underhanded on the part of the seller, since there's no way for a first-time client to know what they will accept, and one person, based on their sense of value regarding the goods and general sentimentality, may end up paying more for the same amount of product compared to another person. Blaming the buyer for not being shrewd enough to get a better deal is a jerksome sentiment, and throwing out an initial price that's exorbitant is dishonest. Plus, if the customer's initial counter-offer is what the merchant considers way too low, meaning possibly under cost, they might get offended and either raise the price or outright refuse to sell to the customer at all. Haggling also prolongs the transaction unnecessarily, potentially, if not likely, making other customers wait during the process. so yeah, forget that haggling nonsense. I thought Enya said she was the last of Dio's lackeys. Maybe I misunderstood her. Maybe she was lying. I'm not sure. Anyway, Dan killing her by activating a flesh bud was unexpected, but it should come as no surprise that Dio would have a contingency plan for an ally betraying him, even though Enya didn't. As for her protestations that she and Dio trusted one another completely, she may have trusted him, but Dio trusts no one other than himself. The tentacle death was gruesome and seemed rather protracted to me. Dan told Team Joestar way too much about The Lovers. S.P. may be fast enough to punch a hole through Dan's head, killing him instantly. Also, recall that The Lovers is manipulating Joseph's nervous stimuli. It feels like he's getting hit when Dan is hit, but it can't inflict the corresponding physical damage to, say, a leg that Dan suffers when he kicks some object with his shin. Thus, Dan's body is taking damage, meaning The Lovers is taking damage, while Joseph only feels in his brain a more intense pain response. Thus, The Lovers, which is already weak in direct combat, will be further diminished when H.G. and S.C. find it. Also, I have my doubts that either The Lovers or Dan knows enough about the brain to manipulate specific nerves or clusters of ganglions in the brain to simulate damage to a particular part of the body on-demand. Jotaro spanning that drainage ditch was an amazing feat of strength in itself, let alone with Dan stepping and bouncing on him. MSG: IBO 2 - I can understand McGyllis, in his official capacity, having to fight Arbrau and Iron Flower forces. Since Aston didn't know not to attack, I can't fault McGyllis for defending himself. However, I am 100% behind Akihiro getting his vengeance, since Mossa set up not only Aston, but likely dozens of other Iron Flower members, to die in attrition combat. I feel like Lafter was glad for Akihiro that he could avenge his adopted brother's death. I can also appreciate Takaki being the one to execute Radiche for his complicity in the plot to weaken Iron Flower. It was Takaki's responsibility to look out for his comrades, and many of them died because he trusted the wrong people. I can understand if he wants to be relieved of such duties going forward. It'll be rough going in the Uno home for a while as they grieve for their fallen friend. I feel like at least parts of the ships that go between Earth and the other colony regions must have artificial gravity that can be varied during voyages to acclimate colonists to Earth gravity. Otherwise, even as buff as Akihiro looks, he'd have a very difficult time shoving Radiche around, let alone lifting him off his feet. HxH - I'll admit I was surprised that Gon earned the highest score. He must've spent a lot of time studying the cards and in general paying more attention than I did. Good for him. I was also surprised that the people around our group were, for the most part, respectable in that they wanted to make an offer on the last card to the winner. Wait. That's a crummy deal. We and Gon know that the game exists in the physical world. That means the cards actually work. Gon had collected over 100, and all he gets to keep for clearing the game is three. I would imagine that Elena did something to the mini-book and ring to let Gon use them outside of the island. However, if he ever goes back into the game with that book, I don't see why he couldn't use it to take other cards out of the game as long as he uses Leave. Killua was a good friend. He used his only card to smuggle out a non-specified slot card so Gon could make use of the information he had to find Ging. Plus, I feel like the Paladin's Necklace will be useful in general, outside of the sly plan the boys had. I wonder if Ging knew that he did, in fact, leave one clue which Gon could use to find him when he took tiny Gon into the game those years ago. I wonder if Mr. Battera honored the one billion apiece payment to our trio, since they did manage to take a card from the game for each of them. I feel like he would, provided they were at his mansion when they left. Wow, Ging's friends are slobs. Is there no such thing as a landfill or a garbage incinerator on Greed Island? Also, forget your crazy Welsh spelling, Dune. Oh, good. The dude with the gross creature on him was able to defuse Genthru's ability, so he should be free of the creature. That's nice. What isn't nice is that he's likely off with Hisoka to remove Kurapika's nen curse on Chrollo. Lupin - I'm okay with Lupin playing a part in Fujiko's scheme to get a cut of the sale of a valuable car. I'm also okay with him ditching the plan for sentimentality. I doubt that he could, by intention, toss his radio in such a way that it landed so that the microphone button was pressed, but oh well. It resulted in a transmission to the other radio that sparked fond memories for the couple. Nora looked like she had a smile on her face when she died, so I guess that's good for her and her husband. In other words, this was like the police chasing Mr. Simpson in his white Bronco, only the focus was on preserving the vehicle rather than the person's safety. Also, had Lupin drove recklessly with maneuvering or vehicle speed, then public safety would've trumped the concerns for property safety, and in that case, no, Zenigata and the police under his command would not be properly liable for damages to the vehicle, but Lupin would've been instead, and good luck to the guy on collecting from an international fugitive. Good on Zenigata for discovering the plot to raise the car's price and arresting the guy for his part in the conspiracy. Shippuden - Gaara slowly earning the trust of his men by fighting alongside them and controlling the automatic reactions of Shukaku is fine. However, I have a lot of trouble believing that the young Team Kakashi could best that many Anbu-level shinobi. Yes, yes, it was mostly Gaara deploying his sand that took them out non-lethally, but our Konoha shinobi had to do some of the work. Maybe it's that the Suna shinobi were trying not to kill anyone but Gaara, so as not to ruin the new alliance, and that hindered them enough for Team Kakashi to prevail. Those poor genin with Gaara couldn't even walk on water yet. It sucked for them to get their pants and shoes wet like that. OS - Friendly relations with alien species would be crucial to humans not only prospering in space, but surviving as a species. Good on Gene for scoring that date with the race official lady. She is pretty. Thanks for detecting the source of the mind-control that changed Gene's point of aim several times. She sure is lucky that her engineered nature made her immune to the alien cactus' effects. It's a shame that they can't accept more legit jobs due to the Outlaw Star's limited cargo capacity. Also, Suzuka's lead on the quick-draw performance sounded like it was worth Gene's time, since they didn't make any money on any of the other gigs. CB - Spike forgetting about the food in the refrigerator is a good warning to us all: know what is in containers in a refrigerator, and when in doubt as to it's freshness, throw it out. It's not worth the food poisoning. As for Ed eating the creature, she likely got sick later, but her digestive process probably compromised it to the point that it would no longer be capable of independent motion. Spike's idea about a mutated creature also shows the importance of proper shielding on spacecraft and space stations, because without a planet's e/m field and atmosphere to protect them, any lifeform is more susceptible to radiation damage and, eventually, mutations with prolonged stays in space. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Between Goda having to correct Aramaki about how to pronounce his name in an earlier episode and Ishikawa needing to research the logo, I think that kind of ambiguity is a flaw with kanji. I wonder if the original line where Togusa said to write it so outsiders could read it was him saying to write in hiragana or katakana. I've read in articles and editorials that typical handgun rounds lack the power to stop someone with one or two hits. Between the mass of the bullet and the powder charge, there simply isn't enough energy involved. When we introduce the durability of a military-grade prosthetic body like Kuze's, it's no wonder that the Major emptying her magazine into him did little more than stun him momentarily from the force of the impacts. However, I feel like rifle rounds, like against a natural person, would be much more effective, but those would be more difficult to keep on target, even for a full cyborg like the Major or Batou. Edited December 3, 2017 by FoleyisGood149 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 3, 2017 Author Posted December 3, 2017 What a way to start off this week's recordings: a bunch of Amazon delivery boxes singing a Supertramp song that I personally thought the Goo Goo Dolls did better. TOONAMI BUMPAGE - Hmm, so the aesthetic stays the same but TOM's design and the actual bumper content has changed. I can accept that as a consequence of Countdown, despite it being the second biggest Toonami original letdown behind Sand Whale and Me. And thus begins the long journey to a place that can adequately repair TOM's present imperfections... DRAGONBALL SUPER - Beerus has gotten so tsundere since he fought Goku. It's funny how the characters who are so irrelevant compared to everyone else are just flying around. Oh hey, meidos. Smart move, we don't need Buu fucking things up for everyone again, not in this half-hour. I had a feeling Monaka would say his delivery job is part-time. Piiza's voice remains her least attractive quality, even when appealing to my "full bodysuit" fetish. Well that screws everything up for everybody. Goddammit Chi-Chi not everything is about you. Wow, Vegeta's really on the ball there. It's really hard to comment on certain things when said comments involve spoilers. Your Destructiveness. I gotta say, that's a clever plan. Between me not figuring out what this kid's gender is and them not knowing what a computer is, I think this Apple commercial is one of the worst yet. Baller soundtrack, though. Goku's bad at the maths. Oh hey, Chiaotzu's finally being relevant for once. Is that the invisible force field I saw in that one episode of Pete & Pete? Ah yes, the dreadful Solar Flare. I have no idea what a "slay queen" is, nor do I want to know, but I think Bulma has all the makings of one. Fuck yeah, waterfalls. SUCKERPUNCH. As much of a failure as he might be, I just can't hate Yamcha. HEADSPINNER. Piccolo's acting skills/lack thereof are hilarious. Now they're talking about how wearing full-body costumes and playing a different persona in them is a positive outlet for negative frustrations, is this episode trying to appeal to me outside of being fun in general? Whis is enjoying this so much. Oh hey, Puar's being useful too. So how long until Marron does something, or at least says an actual word? Oh goddammit Nappa Yamcha. Thank Super Kami Dende Goku's too dumb to know he's been tricked. Meanwhile, Gohan's so irrelevant he can't even afford to show up for filler. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Last time, Mr. Satan saved the rest of the world from Buu's wrath through diplomacy, only for those damned Australians to ruin everything like they always do. BUU 200% MAD. [!!! !!! !!! !!!] HERCULE OF THE FUNK~. And they say Mr. Satan isn't strong at all, when he's only not as strong as advertised. Well that fixed itself surprisingly easy. Piccolo is way too dour. Also, since when it replenishing your thirst "goofing off"? Never fuck around with strong, recently-independent women, especially when they're DBZ characters. Oh Elder Kai, you're incorrigible. All right, so what happens to screw things over if the sniper shooting Buu's dog didn't do the trick? "I'm gonna beat the shit out of the King of the Pirates, believe it!" Hmm, looks like somebody dropped the soap. That's an interesting transition they made. YUMMY YUMS. Oh fuck it's that Australian douche again. MR. SATAN USED INSTANT TRANSMISSION! IT... had zero effect. Shooting Buu's dog is one thing, but doing the same to Mr. Satan is going too far! It's like Buu knows shit's about to go down. That ominous looking cloud reminds me of cotton candy. You've met THICC Buu... now meet STICC Buu! And that's when Australia learned to treat foreign wildlife as dangerously as they treat their own. Get out if this show while you still can, Sean Connery! You say an epic battle, I see an epic staring contest. Huh, my local waterbed place sells Rick & Morty T-shirts now. Guess [adult swim]'s advertising reaches have finally made it here. BLACK CLOVER - Not five seconds in, and we're already off to a good start. "The Far-Remote Village of the Hague". Okay, the random baby kick caught me off guard. I'm honestly at a loss as to whether or not using magic for medial tasks makes you lazy. This dude doesn't know that nuns are supposed to be celibate, does he? Still, can't blame him for wanting to marry her, I can see why he does. And then she drowned him. Fuck you, random children. Wait, was the text on those arrows always in English? Because seems like an awful lot of effort for simple translation. Yuno knows what's up. Fuck you again, small child. Asta's secret move is one trillion sit-ups. Man, fuck everybody in this show besides Asta and Sister Lily. Well, at least he's making up for his lack of magic by getting physically fit. Man, fuck these rich assholes. Old Wizard Dude is sick and tired of having to deal with multiple decades' worth of failures, apparently. Kinda liking all these grimoire comparisons. "Why is mine so tiny?" Because your dick's too tiny to deserve proper compensation. This is probably the closest we're ever gonna get to seeing Gundam 00 on Toonami. Speaking of which, TOM has excellent taste, choosing Soma Pieres as his support. Man, fuck everybody in this room besides Asta and Sister Lily. Yuno's such a show-off. All these people being mean to the main character is giving me a migraine. "I'll prove anyone can be great, even a poor commoner who was abandoned at birth." The same could be said about your brother. As much as I dislike Yuno, these guys are definitely worse, I hope they get their asses beat. Thank you, random conspicuous CGI chain guy. And I mean holy crap, those chains are so obviously CGI it hurts just as much as my migraine towards everyone laughing at Asta. DYNAMIC ENTRYYYYYYYY. It really says something about my opinions when out of all the people in this show I want to punch, Asta isn't one of them. FUCK YOU YUNO YOU'RE NOT HELPING. Kick him in the stones, Asta! Turns out his grimoire was running late after all. BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL. I don't hate this, but I can't deny Angel's claim that it's a dumpster fire. 6/10, only slightly more tolerable than Nyaruko-san. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - WE'RE ON A HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGE. Mmm, Middle Eastern hamburger. He said it costs so-and-so yen even though they're in Pakistan, this is already shady as fuck. Goddamn this whole scene is wonderful. Meanwhile, Enyaba's got some serious death-glaring going on. And then death by secret tentacle parasites. Ladies and gentlemen... your antagonist for the evening. Sorry to say it, but DIO duped you, and he duped you HARD. Well so much for interrogating her. "Stop trying to act cool," says someone more experienced at the craft. Fuck you and your bullshit powers, Steely Dan. "Say something unfortunate happens." Unfortunate happens. I completely understand Jotaro's anger. U MAD? Oh my god, a giant rock! I may have voiced my hated for every Black Clover character besides Asta and Sister Lily twice already, but Steely Dan's worse than all of those pricks. Yes, we all remember when Wamuu and Esidisi put their poison rings inside your body. JOESTAR SECRET TECHNIQUE TIME! If he's Dan of Steel, does that make Jotaro Zodd or Batfleck? Tog Hoyer sounds like it's important, should I know what that is? Oh yeah, Polnareff doesn't know Joseph can use Hermit Purple on TVs. We Fantastic Voyage now? I hope Jotaro drowns this guy. Fuck you sideways, Steely Dan. OHHHHH MYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOD! Jotaro wishes he drowned him while he had the chance. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - Now stab him one more time for good measure! I've heard there was a rabbit on the moon, but a snake too? The death flags in this show are way too obvious. LEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOOY. You dumbass kids... I always liked the idea of bleeding mechs, as far back as Evangelion and Eureka seveN. Well, so much for the guy who got introduced this season. Was it ever explained why he and Akihiro have the same last name? SUDDENLY MIKAZUKI. Sometimes I feel like mecha pilots die way too easily. I completely forgot he was a member of that group of human debris that Akihiro's actual brother was a part of, that probably explains the last name. In the end, the death flags were for the wrong person. Blonde Kirito and shonen Guts are gonna kick some ass. What is it about twintails that make you wanna mate with someone? I swear, they're like brown skin in that way... Fuck you, power surge, for forcing me to fast-forward through the first half the episode instead of making my recording pick up where it left off. DEATH FROM ABOVE! As usual, there's little room for words when there's a whole lotta action going on. And that's when Hush realized how much his life sucks. Thank god they're fighting in an abandoned area. SEN-I-SOU-SHITSU! I feel like Akihiro survived that too easy. Mikazuki's bored just sitting around, doing nothing but eating Mars pods. Which means it's time to shoot something. Mikazuki: [hands Takaki gun] "Just in case." He may be an official pilot, but he wishes he wasn't. Always trust McGillis to have chocolate on him. I don't know who that is, but thanks for telling me. At least Takaki got to go back home to his cute imouto. HUNTER x HUNTER - Oh good, they're allies. Tell me more about this "punishment" you speak of... Thank god someone finally said "I caught the Bomber", I was so disappointed when that didn't happen during the fight. Congratulations, Gon, you deserved this win. Oh hey, I remember those guys from the beginning of the game. Does that mean they're the secret final bosses? Maybe not. Token black dude survived the game, but can he survive Hisoka's Wild Ride? REPLY TO ANGEL: "Do you still have that weird gross slug thing?" I don't think so, it was implied to have disappeared after the whole "I caught the Bomber" routine. Ooh, a shota butler, classy. Nothing says diversity than a British black woman in a mostly white family. Turns out the King of Greed Island is an otaku. He looks like a mix of Togashi, Nabeshin, and Hiro Nohara. This guy is fun, I like him. Yes, yes, Ging's a jerk, ain't gonna work, everybody knows that already. Of course Togashi would spell it silly like that. (According to him, Chrollo Lucilfer's name is actually spelled "Quwrof Wrlccywrlir".) Fuck yeah, parade feast and karaoke time. Of course he'd go for the Paladin's Necklace. Wait, if those two girls and that shota butler are all old friends of Ging's, does that mean they're all legal? Speaking of which, Bisky is the best legal loli. You gotta love cheating the system. NIGG? Sounds obscene. Neat, they pronounced it differently to avoid accidental racism. That's a good interpretation. The friendship between two boys is a beautiful thing. Bisky's a better mother than Ging is a father. Damn you, cliffhanger! "There's a contract in every cigarette. Well, not literally, but... you get the idea." LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE - Fuck yeah, '40s newsreels. Oh my, the Fiat is driving away on its own! Or maybe it's just Lupin, as per usual. Don't you mean, let's go for a walk on the wild side? Now that's what I call a slow-speed car chase. This old man is awfully grouchy. She looks surprisingly youthful for an old lady on her deathbed. He drive-by lit that guy's cigarette. I still can't figure out what this guy's deal is, maybe this flashback will help me out. What a beautiful view. That was certainly a romantic flashback, but that only explained half of my questions. My house could really use an old-fashioned push broom, Swiffer wet-jets do jack shit about tracked-up cat litter. SUDDENLY FUJIKO. "I want a divorce." "Me too, I'm starving!" "I've never been in a car chase this safe before!" Tell that to the guys who arrested O.J. Simpson. Holy shit, now that is a twist. Goddammit Zenigata, why are you so damn good at your job. Did that one cop literally say "stop in the name of the law"? I repeat, what is this guy's problem? Lemme guess, he's heading to the view from the flashback. Ah yes, as I expected. STUDIO CAMEO OF THE MOMENT: The words "TMS" on the billboard Lupin drove by. This was a very nice episode, apart from Fujiko leaving Lupin in the dust yet again. If Black Clover was the sickness, then this was the medicine. Everything else comes sometime later this week because like hell I'm watching eleven shows in one sitting when I have exams next week. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted December 3, 2017 Posted December 3, 2017 11 hours ago, Bad_Witch said: I enjoyed this more than I thought...though that's probably because of my son. Dio's dick must be fantastic to warrant that level of loyalty. Your son sounds like an amazing watching buddy and I'm jealous. I can 100% believe that Dio stole Jonathan's body just for that better dick. 7 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: I know that mentioning his name might be a sensitive subject for you, but with Avdol no longer being with them, they need all the intelligence that Kakyoin can bring. Yeah it's a shame that Avdol left to get everyone pizza and is missing this entire fight there must be a really long line. 2 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: Tog Hoyer sounds like it's important, should I know what that is? (According to him, Chrollo Lucilfer's name is actually spelled "Quwrof Wrlccywrlir".) Closest thing I can google is a fancy watch company called Tag Heuer, I guess that makes sense. It looks like he just let a cat walk across the keyboard and won't admit it. Quote
Bad_Witch Posted December 4, 2017 Posted December 4, 2017 He is, expect when he boos me for dancing to Walk Like an Egyptian. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 4, 2017 Author Posted December 4, 2017 Ah, kids these days can't appreciate the music of the '80s. Hell, before long they won't be appreciating the music of the '90s. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I'm always just a little taken aback whenever I see Kankuro without his headdress on. Judging from Sasuke's presence and the length of Sakura's hair, I assume this took place around the 100s of the original series. See, whenever people in this show are praising Sasuke for being the best, it's mostly just Sakura and not everyone besides Naruto and Hinata. 2DEEP4U. Technically Sasuke would be the rotten egg, since he and Kakashi were the last ones to get there. Gaara sounds like he has smoker's lung. Naruto was just testing his reflexes, that's all. "The rooster crows at midnight", or so they say. Such sassiness. Eh, these guys' masks aren't doing anything for me. Basement-level and top-floor bathrooms are the best bathrooms. Oh wow, it took us this long to get to the episode title? Because these auditors are ninja, and ninja wear masks. Surely they taught you that in ninja school alongside all that wizardry crap. OH BAD OH BAD OH BAD. Turns out they're actually the Sand's answer to the ANBU. Hey, remember Haku? NARUTO PUNCH. And then a bunch of random puppets attacked, I guess. Gaara is unimpressed by your attempts to keep him holed up. Fuck yeah, stick-fighting. He calls that move the "Gaara Gun". In the end, the mission was a complete success. Heh, the last cup found its way back on its own. Even in filler, Naruto has the one-up on Black Clover. OUTLAW STAR - I assume Swanzo was one of these Korbonites, but that aside, when did I hear that name before? Super-friendly lizard people. Delicious brown cat-people are the best alien species. Nice, they set up physical shop anew. Jim's face is looking awfully '90s this week. "It's only Aisha," they say. It's okay, Aisha, at least you tried. Hey, it's less of a chump job than what Aisha offered, I'd take it. "At least I'm here." Apparently the lesson here is to never take jobs from disgruntled ice cream men. GENEPWNED. I love this lizard-person's voice. Cactus-y things. NEVER FEAR, AISHA IS HERE~. Oh hey, Suzuka finally came back from her weekend off. Meanwhile, Gene's apparently going out with that glasses chick from the race registry now. I gotta be honest, is nobody gonna point out that there's a store there that goes by the name "Spit Sperm" of all things? Ice cream so average, it's amazing. What a menacing cactus. "Kelp is on the way." BOOOOOOOOOO. Didn't I just see that bump before? Damn, that's a frighteningly huge bug. Even Aisha's pitch-poor singing is adorable as hell. SUDDENLY SPIDERWEBS. That sound effect sounded awfully familiar. THIS IS A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM. Time to ride the buggalo! "You know you're really beginning to bug me." They did that on purpose, didn't they? Everybody's jealous that Melfina can stand that noise. His legs are moving on their own! Oh shit the cactus took over his mind. Cactus bastard. You say you're trying, but are you actually doing anything? Melfina's gonna kick some cactus ass. Is it wrong for me to say I want Melfina to stomp on me like that? Aisha, you glory hog. You may not have seen any money, but at least it was an interesting day. Apparently 500 won buys you a shitton of snack food. The Edit list guy had no idea what Gene meant when he said he could've "scored", did he? Wait... Didn't I hear those exact words before? Eh, they make less sense coming out of Suzuka than they do out of Aisha. When all else fails, tug like there's no tomorrow. COWBOY BEBOP - You are watching recently uncovered found footage from the perspective of the Lovers STAND. Dammit why did the animators have to make Ed's pants so shiny? You gotta love strip dice. WHEN CAMERA ANGLES ARE MENTIONED, THE PANTS COME OFF. It's weird seeing Ein with sclera. Random refrigerators: don't trust 'em. That's a creative way to load your dice. Digital animation looked so out-of-place in the late '90s. Dragon Balm: the cure for Super AIDS. You gotta love new age medicine. MAGGOT COUNT: 1. "That's enough, I gotta drink this stuff." BULLHORN. Wow, he wasn't kidding about the weird mark. Bebop knew Ebola long before the mass media hyped it up. AI-YAH. Oh no, now the Lovers is going after Faye, and while she's taking a soak, no less! We full-on horror movie now. Is it also wrong for me to say that this promo makes me wanna watch that specific episode of the Jellies? "If you see a stranger, follow him~." Best lesson, all others need not apply. That Ed face on the spinning thing. It mortally wounded Ein, this just makes me hate Dan of Steel even more. That's three down now. I don't think I'd hate beef that burned up. GET YOUR KICKS ON ROUTE 66. Turns out the Lovers was actually the Smooze, now we're really fucked. I have learned that the only way to defeat the Smooze... is to burn it. And then literal fridge horror. OHHHH SHIT. Never mind, "don't leave things in the fridge" is the best lesson. Ed saved us all, but only after it was too late. Then, hundreds of thousands of years later, Meow ate the rest of that goo monster and the universe was at peace for another week. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - IIRC, this was the first Ghost in the Shell episode across both seasons that I watched all the way through, so this one holds a special place in my heart. Goddammit Beau Billingslea, is there any anime from the mid-2000s your voice isn't in? I understand taking the credit for their actions on that joint mission, but now it seems like Goda just wants to steal away Section 9's glory for himself. Even if he deserves it, Meloni doesn't deserve this treatment from the lady cops. I love that I'm able to understand this show now, but I hate that I keep having to replay certain parts in order to get everything. One does not just "download" enlightenment. Shit, how much time did she spend meditating, if it went from bright to dark like that? All in all, this is what I love about Toonami. A mix of good and bad that I can talk about on equal footing with people who may or may not think the same way I do. Quote
Blatch Posted December 7, 2017 Posted December 7, 2017 Yeah, since Toonami is airing 5 1/2 hours now, and an even higher percentage of the shows are new... that's not going to bode well for some people's viewing habits. I actually think the block could stand to shrink a little right now, and I'll predict it will. As for how it's being run... I am not a fan of the content advisory showing up at half past the hour. It's just unnatural. The very first time Toonami started at 11:30, they aired the opening as normal and the intros began at midnight, which is how it should be. Also, I noticed this week that the bumps were a little screwy. For the DBZ Kai and JoJo's lead-in bumps, they repeated the same footage from the last set with the same music, even though the TOM footage was new. And they accidentally aired a bump for Outlaw Star twice; it was of the "[show name] will return" variety but it aired coming out of the break as well. None of this is a big deal, but I still like to talk about it. Now, discussion points: Black Clover: Yeah... this show'll take some getting used to, whether I decide to actively watch it or not. Surprisingly, even though Black Clover's plot could be taken as an Aesop of why acquired wealth through capitalism is bad, I do think Asta brought this upon himself. Of course, maybe with more kindness and compassion given to him in his youth, and a little bit of assistance, he could've learned to... not be as exaggerated in his youth. But let's see where all of this goes in the next few. Maybe the filler episodes will help establish the show's tone a little better? That could just be optimism, but you never know. JoJo's: Araki missed a chance to make Dan of Steel into a masochistic character. I think that would've been a better utilization of his Stand; it's actually more what I think of when "The Lovers" comes to mind... well, aside from two red hearts spawning on the floor. Outlaw Star: How is this show so good when it pivots to a more casual tone? This one, with the whole crew taking odd jobs around Heifong, was just great. You've got sentient space cactii that everyone is oblivious to until it's too late once they're done with mediocre ice cream! Melfina just stomping the damn thing to death couldn't have been done better. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 9, 2017 Author Posted December 9, 2017 Tonight on Toonami, Goku realizes his ki control's been all out of whack since the Universe 6 tournament, Fat Buu finds himself facing off against the personification of his inner demons, Black Clover does the impossible right off the bat and adapts an entire episode out of a single manga panel, Dan of Steel continues trying Jotaro's patience while Kakyoin and Polnareff rush to save Joseph from the Lovers' wrath, Arbrau and the SAU finally reach a peace agreement in the aftermath of their little border war, you'll probably wanna watch the first episode of Hunter x Hunter 1999 before watching this one, Lupin is coerced into doing a job in Japan with Fujiko's life on the line, Sakura remembers that time she got sick with the ninja flu, a terrorist sets the Outlaw Star up the bomb (complete with time limit) in possible reference to that movie about speedy public transit, Spike looks for clues about his ex-girlfriend's whereabouts while he's supposed to be looking for Faye and the money she took off with, and Togusa takes a break from investigating the Individual Eleven to instead look into the mysterious death of a would-be blackmailer. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #43 - Goku's Energy is Out of Control!? The Struggle to Look After Pan - TV-14 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #142 - Buu Gobbles Up Buu! Onslaught of a New Majin! - TV-14 11:30 - Black Clover #2 - A Young Man's Vow - TV-PGLV 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #17 - The Lovers, Part 2 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #33 - Sovereign of Mars - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #76 - Reunion and Understanding - TV-14 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #22 - From Japan With Love - TV-14DS 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #183 - Naruto: Outbreak - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #14 - Final Countdown - TV-PGL 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #12 - Jupiter Jazz, Part 1 - TV-MA 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #6 - EXCAVATION - TV-14 I think it was called, "The Bus That Wouldn't Slow Down". Quote
Bad_Witch Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 BC: *Tonight's comments brought to you by my son cause I can't do better* Alright, let's watch the devil child bring the beat down......or five minutes of recap 'cause why the hell not. *ten years earlier* You have gotta be kidding me. This is filler ain't it? *me laughing* Are you kidding me? *I keep laughing as he death glares* Yuno you're such a pussy. The nun's never falling for you. So, Yuno's whole character is crying like a little bitch. Sweet they ride brooms. Priest dude doesn't trust Asta. I don't think sending Yuno of the crying eyes is a good idea. Did...did I just watch the snow fall for 3 minutes? Seriously, like 3 minutes of nothing but the snow falling. Let's have a heart to heart, talk them feelings out. Yuno the only way you can stop crying like a little bitch is if you bury all emotion....just push it down...*looks at me still laughing (I don't think I stopped the entire ep so I'm probably missing stuff)* this is why he doesn't show emotions...right? *me: probably him: that's stupid me: you just said.... him: shut up it's stupid* We're rivals now. Yippee. Can anyone tell me what happened to chain dude? I swear I watched but I don't remember him getting beat or Yuno getting out of the chains. JJ: Danny boy you are so getting shit kicked out of you. I can't wait. Oh my God. Joseph He has know idea that's his normal voice. The bystanders feel sorry for Frenchie and Schoolboy. Hurry up and get that thing out of Joseph's head, so Jotaro can deal with Dan. Dan I hate you. No, don't do it Jotaro. Dan you are such a dick. Poor Jotaro, getting beat like that. Yesssss the time has come. Finally. Beat him good Jotaro. Nooooo. What the Hell?! You can't just let Dan go. Dan you just don't know when to quit. Yesssss. Hit him in the dick! Keep the change lol. IBO: I do like this show, but can never think of anything to say. Good ep *shrugs shoulder* HH: Is this Ging? Of course not. A student of Ging's you say. Ging is such a dick. Kite's got some stories, tell them the ones where Ging's a dick, not the ones that will make Gon want to find him. Oh, what I am saying, nothings going to stop Gon from finding Ging. That ants going to be a problem. L3: Japan here we come. Who kidnapped Fujiko? Lupin's a gentleman. I was a trick. It's Fujiko, what did you expect. What?! That's not Geomon. your name Catching Hoes? Are you wearing a superhero cape? Never ask if a woman has gained weight. You can't catch Fujiko...not with that name. Dude you are an ass. Fujiko's gonna school you. Jigen, helping out. See, that Fujiko had you help her in rescuing Lupin. You should just go back to catching hoes. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 Witchy: First, your son has a good handle on most of what happened. Second, when Asta produced his devil-magic sword and hit the chain dude, smashing him through a distant wall, the guy's chains disappeared, which freed Yuno and presumably the two snobby guys. Kite probably could bore Gon to sleep with the sheer volume of tales of Ging being a jerk or overall bad person, and I'm almost certain that Gon stayed awake for several days during one of the stages of the Hunter exam. I didn't bother to pay attention to the new detective guy's name. I doubt we'll see him again in this series. DBS - Pan is a cutie patootie. When she learned to fly, she sure had a serious look on her face. Here's hoping for Gohan and Videl's sake that Pan forgets how to fly before the end of the day. Goku's energy control going wonky seemed highly contrived. Plus, even if Bulma is Goku's oldest friend and his tactless candor is well known to her, he was way out of line to talk about her body like that. Vegeta would've been well within his husbandly boundaries to punch Goku right in the nose for that. Additionally, Goku's crazy; Bulma is still a shapely woman. Piccolo is a wonderful nanny/babysitter. He pays such good attention to details. DBZK - Evil Buu bouncing back Good Buu's candy beam with breath alone strikes me as implausible, but it does show that what Piccolo said about Evil Buu taking most of the power in the split was true. Evil Buu being impatient for his promised fight could be considered a jab at the readership for wanting to get to the big fights sooner than the character-building lead-ups would allow. I liked the detail that Elder Kai turned the page of his manga in the direction that one would when reading a properly formatted manga. BC - Even if Asta's sword was a spell, it's still a sword. Between its size and his strength, the would-be thief should've died from the injuries Asta inflicted with that strike, even if the sword's edge is dull. Asta is nothing if not persistent. He's been asking Sister Lily to marry him for at least a decade. I wonder if their fellow orphan girl feels overlooked. She looks like she's close in age to Asta and Yuno. In the flashback, that was a powerful bonding experience for the boys, but what kind of jerkwad, even when drunk, thinks it's a good idea to accost and rob a young child in order to afford more booze? At least Asta's tenacity eventually made him realize the kind of scum he was being to punch another young child several times. In the OP, I saw several pretty females, Hopefully at least one of them will be what I consider age-appropriate eyecandy (like Bulma, Fujiko, Anko, Mito, and I could name more from our shows, but I'll stop there). JoJo: SC - Even if I'm willing to grant that Dan and the Lovers know enough about the brain to trigger a pain response corresponding to a certain part of the body at-will, it would be an entirely different set abilities to take over some of Joseph's brain cells, change their configuration and coloration, and make them move in a coordinated fashion. Thus, the "clones" of the Lovers are really, really stretching suspension of disbelief. That's also ignoring that there would be no ordinarily visible light inside Joseph's brain, unless the Stands themselves emit such light, in which case it would be very easy to find the Lovers, since it would be the one emitting light. In all, the abilities shown by the Lovers strike me as highly unlikely and logically inconsistent. Oh, and Joseph not only would have some (likely and/or hopefully minor) degree of brain damage from his brain cells being attacked, as well as possibly having a stroke from the Lovers frantically digging an opening into one of the blood vessels in his head. I'm glad that Kakyoin was able to save the little girl from the Lovers, but it wouldn't have been necessary had Jotaro simply used S.P. to crush the Lovers into a smear on its fingertips. For me, the damage this would've done to Dan would've been as satisfying as the beating S.P. gave him, if not more so. I'm glad that Joseph was able to destroy his flesh bud with hamon. I wonder if he's taught Jotaro how to use hamon yet. It would be a good idea to teach at least the basics of hamon weaponization to each of the three young fellows during the journey, since any of them could be attacked by Dio or a flesh bud-wielding attacker. MSG: IBO 2 - I can understand Takaki quitting out of guilt, and it's nice that Orga is looking into setting him up with another job, but I feel like either former enemies will seek Takaki out or he'll eventually feel compelled to go back to assist his comrades. I hope a peaceful future awaits him and Fuuka, but I don't expect it. Trust is a dangerous thing. When it is deserved and honored, great things are possible, such as Iron Flower being poised to be the group that will bring self-government to Mars, should McGyllis' plan succeed. When it is betrayed, like Radiche did, people are hurt, or even die, senselessly. I'm fine with Makenai offering to make Kudelia his protege, which is my interpretation of their scene together. The masked guy who is almost certainly Gaelio should've cautioned Julieta about moderating devotion to a master by citing what happened to Ein, even if it had to be in detail, because his fate was terrible and she really doesn't want to repeat that. Azee is a total sis. She feels the vibe Ang detected long ago regarding Akihiro and Lafter. I'm willing to support her having a fling with him. It would be hypocritical of Naze to expect her to be his exclusively when he sleeps with a large number of women. HxH - I'm willing to grant that Ging may have foreseen Gon's clever plan. Ging was part of the group that devised the card system, after all. Still, I consider it another mark against Ging as a parent that he wouldn't want to meet his son's friend(s), especially after Gon had to meet no fewer than five of Ging's friends in the game and had to fight for his life against one of them. To my consideration, Ging also would've rewarded Gon for being selfish after a friend would've need to help him with the plan by making Magnetic Force the card which would've transported Gon to Ging, which would only transport Gon, while Accompany would transport Gon and his friend(s) to Kite. Selfishly using people like that is a terrible lesson to teach a child, and it might be part of why so many people don't like Ging, even if they do respect his skills. Sure, sure - Ging is one of the top ten Hunters in the world, but he's an awful person. It looks to me like the boys will have a new mentor/ally in Kite. I'm fine with that. Regarding the Chimera Ants (C.A.), they must be formidable indeed to land a bite on Killua, and one that drew blood, even. The huge queen having a ravenous appetite and needing to give birth to the C.A. King don't strike me as good things at all. If the boys are going to fight these things, then it will be a different kind of conflict than what Gon has known so far. His fights have been in furtherance of another goal, like passing the Exam, earning money to bid on the Greed Island copy, or clearing the game for the cards, experience, and reward. This seems to me like it will be fighting for their own and others' survival. Lupin - Haaa, the hotshot Japanese detective guy not only fell for Fujiko and Jigen's ruse, but he also had to take a big bite of the humble pie which Zenigata has as his usual dessert. I'm curious as to why Fujiko's hair was so much darker for part of the episode than it has been and returned to being at the end. Plus, I do not fault the new detective guy at all for taking a closer look at her. Additionally, I highly doubt Fujiko would be able to bind her spectacular boobs well enough to convince anyone she had the flatter chest of Zenigata, and there's also the (likely) height difference to consider. There's no way that the group assembled to catch Fujiko and Lupin after they escaped in the armored vehicle could've fired that cannon that many times in that amount of time. The projectile, even if hollow, was far too big and heavy for those people to load it that quickly. Even seasoned artillery crews with proper equipment to load those cannonballs would likely take a minute or longer to be reload it. Also, if the cannonballs weren't hollow, then one hit from a projectile that size would probably have wrecked the vehicle and killed our couple, especially if it hit the front of the cabin like we saw. The new detective guy's policewoman associate (no, not the young assistant) was a pretty lady. Lupin's airfare to get to Japan the next day would've been rather expensive. Shippuden - Setting my doubts about a chakra virus aside, the debacle of capturing Naruto was entirely unnecessary. All Tsunade had to do was send one member of the medical corps to his apartment with a hazmat suit for Naruto to wear and a letter containing orders for him to come in for examination and observation. What we saw was an absurd overreaction that actually would've put the public in greater danger of exposure had he truly carried this virus. I tend not to judge Tsunade as harshly as others for her job performance as Hokage, but in this case, yes, she was bad at her job. What I take away from Sakura's symptoms is that she's allergic (somehow?) to Naruto's bodily secretions, so that would be a big ding against the prospects of them getting together for the Naruto x Sakura shippers. OS - Mouse guy and his crew were a poor excuse for Hans Gruber and his associates, but at least these guys didn't meet quite so gruesome ends. I'm not sure about Gene crashing into the space station. Yes, the breach emergency protocols worked just fine, but he did damage the station. While 1. bounties doubtlessly exist for mouse guy and most, if not all, of his crew, and 2. our group may get an additional reward for thwarting the heist, they'll also likely get a bill for the damages to the station, and I would anticipate that to exceed their various incomes for this adventure. At least the fact that they took on a job for the spaceport will still likely get them a discounted parking rate. CB - Something to remember about the junkyard guy saying he'd rather hook up with a spiny armadillo is that armadillos are, along with humans, one of the few species which can contract leprosy. Thus, he was saying that outside of the disgusting bestiality aspect and the discomfort of the encounter itself, he was also willing to risk exposure to a horrible, disfiguring, and potentially lethal disease rather than bother with making a move on a woman. The on-board refrigeration going out due to lack of coolant strikes me as something which could only be remedied by adding more coolant. Jet saying it would take until the next day says to me that he had contacted a merchant and either had scheduled delivery or pickup in the vicinity of that timeframe. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Ruriko, don't be stupid. Look at the conditions of where you are and think of the living conditions of the people there. It's highly unlikely that a group of men standing around in the day have not needed to resort to crime, and it's known that black market natural organs are still a thing, so going with this group down an alley shows remarkably poor judgment. You're lucky that an honorable member of law enforcement happened to look your way as that happened and he chose to intervene on your behalf. I'm not certain that a taser glove device exists currently, but I feel like it could be created with the technology we have today. Kotan was right. Just because the Japanese Miracle was dispersed to counteract the fallout in the atmosphere doesn't mean that contained locations with minimal outside airflow wouldn't still be contaminated. Thus, the guy with a mostly-natural body was still in deadly danger when he took the job cleaning up the interior of that nuclear site, necessitating the radioactive exposure patch. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 14 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: Oh, and Joseph not only would have some (likely and/or hopefully minor) degree of brain damage from his brain cells being attacked, as well as possibly having a stroke from the Lovers frantically digging an opening into one of the blood vessels in his head. Well hamon does do a good job of healing... Clover- I guess if you wish really really hard, the devil will take pity on you and give you magical powers. Okay I just saw a hot witch with giant boobs in the OP this show might just be watchable. And the show immediately punishes me for that optimism with an entire episode of flashback. And thus began his undying dream to become Wizard Hokage. Oh my god stop saying "Wizard King" in every single sentence. Kid just shutting the fuck up for ten goddamn minutes would improve all of their lives dramatically. Is his ultimate quest to fuck an unwilling nun supposed to make us like him? Please for the love of god shut up. Oh no we're out of potatoes. I'm not drunk enough for this either, sir. I guess it's time to mug an orphan now. Man nothing keeps me entertained like an entire episode of flashback where I know all of the important characters end up fine. Dude why are you standing here gloating over a small child just take the necklace and go. I do enjoy seeing him get punched in the face. I like that not even the characters give a shit about this show. Oh right, there was something else happening in this episode. So then he does have magic after all? Your magic is bad and you should feel bad. Good, love your book, maybe you can fuck it instead and leave that poor nun alone. Jojo- I like the Jojo Bridge. Fuck you, Steely Dan. Joseph is having a bad day. Sorry everybody, grandpa's just senile. I do enjoy Pol's random bits of gratuitous French. Joseph can you not just use hamon on it immediately? Quick, stab it in the face! Oh crap. Don't worry Polnareff you don't need those organs. Well now Joseph doesn't know math anymore. Jotaro is going to enjoy this inevitable murder. Aw shit it's multiplying. Shut up nobody's impressed with your speech. Hey Kakyoin maybe you shoudn't be throwing dozens of projectiles around in Joseph's brain. DON'T KILL JOSEPH HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT. If only Avdol were here he could just set them all on fire. Dude have you looked at Jotaro he doesn't need to throw jewelry at women. Oh you dick. Okay I'd dddefinitely just use my stand against civillians here. Man, Jotaro can take a real pounding. I'm also very excited to see him finally punch him. Jojo's got a real murder boner here. EAT SHIT, ASSHOLE. Please leave Joseph alone. I feel like he could have killed off the fleshbud earlier and saved some trouble. Quick, smash it! KICK HIS ASS JOTARO. Star Platinum says no. Stomp him in the dick for that bridge thing. You piece of shit. You think he won't punch a small child? Thank you Kakyoin. Now this is satisfying. Goddamn he's cool. Gundam- Still don't trust Geass, guys. I'm pretty sure he's motivated just by a desire to fuck everyone over. Oh hey that guy's alright. Oh hey that one kid survived. Congratulations girl you just inherited his shit. Oh right I guess that explains their names. Whelp y'all fucked up on that. Mika just wanted to play on that slide and you're here bumming him out. "One day Mika snapped and killed some dudes and it was awesome." Oh lady, you're terrible. Hey did he also teach you about using sixth graders as human shields? He's totally not talking about himself. Fuck off, Hitler. Those child soldiers really impressed him. That sure sounds great and also suspicious as fuck. That's disappointing they didn't even get to see the hookers. It's nice that he stopped being such a self-important dick. Don't screw over the harem. Maybe get this boy some therapy while you're at it. Bang his emotional pain away. Hunter- My children are adorable. If that's Ging I'm gonna punch him. What in the shit. I am very confused and uncomfortable here. Was anybody actually expecting Gon's dad to be here for him. Fuck I hate bugs. Thanks, guy with the clown gun. I guess they know each other. I hope he adopted that baby fox that just got orphaned. Ging sure has spent a lot of time befriending a ton of people that weren't his own abandoned child. RIP fishie. You're not gonna convince me Ging is a good person, show. CAW. I guess he's some kind of dog whisperer then. Raise your kid, Ging. No you don't know Ging because he's been avoiding you for twelve goddamn years. You don't deserve to call him your kid, you asshole. "Thanks for beating my child!" Oh come on he could not have fucking planned all this. Well it does sound like a racist teenager playing X-box. God he is such a dick. Come on Gon there is no way he could have planned that you'd befriend the black sheep of the greatest family of assassins and bring him along through the game. Whatever shadowy thing is going on, I don't like it. Of course he's involved with weird shit like watching mutant animals fuck. This sounds ominous. This ED is relaxing. Lupin- Hiiiiii naked Fuji. Oh no. SAVE THOSE BOOBS. Get it Zeni. Seriously, whoever makes those masks is the real MVP of this franchise. Oh Fuji you beautiful bitch. Goemon what the fuck. That doesn't sound like Goemon. Who the hell are you? Wait what the fuck. WHO IS EVERYONE. This could be going better but I'md sure enjoying it. Oh my god you did not just say that to her. Wait that can't be Fuji she didn't murder you for that weight comment. Kick him in the dick. God I love her. Oh hey Jigen. Team up and save Lupin. This guy's a douche. I can't tell who's actually real in this episode and who's faking it. Check for tits. Never underestimate that rack. Guys how did you fall for that. Oh my god the fake was in the bathroom this is hilarious. Fuji how did you hide those boobs. Okay I'm pretty sure one guy isn't worth blowing up an entire damn bridge. Thanks, convenient Jigen. That miiiight be a little bit overkill. Haaaa he's bald. Hey don't cry, the bald thing works great for Saitama. Technically I think the mountain's named after her boobs. 1 Quote
Bad_Witch Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 18 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: Witchy: First, your son has a good handle on most of what happened. Second, when Asta produced his devil-magic sword and hit the chain dude, smashing him through a distant wall, the guy's chains disappeared, which freed Yuno and presumably the two snobby guys. He talks to much during JoJo, but usually makes me laugh. I must have blinked. So, just that one hit and chain dude was defeated...hope all the fights aren't like that. I forgot about those two other guys 4 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Dude have you looked at Jotaro he doesn't need to throw jewelry at women. Definitely not. He could forgot the pizza and still get tipped. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 14, 2017 Author Posted December 14, 2017 On 12/11/2017 at 12:20 AM, EmpressAngel said: Clover- Good, love your book, maybe you can fuck it instead and leave that poor nun alone. Jojo- Joseph can you not just use hamon on it immediately? I feel like he could have killed off the fleshbud earlier and saved some trouble. If there's one ultimate upside to Black Clover (and several other shows), it's your comments. I might be wrong on this, but I assume trying to kill the fleshbud with Hamon while the Lovers was still active and able to kill him immediately inside his head would've been riskier than doing so after incapacitating the Lovers. For those curious as to why I didn't put down my thoughts earlier, it was partly because of exams (all done with 'em now) and partly because I wanted to try out this little experiment where I tried to figure out why each episode on the block this week got the content rating it did. Of course, I wouldn't want to bore/annoy you with all those peculiars, so I'll just put down some good ol' shorthand comments instead. DRAGONBALL SUPER - I haven't even watched Dr. Slump, but that Arale cameo made me happy inside. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Goten sleep-licking Trunks' foot was the weirdest part of this episode, even when considering everything that went on with Super Buu. BLACK CLOVER - I don't know if it's the frequent asking or the harsh calls for surrender, but even I'm starting to feel that the running gag of Asta proposing to Sister Lily is wearing thin. Ah well, at least I like Yuno more this week than I did last week. He's like Sasuke and Yukio combined, but with neither of their really negative attributes. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - As I would say if I were Jingai, when watching a pajama boy like Dan of Steel get what's coming to him and thensome, who cares if JoJo soils the sheets in the ratings? MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON BLOODED ORPHANS - I understand Takaki fretting over being used by Radice and Galan was supposed to be super-serious and all, but Mika sliding his way down next to him ruined it in the best way possible. All that was missing was a disinterested "Whee". I really hope that shows up in the dub outtakes. HUNTER x HUNTER - I'm a little disappointed that Gon doesn't know Kite as well here as he did in '99, but I feel like watching '99 before this episode was useful regardless. Even so Ging's parenting skills remain entertainingly awful. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE - This was a very fun episode, if only because of how elaborate the ruse(s) in the first act was (were) and how the second act pulled a perfect bait-and-switch regarding who the real Zenigata was. You know, I wouldn't mind it at all if Monkey Punch/TMS decided to give Akechi Holmes, his shota Watson expy, and their cute policewoman comrade their own spin-off. This debut of theirs really felt like a crossover episode, if not a backdoor pilot. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I think I'm the only person on the planet who has fond memories of Filler Hell. This was stupid like Filler Hell, yes, but I thought it was fun, all the way down to the inexplicable Zabuza and Haku cameos in that indoors crowd scene. OUTLAW STAR - So how is Melfina being naked in the control tank one second and fully dressed when out of it supposed to work, exactly? COWBOY BEBOP - On my time online, I have built up a considerable stockpile of regrets. Assuming Cowboy Bebop was a series with futanari just because of Gren's rockin' tits is one of them. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - I love how the show telegraphed so obviously that Goda was involved (offscreen) with the plot of the episode, and Togusa didn't look like he cared all that much. Then again, he hadn't actually seen Goda yet, has he? Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 16, 2017 Author Posted December 16, 2017 (edited) Tonight on Toonami, Goten and Trunks get into hijinks after stowing away on Monaka's delivery truck, these are apparently the same kids who are mankind's only hope against Super Buu and his Human Extinction Attack, with their greater-than-everyone-else's grimoires in hand Asta and Yuno begin training for the Chunin Magic Knights Exam, the Stardust Crusaders travel across the Arabian Peninsula where the sun shines even at night (wait, what?), as expected Teiwaz has obvious issue with Tekkadan's aim to become the supreme rulers of Mars, Gon and Killua join Kite as he resumes his job of hunting down these "Chimera Ants", Rebecca reflects on the day she and Lupin first met, bash my head in with a brick 'cause it's a friggin' Tenten filler episode, Gene's recent adventures convince the heretofore-unseen group of shady villains that he needs to die, Gren shares his troubled history with Faye in the concluding chapter of the Jupiter Jazz saga, and Section 9 is tasked with keeping a shipment of plutonium out of the hands of refugee terrorists, some of whom may or may not be Libyan. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #44 - The Seal of Planet Pot-au-feu: Secrets of the Unleashed Superhuman Water! - TV-PGLV 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #143 - Headlong Rush Into Catastrophe! A One-Hour Time Limit! - TV-14 11:30 - Black Clover #3 - To the Royal Capital! - TV-PGV 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #18 - The Sun - TV-14LV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #34 - Vidar Rising - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #77 - Unease and Sighting - TV-14 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #23 - Nonstop Rendezvous - TV-14 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #184 - Deploy! Team Tenten - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #15 - The Seven Emerge - TV-14L 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #13 - Jupiter Jazz, Part 2 - TV-14 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #7 - PU239 - TV-14LV Edited December 19, 2017 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted December 17, 2017 Posted December 17, 2017 Clover- PINNOCHIO NO. It's been two episodes and we're already in filler how the fuck is that even possible. Now that's a sword. "Clover Kingdom" just sounds like a setting in My Little Pony. Hey you'd probably have more energy if you shut the hell up. That bird is the best character. You're not Saitama you can't just brute force your way through all the tests. Gandalf gives no fucks. Uh I think the problem here is that the boy literally has no magic to do the magic SATs. Best case scenario he dies painfully because, again, he literally has no goddamn magic. Jesus Christ he doesn't even shut up in his sleep. Kick his ass, small child. My dream is for you to please, for the love of god, just shut the fuck up for five minutes and also Avdol comes back to life. Why would any of you miss him, do you just hate peace and quiet? LEAVE THAT NUN THE FUCK ALONE, YOU ASSHOLE. Okay I kinda hope he gets in just so he'll stay away and stop harassing that poor woman. I fucking hate this kid. The boar that almost gored him was the best character. That was only 30 minutes but felt like 14 hours of my life have passed. Jojo- What did you idiots get yourselves into now? I enjoy how many problems in this show are solved by Joseph being unfathomably rich. How does Polnareff's hair even work? That is a nice car. Stop letting the dumbest one in the gang drive. What's a cessna--oh it's a plane. DO NOT GET ON A PLANE WITH JOSEPH. I'll watch your magic, grandpa. Huh, that was a genius move with the car. You could say Jojo is quite...bizarre. Animals hate Polnareff. You can demonstrate the proper way to mount m--nope can't finish that with a straight face. Joseph is not doing the best job at this. Well now you just look like a whore. Avdol probably knew how to ride a camel but nooo one of you had to get him shot in the goddamn face. Like hell you can forbid me from making stupid jokes. I got a bad feeling about this. Aw crap it's invisible isn't it. Go to bed, sun. THE SUN IS A STAND. Avdol probably would have been fine in this heat. I have no idea how hot that is in American. Y'know I'm sure the fact that half the gang is wearing full-coverage wool uniforms isn't helping at all. NO NOT THE CAMELS. And then Kakyoin got them all killed. Splats to the rescue. Whelp there goes your water. Joseph your best technique is running away while screaming. And then everyone lost their goddamn minds. This is the first and only time in his life that Jotaro's laughed, let him have this. I'm not following. Is this another goddamn mirror again? Okay but you have no water and your camels are dead. ARE YOU KIDDING ME THAT'S SO DUMB I LOVE IT. Gundam- Fuck off, guy. I don't think we really needed two pretentious dudes in masks in one season, show. I have no memory of ever seeing this kid before. Piss off, young Dandy. I guess trauma can put you in the mood to rip off your shirt and start punching with robots. I'm gonna miss those wives when they go home. Thanks, crazy old man. That doesn't sound suspicious at all, you guys. Hi harem man how's your hot main wife. Your coat is stupid, guy I don't know. Please don't kill harem man I like him. Okay if he dies I volunteer to inherit the wives. She is a woman, you dumbass. And also the goodness of his dick, I assume. I love main wife. I have no idea if this orphan farm subplot is new or I just forgot about it. Get off his dick, noob. These girls are really pulling for that harem ending. I guess it makes sense that the only two adults on the team hooked up. Getting laid is a good incentive to wash your filthyy ass. No kid you're like seven you shouldn't be here. I got a bad feeling about this. Never trust a creepy man playing chess. Oh right didn't his boyfriend get turned into a mecha or something last season? I am real uncomfortable to know he's still engaged to the third grader. I'M OBJECTING TO THIS, YOU FUCKING CREEP. Wait so he's doing all this so that he can fuck a girl who still has all her baby teeth without getting judged or it? Hunter- This seems like it's gonna be even more horrifying than regular childbirth. That tiger is badass. These ants were once adorable little girls who got fused with their pets. The giant guy looks friendly I like him. Somehow the head of the assassin family is still the better father than Ging. Oh hey we get two women in an arc at once, the show's just spoiling us. DOG. I feel like all these new people are gonna die. I'm waiting for Hisoka to pop out from behind a tree with a discomforting clown boner. Please just let the dog live. Hello cute bat thing. She is gonna eat somebody before the episode's over. Kids when two mutant monsters love each other very much, shit gets freaky. Big deal I can consume that much mac and cheese every day if I wanted. Not today, snake! Ohhh this random family is so screwed. Regular babies are terrifying enough, show. These kids are so dead. Isn't that the lobster asshole Saitama fought? Hi, nerds. Ha I forgot about bloodhound Gon. Aw fuck that's worse than the flying monkeys. I'd say call Ging for support but like hell is he gonna show up. Lupin- I thought that guy looked different. No better way to get a woman to love you than threatening to blow her right the hell up. Oh it's another movie. Bang your wife, Lupin. Jigen is the best. Hi Zeni. No not the sushi! Oh god he's a weeb. Rebecca gives no fucks. Damn sheep! Whelp there goes the key. He means don't shoot him in the dick. At least Zeni gets some sushi. Jigen's having a good time. Meanwhile Zeni's having the worst day. I like when they team up. His plan is to use you as a human shield. They'd be good partners if they weren't fighting. I choose to believe that was his plan the whole time. Oh right, he tied up the train. If only that guy wasn't so fat. This went off surprisingly well. The real OTP. What kind of wizard shit is that, Lupin. And now you have a wife that won't fuck you and steals all your stuff. Oh god, sexy actor Zeni. That is a great dress. That was nice but wasn't Da Vinci about to take over the world? 1 Quote
Bad_Witch Posted December 17, 2017 Posted December 17, 2017 BC: More filler. yippee. Okay, I get Asta wants to do this but why are you letting him again. Oh, Dumbledore doesn't care. Why don't you want Asta to leave priest dad? He seems like one of those kids you just can't wait to not be legal required to care for anymore, and out the door he goes. It's kinda sweet that deep down they do care about him. Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. We're off to see the wizard... JJ: Joseph was all over this episode. Do. Not. Get. On. The. Plane. Jotaro I love you, marry me. I want to be rich and not worry about money too. You ride that camel Joseph. Joseph is so awesome. Guys....I think the palm trees aren't working like you think they are. It's the land of the midnight sun. Frenchie, tell us how hot it's getting isn't helpful. There's a joke in here about Jotaro pounding a hole. Guy's you can't just stay here, do something. Laughing is something. Jotaro has a wonderful laugh. Joseph not getting it since ever. "How did that hole appear?" Joseph: "I know it's in the script...we can't just defeat a stand user without knowing his name." IBO: .......why don't I remember creepy dude wanting to marry a child. God, don't sit on him like that. Nonononononononononono Jotaro I called you, now beat the creepy dude. Thank God for Big brother and his harem. That's the way it should be. HH: More people whose names I will never get right. These chimera ants are going to start eating humans aren't they. No show, do not introduce a kind, beautiful, loving family (there aren't enough of them) only to kill them. It's not a snake, you don't fight it you run away. RUN AWAY. Damn it. I liked those kids... L3: Movie time. Why do some guys think kidnapping a girl will get them laid? Rebecca will not lie, not even to save her own life. Zeni and Lupin This was a sweet look back. You can still have him if you want him, Rebecca. 1 Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted December 17, 2017 Posted December 17, 2017 Ang: I will laugh and be impressed if Asta can brute force his way through all the tests. No, they have the Sun guy's water now. It's not much, but it's something. The Iron Flower guys will miss the Turbine women when they leave as well. Hopefully Akihiro and Lafter hook up at least once before that happens. Yes, the dog made me smile as well. Lupin and Zenigata probably work so well together because of how well Zenigata knows Lupin and his skills. Witchy: I frimly believe that the plane wouldn't crash at least until Team Joestar was over the Red Sea. Maybe you blocked out Almira and McGyllis' arranged marriage because it was a creepy and terrible thing to add to the show in the first season. With any luck, those cute kids died within seconds of being struck by the monster. A swift death is the best we could hope for them. DBS - Monaka sure is making a lot of trips to Earth now. I can't imagine that business picked up for his company that much. The boys should've banged on the wall separating the cabin and the cargo area to alert Monaka to their presence. Also, I guess his company doesn't transport live animals or things with liquid content, since the cargo area isn't climate controlled. This strange liquid has an impressive power, but I feel like desiccants or heat would be its vulnerability. DBZK - Manga Super Buu was far less patient than his animated version. Yep. Now both the boys have the motivation to avenge a dead parent. Chi-Chi was brave, but foolish. I would think that the memory of Goku carelessly smashing her through a wall by failing to hold back with a slap on the back would've made her aware of the kind of power difference at work here, even if that did happen seven years ago. It's strange that Gohan's eyes changed when he powered up after losing his temper, but his hair didn't. BC - The battle between the first Wizard King and that giant demon was cool, but somehow I expected it to be more taxing on the guy. It seemed almost effortless on his part. I guess his mana magical potential was just that high. Really, show? Did we have over 30 seconds of two characters saying the same things to each other three times? The old wizard dude may be senile and/or nearly deaf, but we aren't. That was shameless padding of the episode, and you know it. I can't say it's surprising that the snobby guys gave up their aspirations to knighthood after that encounter in the first episode. Okay, I'm going to side with Ang on this one. Using magic for fairly simple, but time-consuming or physically strenuous, tasks like fishing or splitting firewood came across as lazy here. Shame on you, Yuno. I'm far more impressed by Asta striking that boulder enough times with his magical sword to weaken it to the point that he could shatter the boulder with one serious swing. I'll also say that I like that he's taken a page from the Guts training manual of swinging a huge sword a lot of times to build up astounding physical strength. JoJo: SC - It was a gamble to take a water route to the U.A.E., given their earlier encounter with Strength. Whether that was a riskier gamble than the plan to get on a Cessna with Joseph is debatable. However, since there would've been armed conflict between Iran and Iraq at the time that the episodes are set, the land route would certainly have been perilous. Joseph has a point that barter can be easier than exchanging currencies, and if the item offered is valuable enough, like the new car, it would be very difficult to turn down the offer. I knew that camels can be stubborn, so Joseph having that difficulty was no surprise. The pleasant surprises were that the camel only licked him rather than spitting on him, and it didn't bite him either. I had previously heard about camels being able to close their nostrils, but I had forgotten that I had. The Sun was a powerful Stand, but 70° C is 158° F. At that temperature, our group would suffer oxygen deprivation, because the interface between the air in the lungs and the tissues of the lungs is a moist one. At that temperature, it wouldn't take long for the lungs to dry out to the point that the exchange would be inefficient and eventually ineffective, which would result in a painful asphyxiation process. If our group was under those conditions for very long, they would die by suffocation, not the longer dehydration process. In light of this, I can understand Joseph thinking the young fellows had succumbed to delirium when they started laughing. As for the actual reason for the laughter, that the Stand user was hiding so obviously in front of them, I don't think that we got the same view that they had for nearly as long in order to figure it out for ourselves, but I'm a little put off that Joseph was the only one who couldn't spot the clue. That's saying he isn't as clever or observant as Jean. You know, the guy who spent a/an morning/afternoon (I forget when it was during the day in the show) in the company of an enemy Stand user hiding in the corpse of a woman. I find that difficult to believe. The Sun's user being a weakling is like when the car dude was a wimp other than his beefy arms. It is a little funny that a simple rock thrown through his mirror cover was enough to knock him out cold. Once his Stand dissipated, the new threat to our group would be hypothermia, since they would now quickly be plunged into the cold of the desert night when they were likely soaked with sweat. MSG: IBO 2 - First and foremost, regarding Nadi dating Merribit, good for him! Mask guy seemed to take the training exercise far too seriously. I expect one of the opponents died in the last explosion. While I can appreciate that McMurdo was looking for the positive outcome of Martian independence for Teiwaz, namely a cut of all Martian business, I feel like that would be hard to get without forcing Iron Flower to collect by force, which would de-legitimize them as guarantors of an independent Martian government, or it would need to come out of Iron Flower's budget, paid for by taxes, which would also be subject to governmental audit. Thus, I don't think that things will go as well for Teiwaz as he said they might, which could end badly for Iron Flower and Naze, given his pledge in this episode. Almira and McGyllis' discussion, with her sitting on his lap face-to-face was creepy and made my skin crawl. On a more pleasant front, it's nice that Kudelia misses being able to work with the orphans on the farm, but her responsibilities keep her otherwise occupied. I'm impressed that not only the major hardware of a Gundam, but also the presumably more sensitive technology of the Ahab reactor survived intact and functional though being buried for 300 years. HxH - I'll try to mention this only once, but even as a fantastic premise associated with a fictional creature, I call shenanigans on the idea of phagogenesis. No. Just no. That said, it would be a good way to create an army of monsters with various abilities. I liked the somewhat scientific approach Kite's group took to analyzing the C.A. Queen's dismembered arm, but trying to call the mutation a response to climate change was crap. I would much more readily buy it being the result of radioactive or chemical contamination of the area, either of which is far more likely to simply kill the exposed creatures, than this. Wow, show. I don't think you could have telegraphed the deaths of those cute, innocent kids any more clearly. I fully expect Kite's group to have an encounter with the kid's hysterical and/or grieving mom. The people in Kite's group seem like nice people with no strongly objectionable qualities or traits. The one guy having hair styled to make him look Mickey Mouse-eque is a little strange, but it's hardly the strangest quirk we've seen. Banana is a little on the cute side, but Spinner is prettier. Lupin - The flashback to Lupin saving Rebecca was fun and all, but so, SO much with the car chase and the train derailment were plain wrong, it was ridiculous. The car would've crashed, blown one or more tires, killed the engine with water, and been shredded by the passing trains. Also, once the engine jumped the track, it would've pulled the rest off the track with it and continued in the direction of its momentum, which it to say off the cliff and into the lake. Movie!Robson looked like he could've simply been a younger version of Robson. The movie take on the smitten hijacker, though, was excessively kind. I thought Zenigata eating the pieces of sushi which flew into his mouth was funny, and in Lupin's place, I don't think I would've wanted those pieces after they had been in someone else's mouth. While I spotted when Zenigata's key flew out the window, I didn't spot when he lost his pistol. As for shooting the handcuff chain, it would've been far simpler, safer, and more effective for them to stop driving for a few seconds, shoot the chain, and resume the chase. As for the hijacker's shots freeing Lupin and Zenigata of the handcuffs, wow - talk about some magic bullets. Oh well. It was fun to watch. Shippuden - Yes, Ten Ten's jutsu is a variation on the summoning jutsu. Did Naruto really need to have that explained to him? She showed skill and ingenuity in wielding an impractically-large weapon in combat, as well as in clearing the traps to find the weapon-maker's stash. I laughed when she shoved the assistant dude aside while he was on fire. The order for kunai and shuriken sounded fairly large. I feel like that's the kind of order which would need to be placed well ahead of the delivery date rather than expecting him to have that kind of completed stock on hand. However, the order in the present will likely be far larger. OS - Gene was being a moody jerk for most of the episode. It's a good thing for him that his friends and allies are understanding people who wouldn't let him face death alone. Yeah, Gene knows a prostitute's pitch when he hears it. Thus, it is entirely possible that he will be her client next time. Shimi's apprentice was fairly weak, but Shimi/Leilong himself was skillful enough to put everyone out of action without killing them. I think that it was a combination of Leilong liking our group as people and perhaps the start of a mid-life crisis for him which was at least emphasized by his talk with Gene, if not sparked by it. He was even a decent guy to warn them about the existence of the other six assassins who would now come for them. However, I'm doubtful about him being able to hold his breath under the dirt long enough for our group to leave after burying him. CB - I don't think that Lin and Vicious were mocking Spike with the tranquilizer rounds. I would like to think of it as Lin being sentimental and unwilling to kill someone he viewed as one of his mentors. Now, why he bothered to bring that ammunition in the first place, when there was no reason for him to expect that he would encounter Spike, is the real question. It's easy to forget in clashes between Spike and Vicious that Vicious, as a former military member, was trained in combat and killing. Spike, on the other hand, as near as we can tell, simply picked up his skills along the way in his former life of crime, where he had to get good at killing others before they could kill him as a matter of survival. Back in college, when I would watch this episode late on Saturday nights, if my roommate wasn't around (which he frequently wasn't), I would turn the volume up really high and bask in the beautiful audio of Space Lion. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Goda thanking Saito for his excellent work earlier strikes me as a smug jab in the guise of acknowledging his skill. What a dick. Further dickery on his part was setting up the GSDA trooper by pointing out the pistol that was nothing more than a pipe. Goda deliberately provoked the trooper to fire on the civilians. I see two ways to interpret Kaybuki's answer to Aramaki's question regarding her knowledge of the underground nuclear facility Togusa discovered. The first is that, in a room full of other governmental officials who presumably have a duty to the public trust, she couldn't admit to having prior knowledge of the top secret operation underway there. The second is that she truly didn't know and was being kept out of the loop by other nefarious parties acting as a de facto shadow government operating at least without her knowledge, if not actively undermining her authority. Quote
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