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Just a quick HxH note. Saddened Paku died but honestly I expected it and at least she died on her own terms. Chrollo getting neutered for story convenience was not expected and I'm really not a fan. My enjoyment of the series increased greatly over these recent episodes and this felt like a huge momentum stopping decision. We were driving along fine consistently gaining speed and a brick wall suddenly appeared on the road out of nowhere and we crashed right into it. That's what this feels like. Definitely can't increase the score now. Oh well I'll keep watching, just personally very disappointed by this turn.


Titan- This seems like a huge risk to take for two people. I'm still waiting for that t-rex in the OP to show up. Mikasa should probably take a break. Oh good the cute one's alive. "I'm sorry for eating you" isn't what you usually hear from a lesbian. No I think "giant monsters that eat human beings" is a real big flaw that can't be ignored. Wait what how the hell did you steal magic shape shifting powers? JUST BE HAPPY GIRLFRIENDS TOGETHER. Mikasa doesn't fuck around. How did all these kids sneak up on you? Sasha I really don't think this is a misunderstanding I don't know how you'd misunderstand the situation here. I mean people probably wouldn't hate you if you weren't turning into a giant monster and eating them. Dude what the hell are you leading them right towards the kids? And then they got eaten. Whelp there goes the boss. Eren continues to be the worst. Jesus Armin what the fuck. Just let the lesbians be together. That's one fat bastard flying through the air. Aw shit it's that really creepy one that ate his mom.


Ghoul- I completely forgot what's going on. Should I know who most of these people are? The small child continues to be the most tolerable character. I do like that Joestar bird. Yeah it sure does suck that these teenagers aren't fans of the people-eating cannibals. Oh no it's friend kid. This kid annoys me. He's a goddamn adult getting paid to do this shit, he'll learn to live with having a new partner. Now bang your dead partner's grieving daughter. BANG YOUR PARTNER. Why is everyone in this show unlikable? The real surprise is she's not creepy and weird like her creepy weird dad. Her friend is definitely about to die. I admit, the show is more bearable when the main character fucks off for most of the episode.


Hunter- If this goes bad I'm blaming Hisoka. Please save my adorable children. Ouch, chain right to the tits. The answer is they're too soft to let this stupid guy with an ugly face tattoo die. Maybe we'll luck out and they'll all just kill each other. My adorable children don't fuck around here. Gotta agree, "we all die" is probably the worst case scenario for them. Don't throw that phone! Please kill Hisoka, regardless of how things turn out. GODDAMMIT HISOKA YOU'RE THE WORST. This is going too well something bad's about to happen. Please don't make Hisoka look attractive, it creeps me out. Suck it, clown. That all went surprisingly well. Ssssh don't say that let's pretend it's the end and nothing bad is about to happen. Sure, go ahead and let her shoot you in the face. Whelp so much for the tits. Aw crap Kurapika's dying now. Oh right, they were looking for that video game. Oh my god they look so cute in those little tuxes that's adorable. Fuck these guys. I guess this was a good ending?


Lupin- Hey Jigen whatcha up to. Aw crap what did you do? Oh hey this doctor's cute. Yeah that's a great idea just stick your gun in the doctor's face. He must be in pain to hand over his gun. Bang that doctor, Jigen. Hey thanks old man. I like this old guy. Oh that can't be a good thing. Alright Jigen go kill the gangster for the cute doctor. Shut your mouth, Shaggy. Oh this isn't gonna be a good thing. I bet the old guy took it. GRANDPA NO. Go save grandpa and bang that doctor. Oh no doctor. OH NO GRANDPA. You touch Jigen's gun, you better be ready to die. God damn he's cool. Don't fuck with Jigen. Eat shit, douchewad. :D Zenigata is always right. Wait no go back and bang that doctor.


Naruto- I'm also fighting pain just trying to get through this show. Hinata could do so much better. Okay frogs but you can't be embarrassed if you're dead. The answer is because he sucks. Punch him I like watching him get punched. Naruto doing what he does best, failing at things. Eww now he's a gross weird frog thing. Puppets usually are pain-inducing, yes. Oh no frog just got shanked. You're a frog, do frogs even have bones? I do like watching Naruto get stabbed. Oh right, that guy was part of this show. I'm pretty sure he's just doing this because he's a dick. Oh my god shut up I don't care. Dude's looking rough.


What happened to this thread?


I miss the complicated discussions of yester-week! But for my two cents, here is my ranking of the 8 official Toonami shows:


8. Tokyo Ghoul - No idea what the hell is going on in this show, even if it does have decent action.

7. Shippuden - It turned out that the Pains all have a puppet master!! But what a crap reveal!

6. Dragon Ball Super - Beerus is a riot, and Golden Frieza cool, but the pacing is SLOOOOW!!

5. Ghost In The Shell - Daisuke Aramaki is in trouble, as things unravel quickly for Section 9!

4. DragonBall Z Kai Final Chapters - Defiant Buu is defiant, and apparently mad at Dabura for some reason.

3. Hunter x Hunter - All that build-up deflated in kind of a funny way, and it seems Kurapika overheated?

2. Lupin the 3rd - Speaking earlier of Daisukes in trouble, this Jigen-centered episode was great!

1. Attack on Titan Season 2 - Now THIS is how you build up to a season finale! Eren vs. THAT Titan, next week!


Ghoul... Why is everyone in this show unlikable? The real surprise is she's not creepy and weird like her creepy weird dad.


Naruto... You're a frog, do frogs even have bones?


I don't think everyone is unlikeable. I like Hide, Hinami, Juzo, and Yoriko, and I find no reason for active dislike of Amon, Shinohara, or Yoshimura. Plus, I partly disagree. My first impression of Akira is that she's weird and irritating, but not creepy.


Yes, they do.


CAC: I'm not watching any anime outside Toonami, so yeah. I could throw in some comments occasionally for manga I'm reading, if you'd like.


DBS - Yep, Golden Frieza sure is shiny.


My subbie co-worker spoils me whenever we talk about this show (I don't mind), so Champa and his attendant being from a different universe was no surprise to me.


DBZK - Yeah, Buu's demeanor and initial clumsiness were misleading. Still, I'm disappointed that Gohan was caught off-guard like that.


Knowing what happens, I must say that Vegeta was wrong not to team with Goku against Buu. Still, Vegeta did put on a convincing act.


AoT: 2nd Course - Hardcore, Erwin. I know it's beyond the technological capabilities of your society, but if anyone deserves a badass robotic arm to replace one lost in the line of duty, it's you. So yes, massive respect for Commander Erwin. The man had one arm caught in a titan's mouth, and he still issued orders. He even rejoined the effort after getting free from the titan when he was minus an arm. That's excessively badass, but I'm not sure which would be more impressive - doing that after the titan finished biting off his arm or cutting off his own arm so he could continue the mission. However, should he survive, he'll be a desk jockey after this, because 1. the controls for ODM gear require two hands and 2. the standard killing strike for a titan requires two cuts. However, I'm not sure I fully agree with his decision to lure the ordinary titans to Reiner. Sure, the enemy of my enemy can at least run useful interference, but then again, arm.


After seeing the Ymir backstory portion of last week's show, I decided to look a bit more closely at the ED this week. In light of those past events, it looks like the ED has been hinting/spoiling some history of the AoT universe all season. We have what looks like a demon or monster approaching a person and making a pact with them, perhaps even giving them some object in the person's right hand. Then we have a giant emerging amidst flashes of lightning (a titan-shift) who is facing down armed humans. Next is someone in fancy, perhaps even regal, attire in center with other similarly-sized people (perhaps a royal court) behind him, and in front of him are smaller people, possibly children, who look like they are eating something with a lot of blood, and the central figure's posture and hand gestures look like he's bidding the smaller people to eat. Then we have a procession of people moving through the countryside, like fleeing refugees. Up next is what looks like people emerging out of the ground. Last is a group of people of increasing size, such that there are obvious giants in the group, all bowing to a central person with her left hand raised above her head, and it looks like something is almost glowing in that hand, but that carving bears two marring slashes in an x-shape centered on her. With the context of Ymir's history, we can speculate as to what happened. It looks like some force or figure in the past, depicted as a demon by posterity because of the horrors that would follow, offered a human an artifact or knowledge which would enable titan-shifting. That person used that power for military conquest and established her-/himself as a queen/king. They shared this power with others who would be their allies, and they ruled for a long time - so long that they even indoctrinated their progeny into the method of their power. Eventually, the humans rebelled and cast out their rulers. Some may have been cast out in human form, but others were expelled like Ymir and the cult that worshipped her. They were forcibly titan-shifted as they were thrown from the Wall and sought refuge where they could find it, even to the point of hiding in holes in the ground. I'm not sure why, but the hiders eventually arose together, presumably for a unified purpose. Oh, and the humans who rebelled also sought to erase records of their past subjugation by the titan-shifters. Now, the obvious flaw is that if someone is old enough, then they would remember that time as young children, but they may have bought into the narrative to keep that part of their history secret from the successive generations. I don't know why they would, though, since, as we saw, it left society vulnerable to infiltration by titan-shifters. Maybe those who exiled the titan-shifters and their loyalists thought in their arrogance that it would be impossible for the Exiled to survive for long, much less for multiple decades, outside the Walls where ordinary titans roamed, and thus successive generations wouldn't need to know about titan-shifters, but they were wrong. Now, this is all speculation on my part. To really know, I'd need to start reading the manga.


I try to keep my language clean, but damn, Mikasa was not fucking around. She was not a soldier on a mission. She was ready to straight up murder some assholes for abducting her man. I was scared for them. That's how scary her eyes were.


I'm torn about what Armin did. While I admire his cunning use of a tactic to get into Bertolt's head, the tactic struck me as underhanded and slimy. Maybe part of it was Mr. Grelle's delivery, which would be a credit to the quality of his performance, but I cringed a little when Armin (presumably) lied about what was happening to Annie.


Oh, nooooo. It's the titan that killed Carla. There's no way Eren won't stay to kill that one. Until that happens, he'd say "to Hell with your orders!" Also, this must bring back a painful memory for Mikasa. Carla was like a second mother to her, and Mikasa had to see her die, too. It's like a double-dose of traumatic flashback for her.


TG: Root A - I don't think I mentioned it last week, but I consider our new OP and ED to be downgrades from the previous season.


In addition to Hinami, I want nothing bad to happen to either Hide or Yoriko, but I fear most for Hide, because it looks like he's snooping into ghoul matters. At least Hinami has kagune to use in her defense. Hide only has his bike and as fast as he can pedal.


Eto looks older without her wrapping than I thought she would be. I presume she's the girl in the ED that looks like she's trying to get with Ken.


I didn't think Touka was old enough to be concerned with entrance exams, but okay. Yoriko is a total sis, backing Touka trying to get into Ken's school.


While I can agree that the (excessive) politeness built into the way Japanese co-workers are expected to address one another does use a lot of time and energy, something about Akira's speech and manners strikes me as irritating. When Amon tried to follow Shinohara's advice about unwinding over drinks, I expected Akira to say that seeing co-workers is against some rule or policy, either of the CCG or her own.


I'm curious as to who the two hybrids with one red eye on opposite sides are. I was under the impression from the first season that those are super-rare, and now we have three of them. What gives, show?


HxH - First and foremost, I feel bad for Hisoka. While his still shot of having his hopes dashed was funny, Kurapika cockblocked Hisoka's fight boner in a major way.


Kurapika set up some harsh conditions, but I feel like Chrollo will find a way to remove Kurapika's nen from his body. They wouldn't have mentioned it in the episode if the story wasn't going to do something with it. Plus, if Chrollo fully stole Neon's automatic writing power and sealed it in his book, then she's out of luck for getting it back, because he must use nen to summon the book, and he won't do that while under the threat of death. That means her power is trapped in there unless he can talk someone through summoning it.


Pakunoda chose to die so the others could know what happened and galvanize against Kurapika. At least we got to keep her rack around until the end of the arc, unlike Baise, who died maybe as many as three episodes after we met her. Maybe.


Given that the narrator said the next thing will be the Greed Island Arc, I'm going to presume Gon will acquire a copy. Whether by buying it at auction or stealing it remains to be seen.


Lupin - Malarkey, show. Shooting to wound is, as the gang leader said, much more difficult than shooting to kill. For this gang leader's M.O. to work, he would need an entire crew of expert marksmen, especially when we consider that each one fired more than once. That means that the target would move in an unpredictable fashion multiple times during the shooting, which would change the point of impact for subsequent shots if the shooters were even a fraction of a second late, and that could be the difference between hitting a vital organ or major blood vessel and only hitting muscle. Also, there's still the blood loss consideration regarding lethality, and multiple wound channels increase that. So, this guy and his crew would need not only to be extremely accurate, but also extremely lucky that none of their victims died.


Oh, and Jigen demonstrated that he knew the glaring strategic flaw to this set-up; all the intended victim needs to do is use the countdown to know when to duck out of the lines of fire. If they are successful, then the shooters could very well hit their compatriots standing opposite them.


I liked the cantankerous old man.


Jigen could've avoided all this hassle if he had exercised proper oral hygiene.


The doctor lady was pretty, but when she let her hair down, she was outright beautiful. It's a shame Jigen didn't manage to get with her.


Shippuden - Yahiko!Pain, you jerk! Injuring Gamabunta, Gamahiro and Gamaken and stabbing Fukasaku is animal cruelty. It's tactically sound, but it's still animal cruelty.


It sure was convenient that Nature energy will run amok in excess, transforming and petrifying the person absorbing it.


Blah, blah, one person's just retribution is another's oppression, yadda, yadda. It stinks for the inhabitants of the Rain Village region that they lived in an area between the warring parties, but life's not fair.


Oowwww, Naruto's hands.


GitS - That's the problem with running afoul of corrupt narc squad members; they have plenty of drugs at their disposal to use in their scheme against you.


Whether Niimi dosed himself or not, it sucks that any testimony obtained after the attempt would be inadmissible.


Sana (Lez Doc) sure had some great giggle. Also, the procedure for transferring a brain from one fully prosthetic body to another surely isn't simple enough that she would be able to do all the terminal inputs while under TLM's control using just the information he was able to find online in real time. He must have done prior research on the subject.


Jack - Lil' Jack with his ninja and samurai dolls was such a cute kid.


Jack was impressively resilient to survive the infection he likely got through his open wound being exposed for several days.


I know I haven't watched this week's shows yet, but I'm doing this anyway because it's my duty as the new, younger, much more agreeable Meta. I'd say "less douchey", but I've already got Jingai calling me a pissant for telling him to stop dissing JoJo, so...


Tonight on Toonami, Goku and Frieza's poorly animated rematch continues, the Supreme Kai and Gohan find themselves at great odds against Majin Buu, Eren goes up against the Titan that killed his mother in the season finale of Attack on Titan, Aogiri Tree enacts a prison break for one of Jason's old underlings, Gon and Killua finally do what they came to Yorknew to do: buy themselves a copy of Greed Island, Fujiko uses her powers of seduction to learn the secrets of the magician world, Hinata steps in to help Naruto out against Pain but more importantly IT'S A GODDAMN TOSHIYUKI TSURU EPISODE, and the full story behind the Laughing Man's kidnapping of Ernest Serano is revealed as a repeat of that same kidnapping takes place.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #25 - A Full-Throttle Battle! The Vengeful Golden Frieza - TV-PGLV


11:30 - Dragonball Super #26 - A Chance Appears in a Tight Spot! Launch a Counteroffensive, Goku! - TV-PGLV

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #125 - Turn Into Candy! A Hungry Majin's Bizarre Power! - TV-PGLV

12:30 - Attack on Titan #37 - Scream - TV-14LV

1:00 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #3 - Hangman - TV-MA

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #59 - Bid and Haste - TV-14

2:00 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #5 - The Magician's Left Hand - TV-14

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #166 - Confessions - TV-14LV

3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #23 - EQUINOX - TV-14L


[seriously jingai-kun you've changed]


Tonight on Toonami, Goku and Frieza's poorly animated rematch continues... Fujiko uses her powers of seduction... Hinata steps in to help Naruto out against Pain...


in order, oh phooey, sounds promising, and I'm not sure I'm ready to see this unfold in non-amv form, but here it is.


Titan- That smiling fucker sure is creepy. Clearly that arm was just holding him back, but I'm pretty sure this other guy needed his head. Yuuup, the old dude's about to die. Just let the lesbians happy together. Historia is a terrible name, you really should reconsider. SHE'S GAY AND LOVES YOU, IDIOT. Yeah just untie him and let Eren get his ass kicked again. Hahahaha you stupid bastard. Okay watching these kids suck and fail is almost funny. Whelp, so much for the old guy. Goddammit Eren go sit in the shame corner with that kid from Tokyo Ghoul and think about how terrible you are. Yeah this heartfelt moment is great and all but your old buddy's entrails are sailing through the air behind you. Y'all see those giant cannibal monsters wandering directly towards you, right? Uhhh what just happened? Of course he has magic titan-whispering powers now because why the hell not, I guess. LET THOSE LESBIANS BE HAPPY, GODDAMMIT. You're gonna have to fight the mole people for your food. Levi has done absolutely nothing this entire season. Eren's right, this is all his fault and he's terrible. He was absolutely not worth that sacrifice and those people died for nothing. TITAN GREEN IS PEOPLE. To be fair, the people you killed had become mindless monsters that feasted on human flesh by the truckload. Levi hates Attack on Titan more than I could ever hate it. Oh what the hell now. All this time and we still didn't tell us what's in that fucking basement. NOW BRING ON SEXY GRANDPA.


Ghoul- Gee I sure can't wait for this show to murder all the energy Jojo builds up before it starting next week. The fuck is this? He's a dumbass and you should forget he was ever here. She's like 16 she's not an adult at all. Please don't let the small child wander around Murder Town on her own. Don't you have an actual girlfriend to fuck? I'd absolutely rather just die than be a zombie who can't eat mac and cheese. Oh no friend guy get out of here. I feel like friend guy is definitely going to die soon. I am concerned for this small child. She seems too nice I don't trust her. You're a delivery boy why are you allowed to just look at classified information. Yeah I'm sure giving the nutcase kid a giant goddam scythe won't come back to bite you in the ass. This show is painful. Why do they call him eyepatch when he stopped wearing the eyepatch last season? GET OUT OF HERE, HISOKA. Never trust Hisoka.


Hunter- Sorry old man, you can't fuck a video game. Oh hey updated OP. I wish I could sleep for two solid days. Oh noooo the cute girlfriend. Aww that's actually really sweet. Did Gon get his hunter license back? I'm digging the rack on this auction lady. IF YOU DIE IN THE GAME YOU DIE IN REAL LIFE. Goddammit fat kid. Gon go get your license back. I forgot all about that tacky ring. Leave my adorable children alone just let them play. And then they died. Yeah I'm sure this is gonna go just great. I think Gon broke. I love my adorable children. Kid no that's a taser! RIDE THE LIGHTNING. That's exactly how I feel after work every day. Kurapika you're not supposed to eat metal. Oh hey it's that one dude and the other kid. I've forgotten what all of these things are. Leave him alone he's doing his best. POWER FIST. I'm so proud of them.


Lupin- Hey Fujiko how you doin baby? Please don't kill my wife I love her. She's breaking up with you so she can marry me. She does have a point you married another lady. Oh you poor foolish boy. I'm disappointed that the clown did not die. Get it Fujicakes. You're after...magic tricks, really? Boobs. That tiger's having a great day. Wow this got dark. This boy is a lucky lucky man and I hate him. Also he's been jacking off constantly with that hand. Please don't eat her, tiger. Fuji doesn't fuck around. Well now he doesn't know the tricks anymore, you beat them right out of his mind. Fuji you wonderful bitch. He brained him in the skull why wouldn't he want to kill him. God I love her. Whelp this dude's gone off the deep end. I love Fujitits but don't trust her as far as you can throw her. I'LL MARRY YOU. God, fuck me.


Naruto- He's got a point, if he kills everyone then technically there won't be anyone left to fight each other. Someone should have thrown that small child down a flight of stairs a decade ago. Hinata is adorable and much too good for Naruto. She's got those SPECIAL EYES. Leave her alone she's too good for this show. No worries frog lady, he doesn't listen to what anybody says to begin with. Hinata, the single bright spot of this show for the month. Oh honey, have some standards. I disagree with throwing your life away to help Naruto of all people, but I'm proud of you for doing your best. Naruto, sucking and failing for an entire decade now. Whelp this is going all to shit. You tried kiddo and that's all that matters. And there goes one of like, five decent characters in this entire series.


Ghoul... Why do they call him eyepatch when he stopped wearing the eyepatch last season?


I would say that it's because his mask completely covers his right eye, like an eyepatch.


I'm not sure I'm ready for Dio to return and crap all over everything good in the Joestars' lives again, but here it comes.


DBS - Yes, yes. We know Goku is tough enough to outlast his opponents. The key to winning being as simple as Frieza using power faster than he could generate it seems a little cheap, though. It's not that Goku was able to endure more punishment than Frieza could dish out while battering Frieza more than he could endure. It was a simple matter of fatigue, and that's a bit anti-climactic. I wasn't expecting Sorbet's part to be as simple as shooting Goku from behind, but it was effective.


I think it's a shame that Vegeta didn't simply fast-dodge in next to Frieza and blast a hole through his head, but he did intervene.


I started reading the Dragon Ball manga Saturday, and I liked the callback in the form of Frieza calling Goku a god-monkey when the first chapter title called him the Monkey god, an obvious reference (one of many in the story) to Journey to the West. Also from those early chapters, Goku said he was fourteen. I didn't expect him to be that old, and I don't recall hearing him say how old he was (I think he said he didn't know) in the corresponding episode of DB back on the first Toonami. This makes Goku around two years younger than Bulma, but in the time of Super, he's already a grandfather, and Trunks would be no more than a third-grader. Still, Bulma didn't even meet her husband until Gohan was at least as old as Trunks is now (I'm not sure exactly how old Gohan was during the events on Namek).


In the new ED, it looks like Gohan is actually taller than Goku, minus hair spikes.


DBZK - When Bibidi was designing Buu's powers, I feel like he would've made it so that those turned into treats would maintain their consciousness until Buu devoured them, so that at least he, if not Buu as well, could revel in the knowledge that the victims would know they were about to be eaten as Buu lifted them to his mouth.


Shin can take a beating better than one might expect when looking at him. At least between Buu's attack and Shin detonating it, he was able to get Gohan clear of the battle.


One of the problems with fighting Buu is that he doesn't seem to have bones to break or blood to lose. Magic is some crazy stuff, yos.


Krillin and Piccolo were lucky that Dabura's power wore off when he was eaten. Trunks was also lucky that Piccolo can regenerate.


AoT: 2nd Course - I can't say I'm surprised that Hannes died, but I was hoping he might survive.


When Eren had his moment of being mentally broken, I was fearful for Mikasa. I found myself thinking, "no, show. Please don't. Please don't kill Mikasa, too." Thankfully, Eren did recover in time to act in her defense. I forget what Reiner called it, but Eren's intentions controlling the ordinary titans to attack on his behalf was unexpected. Thankfully for the other Scouts, it drew the titans away from them. We can only hope for humanity's sake that he can figure out how to do that on command.


Armin, you tried to warn Jean, but inadvertently distracted him so he certainly was thrown from his horse. There simply wasn't enough time for him to avoid getting caught up in that thrown titan impact. Thankfully, his injuries weren't severe.


Connie and Hange briefing Erwin, Levi, and Pixis on their working hypothesis was fine. However, I feel like not all the titans are shifted humans. The OP wouldn't have included the glowing points in wildlife if that were the case. Anyway, I feel like that is actually a ray of hope for the people in the Walls, since it means that their enemy is simply other people, and warfare is something at which humanity has much practice. Still, I now want to know more about this opposing society. Maybe I'll need to pick up the manga after all.


Squatchy is a deliberate Shifter. That's not surprising.


The underground shelter was a good idea, but I think this was a teaching moment for the leaders of those living in the territory that the Walls enclose. They now know that much more must be set aside for provisions in case W. Rose ever is breached. However, the discovery of what Eren can do is also a game-changer, since using him to reclaim the territory between W.s Maria and Rose is now, at least in theory, a much more easily attainable goal. More than that, even, the idea of striking out into the world outside the Walls is now a real possibility. Still, sealing the breach at Shiganshina remains a key element to this reclamation effort. Once they do that, maybe they'll find more valuable intel in the Yeager cellar.


I'm not sure that leaving with Bertolt and Reiner was the best choice Ymir could've made. At the least, it will strain her relationship with Krista.


I'm a little disappointed we never saw the dinosaurs from the OP this season.


TG: Root A - It's a shame that Touka didn't step in to help Hinami with the words she didn't know. However, it was nice that Touka was willing to take Hinami to the book signing. Hinami is a good kid, opting to go alone, even though Koma followed her without her knowledge, so Touka could focus on her own to-do list. Hinami even used her spot to get the book signed for Ken, holding out the hope that he will return.


Show, stop that. I don't want to think well of Nishiki, but you had him do Touka the good turn of showing her around her intended school for a bit before having to get back to class. I did like her happening to run across Hide and getting some nice backstory details on Ken from him.


Hide was also busy getting some official information out of Takizawa. As for Houji and Takizawa's investigation into old case files, it looks like they're spot-on regarding the incident at the construction site that injured Ken and killed Rize. We know why Ken disappeared, but it is strange that the surgeon who transplanted Rize's organs into Ken has disappeared as well.


That subordinate of Jason/Yamori who Ayato and Ken busted out of custody is a weird one. Frankly, he strikes me as mentally unbalanced. When we consider the multiple writing systems available to the Japanese, it's somewhat understandable that the guy might not know how to write Yamoi's name. While I'm able to read things that are upside-down, I have substantial doubts that I'd even be able to print upside-down, unless I did it very slowly, so bravo to Ken on that. I get the impression that Ken will eventually need to fight and kill this guy.


Heh, Juzo got a new quinque based off Jason's kagune. I liked the way Juzo called taking Jason down as finishing what someone else started. The quinque looks overly complicated in the blade design, but it is powerful.


Now Ken is aware of the other two hybrids, but what is their angle? I know we have most of the season to go, but give us something, show.


HxH - It was no surprise that the boys were outbid in a hurry. I've been to a few auctions, but none so fancy that the form of the hand gestures were used to indicate the amount of the bid increase. Instead, the auctioneer named the new price, and waited to see if anyone would agree to it. Also, thanks, show, for giving us a cute auctioneer lady with a great rack. It was a nice consolation gesture for losing Pakunoda's rack last week.


I agree with Leorio keeping the full details of how long Kurapika was asleep from him. There was no need to distress him over it.


I was pleasantly surprised that Neon put more concern into Eliza's sorrow over her boyfriend dying than recovering her "stolen" item. It says good things about the kind of person Neon is. Since this means that the Nostrade party will be leaving soon, I'm cool with that making Kurapika unavailable to teach Gon and Killua.


Killua using his nen to make an electric attack is neat and somewhat terrifying. While the joke of Gon "overheating" his brain trying to think of what he wanted to do and how to do it was fun, they did take the running gag a little too far. At least Wing was able to give Gon some helpful advice.


The P.T. stealing the Greed Island unit was no surprise, but yeah, them disappearing into the game so soon was a bit unexpected, even after what the cute auctioneer lady said. Also, SAO ripped off dying in the game killing the player. Just saying.


Lupin - I don't blame Luca at all for being smitten with Fujiko.


What I saw about Tony's death is that the mechanism was improperly maintained or sabotaged, since the lever which would've enabled his escape was stuck. While Luca may have been tasked with that, I feel like it's the kind of thing that Tony should've checked for himself prior to the show. If that is the case, then sabotage is the only real explanation left.


Tony's son sabotaging the mechanism out of jealousy and greed was bad and all, but I must wonder why his father would cut him out like that. Maybe it had something to do with the son's character. Maybe he had no talent for magic. An explanation would've been nice, show.


I would like to think that Fujiko saved Luca not only from a life of toiling in obscurity, but also from becoming a murderer. That's what I prefer. That she got paid to do so is simply a bonus.


Shippuden - I knew exactly what was going to happen, because I've watched spoiler amvs, and one in particular, several times, but I think it heightened my anticipation for what was going to happen and made Hinata's confession more satisfying and her valiant struggle all the more admirable. Yes, I do ship her with Naruto instead of Sakura for him, but I think the flashbacks did well to show us how much influence he's had on her and her outlook on life over the years.


One of the things the amvs left out was that Hinata's opportunity to strike the rods restraining Naruto after initiating Twin Lions was based in Nagato being distracted momentarily by coughing up blood.


I do agree with Nagato that people (on the whole and especially as groups) are dumb or, as he more kindly put it, aren't the most intelligent creatures.


I have no idea where Yahiko!Pain keeps getting those receiver rods.


Oh, yessssss. Time for some Nine-Tails Cloak action. Sweet. :) :) :)


GitS - The real-time hacking of several individuals' eyes and a surveillance system is still an impressive feat, as is finding the memory of TLM's "voice" in Serano's head and using that to "speak" to him. Still, good on Batou to try accessing Interceptor feeds to maintain appearances on his end.


I am mildly curious as to where TLM acquired his pistol and ammunition.


Yes, yes. Conspiracy between corrupt government elements and corporate interests resulted in the public suffering. We know.


Jack - Jack does have some great lines to Ashi about how wrong she is.


I am aware that the human body contains billions, if not trillions of bacteria, and some of what we consume goes to them. However, I find it difficult to believe that this giant creature could consume so much that so many creatures of substantial size would be able to live inside it, even if we grant there being enough air and water for them. Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way, though. Maybe all these creatures are things it has consumed, but has yet to digest, but that calls into question the adequacy of its digestive process. I'm probably overthinking this.


As many of you probably know (and most of you definitely don’t care), I was gone for a week, meaning I have two weeks’ worth of shows to catch up on. As doing so in one sitting would be poor for my health and my family’s patience, I’m going to split things up into four divisions. Today will be the Dragonballs, Tuesday will be Titan and Ghoul, and while I haven’t picked out the other days yet, day 3 is Hunter and Lupin, and day 4 is Naruto and GITS. Works out quite well, actually.



DB Super being at the start of the block again but no longer having the full OP is complete bullshit.

You say it’s an epic grudge match, but it sure as hell doesn’t look that way. :|


Well at least things are looking better quality-wise this episode.

“Goku just showed his ace card…” Trump card, Krillin, the correct phrase is “trump card”.

Looks like Jaco’s finally overcome his cowardice.


He’s fast! But not fast enough, apparently.

An ego reader? Is that even a thing?

I recognize that pose!

:D Sick burn, Krillin.


We Shiny Golden Frieza now. And what does this one sound like?

Hooray for simplicity!

If there’s one thing I can say about this fight… at least it wasn’t animated in CGI.

“That sounds like a subjective claim that’s impossible to prove.” My exact thoughts whenever someone criticizes a show I like. Which is often. :P

For some reason I kinda like Beerus when he’s all nonviolent like this.

And then they met their alternate universe counterparts.

:D And they appear to know each other too.

Well that was a nice little interlude.

Meanwhile, more beam struggles.


You weren’t listening, Vegeta.


Brain fruit.

Why yes, Beerus can speak with his mouth closed.

Why do all the close-up shots look so much better than the far-away ones.

:D It’s only natural to be shocked by Beerus’s presence.

The Destroyer just doesn’t give a fuck.

Oh Jaco, will you ever learn?



By the way, if we’re gonna be talking about more than just the currently airing Toonami anime in this thread, I’d like to mention I’ve been rewatching Dimension W. Currently 7 for 12, and I still like it more than you.


“If Frieza can’t be overpowered, is there another way?” I’d make a joke that’s way too soon here, but I won’t.

After Nana to Kaoru, I will never hear the term “breather” the same way again.


Whis and Beerus know what they’re talking about.

“Go Vegeta! Fight next to Goku!” “Fuck off!”

And that’s why pride is one of the sins; it makes trouble for those around you if it exceeds a certain level.

:D Biting the tail always works, apparently.

Okay, maybe “poorly animated” was the wrong way to describe this fight. QUALITY, sure, but not poorly animated.

Frieza, you fool, you should know it’s impossible to humiliate Goku!

I’ll admit, the Kai flashbacks kinda spooked me.

You guys do realize Goku can still use his le-oh never mind then.

“I can’t sense his power either.” Dammit, Gohan, you’re supposed to be the smart one! You should know better than anyone that Super Saiyan Blue energy can’t be sensed!


What even is that arm-flapping?

Goku’s attempts to convince people to wait are kind of adorable, even when overpowered by Chi-Chi being a complete c-word.


He’s about to turntables.

A kernel of truth… or a curdle of truth?


Nothing to talk about here, just power creep.

Okay, now it’s poorly animated.


He really does love that pose, doesn’t he?

The headpunch… it does nothing!

Wait, were those two plotting something in secret?

Goku sounds slightly different when he’s smart.

Part of me is wondering how much of Frieza’s tantrum is true, if any.

Well that was completely sudden.

Sorbet fired that laser out of his ring, that shit is not a “common ray gun”.


TOP BILLING: Also Frieza, this time with Daman Mills as the COPD/emphysema-afflicted Chris Ayres’ voice double.


“You’re as good as your reputation.” Not entirely sure what she means by that.



In which Vegeta realized that sleeping with Bulma was the worst mistake of his life.

Meanwhile, Gohan ruins everything.


It’s amazing how much better Toei’s animation was in the ‘90s than it is today.

Those must be some pretty weird nightmares then.

It really hasn’t been drilled into you how stubborn Saiyans are, has it, Supreme Kai?

I’m kinda liking this low-key techno music.

He’s like a giant pink manchild.


“You’re just buying into the hype, which I am!”

Goku just realized that they’re in deep shit… and he hasn’t even reached Super Saiyan 3 yet!


:D That was so out of nowhere I couldn’t help but laugh.

Now Shin looks like he’s gonna dump.

“…he’s nothing more than a pudgy pink simpleton.” “Buu takes offense to that!”

Steam coming out the ears, just like in my 1920s cartoons.

Hot air that can blind a man with a single punch!

:D Suck it, Dabura.

Apparently insulting Buu is what it takes to make him get serious.

Rescuing Eren is important and all, but the real question is, is Krista safe?

Those kids have no idea what they’re in for.

Vegeta can’t afford to think about his family right now, especially when he’s in the middle of a good fight.

Let it never be said that Goku isn’t more often than not an idiot.

Huh, I just realized Senzu beans look just like edamame.

Well, at least he was telling the truth about going to fight Buu.

Clearly that means you’re a really sucky Supreme Kai.



"Now crush them, crush them into pieces!" I believe the actual phrase is, "crush them into paste."

And that's why I didn't say "and down goes Gohan".

You gotta love Buu's evil face.

:D He's WOOPWOOPing.


You know, even though I know today's a Sunday, it doesn't really feel like it. Must be that vacation mindset.

Suck it, Supreme Kai.


Shin's such a pussy I'm surprised he's even got the title he has.


And then he used the Atomic Butt-Drop on him.

GOHAN used DYNAMIC ENTRY! IT'S... not really all that effective.

Oh, did Shin just die now? Or is he just passed out?

Time for a food break.


Oh hey, Dabura's alive and his eyes still work.

Meanwhile, Goten and Trunks have finally made it to the plot.

Lemme guess, they're going to think Dabura is Buu.

Oh hey, how'd the Piccolo statue get there?


And then they ruined everything. ::D::

Those are some wise words you've got there, Dabura.


If an energy blast couldn't destroy Buu, I doubt a spear could accomplish the same.


Oh look, a promo for an Attack on Titan episode I haven't seen yet. Aaaaaaaand skipped.

But is he really dead? Is he really?


Of course, all Dabura has don thus far has done nothing, and I doubt anything that may follow ever will.

Now that is an interesting transformation. One I've had experience in proofreading, in fact.

In just one bite.

Even Goten and Trunks are confused by Buu's powers.

Turns out killing Dabura's the only way to reverse the effects of the stone transformation, even when that person is broken.

Piccolo sounds way deeper than normal.

I think Shin should be transformed into a giant Twizzler.


TOP BILLING: Goten, proving Kai saps all the fun out of this form of cast list.


Time for part 2 of 4.



“They’re getting away with Eren!” Yes, Armin, we can see that.

:D The CGI shouldn’t be this hilarious.

That’s a pretty hateful boner Mikasa has there.

Oh good, Krista’s alright.

Hmm, she’s covered in spit too. Didn’t expect that. :)

Sure, the outside has Titans, but it doesn’t have judgmental assholes, which is sorta better.

If it weren’t for the drool, this would be even more touching than it already is.

Sweet waterfall.

[sigh] All this talking in the other room is ruining the tension.

Oh hey, Eren’s awake again. Kind of a shitty gag, though.

That’s the eye of someone you never wanna fuck around with.

Not really sure who to root for here.

Oh hey, it’s everyone.

:D That’s our Sasha, always thinking on the positive side of things.

Has anyone else noticed that Armin hasn’t said anything yet?

“We could live a thousand years and never again know peace.” There’s something curious about this line.


How is it that TOM always manages to make even the games the Toonami guys don’t like sound so positive?

“Is this Hell?” No, it’s a children’s TV show that takes place in Hell.

Erwin may be crazy, but I’ll be damned if he isn’t badass.

:D The horse is just standing there all innocent-like while his rider is eaten.

As someone who had a crush on her in the past, of course Jean cares about Mikasa’s safety.


Now that is a tried and true badass.

:D Rammed by a horse. That form of death shouldn’t be as hilarious as it is.

“I see your maneuverability is as good as mine.”


:D Looks like my off-hand comment really came in handy for Jean.

Oh hey, Armin’s finally going to do something.

Time to enact Operation Use His Attraction Against Him!

Armin, that’s pretty damn sadistic of you.

Am I also the only one that thought Erwin stabbed Bertholdt in the dick instead of slashing up his chest/freeing Eren? :D

He’s getting womanhandled tonight~.


Huh, so that was her first ODM kill too.

“You don’t understand! She loves me!”

Well, you know what they say about lesbians being deceptive…

Okay, what even was that?

Titan throwing, apparently.

Yet another horse is getting the fuck outta there.

Say hello to your mother’s killer again, Eren.

I really need to stop reading threads about feminism on 4chan. Makes me paranoid about what’s really going on inside everyone’s heads... S:

Ah, happier times… and then the Titans attacked.

“That son of a bitch has gone berserk!” Yes, he does look pretty Gutsy over there.


What a waste of words.


Only this time, he’s not gonna piss himself and run away in fear!


That one Titan looks a lot like Bertholdt would if he wasn’t already the Colossal.

“That’s a fact, Jack.” – Stripes, 1981.

Welp, looks like we’re officially calling her Historia now.


Fuck yeah, magical girl poses. :)

Stubby fingers.

Eren, you dumbass, wait until your fingers are healed before you go transforming.


If it weren’t for Rin carrying his mother’s stupid gene, Eren would be the dumbest Papenbrook character.

Cleverly censored by the tree.


Aaaaaaand here come the traumatic flashbacks.

Wait… he’s laughing?

It’s official, Eren’s gone mad.

And in comes Mikasa with the Talk no Jutsu to help him out of it.

Truly a better one-sided sorta-incestuous attraction than Suguha towards Kirito.


:D I’m not entirely sure what Eren did, but I’m glad he did it.

And then Eren was a MacGuffin.

Shut up, Reiner.

Thank you, Eren.

Sometimes I wonder how it’s possible a pussy like Bertholdt could be the Colossal Titan.

Decker’s acting is still terrible, but the gators immediately going after the sheriff was hilarious. :D

Meanwhile, in what I assume are the decrepit ruins of Shinganshina…

Ymir’s a consolation prize.


Holy shit underground city time.

Huh, that was actually a smart move on the government’s part. Wish we saw more of that underground city, though.

Levi’s pissed he didn’t get to do anything all season but look pretty for the fangirls.

Conny looks like he’s seen some shit.

Whenever Eren’s involved, expect casualties.

Dammit Armin, why are you still calling him Sean?

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “TITAN GREEN IS PEOPLE.” I actually came up with that one too, before I saw you beat me to it.

Even Levi is disturbed by Erwin’s smiling.

To no one’s surprise, Sasquatch Titan was a human too.

REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “All this time and we still didn't tell us what's in that fucking basement.” That’s why season 3’s about to be a thing.

Overall, this season was better than the first, for reasons I’m not gonna bother explaining for sake of retaining my want to be right. 9.5/10.


I feel like the mother is being way too mean towards her son by rejecting every single one of his additions to the dishwasher.



And now we return you to The Adventures of Young Mado, already in progress.

It’s honestly kind of strange, how normal he used to look back then.

He has the fastest reaction time of all the CCG’s Doves, that’s why he gets two Quinques.

Speeding up the animation is definitely the best way to satisfy those who dislike the way OPs are shortened, if it’s subtle enough.

Just what I like to see in my edgy gorefest shows, a board meeting on the supposed enemy’s side of things.

Mustache dude looks positively fancy.

I guess that means Kaneki’s gone completely over to the dark side now.

Technically it was Touka who killed Mado, but Kaneki was there.

Meanwhile, Anteiku’s doing just fine without Kaneki around.

:D Oh Nishiki, you truly are this series’ resident butt monkey.

I get the whole robbery story’s just a cover, but Aogiri did technically steal something of theirs.

:) I bet you anything Touka’s friend’s little comment there was originally silence in the Japanese dub.

“Welp, that’s enough listening to racist comments for one day.”

I can’t say anything on the size, but I can believe you when you say he was less vicious.

Well that scene change certainly wasn’t obvious or anything. :-\

That mail boy sounds awfully familiar…


You’ve changed, Kaneki-kun.

Don’t really care, already seen the episode.

Isn’t this how doujins typically start?

Hmm, so they’re still in the dark about Rize’s death.


And she’s also Mado’s daughter. Not sure what to think about that. -_'

The stitches do look cool, even if they’re wholly unnecessary.

I really want Mado Jr. to call that Takizawa guy a maggot.

Smart intuition she’s got, there.


No matter how big her ego is, there’s always bigger.

:D She’s my new favorite character in this show.

"Be sure to order the miso soup.”


Even Kaneki’s Face-Heel Turn won’t stop Touka’s friend from shipping them. Not that she’d know about it.

Random insert song is random.

Well there’s a new aspect of masks I didn’t know applied to my fetish.

Heh, wasn’t expecting Itori to show up any this season. That Hetare mask she and Uta brought for Hinami is pretty cute.

“Well, that fills my quota of joy for the morning.”

Oh hey, I recognize those chicks.

And bandage girl has a crush on him because when you think about it, all animes are lawlharems.

REPLY TO ANGEL 3: “I admit, the show is more bearable when the main character fucks off for most of the episode.” Come to think of it, did Kaneki even have any lines?


Still haven’t decided when I’m gonna talk about Hunter and Lupin. Could be tomorrow, could be Thursday, it could even be today…

This is the new Kaneki. New Kaneki grunts now.

Oh hey, the monochrome chicks are one-eyes too.



I have no idea who this guy is, but I think he has bigger brain problems than even Kaneki. :D

Kaneki’s movements look a little weird all sped up, but the background effects actually look better that way.

People turning into candy? Sounds like the Buu Saga.

Touka/Hinami is a nice friendship.

“Welp, that’s enough hearing about Kaneki on the news – or in general – for one day.”

Koma wins the award for this show’s most subtle ego, if that’s even a thing.

She looks like a department store mannequin in that outfit, in a good way.

Speaking of which, department store mannequins! Or their torsos, at least. :)

:D Oh goddammit Nishiki.

We impromptu campus tours now.

That’s fascinating and all, but do they have an engineering school?

Megaversities aren’t a thing, are they? [Googles it] Not technically, but in some cases yes.

Of course the poster for the English club has no subtitle for it. ::)

That missing person poster was the last thing she expected to see today.

Oh hey there Hide. I’m sure you’re taking down that poster as part of some ulterior motive.


Ah, coffee. The one thing besides water and human flesh Ghouls don’t want to puke up on instinct.

Being lonely is quite lonely.

“He’d don his mask and play any role life threw at him.” Only now, the mask is literal.

:D Smoooooth claim there, Touka, real smooth.

Hide’s a real good friend; I’m glad Kaneki and later Touka had him spared.

Topped and Loaded sounds like a great concept. Now if only Applebee’s food didn’t suck.

Sen Takatsuki finally appears! And she’s the cute hikikomori type, too. :)

I’m pretty sure that was where the commercial break was supposed to go.

Osmanthus is a type of tree, for those of you ignorant to that sort of thing.

Kaneki’s her onii-san equivalent.


Hey, that’s the dude that got busted out of the prison bus!

Sometimes I wonder where the phrase “S-rank” even came from.

Mado Jr. is here to scold you, maggot.


Like a kid in a candy store.

A scythe with blades at right angles? That’s the most mathematical murder weapon I’ve ever seen.

:D That boy ain’t right.

Like a kid who didn’t get the toy he wanted.

He may be a bigger crybaby than Kaneki ever was, but at least he pulls off Yamori’s suit.

:D The subs actually turned the M upside-down.

Even after switching sides, Kaneki’s still helping the less intelligent know how to spell things. Good for him. :)

Oh, the irony of this scene. It’s hardly subtle.

Wait, that one dude sounds an awful lot like Tsukiyama…

REPLY TO ANGEL 4: “Why do they call him eyepatch when he stopped wearing the eyepatch last season?” Did you forget about his creepy fetish mask already?



It’s an edgy kind of fabulous.

Oh hey, it’s the incident that started this whole mess.

Ulterior motive, indeed.

That building looks rather interesting. Wonder what’s inside it.


[i hope it's mannequins]


Just a quick HxH note. Saddened Paku died but honestly I expected it and at least she died on her own terms. Chrollo getting neutered for story convenience was not expected and I'm really not a fan. My enjoyment of the series increased greatly over these recent episodes and this felt like a huge momentum stopping decision. We were driving along fine consistently gaining speed and a brick wall suddenly appeared on the road out of nowhere and we crashed right into it. That's what this feels like. Definitely can't increase the score now. Oh well I'll keep watching, just personally very disappointed by this turn.

Buu, you a busta.



Well that meetup sure happened quickly. That’s what I get for not rewatching last two weeks ago’s episode.

I unironically love Kurapika’s guitar theme.

“Second, wait for it…”

I’m honestly not sure if what he’s saying is a correct assessment or not.

Well that went over well (for Kurapika).

“Before the exchange, I have something to say.” Card games on motorcycles?

They’re different yet exactly the same.

Is it worrisome that I just now realized that this whole opening scene took place in midair?

Dammit Kurapika, this is the kind of attitude that got Takeshi bitched at by Mark of all people.

Fuck you Phinks, you are the worst Spider.>(


There goes Feitan’s scary voice again.

:D Don’t fuck with Gon, apparently.

Why yes, Gon can also speak with his mouth closed. Or rather, with his tongue out.

Hey, maybe Kurapika’s assessment was truth after all.

Yeah, you tell ‘em, Machi. :)

:D Shalnark’s protective of his phone.

Oh yeah, I forgot Leorio was even there.


:D Even without his pins, Illumi’s a pretty expert shapeshifter.

“Is… this my card?”

And then it was Bridge of Spies, only the bridge is a mesa.


Does Hisoka even count as a Troupe member? I mean, his tattoo is a fake.

FUN FACT: My first time watching Williams Street Swap Shop involved them mispronouncing my name as Poke-Nash and them running from imaginary cops after them for supposed insider trading. It was a fun break between classes.


:D Suck it, Hisoka.

Oh, the disgruntled look on his face.


Now that sounds ominous.

Hmm, they actually left in the cat scene, albeit shortening it considerably from the 2002 version.

Just as I figured, Shizuku joined the Troupe after its founding, which would partly explain why she wasn’t there for the retro look collection.

I saw her death coming, but that was still mighty powerful. :(

Meanwhile, Kurapika’s getting a well-deserved rest after all the shit that went down in this arc.

Didn’t expect those words to come out of Gon’s mouth.

Nice shirt-jacket combo, Killua.

Ooh, tiny toy robots.

I don’t really remember anything about percents.


:D Well, that’s a surprise encounter if I’ve ever seen one.

And it turned out somewhat better than expected too.

Hanging out in wastelands. What is he now, Piccolo or somebody?

Ah, empathy for others. :)

Very straightforward there, narrator.

By the way, for reasons relating to both the arc after Greed Island and my “Senran Kagura meets Serpico meets Without a Trace” anime story, I’m gonna start watching Hunter x Hunter 1999. If things work out as planned, I might even start it today…

That old dude sounds like the narrator, he must be super-important, then.

FUCK YEAH NEW OPENING ANIMATION! Now with a kung-fu loli and a whole bunch of characters I don’t recognize.

Meanwhile, more sick Kurapika.

Well that’s a depressing conclusion to that side of the story. :(

That auctioneer lady’s actually kinda cute.


:D Milluki finally showed up to it.

:D Gon, you precious idiot.

They don’t seem too bummed about not getting the game for themselves.

Well that plan failed. For now…

And that’s because buying it wasn’t their plan.

Ging’s memory card is serious business, apparently.

And so the purpose of the ring finally comes to the forefront.

Failed again. For now…

Apparently the game’s either so awesome or so depression-inducing, you want to stay there forever.

:D Why so stubborn, Gon?

Phantom Troupe’s gonna Phantom Troupe, even outside of official Troupe business.

Not even the DVD promos can make the Ghost in the Shell movie sound like anything but a revenge flick.

Time for a first-hand experience!

:D Well that was a thing all right.

I should’ve said this earlier, but Greed Island is basically SAO before its merger with ALO to the extreme.


Time to personalize that Nen!

Is that steam coming out of his ears, or is it Nen? At this point, I can hardly tell. :-\


Where’d he even get that taser?

Random Kurapika.

“He sure doesn’t look alright, but if he says he feels that way, then I guess it’s okay.”

Kurapika’s definitely the self-insert for the edgy crowd that watches this show. I mean, who tastes chains?

Sooooooooo edgy.

Time to call Wing!

I was gonna say something about Zushi making it past floor 100, but then I remembered he was at that point already.

Thank you for your advice, L.A. bargain bin Chuck Huber.

Haste makes waste, bitch.

You have to be tight and loose at the same time!

Way too much steam-Nen.

SUCCESS! It’s exhausting.

“What’s to stop me from becoming a God?”

New ED, too. Super nice. :)



This cute boy (no homo) is so going to die.

Meanwhile, Jigen’s got another toothache. I suggest he look out for power drills and venomous snakes at the dentist.


Pulling a gun on a woman? Well, Jigen certainly doesn’t discriminate, now does he? :P

I like this doctor chick. :)

Thank you, cool old guy.

Or maybe not.

A living dead person sounds way worse than a normal dead person, if you ask me.

You know someone’s a villain if they chew with their mouth open. Like how my sister thinks of me with her super-hearing.

Now that’s what I call a tax problem.


Cute doctor lady clearly underestimates Jigen.


Well that worked out surprisingly well, save for the gun and old man going missing.

“Can’t catch a break! 1-2-3-4.”


Oh boy, I wonder how weird this seemingly innocuous season finale’s gonna get. ::)

Scalpel time.

An unwitting accomplice. That’s an interesting way to blame yourself for it.

You’re a good man, Jigen.

Fuck yeah, Western music.

And they say the Italian soundtrack is shit.

“I’m not really into slow-dancing with a bunch of dudes.” :D On point, Epcar.

What an interesting brand of sadism.


Jigen: the master dodger.


He may be a bumbling investigator, but damn if he isn’t good at what he does.

:D Crushed by a chandelier.

And a conspicuous CGI chandelier at that.

:D How humble of you, Zenigata.

Oh hey, she’s wearing lipstick today. Looks good on her.


And it isn’t even until the end that Lupin finally shows up.

Jigen was always my favorite of the Lupin crew. His episode in the Fujiko anime was great, as was this one. ;D

Damn these headaches of mine. I wish there was a better-working legal non-prescription painkiller than plain ol’ Ibuprofen.

And now for a more caricature-ish crowd of background characters.

Fujiko in bondage would be kinda hot, if not for all those flaming arrows and the fact that it’s just chains.

SUDDENLY LUPIN! And some rando of the week, apparently.

[record scratch] Now I know what you’re all thinking… how did we get here?

Lupin’s a reporter now? And Jigen’s a photographer, too. Must be that work they were talking about last episode.

It was a bad breakup that he didn’t buy, apparently. :D

While this was love at first sight. What butterflies have to do with it, I’m not entirely sure.

It’s always fun watching clowns almost get killed.


And then he got laid, allegedly.

We Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed now.

It’s like the current ringmaster was Hank Hill, while Luca was Good Hank.

Now that is a rack.

[benny Hill theme plays in the background]

Who in their right mind would apply nail polish to a tiger?

Fujiko looks pretty good in the ringmaster outfit.


Or maybe it was just an accident befitting of his failure as a chore boy.


You don’t wanna mess with Jigen right now, he’s still reeling from last week’s run-in with a local Mafiosi.

Maybe he’s not telling anyone the secrets because they’re secret.

Magic is a bitch, ain’t it.

It takes a great amount of concentration to get cards to orbit around you like that.

Oh boy, we now getting to the tragic part.

Weird Science > Some People Think I’m Bonkers

Shut the fuck up, accountant guy.

You too I guess, ringmaster douche.

Why can’t Jigen just drop a chandelier on this guy?


Forget it, the accountant deserves it more, that motherfucker. What a tool.

Wait, ten years ago?

Never put your complete trust in Fujiko, that’s rule #1 of the Lupin-verse.

Again. The Italian soundtrack. Not nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be.

And now we’ve come back to the beginning.

She may be burning, but she ain’t screaming. Huh. Wonder what’s up with that.

Fuck yeah Fujiko.

In the end, it was the ringmaster all along. Thanks to daddy issues.

I wouldn’t exactly call Fujiko “innocent”, but I get your point.

Now he’s about to get his comeuppance!

Ah, the power of symbolism.

Also in the end, he signed on with the BBW with the nice rack.


Let’s just say she did both.

Again with the random sunflower petals. Eh, they’re a nice touch.

By the way, where’s Goemon been these past three episodes?


[probably cutting worthless objects]


Alright, let's finish this.



And just like that, a whole bunch of characters resigned themselves to their fate as being useless.

For a second there, I was expecting her to scream to the heavens. But that wouldn’t be in Hinata’s character, now would it?

Is it possible for a frog to drown? That’s an important question.

Great, now I’m trying to look left and right at the same time.

Four down, two to go.

“This is the farthest that Pain has ever been pushed.” Okay, referring to yourself in the third person is kinda weird in this situation.


Welp, he’s out, fight’s over.

He’s in finally a situation where he’s still, so collecting Sage energy (even if it’s counterproductive) should be easy now. And it’s nice to see that Naruto knows that.

:D And he put it to a creative use that actually slipped my mind there.

That was a stupid move in hindsight, but at least he broke free.

Oh yeah, I forgot about “the real one”.

Welp, so much for that genjutsu.

“You alright?” “Yeah. The same can’t be said for Shizune, though.”

Again, can frogs even drown that fast?

Meanwhile, the smart people are doing as smart people do and figuring out what the hell’s going on.

This America’s Best chick reminds me of my sister and not in the good way.

And then things went to shit super fast.


You gotta love these impromptu ninja think tanks.

Peace through destruction is kind of a shitty way of going about it.

It’s an endless cycle of revenge.

I don’t think ordinary men are capable of doing all the ninja stuff the people in this show do.

So what you’re saying is… humanity was a mistake?

“How would you confront this hatred in order to create peace?” Three words: Talk no Jutsu.

Check out the crazy eye on the Eight-Tails in that group picture.

Turns out Troy Baker was Vic Mignogna all along.

FUN FACT: This episode had an post-credits omake where, in response to the content of this ED, Sakura accused Hinata of trying to usurp the title of “main female character” from her. Naruto defused the situation by revealing that the staff at Studio Pierrot are just huge fans of Hinata and her riding a bicycle was to fit the song lyrics. Sadly, that didn’t stop Sakura from destroying the set in her demand to have an ED all to herself next time. :D

If the existence of the Emoji Movie is enough to make you lose your faith in humanity, the fact that it has a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes (last I checked) is enough to restore it.


“Human beings are not the most intelligent of creatures.” Hey, I take offense to that!

Okay, now it’s Toshiyuki Tsuru time.

Yes, that’s what he just said in your flashback.

Huh, black screen for the episode title. That’s new.

Hmm, a rare Hinata’s mother sighting.

Ah, the days in which Naruto used to be ostracized.


Gai seems pretty surprised that summoning frogs are even a thing.

So much 10/10 visual direction.

:D Sucks to be Shikamaru.

Remember when Hinata got her ass kicked by her imouto? Well now you do.

Oh shit, obvious bullies.

Didn’t she already apologize to you three?

“Pain’s chakra… is getting inside of me…” GAAAAAAAAAAY.

Well, at least she wasn’t stabbed like Fukasaku.


And that’s how she finally overcame her bashfulness.

“Heeeeeeeee’s going to blow up the planet.” “BUT I LIVE HERE!”

Now for a fight that’s for the most part anime-original because like I said before… Pierrot loves themselves some Hinata. :)

Well… this isn’t going as smoothly as I hoped.


And now to finish that flashback from earlier.

“I’m not ‘that kid’!” Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah you kinda are.


:D Turns out it was just a distraction.

Childhood bullying is always painful. But hey, at least it led to some good.

Shut up, random Hyuga guy.

Trying real hard not to stare at her ass here. There’s plenty of time for that during the filler episodes.

Naruto finds this more painful than all the times Sakura kicked his ass.

Even the anime itself is shipping these two. :-D

Atmospheric as fuck. And also super-depressing. :(




The interactions between the Major and Sano were way more lez than I expected them to be. I also didn’t expect the refugee plotline in 2nd Gig to be foreshadowed like it was here. But either way, I think I like episode 23 more than I had before, now that I know what’s going on (somewhat).


[corruption sucks]


Nearly a century has passed since the fateful evening in which Jonathan Joestar sent the treacherous vampire Dio Brando to a watery grave at the cost of his own life. But now, in the mid-1980s, the coffin in which Dio spent those last hundred years has been salvaged from the depths of the Atlantic, granting the epitome of evil another chance at world domination... Meanwhile, Joseph Joestar, Jonathan's grandson who himself saved the world from the wrath of the Pillar Man Kars fifty years prior, has come to Japan at the request of his daughter Holly following news that his grandson, Jotaro Kujo, got arrested for general delinquency. But even more curious is that he refuses to leave his cell even after the charges have been cleared, as he claims an evil spirit has taken a hold of him... This marks the beginning of a new chapter for the Joestar bloodline, one that could spell the end for it once and for all. Stay tuned for the premiere of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders, tonight at midnight! Only Toonami.


[because fuck VRV and crunchyroll]


As for everything else, the block regains the 11PM hour as Vegeta takes a shot at Frieza using his own special power-up, followed by him taking a shot at Majin Buu with the powers granted to him by Babidi. (Man, this is weird mentioning him twice...) After all that and JoJo too, Aogiri Tree invades the special Ghoul-exclusive prison to recruit further backup for their mysterious (read: stupidly vague) plans, Gon and Killua build up their skills for the Greed Island player selection, Rebecca finally agrees to sign the papers for her and Lupin's divorce, the Nine-Tails-possessed Naruto brings the fight to Pain so hard the animation budget can hardly keep up, Section 9 makes their move against the Secretary General at the risk of being forcibly disbanded, and Titan season 2 restarts from the beginning as the Titans break through Wall Rose (but not really).


8:00 - Dragonball Super #26 - A Chance Appears in a Tight Spot! Launch a Counteroffensive, Goku! - TV-14LV

8:30 - Dragonball Super #27 - The Earth Explodes!? A Decisive Kamehameha - TV-14LV


11:00 - Dragonball Super #27 - The Earth Explodes!? A Decisive Kamehameha - TV-14LV

11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #126 - I Will Deal With the Majin! Vegeta's Final Mortal Combat! - TV-PGLV

12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #1 - The Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit - TV-14LV

12:30 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #4 - Deeper Layers - TV-MAV

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #60 - End and Beginning - TV-PGL

1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #6 - Venice of the Dead - TV-14V

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #167 - Planetary Devastation - TV-PG (?)

2:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #24 - ANNIHILATION - TV-14LV

3:00 - Attack on Titan #26 - Beast Titan - TV-14LV


JOJO- Oh fuck you, Dio. Quick, open that coffin before the sun sets! Wow new Jojo's mom is hot. RIP those guys' balls. Oh come on, there is no way that guy is 17 years old. Don't talk to your mother that way, Jonathan would be ashamed of you. Jojo why can't you drink beer like a normal person. Where did you even get all that shit?! Jesus christ new Jojo doesn't fuck around. Joseph, you say? HIIII GRANDPA JOSEPH YOU'RE LOOKING GREAT. Spank me grandpa I've been a bad girl I mean what. Holly is so cute and I love her. Oh I bet he's got a third arm alright. At least he's having fun in there. How did you get his finger?! Hey who's your friend I like his dress. Keep talking like that Avdol I'm into it. HOT DUDE WITH FIRE POWERS, I AM SOLD. Even his bird is buff as fuck this show was made for me. It's a giant buff oompa loompa. Wait what please don't kill my new boyfriend already. Red Bind me, baby. Jotaro is having a rough day. Stands are fun. Eww gross toilet water. PLEASE DON'T KILL MY NEW BOYFRIEND. God my new boyfriend is so cool. I'm already melted into a worthless puddle, baby. Don't be mean to Holly she's so cute. I'm impressed that the coffin lasted 100 years in the ocean that's some quality craftsmanship. And I'm trying to wrangle a threeway between grandpa and his sexy new friend. I love how Joseph just screams everything. Jotaro's kind of a douche. I don't know why but Avdol just whipping a camera out from his sleeve makes me laugh. Thank god you're rich or destroying all those cameras would bankrupt you. Is Lisa Lisa still alive? "Grandpa, why do you have so many pictures of a shirtless dude?" I'm sad that after all that, Dio stole original Jojo's body anyway. Okay Avdol's buff bird friend was probably adorable as a baby. I don't want to like Dio but I'd hit that. And then that moment when I realize that Avdol's fire power manifests as a literal giant cock, because at this point the show's just trying to see how thirsty I can get.


Ghoul- You can actually hear all the energy from Jojo deflating like an old balloon. I continue to hate everyone. Yeah I'd trust that priest. Oh is creepy priest his dad, I don't care enough to remember if they said that already. Is it too much to hope that stitch boy dies quickly offscreen? That was a great idea, putting all the evil murder zombies in one building protected by a handful of guards with ineffective shotguns. Really, I totally can't imagine how Cannibal Azkaban here was breached. Why do they even bother wearing masks when they just kill everyone? At least she's better than the whipsword than Renji. Please, everyone just kill each other. No stop being friendly and murder each other so I don't have to see you again. This fight is painful. Legs are for the weak, I guess. Oh what the fuck is this. Please just kill him, shirtless man. Throw the injured lady at your enemies and run. You're right, this DOES suck. Well I don't wanna be part of this show but it's too late to change that, girl. I'm not sure if this kid is stupid as shit or if he's trying to be funny but either way it's not working. Yeah go ahead and whip out the armor that kills you when you wear it. Is the armor their dad? Please kill the main character, angry shirtless man. Yep everything is your fault and you're terrible.


Hunter- Mole girl is the best and I love her. Is hot idiot finally gonna level up? I like seeing Killua's fat brother suffer. Good he can get his license back. Thanks, auction dude. I can't say I wouldn't consider the same thing to wipe out my student loans. Good luck kids I believe in you. I'm sure that little girl who's in the OP won't be important here at all. The curtain is a murder room and they're killing everyone. Oh christ, is that pick fucker's brother? I hate him already. I love Gon he's so smart. Hiiii sexy dad. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Haaa his hair's all poofy. Your family is terrible and I'm adopting you. Oh Gon what did you do? I'm so proud of my adorable children. That's a lot of money. You're twelve are you even allowed to sign that. Forget about your shitty dad I am your dad now. Good luck, hot idiot. I hate this guy and I hope he dies first. Don't trust your dad he's terrible. Stay together, kids! Sweet, he gets to start with extra powers. God I am bad at games I'm already lost here. Well if he has the ring that means his dad didn't die in there at least. I sure hope your programming skills are better than your parenting skills, you asshole.


Lupin- Oh no creepy twins are never a good start. Bang your wife, Lupin. She definitely drugged that wine and is gonna fuck you over. Don't lie, if Fujiko asked you'd stay with her forever. FUCK, ZOMBIES. Don't fuck with Rebecca. Quick, feed them salt! RIP news lady. Now would be a great time for Goemon to show up and chop off their heads. I have no idea how this is all supposed to come together. Well now I'm gonna guess this is some kind of convoluted plot to avoid signing the divorce papers. What in the hell? Okay sure let's just say this makes sense. Rebecca you fabulous bitch. They're all kinda really lucky that Lupin didn't have any more bullets. Go bang your wife and steal that film, Lupin. You're a fool, this is all part of the movie and she's playing you like a fiddle. Oh good he figured it out. That movie better have full frontal nudity, lady. Don't trust her. Oh he'll give you some love alright. Oh god zombie Lupin. Booo, that movie sucked. He's never gonna get that divorce.


Naruto- Huh, OP. Well he is looking rough. I already hate you. At least he gets cool bone armor. Hinata might be dead but on the bright side, she doesn't have to be in this show anymore. Whelp so much for that magic necklace. This sure is some wonky animation. Hinata just lay down and hope you get reincarnated in a better show. Yes Sakura, six IS more than five I'm glad you managed to figure that out. Hey what are you guys up to, is it something better than whatever the fuck else is going on? Every time someone runs through a forest and doesn't smack face-first into a tree, I hate this show a little more. Yes please just nuke the world. Naruto is a much better character when he's a giant hell beast that doesn't speak. I'm glad Naruto failed. Believe me kid you can't possibly hate this more than I hate every episode I've watched. And bring him Inspector Gadget. What in the hell, he looks like a goddamn chupacabra. Go away force ghost dad, let your idiot son fuck things up completely.


I know I've missed a few weeks, but I'm lazy so just doing tonights


JOJO: I missed this show and its crazy. Why is Holly so damn passive? You're a Joestar woman, time to man up! I love you new Jojo  <3 I want an evil spirit to bring me stuff too. Here's Grandpa! It is perfectly acceptable for a 45 year old woman to call her father "daddy" and I fully support Holly here. I hate to tell you this new Jojo, but Gramps is going to get you out of the cell. Hello Avdol, will you answer to anyone who snaps their fingers? Asking for a friend >.> Tendrils of flame, wrapping around, restraining, burning...my god I've missed this show. And new Jojo is out...let's go for coffee. It's your fault Gramps, you spoiled Holly and now she spoils your grandson. Dio, you magnificent bastard. Stealing Jonny's body for your own. I always knew you wanted that body.


TG: I'm just too lazy to turn the channel. Why did they cut back on personal? Isn't this a prison for hungry, man-eating ghouls with strange powers? Nothing could possibly go wrong... Fighting happens, red shirts die, idiots are surrounded, super powerful ghoul attacks idiots, female idiot goes down, male idiot does something stupid, creepy twins run into stitches kid...hey they know each other. Wait.....creepy twins choose to become ghouls....why in the hell....nevermind, don't care, moving on....stitches decides to attack, Kenny frees...I guess the main ghoul they wanted....so new dude attacks him because....Rize.....seriously she's still the fucking reason. Please kill Kenny.  Why exactly is terrible brother reacting like he cares about his old man? Wasn't it made clear that he thinks his dad was a fool? Kenny, no one ever protected anyone by joining a murder cult...that's just stupid.


HH: Nothing much happened, but that's to be expected. glad the boys hard work paid off and onto Greed Island.


L3: Lupin's finally getting that divorce! Where did the zombies come from? Rebecca doesn't want to divorce you Lupin. Between Rebecca and Fujiko, Lupin sure knows how to choose them :D It's a movie, and Lupin's not happy. Awe....see you really loves you and protects you, as long as she gets what she wants  wink Lupin's never getting that divorce



We full version again. Now that shit is more like it. :)

What a shame that the battle between those two at their strongest was worsely animated than their first bout.


What an awfully foreboding title.

You forgot to say “no homo”, Vegeta.

Always trust Krillin when you need Senzu beans.

:D Suck it, Sorbet.

Goku’s lucky that laser missed his heart.

“You’re not in my league.” And the subtext gets even more homoerotic.

And then Vegeta’s hair matched his wife’s.

“I don’t believe it!” Hey, that’s supposed to be Pain’s line!

So if Vegeta reached SSG all on his own, does that technically make him better than Goku?



Clearly he’s been waiting way too long to do this.

And now he’s back to Classic Frieza.

He sounds like an angry Goku fanboy.


Babies, like animals, are always the first to know disaster.

Eh, if Chi-Chi dies from all this, it’s no big loss.

Oh hey, isn’t that the pink thing that turned a guy into a cookie and ate him last week? :P

Ladies and gentlemen, my greatest fear: life on Earth coming to an end in my lifetime.

Yes, let’s all blame Goku.

And that’s why Whis is the best Dandy (barring OG Dandy and Brook).

The series hasn’t even started and I already miss the accents.


Well that wasn’t anti-climactic or anything. :|

:D Vegeta, you so tsundere.

Jaco calls dibs.

Yeah, there’s no point in arresting someone whose boss blows shit up for kicks.

Gohan’s gonna take a break from fighting for a while.

:D It honestly took me a while to get the whole “Trunks slices Frieza a new one” joke.

The secret ingredient of Mr. Satan brownies is weed.

Mmm… tempura.

Or maybe he’s gonna go back to it with training, sure why not.

:D Soooooooooooooooo tsundere.

And then they had an eating contest.

Poor, poor Frieza. :D



Secret Invisible Spray: it’s the pits.




Clearly Vegeta’s behind it, who else could it be?

What’s with the sudden baritone, narrator?

See? Told y’all it was Vegeta.

Even as a Majin, nobody tells Vegeta what to do.

Wait, so Gohan is dead? Ffffffffffffffuck. :(

He’s steaming out the head, does that mean his brain broke?

You chose… POORLY.

Just imagine he’s Goku, and it should all come easily.

He’s gonna blow up the planet isn’t he?

Or maybe he’s just gonna use those rocks.

Holy shit pure action shows really are terrible for witty comments.

“Vegeta’s gone beyond Super Saiyan.” No shit, he was Blue just thirty minutes ago.

It’s like punching self-reforming Silly Putty.

And then Babidi was the one proven wrong.

Well… shit.



That steak may be ruined, but at least the corn’s fine. :)

Huh. I was expecting a faster heal time.

He may very well be immortal, with as long as he’s lived and as unstoppable as he appears.

Gotta love that yellow and pink aesthetic.

For a second there, I thought Babidi’s force field was a gumball or something.

Well, at least Piccolo’s safe.

That lizard is Goten’s Hiya Dragon Icarus.

“The Supreme Kai is gone!” Good, that dude really sucked.

This is probably the most Vegeta’s ever bled since Frieza.

Huh, that episode ended awfully fast.

Meanwhile, these cast credits are so blatantly wrong. -_'


People who think Annabelle is good horror really need to see The Birds. That shit is terrifying, and doesn’t even need music to tell you that.



:D That is honestly a great pre-show intro. TOM and SARA just looking at each other really sells it.

No rating screencaps for you this time, I only bothered with season 1, sadly.

Oh yeah, I also watched the test dub for these three episodes, so this will be treading some familiar ground to start with.

Holy barnacles that’s a lot of barnacles.

“Hold on, this is bizarre!” Welcome to JoJo, guy.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that coffin was bad news.

Aw yeah, they got David Vincent back as the narrator.


Screw you, JoJo is an awesome nickname.

:D Impressive.

One of my guilty pleasures about dubs is when they mention characters speaking Japanese while speaking English. It’s all about ease of communication.

Young Jotaro looked an awful lot like young Jonathan, but that’s more a personal observation than anything else.

:D Our protagonist, ladies and gentlemen.

An evil spirit, you say?

:D He’s shotgunning a beer, and he isn’t even 20 yet.

Neat, unintentional product placement for Shonen Jump. And this was long before any of the Big Three showed up in its pages.

And then random attempted suicide… averted.

Not really surprised she knows about her father’s Hamon skills.

FUCK YEAH OLD JOSEPH. That sort of thing might not be my bag, but I gotta agree with Angel, he’s a total G-DILF.

“The fuck y’all lookin’ at?” [canned laughter and applause]

Pimp My Jail Cell: only on MTV Japan.

FUN FACT: That ESP book in Jotaro’s stack was apparently authored by William Shatner and George Takei.

Don’t fuck with Joseph Joestar, even if you are a cop.


And now it’s Avdol time.


Is that Mega Ultra Chicken?

Well, this is moving along quite nicely. >_>

Ah, the juxtaposition between what normal people see and what others are able to.

Control your Hamon(?) breathing, Jotaro!

Okay, make that control your STAND breathing, then.

That prison toilet water looks uncharacteristically clean.

“What the hell!? I was just about to stab you in the face! What did you think all that buildup was for?”

Mission accomplished.


:D Jotaro really dislikes his mother’s clinginess.

“There’s somethin’ that I can’t quite wrap my brain around.” Oh my god, me too! Where does your hat end and your hair begin?

We first two parts recap now?

Actually, Jonathan’s technically Jotaro’s great-great-grandfather.


“That story’s so lame, it sounds like it came right outta Shonen Jump.”


:D That is a very humorous drawback.

See, I told y’all Joseph’s star birthmark would be important.

Of course he’d confirm the trend by going to Lisa Lisa about it.

Dio, you rat bastard.

And thus the plot begins.

I miss Dio’s British accent.


I am jealous you guys can’t enjoy these ads for my local adult entertainment store like I can. :D Unless you live in the Columbus area, in which case never mind.



I love how the bumps are still showing clips for season 1 even though we’re a quarter of the way through season 2 now.

He managed to partly steal an entire episode just by shooting down a couple Ghoul snipers, that’s badass enough to justify ignoring all the negatives of that mission.

Meanwhile, Amon and Mado Jr. are paying a visit to Deadman Wonderland.

Okay, that “crushing the faraway building between your fingers” thing the bandaged ghoul did was actually kinda adorable.

I’m really hoping Amon wasn’t molested by that priest.

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Oh is creepy priest his dad, I don't care enough to remember if they said that already.” Foster dad, technically, and this is the first time it’s been mentioned.

“This man’s definitely a maggot if I’ve ever seen one. Which I have, plenty of times.”

Hey, Mado’s demise is no laughing matter.

“Man, I knew these staff cutbacks were a bad idea.” :D And they say this sequel is completely reprehensible.

Ask him about the Clowns next, I dare you.

Okay show now you’re making me certain that creepy priest guy molested Amon.

Definitely a maggot.

If there’s one thing I love about season 2, it’s how greater a focus the CCG is getting in comparison to the Ghouls.


Let it never be said that Naki doesn’t totally rock that white suit.

REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “Why do they even bother wearing masks when they just kill everyone?” It’s so any survivors don’t potentially recognize them and rat them out to the proper authorities.

How fitting, that they release the generic ghouls first.

I’m gonna be disappointed if Akira doesn’t call Kaneki a maggot at least once this whole season.

“I’m goin’ in!” “Yes, I can see that.”

Oh hey it’s the creepy old lab coat dude from the board meeting.

Welp so much for him. Anime original gives, and anime original takes away.

Her Quinque is a whip I think I love her even more now. <3

They’re just generic ghouls, so it’s okay to skimp on the animation budget.

Naki looks and sounds like an edgy Armin.

Of course the non-generic ghoul gets to go last.

Even after Kaneki went full edge, he’s still getting his ass kicked. :D

God I love TOM speeches, especially when they make good use of clips from the shows currently airing. That’s why the Equality speech is my favorite from the new generation.

Damn, just about everybody’s getting on the Cochlea action. Team Anteiku’s probably relieved that they’re missing all of this.

Hmm, so Juzo went by a different name before his CCG days, huh?

The generic ghouls are dead now, you guys can go back to using up that animation budget.


:D Naki keeps getting stabbed.

Well this sure is going terribly.

Thank you, Amon.

The animation this episode is so bad.

But hey, at least Kaneki’s still a punk bitch.

Looks like I’m now shipping Amon and Akira together. And I’m okay with that, because why go for someone who sounds like Sera when I already have Sera herself?

“I don’t see how it could possibly get any worse.” YOU DOOMED YOURSELF SHINOHARA.

Twins don’t work that way, Juzo.

Such bad animation.

The armor’s going on, shit just got real.

Bob? Who’s Bob?

REPLY TO ANGEL 3: “Is the armor their dad?” Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Pop.

And then Kung Fu Ghoul Guy went all Fist of the North Star on Kaneki, after which there was much rejoicing.

Huh, his kagune’s all different now. Wonder what’s up with that.



Meanwhile, Kurapika’s done with this show for the next several tens of episodes.

As for Leorio, he’s going back to med school.

:D Go fuck yourself, Milluki. At least, I’d only say that if you weren’t so fat.

Oh good, now he’ll be able to get his license back.

:D Zepile, you so crazy.

Half a fortune ain’t no thang when you’ve got as much money as he does.

:D Dude, that’s Dragon Ball you’re thinking of.

For a second there, I thought he was gonna eat that cat.

Oh hey it’s the kung fu loli from the OP.

I love the way in which she runs. :-D

Dat’s a huge bitch.

They’re taking the long and difficult path out.

Thank you, helpful skeevbag.

Gon had the whole thing figured out all along. :)

Killua, that’s cold.

First Avdol’s debut, now a random voiceover from Killua’s dad? It’s official, this must be Chris Tergliafera week.

I bet you anything Kishimoto ripped off the Chidori off of this.

Killua’s family situation sure was rough.

Just as I expected, kung fu loli and the token black dude made it.


21 applicants, at least four of which are relevant.

To celebrate, we will be having pizza and beer! :beer:

The reverse finders keepers rule is a little sketchy, but the rest of that contract sounds pretty legit.

Okay, now Leorio’s going back to med school.


:D Gon’s brain’s steaming again.


Hooray, Gon got in first!


Oh look, another loli. This one’s pretty cute too, not as much as the kung fu one.

This binder is giving me flashbacks to my Pokémon card collecting days.

Huh, that sounds simpler than I expected.

And now it’s getting complicated. Figures. >_>

Thank you, tutorial loli.

You are now aware that Ging Freecss and Akihiko Kayaba are the same dude.


Lupin, Naruto and GITS to come tomorrow Wednesday because my sister (who just turned 20 yesterday) really loves her Netflix and chill is so goddamn picky about where she does her online classes that it makes me wanna punch something.


Guess what? This week I'm back to doing Top 10 lists! Yes, including Samurai Jack, because now for all intents and purposes it should be part of Toonami and end it with 3(!) reruns! But I digress...


#10: Tokyo Ghoul - While it might be pretty to look at, I don't have a clue what the hell is going on!

#9: Dragon Ball Super - Decent animation, but the movie still did this "do-over" better!

#8: Hunter x Hunter - Little different from SAO, with Nen, they actually go INSIDE the video game! Also, farewell Kurapika and Leorio!

#7: Attack on Titan - A good episode that sets the stage for Season 2. Also Damn, Hange, you scary!

#6: Samurai Jack - RIP Scotsman, sorta--plus Jack vs. an uncomfortable number of little blue beast children and Ashi vs. the Dominator!

#5: Ghost In The Shell - The classic, though fake and short-lived disbanding of Section 9!

#4: DBZ Kai - The epic battle between Buu and Vegeta heats up, and Vegeta alludes to his intent to sacrifice himself!

#3: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Oh how I've missed you. New JoJo has BAD attitude! And Avdol is no "chicken" either, even if his Stand is a giant cock!

#2: Shippuden - A rare triumph for this normally inferior show, as Hollow Fox Naruto vs. Pain heats up!

#1: Lupin the 3rd - Master Thief steals the show again, this time with an intriguing plot of twists and romance!




Some thoughts:

  • JoJo's Part 3 is off to a good start. I don't know why we're tossing Hamon to the wind, but considering what I've heard about Stands, those will hopefully be more fun over time. I also like how they even let Joseph have one in his old age, even if it's not a particularly useful one. But at least we're still in an era with Polaroids in big supply.
  • Tokyo Ghoul has become a chaotic ball of nihilism and hatred and I don't care for it anymore. It should've ended with Season 1's finale, because at least that one had character development for Kaneki and it made me feel something... :robotss
  • This week's Lupin was... weird. Why'd they have to get rid of the zombie plot after the first third of the episode? The rest was fairly out-of-character for him, at least based off of what I've seen so far. I don't get it, which must be why they made this one an OVA for the Japanese run.

[thank you, robot emoticons]


This week's Lupin... The rest was fairly out-of-character for him, at least based off of what I've seen so far.


What’s so out of character about Lupin not wanting any top-class investigators besides Zenigata on his trail? :P



Welcome to Water 7 Venice, where cars are strictly outlawed.

Creepy neckbeard twins.

Oh, and Lupin’s here too.

I would have assumed this show would spend the entire run trying to have Lupin get his divorce papers signed, but it’s being finished off now?

[awkward silence]


“What is that?” “Whatever it is, it really sucks at screaming!”


Cold-blooded, and in more ways than one.

If this was The Walking Dead, you’d be in America, not Italia.

Check out the gratuitous Italian text.

Zombie children and zombie bikini models. These background character designers sure love the show they’re working on, aren’t they?

Huh, maybe cars aren’t so outlawed after a-okay who in their right mind calls a boat a cruise-oh, so that’s why they call them cruises…

“Zombies can’t climb trees! They don’t have retractable claws!”

These two really do make a great couple.

Oh look, the military finally showed up.


Turns out the zombie apocalypse was just a movie shoot, and Lupin just so happened to be in the middle of the set this whole time. That’s actually pretty plausible, now that you think about it.

And Rebecca was in on the whole thing too? DOUBLE SHOCK.

Lupin feels more gypped than he ever has after losing a great steal.

I bet you anything he was left uncredited.

Oh hey, Goemon’s back.

Guess he’s gonna be performing his payback alone this time.

As Flanderized as he might be, I still love dubbed Super Goku. :D

:D He stole the whole damn film.

Or maybe it’s someone doing the heavy lifting for him. Probably Rebecca again. :P


Okay, so she stole it for an entirely different reason.

Well that sure escalated quickly.


Lupin can outrun anything if he puts his mind to it.

Wait, is that her butler operating that helicopter?

Good thing the gondola made it out in one piece.

I had a feeling it was also part of the movie, but I didn’t expect Lupin to figure it out so fast.

“Those cameramen sure are conspicuous.”

Never doubt the power of the keikaku.

So in short… monotony ruins marriages?

I have a gut feeling that quote was supposed to be a sex thing.

Nice exterior design for that theater.

Ah, the power of special effects.

Because what really makes a zombie is the lack of sentience.

Huh, didn’t even notice he switched out his regular tie for a bow tie.



I’ve been waiting so long to finally watch this episode, and as one who enjoys good and weird animation, I am more than satisfied. I admit, I let out a fairly loud squeal of joy when the infamous “My pain is greater than yours!” scene happened.



I will never not be stunned by how much plot and politics this series had under all the action and Major fanservice I paid more attention to when I was younger.




Holy shit this thread is dead. Eh, I've still got a job to do.


Tonight on Toonami, Goku and Vegeta's continued training on Beerus's world is again interrupted by a visit from his twin brother, Majin Buu pushes the Vegeta of at least one year ago to the point of using rather drastic measures, Jotaro meets his first enemy STAND user at school of all places, the battle inside Cochlea continues (to get convoluted to the point of non-caring), Gon and Killua learn more about the SAO-esque game the former's father helped create, Zenigata is assigned to protect a billionaire's widow and his massive fortune from the hands of Lupin, Naruto finally meets his deceased father, Batou faces off with Umibozu forces as he rushes to retrieve Motoko's watch from her apartment, and Sasha finally gets her day in the sun thanks to the tears of Isayama's editor.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #27 - The Earth Explodes!? A Decisive Kamehameha - TV-14LV

8:30 - Dragonball Super #28 - The 6th Universe's Destroyer! His Name is Champa! - TV-14L


11:00 - Dragonball Super #28 - The 6th Universe's Destroyer! His Name is Champa! - TV-14L

11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #127 - For His Beloved Ones. The End of the Proud Warrior! - TV-PGLV

12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #2 - Who Will Be the Judge!? - TV-MAV

12:30 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #5 - Rift - TV-MAV

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #61 - Invitation and Friend - TV-14V

1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #7 - Until the Full Moon Passes - TV-14SV

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #168 - The Fourth Hokage - TV-14V

2:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #25 - BARRAGE - TV-14V

3:00 - Attack on Titan #27 - I'm Home - TV-14LV


[still, thanks for the like]


Reply out-of-sequence, because I need a nap before tonight's shows.


DBS - I guess it's my fault for not checking the [as] website for the schedule or looking in on the Toonami Tumblr (oh, wait. No. No, it's not. I should not be responsible for seeking information on whether the broadcast schedule is going to change. That should be told to me in advance during the programming block in question of the week prior to the change), but I missed the episode of Super, because I was expecting the shows to start at 11:30, like the dvr said they would (read: "not even the cable company was given the new schedule information in a timely manner" ). Thankfully, the sub was available on c-roll. This means I'll need to change my Saturday night alarm.


As for the episode itself, Earth didn't hold out nearly as long as Namek did. I'm willing to attribute that to Frieza being more powerful now due to his training. Still, it shouldn't surprise anyone that Frieza would destroy the planet to kill his opponents who couldn't survive in space when faced with defeat. He did exactly that on Namek. I fault Goku and Vegeta both for not ending Frieza quickly when they had the power to do so. I like that Whis used this as a teaching moment for Goku.


Gohan going back into training is a good thing.


I wasn't expecting Whis to have time-altering powers, but it sure was convenient for everyone on Earth.


DBZK - Thankfully for Videl and yet-to-be-Pan, Gohan's not dead. He's just unconscious.


Yeah, Buu apparently having no bones to break certainly makes him harder to kill. I can respect Vegeta recognizing this won't be as easy as he thought, or maybe even impossible, but he knows that he must put his all into it.


JoJo: SC - This judgment may be premature, but it seems to me that the Joestars keep getting more powerful but less savory. Jonathan was a proper gentleman. Joseph was more crude and occasionally rude, but still likeable overall. My first impression of Jotaro is that he is somewhat responsible, but he has a bit of a temper and was very rude to his mom, Holly.


As for the "more powerful" part, his "evil spirit" being a visible form of his lifeforce, which could be considered an improvement on hamon, called a Stand would qualify, since it was able to stop a bullet at point-blank range. However, it would seem that this development isn't unique to the Joestars, since Avdol has one as well.


Regarding the Joestars' hereditary birthmark, I think it would be really hard to see that part of one's own back without a mirror. It's too close to the spine. Parents might notice it on their children and tell them about it, though. Since it was on Dio's body in the distance picture Joseph took with his Stand (there surely are other uses for it. Surely), then evidently Dio's head was able to decapitate the unconscious or dead Jonathan, wriggle out of his grasp, and take over his body. Curses! Now Dio is back to kill people and make trouble for the Joestars again.


I can dig grandpa Joseph's amazing man-voice. It's too bad that he was lying to Suzie in order to see their daughter and help her with Jotaro and his predicament.


TG: Root A - The raid on the Ghoul prison, Cochlea, was to spring one guy. I don't know why this dude, Kamishiro, didn't like Rize, but it was entertaining to see him whup Ken. I'm not sure why Eto asked Kamishiro if he wanted to see Rize, though, since she's dead.


Hm, Juzo knows the hybrid twins. That's odd.


I wasn't expecting Shinohara's quinque armor to be made from someone Ayato knew, maybe even his dad.


Akira goofed. Yes, she was dealing with a moving target, but it looked like she stabbed Naki twice in the same spot. When I took a self-defense shooting course, I overheard one of the instructors mention to someone else who was dismayed that their rounds weren't grouped closely on center mass the difference between target shooting for sport and defensive shooting. In a sport, the objective is a tight group of rounds on or near the bull’s-eye. Defensive shooting is almost the opposite. Yes, the rounds must still strike the attacker, but a wider spread with multiple wound channels is more likely to damage multiple organs, muscles, and bones so as to stop the attack more quickly. Akira may have slightly widened the wound channel in Naki, but it clearly wasn't enough damage to stop him. Stabbing higher in the chest may have been more effective for the second strike.


After Naki bit Akira's leg, she clearly underestimated Amon when she told him to leave her and get himself out alive. Amon is a hoss. He could easily escape with her as long as he didn't need to occupy an arm with carrying her, so as long as she can hold herself onto him without choking him, they'll make it.


Amon's childhood sucked. For one, he was an orphan. Whether he ever knew his parents or not, I didn't catch, but he was raised in orphanage by a priest, Donato, who was actually a ghoul. I guess Amon should consider himself lucky that he discovered Donato eating one of the other orphans before he selected Amon to eat.


I'm not sure why Cochlea exists. Why would they keep a group of superpowered individuals who are known to be killers alive? The only practical reason I can see is that there is limited viability of ghoul bodies after they die to make quinques. If we couple that with a limited qualified staff and specialized equipment for quinque development, then maybe it is necessary to keep the ghouls alive until the staff is ready to process their biological material (read: kill them and remove their kagune and possibly part of their nervous system, with other parts possible as well). 


HxH - Melody is a pleasant person, and I like that she enjoys the soothing rhythm of Leorio's heartbeat. They're both good people who recognize the goodness in each other. I want them to be friends, and it looks like that could happen.


In Gon's shoes, I would be inclined to give up on finding Ging, simply because Ging sounds like a jerk who doesn't want to be found and has no interest in being a part of his son's life. Were I to speculate, I'd say that Ging never intended to have a child with Gon's mom and didn't want Gon after he was born. Ging was decent enough to leave Gon with Mito, meaning he didn't abandon a baby/toddler for whom he was responsible to die unattended, but the only interactions we've seen so far were in the form of what was necessary to show Gon a project that Ging considered more important than raising his son... making a game for Hunters. :|


As for the testing process, I say Killua's inner monologue was the story trying to make things more complicated than they were in an effort to sound clever, and it struck me as contrived. When they boys didn't see anyone return, I thought of two possibilities for that. First, there could've been stage access from other hallways, which there was. Second, the people who failed could've been dying, either as a result of whatever they did or as a consequence for failure (we did just get through an arc focusing on organized criminals and murder for fun and profit, so I might be holding on to that too much), but I'm glad it was the first option. I liked the simplicity of Gon's idea; they were going to test everyone, so it didn't matter when they got in line.


Gon getting to log into the game first was fine. In the game orientation, I want to know whether the Guide was an N.P.C. or a trapped person. In light of my poor estimation of Ging, I can't say that I'm surprised that the gameplay of Greed Island, a game made by Ging and some friends (he has friends? I'm not sure I would want to meet anyone who would get along with him), would have such dickish restrictions regarding items. In the Guide's presentation, the example of a limit of three for the number of times an item can be converted was given. We know that many more than three copies of the game were made, so even excluding the add-on device which lets several players use one built-in memory card slot, each console would let two people play. While the simultaneous conversion limit may be higher than the example given, I fully expect there to be items where the limit is lower than the number of people who can play with standard console equipment, and I wouldn't be surprised if, for at least one item, the limit was lower than the number of game copies produced. Oh, but that's not all the dickery. There's even a time limit on making the decision of whether to put an item in storage or not, and then there's the malarkey rule about not being able to re-convert an item to put it back in storage after use. Hey! Guess what? A knife doesn't lose all its sharpness after cutting one piece of meat. A gun, even if all the ammunition is used, doesn't become mechanically non-functional when the magazine is emptied (though it would need to be reloaded, and bullets may be separate items that would need to be taken out of storage, and those are done after they're fired, but unspent rounds can stay in the magazine or be loaded into a different magazine, if the person so chooses). Unless you have the worst batteries ever made, a flashlight doesn't stop working after five minutes. My point is that several things which could be used repeatedly (yes, I'll admit that things will eventually wear out, but not likely in as few uses as the game sets) would, by the game design, need to be abandoned after one use, unless the player wanted to keep holding it or carry it on their person for the rest of the game. To me, that is a dick move by Ging and his friends, but I'll have more on that later. I'm fine with the general objective of the game being to collect all of the numbered items. Having free spaces to keep extra copies of useful items is sensible, especially when we consider the nonsense restriction of not being able to return used items that are still fully functional to storage. I would like to know some other things, though. If a player abandons an item after using it, does it reset the conversion limit for other players who may find it? Do items periodically re-spawn in their original locations? Those would be useful pieces of information, Guide.


I have sneaking suspicion that Ging and his friends designed Greed Island with an ulterior motive. I think that it's a way to eliminate competition from other Hunters. Given the conversion restrictions, it's possible for people to block each other from clearing the game if there are sufficiently few of some items. It gives meaning to the name of the game, Greed Island. If my suspicion is correct, then the Hunters playing will eventually need to make a decision between cooperation and selfishness. If they choose cooperation, they'll be free, but lose out on the reward. If they choose selfishness, they could be trapped forever, but they also have a "chance" at earning the reward (but not really, if the rarity of some items does have players blocking one another from acquiring all of the numbered items). Someone may even need to convert one or more of their numbered items to let someone else use it/them in conjunction with one or more of their numbered items to get another, rarer numbered item. If the players can't move past their own greed, then they may be stuck on the island forever. Now, if that cooperation does happen, I would expect it to involve the boys and this new blonde girl from the OP. I would also expect that one of them clearing the game will trigger a previously unknown/undisclosed quirk of the game that releases all of the current players as well. We'll see.


Lupin - I was thoroughly disappointed that this didn't turn out to be an actual zombie episode.


Early in the episode, part of the music reminded me of some background music from SC, but I don't remember which episode had it or the name of the track.


Wait. That doesn't make sense. Lupin would carry a firearm with presumably live ammunition. Rebecca used his gun on the "zombie." Unless she was able to swap the magazine for one filled with blanks without me noticing, she would've actually shot that guy. Even if he was wearing body armor under his costume, the force of those impacts should've knocked that extra down.


If Lupin doesn't get his divorce, I hope he at least gets to bang his wife.


Shippuden - I wasn't expecting an OP, but I'm fine with having it.


Just to get it out of the way, hooray! Hinata's still alive. I already knew this from other spoilers, but it's still nice to see it confirmed.


I'll agree that the art quality was a significant step down from the previous episode. It was still a sweet fight, but the art detail and crispness just wasn't there.


I must establish a difference between Naruto and Yahiko!Pain. Naruto is a jinchuriki, meaning he has the protective power of the Nine-Tails' chakra to shield him from attacks. We literally saw it pouring out of him and manifesting as pseudo-flesh. It would thus protect Naruto's actual body. Yahiko!Pain only has the chakra that Nagato sends into it, and he sends that for two primary purposes: 1. to make the body move, and 2. to execute jutsu. That chakra doesn't protect Yahiko!Pain from impacts unless it is used in Almighty Push as a shield. Thus, those massive stone blocks hitting him in rapid succession should've damaged his body, because there were impacts at intervals of less than five seconds, meaning he wouldn't have had time to recharge and execute Almighty Push again to protect his body. Even if we allow other instances of him using it to protect his body, there's still the time that his head was imbedded in a rock face. With his head in there, he couldn't see that other rocks were about to come down vertically on his body, and thus he wouldn't know that he needed to use Almighty Push to protect his body. The point is that the various impacts should've pulverized his body, rendering it mechanically incapable of motion. Oh well.


That said, I loved the nature of the action. Naruto rampaging in mini-Nine-Tails form (or not-so-mini toward the end of the episode) was every bit as satisfying as I hoped it would be. Not even what is ostensibly Nagato's most powerful use of the Tendo Path was enough to contain the rampaging Naruto. I will say that I was surprised that he reached all nine tails, though. I thought that the skinless form would be the manifestation of eight tails, but okay.


Inside Naruto's inner mind theater for the Nine-Tails' cell, I was torn between him retaining his separate humanity and surrendering to the power of the Nine-Tails. It's interesting that a vision of Minato, Naruto's dad, stepped in to stop him from removing the seal. It's easy to forget that we know Naruto's parentage, but he doesn't.


GitS - This showed a problem with bureaucracy. Someone in power under investigation for corruption can use the power of their office to mobilize agencies against the agency investigating them, and even though compelling evidence was brought to the attention of pertinent parties, the process for calling off the mobilized agencies takes so long that their work is done by the time the recall is issued.


At the very least in Togusa's case, there should still be some paper documents pertaining to his time as a regular policeman to corroborate his lack of involvement in TLM's abduction of Mr. Serano.


While I know that it will be disastrous for the Tachikomas, I must admire the Umibozu Commander's craftiness in retaining two of the armored suits, citing he wasn't ordered to send back all of them.


AoT: Second Course - I still dig Hange's interrogation method, even if it didn't work exactly as planned.


Oh, booze-loving pompadour guy. How wrong you were about Mike returning alive.


Why did you have to be a jerk and hurt the horse, Squatchy? Also, its enormous fingers shouldn't have been able to trigger the release mechanism for the ODM rig by virtue of them being too big to fit into the space to reach it. That is, unless the release is on the face of the back of the rig, which would be a bad design, since a crash could easily trigger the release if it were positioned there.


Jack - "Cover yerself! Ye'll catch yer death o' cold!" Also, the trash talking to Aku was great. Bless, you, Scotsman.


Since Jack succeeds in returning to the past and killing Aku there, the future we saw in the show doesn't happen. While it's possible that means that the Scotsman won't exist, I would like to believe that he would be born and have a long life, even teaching at least some of his many, many eventual grandchildren how to be boisterous and thoroughly entertaining badasses.


I like that they used the science of hearing loss. Simply by repeated exposure to sounds, especially loud ones, over time, people lose the hearing acuity to detect high-end frequencies. Ashi and the abducted children, by virtue of being several decades younger than Jack and likely exposed to far, far fewer explosions at near distances, likely have much better hearing than Jack does in this regard. His ears simply can't detect those frequencies anymore. In that case, it's a very good thing for him that Ashi accompanied him.


Ashi escaping the robotic clamps is a no. I find it very hard to believe that the motors controlling the closing action were attuned to clamp onto flesh without crushing it. The shape of the clamps would indicate to me that they were designed to secure large, round objects, since Ashi's body was able to slip through the center area of closed clamps several times. Since the children were no larger in the torso than Ashi's shoulders, the clamps wouldn't have been designed to hold them either. Thus, being industrial equipment, they would close fully, which would've smashed her hands and feet. Even if there were feedback sensors to detect resistance, those would be calibrated to steel or other sturdy metal components, which means that the tissues of her appendages would likely be too soft to trip the sensors before the clamps inflicted significant, and likely catastrophic, damage.


Jojo- Red Bind me, Avdol. Holly is so cute I love her. Haaa he has fangirls. "No boobs" is a devastating insult. Meanwhile this weird dude draws shitty Jojo fanart. And then Jotaro died. Don't worry, the fangirls will take care of you. I don't trust this guy with the stupid hair. I like that we still get young Joseph in the OP. Those girls volunteer to check every inch of his body for injuries. Your hair is stupid, new guy. Fuck off Dio with your goddamn attractive stolen body. I enjoy how Joseph has no indoor voice. I'm gonna fuck Avdol, y'all. :D Joseph's coffee. I'll help him take off his pants. It was nice of Kakyoin to leave him a note. And then tentacles. OW FUCK that's painful. Protect your beautiful face, Jojo! His name is Cockyoin because he's a dick. Dude, puppets have never been cool. Damn that nurse is stacked. I have also been possessed by a tentacle monster, Jotaro please help me. If you're offering, I'd also like to meet your grandpa. Ewww. No don't hurt the big buff oompa loompa. Jojo is having a bad day. Eat shit, Dickyoin. Jotaro is a douche. It's all sparkly. There's definitely porn of this. I love that thing. That right there is some JUSTICE FISTIN' JOJO. Oh they're on the first floor that makes more sense how he was sitting on the window. Holly is so cute oh my god. RIP in peace, asshole.


Ghoul- I hate this show so much. Should I recognize any of these girls? It sure is sad that this character I didn't know at all died I guess. Oh it's those girls and that kid I hate. Meanwhile, more people I don't like watching. Yes this does hurt, how kind of you to ask. Well that sure was an anti-climactic but mercifully short fight. How was the maximum security zombie prison so ill-equipped to handle this? This show makes me aware of every minute of my life that I spend inching closer to death. You're wasting your time on these flashbacks, I feel nothing. Oh what the fuck now. I'm sure this a happy reunion for all of you. Someone please just nuke the entire building. This music sounds like somebody just threw a cat at a piano and called it a day. Whelp this guy's definitely about to die. He is just the worst. Maybe y'all should have tossed out the ghoul-wrecking smoke before everyone died? I'll admit, the centipede thing sure is fucking creepy. Please kill each other. What in the sweet and sour fuck is that.


Hunter- I like that other people are using the buddy system too. Of course it's their first time playing, nobody gets out of there. Hi new guy, I hate you already. Don't fuck with my children. Rock Paper Scissors is very intense. No problem gimme that spaghetti. Oh lord he's an NPC he only knows like three different sentences. Whelp so much for that guy, time to loot his corpse. I hope he didn't explode from the spaghetti. Please be a nice guy who doesn't want to kill my children, sir. I'm not entirely sure I trust this dude. Kids the man is spoon-feeding you information, it's pretty obvious you don't know what you're doing. Shut up, new pig fucker. Okay I'm gonna trust this guy to not kill my adorable children. I am way too dumb to play this game. I love these kids but I am very concerned for them. Gon your dad is shit and his game is shit. I want to hug these kids and be the loving and supportive parent they need. Awwwww Killua. Wait what you get the fuck away from them you little gremlin.


Lupin- Nobody in this show can get laid. Oh hey Zeni where have you been lately. A rich and sexy widow, you say? Zeni's just here for his deep and unrequited love of Lupin. Is Zeni gonna get laid here? Well this got depressing as shit in a hurry. The age difference is kinda creepy but he seems like a good dude. Get it, Zeni. Well things seemed like they were going good until now. Oh hey Lupin. Hiiiii Fuji. I really hope that whole backstory was made up and the rich widow wasn't a child hooker. Well this entire plan went to shit. And then everyone died. Man, things just keep getting worse for the retired baby prostitute. Zeni doesn't fuck around. THIS JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE. That ended surprisingly well. I'm glad things worked out for that lady. Now show us there was a secret hidden treasure after all. I'm disappointed that it's not all in a giant Scrooge McDuck vault. Hey everybody, free money! Zeni's being surprisingly cool this week. She's great and I love her.


Naruto- Congratulations Naruto, you're a disappointment to your dead father. How do you not know who your dad is? Let the Dr. Claw monster out of his cage. Yeah because having a monster hellbeast in your kid is definitely not putting him in danger at all. That seems like some real shitty reasoning. Was it snake Blum? Oh goddammit it's orange guy I hate that guy. Boy howdy do I know about hate in this place, buddy. I agree, Naruto is terrible and it's a mistake to depend on him so much. Dude I'm pretty sure a parent's duty is also to not use their newborn child as a nesting doll for an unstoppable chupacabra monster but that didn't stop you back then. Eww, slug. The good news is Hinata's alive, the bad news is she still has to be in this show. Give that frog mouth-to-mouth, Lee. Yes please end this already. Man I've seen filler for this show, I've known more pain than you could ever imagine. Just kick him in the nuts and call it a day. I'd just kill myself if I saw several dozen Narutos flying at me at once.


JoJo: You should be nicer to your mom. Is new Jojo's dad dead? Wondering why he hasn't made an appearance yet.  All the girls want some Joestar. I'm impressed with gild who offers to hold Jojo's hand next time. Way to think fast. That is one hell of a body you got there Dio. Please continue to touch yourself. Avdol is so chill :D Gramps really hates Japan :D Don't stop with the pants...take it all off.  Stupid hair is back. Where exactly did that Stand enter her body? Doesn't matter, any Joestar or friends of Joestar Stands can enter mine. Dude you're awful, your puppets awful, and you cannot die soon enough. Field trip to see Gramps, I have my permission slip. Good, the nurse is going to make it. Holly you are both irritating and endearing to me....I guess just like your son:D What is that?!


TG: Why won't this show end?! The twins were in the same class as stitches? This makes no sense. Just kill each other.....no dammit all three lived. THIS IS A PRISON FOR GHOULS! WHY ARE YOU IDIOTS JUST TRICKLING IN! HOW CAN THERE NOT BE A FULL ON ASSAULT! EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU SUCK AT YOUR JOBS AND SHOULD DIE! What the hell is this! Lets just causally walk over, look a ghoul is causally walking to meet you, calmly face off, exchange small talk, how's the wife? kids? Guess we need to fight now. There is not enough alcohol in the world to have that make any sense. No one cares about terrible brother and dead father. Kenny's still alive :( He's lost his mind.  Are you firing at the ghoul with a bb gun? Kid you have no one covered. STOP WITH THE SMALL TALK! IT'S STUPID! How....how the hell to you recognize him? Kenny looks nothing like the last time you saw him. This is stupid. Noooooo! let it end. Kill them all. Damn it all to hell.


HH: Remember kids, always use the buddy system. That is just a good rule for everything. I don't trust you new guy. Kill him Killua. Coward runs away. Never underestimate rock, paper, scissors. The kids are getting that free meal. What could that guy possibly have to get him killed, he just got there. Explanation go. I'm not sure I trust you dude. When in doubt, always make your own way. What's you deal girl?


L3: This was like watching a tennis match. There is no treasure...treasure.....no treasure....treasure! Your backstory is shit girl, but here's hoping the future is bright.




Okay, I get it, you hate this show, but I seriously think it's time for you to fucking chill.



Since the Resurrection F arc’s finally done, does that mean the animation’s gonna be halfway decent now?

That’s a lotta sweat. Not surprising, given their poses and clothing.

“Oh dear, not another ICBM.”

Screw you, Beerus. :catmad

Oh hey, it’s Fat Beerus and Female Whis.

:D I love these two.

Those limbo skills sure came in handy, didn’t they, FB? :D

And yet it’s hilarious when he gets attacked.

So apparently soot on the face is enough to trick Beerus into thinking you’re someone else.

That’s a big-ass parfait soda thing.

“Like if Lord Beerus ate another Lord Beerus.” :D

You do realize you’re speaking to Goku, right?


I rewatched a bunch of old Toonami music videos last night for whatever reason. (Mad Rhetoric was the best, Ladies of Toonami was more cringey than I remembered, and I can’t believe I was disappointed that GXP didn’t show up that much during its run.) Using the Dreams intro to promote the return of Outlaw Star was just perfect.


Eggs. For some reason, I thought they looked like gumdrops.

:D Of course Goku loves it, he loves pretty much all kinds of food.

And now it’s ramen time.

I am forever jealous that there’s at least one ingredient in instant ramen that I can’t eat under threat of… mood swings.


The difference between Universe 6 and 7 is that the results of coin flips are opposing.

Now this is some interesting exposition.

Oh Vegeta, you and your Saiyan pride.

“It would seem that the 6th Universe’s Earth was plunged into a foolish conflict which wiped out its entire population.” Oh god don’t tell me we’re in the 6th Universe right now.

And here comes the plot.

Ohhhhhhh now he’s getting serious.

Now that’s an anger strong enough to span multiverses.

:D Goku, you idiot.

Ooh, another set of Dragon Balls?

Super Dragon Balls, I like the ring of that. Not to mention they give the show’s title actual meaning.

“I can only hope nothing terrible comes of this.” I’d say you jinxed it, Vegeta, but because you thought it, I’ll give you benefit of the doubt.

And thus begins Goku’s desire to fight despite any potential consequences.

Yep, he just fightgasmed right there.

TOP BILLING: Goku, apparently, followed by Champa.


I nominate PICKLE RIIIIIIIIIIIIICK for Meme of the Year.



And they say HD doesn’t have pixellation problems.

Geez, how hard did Vegeta hit Goku to knock him out that hard?

Meanwhile, Gohan’s dead but not really.


Like bubblegum.

Wait, so it’s able to fire off shots? How’s that even possible?

Now that’s an iconic pose.

Or maybe it’s just a remote-controlled bondage mechanism, sure let’s go with that.

And then Atomic Butt-Drop.


I forgot Babidi was still there.

If they’re gonna claim Vegeta’s dead too without checking his pulse I’m gonna throw something.


That’s not how you pronounce “imbecile”.

:D A two-bit warlock in a skirt.

Fuck yeah Piccolo. :)

Well that’s one way to take care of a minor major villain.

He’s gonna die now isn’t he.

As annoying as that baby bears rap is, at least next week’s schedule isn’t just Teen Titans Go. R-Right?

Yeah, I think him getting killed is supposed to be the point.

Who are you and what have you done with Vegeta. owo

:D Theeeeeere’s our Vegeta.

Dear god Goten shut up. Vegeta, knock him out too for me, wouldja? [stomachpunch] Thank you.

Hear that? That’s the tune of your doom.

Huh, so that’s how it works. Good people go to Heaven, bad people go to Hell, and the really bad people get reincarnated. I’m down with that.


Now that is the face of a man willing to face his ultimate destiny.

And there he goes. :(




Huh, his house is more traditional than I expected.

“Annoying” and “bitch” mean the same thing to Jotaro, apparently.

Is this what harem anime is like, you ask? The answer is… yes. Exactly. :D

Meanwhile, a mysterious painter standing in the middle of the forest. And he looks important too.


Thank you, strategically placed tree branches.

The mystery painter knows about STANDs too?


They’re staring at her because in Japan, holding hands is even lewder than exhibitionism.

Well this guy looks positively suspicious.

Personally, I think that white cloth wrapped over your shoulders would be a better tourniquet than that measly hankerchief.

Ooh, a mysterious transfer student.

:D Oh, you wacky lawlharems.

Meanwhile, Dio acting creepy.


:D Even after 50 years, Joseph is still hilarious.

“No one touches the hat or the pants.”

Turns out the hankerchief was actually a cryptic message.

And then things got super-spooky.


“Christ, why the ear, man?”


The STAND is controlling her through her vagina.

Such a romantic. >_>

Shiny melon~.

At this point I’m not sure who to believe.

You gotta love attack names as unabashedly cheesy-awesome as “Emerald Splash”.

Welp, she’s dead.

So… your STAND’s an emo?

You’re forgetting that she stabbed someone in the eye with a pen she kept insisting was a thermometer.


He’s evil?


“Should be fine once her wounds are treated. How ironic, considering she’s the nurse…”

And then he played hooky.

“My Jotaro senses are tingling!”

To the tea room, then!

Aww, he cares after all.

Wow, that’s one serious case of head-herpes.



Welcome… to college.

Give it up for Amon, everybody!

That girl clearly had the hots for Amon. And look where that got her. :(

I never really considered the idea of Suzuya knowing the One-Eyed Ghoul Twins, but this actually adequately explains that.

Is he poking at a dead animal or something? That seems like something he’d do.

Or maybe he was crushing ants with his bare hands. Close enough.

So is tonight Eye Scream night or something?

Well, the animation here’s slightly better than last week’s embarrassment.

Hmm, so this is what not caring feels like. Not bad, not bad at all.

“That was easier than I expected.”

Huh, I was expecting him to cut through her body, not just her arm.

And then it was The Price is Right. ::]::


I feel your frustration at being held out on these important plot facets too, Suzuya.

“They’ve wiped out every guard in the facility.” ALL OF THEM!?

Tell me about Tatara; why doesn’t he take off the mask?

Well, on the plus side, at least we haven’t gotten back to Kaneki yet.

Ayato, you a punk bitch.

[awkward silence]

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “This show makes me aware of every minute of my life that I spend inching closer to death.” The same could be said for me about the case of wandering pain I’ve been suffering for the past month and a half.

“Who’s Alexa?” Bitch you don’t know shit about technology you gotta get your cable back from those cutters.

This week on Story Time with the Kirishimas, the unofficial prequel to Waiting for Godot.

He went out for cigarettes and never came back. And look where he is now. :(


Meanwhile, best couple is making their slow-speed escape.

Oh hey, flashback relevance.

“Dammit, this always happens when I run into people I recognize!”

Even Amon’s getting frustrated by the lack of clarity here.

I bet you anything the centipede Kaneki got put in his ear gave him that second kagune.


Because even when he’s gone completely crazy, Kaneki is still the punkest bitch in this show.

Okay, maybe my little joke prediction was a little too on the nose.

Welp, guess that means I hate Kaneki now.


Wait, he’s eating… Shinohara’s armor. Okay, that’s pretty fucking weird.

And now, catharsis.

Don’t cry, Kaneki, that’s not gonna help your case, whatever it is.

It’s raining men! (Hallelujah!)

Okay what the actual fuck.

He’s taking them back to headquarters for punishment.

NEXT WEEK: The Thousand Paths of Pain, which isn’t nearly enough for this show.


They say “Hint of Jalapeno”, but you know they’re gonna stick sour cream flavoring in it. I swear, it’s like most creators of flavored chips want me to have… mood swings.



Welcome to Greed Island: if you die here, you die in real life.

Oh hey, I recognize that guy from the OP. And that guy too!

I’m not sure how easy it is to know that you’re being watched.

Random bagpipes.

There might not have been any cards in it when he first summoned it, but maybe they were included once all the save data was loaded.


And there’s your first opponent: some squatting dude with dreadlocks and headphones. Probably a lover of hip-hop music.

The subs say “Cling”, but the furigana says “Adhesion”. Which is it, show? Which is it?


Too bad for you Killua’s immune to those paltry attacks of yours.

What a pussy, that guy was.

Meanwhile, at the Phantom Troupe’s hideout…

Any excuse to give my wife screentime is a good one. :)

Isn’t Nen practically magic in its own right?

Ooh, a village of prizes.


But first, food.

CAVE AUDE BIQUF WIHB. That’s what the sign says, at least.

That chef sounds just like Lupin.

Unplayable, yes, but hey, free food!

Well that dude sure died fast and hard, just like James Dean.

Welcome to the world of Sword Art Online, Gon. And your father, sad to say, is Akihiko Kayaba.

I too would like to know the point of Pickle Rick.

Woohoo, alliances and exposition!

Oh hey, I recognize a couple of those guys! Puhat, kung fu loli, and the black dude, specifically.

Did someone say small bombs?

[pauses commenting to listen to exposition]

The loli’s been awfully quiet so far. Even the token Todd Haberkorn character who just showed up had lines before she did.

So you’re gonna steal them when the others’ back is turned?

Dammit Gon what led you to that conclusion?

That snaggletooth. :3

And now the loli’s existence is finally acknowledged.

I can’t help but feel somewhat suspicious about this alliance…

Turns out Gon just panicked.

Kid’s gonna have to realize sooner or later that his dad’s kind of a dick.

So in a way, it’s actually better than SAO?

“Killing is badong”, says the assassin child.

Now kiss.

So the loli left to spy on them, and boy is she nasty.

I doubt her plans are gonna work, considering how friendly she is with them in the ED animation.



List of TV-14SV anime episodes on [as]: Trigun 17, Bleach 41, Code Geass 9, Code Geass 11, Casshern Sins 18, Kick-Heart, Space Dandy 3, GITS:SAC 1 (HD version), and now… this.

Not thirty seconds in, and I can tell that detective wants to do her.


Oh hey, Zenigata was born on Christmas. A truth he has a better time accepting than the protagonist of Itsudatte My Santa does.

A secret fortune? Ooh, scandalous~.

No one would think to build a mansion on the side of the cliff, that’s genius!

:D Checking for Lupin in the toilet.

“Weird, all these pictures have you two in the same general position.”

I was gonna make a Shadman joke as soon as I saw her freckles and jailbait appearance, but I backed off as soon as the prostitution part of her backstory came into play.

[insert anti-sexism comments here]

That dude sounds way too weary to be threatening, let alone believable.

And then Zenigata became a househusband. (Huh, that’s an actual word.)

Was that a waterfall I saw back there?

“Come back, I just want to talk to you in a civil manner!”

You really screwed up this time, Pops.

:D Fujiko’s disguises are just too good.

The fusion of the promo music and the actual BGM for that DB Super promo was magical.

It all began two hours ago…

Okay, some slight convolution here, but I think I get the gist of it.

Fujiko has experience playing the role of others, that I know from watching her own show.


Oh shit, the suave detective who wants to do her is a villain too! MEGA-SHOCK.



“You’re right. You’re not like Lupin.” That’s because he is Lupin, right? R-Right?

Don’t fuck with Zenigata.

Huh, so that’s what he noticed in the photographs.

And then what appeared to be a release from a Shadman picture turned out to be the set of an Insex video. Branding women is not okay unless they’re either into it or the proper anesthesia is used, and also if it’s limited to works of fiction.

I have a feeling that the fortune actually does exist and not even Gotti knew about it.

Nice, a tomboy reporter.

:D Oh, Lupin.

“Even bad guys can be good guys, given the opportunity.” And in a way, Lupin straddles the line between both roles.

The 12AM hour was Eye Scream week, the 1AM hour is Evilly Smirking Blondes week. (Central Standard Time.)

I don’t care if he’s on his deathbed, he still sounds like a terrible abridgement.

Guess I was right about the fortune being truth after all.


And Zenigata’s there too! Didn’t expect that.

Now that, ladies and germs, is how you play 4D chess.

These reporters sound so phony.

Zenigata episodes are also pretty top tier, you gotta admit. The whole “men are pigs” deal Elena had was kind of heavy-handed, though.


Is this the real life? Or is it just Fanta Sea?



Dang, the Fourth really planned ahead, didn’t he.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I think I’ll just remain over here.” :D Burrrrrrrrrrrrn.

And then Naruto learned the obvious truth.


What a beautiful catharsis. T_T

“16 already?” I’ll say, I’d have assumed he was 15. How many months had passed in Shippuden so far anyways?

And then he learned the not-so-obvious truth.

I’m not too surprised that Tobi summoned the Nine-Tails, considering we previously heard him tell Sasuke about it.

Welcome to the concept of power creep: that there’s always a stronger opponent than the one you think to be the upper limit.

I love that they flashbacked to the episode that looked different from most of the others. Sad the same couldn’t be said for the one that followed.

“The answer’s there in one place, and now you just have to find it.”

Thank you for your wise words, Ghost Dad.

Fun story about Outlaw Star. I never actually saw it on Toonami because I started watching it too late to catch it (plus I don’t think I was watching Cartoon Network then, so…), but I watched the first episode twice a few years ago. Once as a test, and again alongside the first episodes of these other shows. Don’t ask me why, it’s just something I did for the fun of it.

Meanwhile, this isn’t nearly as visually interesting as it was last episode.

Nagato sure looks unhealthy, doesn’t he?

It’s raining boulders!

Huh, Katsuyu was in there this entire time.

“I can sense Hinata’s chakra! How did I even do that?”

Whatever medic you find, don’t bring Sakura over.

Say, when was the last time Sasuke was even mentioned?

That commercial break from before really could’ve been better placed.


And now it’s self-mutilation time.

Crazy, but it worked, and that’s what matters.

Like a freakin’ boomerang.

HOLY SHIT THAT’S A LOTTA SHADOW CLONES. :D Naruto, you ingenious fool.

Say what you will, I am enjoying the hell out of this arc conclusion.



While it’s nice to see that Aramaki got off more or less scot-free, it still sucks that the Umibozu were total bastards to the other Section 9 members. (I’m probably the only one who appreciates the irony in Ishikawa leaking information seeds at a pachinko parlor with the same name as him.) Batou giving a good number of them the what for and the remaining Tachikomas sacrificing themselves to help him out were all-around cool, though. (Can’t get over the Major stashing extra weapons under her panty drawer. :D) And for whatever reason, the mention of the Major getting her head blown off made my mom laugh for some reason. (It really isn’t a laughing matter.) Now say it with me (and Batou): MOTOKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Oh, and a little fun fact: the Japanese version of the Major in her pre-teen tomboy body is the same seiyuu she had in the Arise OVAs. Probably the only consistency between that and Stand Alone Complex, besides Mary Elizabeth McGlynn showing up in the dub.


[funny how things like that work]


I am chill. I make one post a week about Tokyo Ghoul, just happens to be here. Since this thread is for posting thoughts on eps, seems like as good a place as any.


And yes, I do hate the show, but I unfortunately will continue to watch since my baby boy is enjoying it. (He didn't care for Gundam, so that I could safely ignore) In my personal hell, I get to listen to him ramble on about his thoughts about the eps and actually have to engage in conversation with him about it. He was upset that the owl didn't fight, again, and can't wait to see the old man in action. Yes, he is aware that I don't like the show, since he actually gets to listen to me mumble about the stupid shit as it airs, and gets my opinion when he wants to talk about it. He still likes it.


I'll leave this with one last thought, the same thing I tell my children. Just because I think it's shit and a waste of space doesn't mean you can't like it. My opinion should have no impact whatsoever on your enjoyment.


Tonight on Toonami, preparations for the Universe 6 tournament begin as Goku and company ask for Bulma's help in finding the last Super Dragon Ball, Vegeta's sacrifice was a noble one but was it enough to put down Majin Buu for good? (you know the answer to this already), Jotaro learns more about Dio's treacherous abilities through two completely different means, Amon and Mado Jr. go on a sorta-date because who cares about the actual plot anymore, Gon and Killua participate in an online rock-paper-scissors tournament, Nyx goes full Liam Neeson after his daughter is abducted by human traffickers, Naruto sets his sights on Nagato as his fight against Deva Pain concludes, Togusa finds himself having to come to terms with Section 9's supposed fate three months after their disbandment, and don't look at me with those big ol' hyperrealistic eyes.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #28 - The 6th Universe's Destroyer! His Name is Champa! - TV-14L

8:30 - Dragonball Super #29 - The Combat Matches Are a Go! The Captain is Someone Stronger Than Goku - TV-PGL


11:00 - Dragonball Super #29 - The Combat Matches Are a Go! The Captain is Someone Stronger Than Goku - TV-PGL

11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #128 - A Nightmare Revisited: The Immortal Monster Majin Buu! - TV-PGLV

12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #3 - The Curse of DIO - TV-14LSV

12:30 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #6 - Thousand Paths - TV-MAV

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #62 - Reality and Raw - TV-14L

1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #8 - The Zapping Operation - TV-14V

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #169 - The Two Students - TV-14V

2:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #26 - STAND ALONE COMPLEX - TV-14V - END

3:00 - Attack on Titan #28 - Southwestward - TV-14V


Yes, Dio spells his name in all caps now.


I can fully believe that Dio went ego-crazy while in his coffin for around a century. His all-caps name is perfectly fitting with that. Wait. What am I saying? Dio was always ego-crazy.


DBS - A multiverse is fine with me, but I have no idea why it would be limited to 12 habitable ones.


Vados, Whis' sister, is pretty. I'm almost certain I've mentioned it before, but I'm mentioning it again.


Yes, yes. Instant ramen tastes good, but I don't think it's worth gambling for a whole planet to get or keep it.


Dragonballs the size of planets would be incredibly difficult to gather.


DBZK - Even under the Majin enchantment, Vegeta was still decent enough to keep Goten and Trunks out of the fight. Good on Piccolo for taking them to safety, and I think we have Gohan to thank for that change in him. The Piccolo that started the show wouldn't have hesitated to get himself to safety and leave the boys behind.


It's no wonder Saiyans have such tremendous appetites. The energy that Vegeta released was akin to a nuclear detonation, and that all came from his body, meaning from the energy of his cells, meaning from the food he ate. Wow.


Even knowing the devastation to come, I still stand by Piccolo's decision to slay Babidi on the grounds of Babidi being obnoxious and a cowardly dick.


JoJo: SC - Wow. This show made Ang so thirsty that it looped back into the show and took over all those female classmates of Jotaro.


Noriaki attacking Jotaro seemed like it came out of nowhere, and I don't remember much about his powers other than him using them to possess the hot school nurse.


Evidently Jotaro isn't the only hooligan at his school. It sure sucked to be the guy that the possessed hot school nurse stabbed.


TG: Root A - I'm going to side with Ang here on it being a much more sensible security measure to have the anti-ghoul gas release automatically when the unauthorized opening of multiple cells happens (I would have no more than two ghouls out of their cells at once for any reason. Yes, it would be logistically bothersome. Yes, it could be considered a violation of their "human" rights not to allow them yard time or to leave their cells for meals. However, we are dealing with superpowered entities who have killed people, so screw that noise - I'm erring on the side of caution, and People for the Ethical Treatment Ghouls can blow it out their ears) than the utter disaster of a response that we saw.


Ken going bonkers after getting whupped by Kamishiro was unexpected, but I'm fine with his wanton destruction spree. At least he was doing something until the Owl showed up to get him out of there.


Oh, boooo, show! Quinques are made from parts of ghouls, presumably freshly dead ones. How would Shinohara's quinque armor even be able to detect that he was fighting Ayato, let alone decide that it didn't want to fight him and thus resist Shinohara? It makes no sense.


Hm, I wasn't expecting the hybrid girls to be converted ghouls who chose that. I am a little curious now as to why Investigator candidates would switch sides like that. Were I to guess, I would say it had something to do with Mado's sadism.


I mostly enjoyed Juzo's parts, but his curiosity over whether one twin dying would be fatal to the other (I'm going to guess it has something to do with a the metaphysical idea of twins being linked) was a little too crazily creepy. Maybe I'm too close to it, since I have relatives who are twins.


HxH - It sure was a nice hint from the one guy to the boys about what they should do when they meet someone and that person calls for their book. Even if they have no spell cards, they can use it as a bluff. Of course, the other alternative is to attack the player directly. I'm presuming that "physical" violence will still work in the game, since it is possible for the players to die.


Judging by the way the guy talked about it, logging out of the game is possible. I wonder if it's possible to do that during a losing fight and return to a previous save point on the data card.


I doubt that there are no spell cards in the game capable of harming someone directly. It would be nice if it were true, but I feel like there are some undiscovered cards which might have that potential. Also, spell cards to remove the effect of another spell card sure seem like handy items to have.


I'm fine with a group of players banding together to beat the game and split the reward. I'm also fine with Gon deciding he doesn't want to do that. He's here to get insight into the kind of person Ging is (a jerk, Gon. That's the kind of person Ging is, and you should already know enough about him to determine that by now). While clearing the game would be an acceptable turn of events for Gon, it isn't his main concern.


Of course the blond girl is a complete brat with bad intentions. Leave the boys alone, jerk girl.


Lupin - Did Goemon skip this episode, too? I'm getting really curious as to where he is and how he's occupying his time.


Fujiko is much more buxom than Elena. Fujiko would've needed to bind her chest to pass for having Elena's general body shape.


The rumor of a secret fortune was a very spiteful thing for Roberto to do to Elena. Yes, he couldn't get past her cheating on him that time, but condemning her to be hounded by guys who are as bad or worse than the guy from that time is really vicious. Maybe it's not as vicious as branding her, but it's still cruel to rob her of any sense of peace.


I can believe that Lupin would agree to the publicity stunt wherein he claimed to have stolen the secret fortune. It would add to his reputation and, as Fujiko said, Elena would feel safe enough to access the treasure if it did exist, which would give them the chance to take some of it.


That much gold would weigh many tons. It might be approaching the static load limit of the concrete or cement floor.


I'm cool with Elena seeking public office with the campaign of fighting forced prostitution.


Shippuden - Now Naruto knows why his father sealed the Nine-Tails in him (or at least part of the reason). Minato using the last of his chakra to repair the seal is fine, and it did serve to stop the Nine-Tails' current rampage. However, it sounded like Minato said that he only sealed some of the Nine-Tails' chakra in Naruto. What did Minato do with the rest of it?


I'm not sure what kept the "Planetary Destruction" earthen prison from crashing to the ground. Also, I forget if Nagato mentioned it in this episode or the previous one, but he said that the Sage of Six Paths used this technique to create the Moon. I prefer the Theia/Giant Impact/First Impact idea, but if this was intended to contain the Nine Tails (which it failed to do, but eh), it begs the question of what could be so powerful that it would take a body the size of Luna (not Mrs. Luna :P ) to contain it.


Naruto literally throwing himself, with Rasengan in hand, at Yahiko!Pain looks like it might work. We'll see. Plus, if Nagato enjoyed better health, then I feel like he and his Six Paths corpse puppets would beat Naruto handily and have him captive to charge up the Gedo statue.


GitS - I never tire of the Major's lingerie drawer having weapons stored on the underside of the drawer.


I'm torn on Section 9 members using lethal force. The Umibozus did attack their headquarters and had weapons at the ready when some of the Section 9 members walked into ambushes, which did prompt those members to surrender. However, if they fled, then the Umibozus fired on them. Particularly, the Umibozus that Batou killed were armed, but Ishikawa used an explosion to keep them from getting his equipment when he was already clear of the building. Maybe the case could be made for Batou's actions being justified, but Ishikawa... not so much.


AoT: Second Course - If titans have been (mostly?) people all along, then I can understand the Walls being made of them. Either there were people who were involuntarily titan-shifted by the king and his forces who rebelled against him in this way, by making a sanctuary for the others oppressed by his rule, or the area inside the Walls was where the king lived, and the Walls were made by those loyal to him to protect him from enemies.


As for the town Sasha didn't expect to be there, the refugees had to live somewhere, and they have had years to build. As long as there were people with the construction skills, it would be a simple matter of procuring enough building supplies.


Jack - The three brother archers aged astoundingly well. The MC Hammer-esque samurai did not.


I'm not sure why Ashi's hair changed after this washing when it kept the previous style after other submersions.


Hey! Bouncer-type crew member. What about service dogs? What about the three dog-headed guys that ended up tossing Scaramouche overboard? Your "no dogs" policy seems flawed and/or inconsistently implemented.


I feel like the spectral samurai who haunted Jack may have been an agent of Aku, since it seemed determined to talk him into dying.


JoJo: SC - Wow. This show made Ang so thirsty that it looped back into the show and took over all those female classmates of Jotaro.

I like the one who offered to hold his hand. She saw an opportunity and went for it.


I'm pretty sure Joseph's immune to my curse at this point but I fear for Avdol's safety.


Jojo- This OP is great. Joseph's looking great in that sweater. Whelp he's doomed go ahead and loot his corpse. Avdol continues to be really attractive. Is Avdol gonna fuck Dio because I'm pretty cool with that. And then the tentacles. We've all jumped out a window to avoid a gay panic, I'm sure. It's okay baby you'll get him next time. Jotaro is definitely willing to risk Kakyoin's life on this hunch. It'd be great if Dio would stop trying to tentacle fuck everyone. Yes your grandson is very impressive alright. Yaaay Joseph still uses hamon. How does Jotaro's hat work? Holly continues to be adorable and I love her. Joseph and his complete lack of indoor voice cracks me up. Kakyoin is a lucky man, Holly's a milf. School is for dorks, Jojo. MENACING SPOON. Oh that can't be good. I'm also not feeling well and need you to rip my shirt off, Avdol. God I wish that were me. Oh no please don't kill the milf. Someone hug Joseph. LET'S GO KICK DIO'S ASS. Joseph's lookin good in those suspenders. That oompa loompa is so helpful. It's...a fly? Avdol it's a fly how can you possibly recognize it. I like how Avdol doesn't even bother turning on a light when he could just use his magic cock. That sounds horrible. Joseph is a good dad. He could help me with my underwear too. Aww, Jotaro does care. Awww Joseph don't cry all you have to do is punch Dio really hard. Dio you're a vampire who dies when you see the sun, why would you pick a place that's literally always sunny? Kakyoin has joined the party. PLEASE SAVE THE MILF. Speedwagon, still the best. At least oompa loompa gets a cool name. All aboard the MAN TRAIN. FUCK YEAH THE SONG. I'm sure nothing bad is about to happen. Wait Dio has Hermit Purple too?


Ghoul- Oh come on how did that guy live. I don't know what these words mean. This show comes in after Jojo like a wet fart at a funeral. Why are you letting the lunch boy read your classified information? I continue to not give a shit about this kid. What the fuck am I watching. That random giraffe is by far the best character in this show. I would not be sad if either of you kicked the bucket. I hate all of you. "Tee hee, it's so cool that you're friends with a violent cannibal!" That looks painful but I'm glad he's suffering. I wish I was as drunk as this guy. This is painful. Well that drunk guy is about to get mauled. Maybe he never got promoted because he was a crazy douche. Don't blame each other, you're all terrible. Hi kitty! She's just drunk she doesn't need medicine. Is somebody gonna bang in this show? Oh that's a boner killer. What the fuck, dude. All these redshirts are gonna die.


Hunter- Yay my boys got a sword. Fuck you, that's our sword! Wow dude you suck. This guy's outfit is awful. Leave my kids alone! I'm gonna kick this girl down some stairs. That card sounds nifty. The checklist card sounds real useful. Always take the cheap one. Gon is adorable and I love him. They're so excited for those monsters. Don't trust that girl. Killua don't give a fuck. Oh great it's these assholes again. I'm not sure it makes more sense to physically transport people, dude. The spider people are the worst. Throw a beehive at her and run. Where are those bandits, please take her. Wait what? I don't know what y'all expect these kids to do about your plague. Oh they're NPCs. Fuck off girl, nobody likes you. Gon no don't give him your pants. This is weird. A flock of cyclops should be worth something. Well that seems easy enough. MEGA LIZARD, GO. And then balloons! Shut up girl they're doing their best. Tis but a flesh wound! Hee it's a pokemon. Go away nobody likes you. Who names their kid Biscuit? How goddamn old is this kid???


Lupin- Nice car. Wait is that the one guy from the other episode? Oh no he's got a loving family, I don't like his odds. Now I need pizza. I love Rebecca she's so much fun. This little girl's got moxy. Dangit Rebecca just be nice to the kid. I'd definitely just steal that purse. Oh no, perverts. OH NO, PERVERTS. Please save the little girl. This show's got a weird thing with child hookers, doesn't it. Hey guess what it's your daughter. If you have to end up in the trunk of some criminals, Lupin and Jigen are probably the best case scenario. Okay this girl is kind of adorable. Okay maybe don't come in and start shooting at your own kid. Rebecca she's like twelve, don't be gross. She's super cute I really hope this goes okay. You're all gonna laugh at this huge misunderstanding. Goddammit Rebecca it was going well. Calm down dude you're gonna have a stroke. Rebecca you might wanna take this more seriously. Aww that's really nice of her. Roger roger. Bang your wife, Lupin. Aw crap the loot. The plot, it thickens.


Naruto- Hinata has got to work on her standards. I would not trust any plan Naruto came up with. Now who's in pain, ya dick? Why are you stabbing yourself, you stupid asshole? That seems staggeringly unnecessary. Yes please just go away. Is...is Hinata not wearing a real shirt? No let him do this alone maybe he'll die. Dad squad is not having any of this. The real pain is in my soul as I watch this show. Let him go because if Naruto dies, Shikamaru can be the main character. Yeah that tree looks normal go ahead and touch it. No Naruto, YOU are the real pain here. I dunno, killing him would make me feel better. No, kill him right now. Didn't your shitty ghost dad just repair your monster block like five minutes ago? Blah blah blah the world is a dark and evil place and you're so deep and wise fuck off. Please god no don't tell me everything.


JoJo: I love how Joseph never changes. I firmly believe any one of them could read from a phone book and they still would have my undivided attention.  Dio knew Avdol's potential...I can't blame him for wanting Avdol for himself. Jotaro is so like his grandfather, I can remember when Joseph didn't listen either. Holly you are adorable and I hope nothing bad happens to you. Crap, if everyone's looking for her something happened. Holly's Stand is really pretty, shame it's killing her. I wonder what her Stand would be capable of? Joseph.....that's why she isn't strong enough. You dote on her why too much. If you need someone to dote on, I may know someone.  Team Joestar ready to go....let's kick some Dio ass.


TG: I have no idea what this show wants to do. I like stitches, but this backstory would have worked a little earlier.  Still don't know why they needed a prison for ghouls. What was/is the point of housing dangerous creatures that they kill in the field? Hiname is still adorable, but that new girl is weird. Kenny is having a bad day, and I guess that's because he eats other ghouls....so why don't any of the gourmet ghouls have this problem? I thought they ate ghoul too. Amon finally gets to take the girl out. Dude you are so screwed at work now :D This must be the night for backstories. She's so going to blame him for daddy's death. And there it is. Nice of him to take her home. The cat doesn't want you there. Why did he run out the door? For medicine....where did that come from. Sex time. You even asked if she was sure. You could have worked with that....just change father into daddy.  Wait...so instead of leaving...you....stayed and did push ups? All night? And she calls you on it. Dude, you should have gone for it.


HH: Looks like the boys are learning the ropes. That girl is annoying. Lot's more exposition. So, the game system works like the teleporters in Star Trek...kinda. Ouch...taken by worthless side quest. No reward. Let's kill some monsters. Girl you are sooo annoying. Japan, best skin care products in the world.


L3: Yay! Rebecca's back. That kid is adorable (I use that word alot). Stranger Danger! STRANGER DANGER! Guess this is undercover work. You idiots took his daughter didn't you? Lupin's going to steal that car. I'm starting to think  none of Lupin's plans work the way their supposed to. If everyone take a breath I'm sure we could work this out. Wait...so MI6 was going to take him down, but not help get his daughter back. That's cold. Awww, shopping makes everything better. Does Italy have a law where a marriage has to be consumated? There goes the loot :D




Who names their kid Biscuit? How goddamn old is this kid???



Apparently, it's not as uncommon as you think! Remember this kid?




Also, here's my Top 10 for last night!


Honorable Mention - THAT OUTLAW STAR PROMO!!!

#10. Tokyo Ghoul - Root A is dead last yet again as the best part of the episode was the fact that Amon likes doing push-ups.

#09. Dragon Ball Super - Don't get me wrong, the new storyline is intriguing and Beerus is hilarious, but it was so full of plotholes I just can't give a pass.

#08. DBZ Kai - Buu and Babidi both returned, and Gohan is revealed to also be alive, but not much else happened here!

#07. Samurai Jack - Ashi fights with and defeats her past, only to embrace a future she won't even be part of.

#06. Ghost In The Shell - We say goodbye to the first season with a classic episode that is big on heady dialog but light on action.

#05. Attack on Titan - The only time the possible plan to block the hole in Wall Rose is mentioned in Season 2.

#04. Shippuden - Naruto defeats the last of the fake Pains, so it's FINALLY TIME to take on the real one--next week!

#03. Hunter x Hunter - We go deeper into the game, and Gon and Killua start kicking ass on some monsters!

#02. Lupin the 3rd - Lupin might be a thief, but he's no kidnapper! Also, Mr. Nix from MI6 returns and the overarching plot is revealed!

#01. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - A new sense of urgency descends on the group, and a new mission, plus we got a tasteful, long-ish cut of the OP and the FULL ED! What wasn't to love?



Huh, when I watched this episode last night they had a different finishing image for the OP. Guess the full version didn’t get the memo yet, apparently.

I feel like that episode title could use another “the”.

The planet with no name? Well that narrows it down. :|

We World Martial Arts Tournament IN SPACE now.

:-D I like that little flip he did while trying to catch that egg.

:D Now those are some heavy outfits.

Oh Vegeta, you and your ego.


Huh, didn’t know she had a heliport, though I’m not surprised by that.

Vegeta’s very stiff when he’s obedient.

Those are the biggest Dragon Balls I’ve ever seen. And they look so much better than the actual show, too!

Personally I’d go with “Planet Zero”. It’d flatter Lelouch, if nothing else.

Not sure what that is, but I assume it’s some form of alien wheatgrass.

That air sounds super nice and all, but is it breathable for the contestants?

Fuck yeah, Pretty Patties concession stand. O0

Bulma’s boobs look pretty nice I that shot. She’s also a way better wife than any of us could possibly hope Chi-Chi would be.

Awesome promo. Kinda wish they advertised it as “Uncut” like they did Naruto, though.

Well so much for using Shenron.

Can science beat magic? According to Rick & Morty… yes, it can. :P

“Honestly, that was almost too pitiful to watch.” Well said, Vegeta.

:D Poor King Kai, gypped out of revival yet again.

Champa’s more in denial of his weight than Cartman is.

Monaca, like the anime composers?

:D That napkin (?) in Vegeta’s ear.

“Disappointed?” “Not really, I mean, second pace is pretty high in and of itself…”


Clearly Goku’s laidback about this because he’s such a laidback kind of guy.

Hell, he could even with for Earth to be restored to how it was before the war that led to its destruction.

“Your problem is that you still think like a mere human.” “Hey! As a human, I take offense to that!”

The Saiyans make some very god points.

I swear, Bulma’s more of a worrywart than me whenever something pops up in the news.

Beerus beating up Buu is way funnier now that we’ve really gotten into the Buu Saga.

Yes, Bulma does have a sister. You’ll find her in the manga Toriyama wrote about Jaco’s adventures as a galactic patrolman.

Recreating natural wonders of the universe is super-important. ::]::

Was that supposed to be racist or something?


“You guys care more about this stupid tournament than the fate of the universe!?” A quote that is in no way foreshadowing anything. >_>



My Sunday morning anime watching? My 5 Hour.



In which Vegeta gives a Vulcan judo chop to his son to quickly knock him out before punching his rival’s youngest son in the stomach so hard he feels it as he passes out.

Does it really count as an “ultimate sacrifice” if he came back from the dead like we clearly saw half an hour ago?

Dashes used to separate two parts of an episode title are just wrong.


Yes, Yamcha can pilot a… whatever type of flying machine that is.

:D Oh goddammit Yamcha.

Android 18: Mother of the Year.

Suddenly turbulence.

Hey, since when was Puar ever riding along with them?

And now it’s time for an emergency crash landing.

Android 18: Woman of the Year.

Huh, I would’ve expected him to be disintegrated, not transformed into a salt statue like this is one of those petrification stories I proofread in my spare time.

Theeeeeeeeeere’s our disintegration.

Their mothers are about a couple hundred miles away, that should work just as well as home.

Here we go, assuming Gohan’s dead again. ohno

Yes, Yamcha’s also a mechanic in his spare time.

Oh shit, pieces of Buu. That doesn’t bode well.

Aw fuck, Babidi’s still alive, but only barely.

See? I told you it didn’t bode well.


If I were Piccolo, I’d get the fuck outta here as fast as I could.


If only Beerus was awake to slap his shit.

Speaking of which, perhaps we’ll be getting some character development next week for him?

Even Babidi’s getting sick of Buu’s shit.


Vegeta’s dead, that much should be obvious.

Yeah, not much hope in a bunch of unconscious kids.

Aw dammit, the Supreme Kai’s still alive. Though I agree in that I hope Gohan’s still kicking too.

Wait, since when did Yajirobe grow a mustache?

:D Sick burn, Krillin.

Well, at least Goku’s still alive.

Babidi looks like he’s high on sugar.

:D Several different objects to the face.

Either way, the fate of the Earth rests with one of Goku’s kids.



JOJO OP CUT RANKING: Stand Proud > Sono Chi no Sadame > Bloody Stream.

Of course the head-herpes was Dio’s fault. And also super-frightening.


You’d think Avdol meeting Dio face-to-face would be something he should’ve mentioned earlier.

Sook? Kankalili? I don’t get all these Egyptian words.

That sensuality is all Jonathan’s bod, BTW. ;)

Holy fuck hair tentacles.

He was smart to run away.

And then Jotaro played brain surgeon with his STAND.


“Why did you risk your life to save me?” “Dunno. I’m just weird like that.”

:D Oh Joseph, you and your British-American sensibilities.

Yes, it is weird to wear your grandson’s pants.

Hey, if you’re going to school, find out if that nurse that got mind-controlled survived her wounds, and also if that delinquent who took the pen to the eye got a sweet-ass eyepatch to cover up the wound.

That is one menacing spoon.

Oh no, the fridge is open! And Holly is injured too, I guess.

Eh, totally radical animals are better marketing tools than middle-aged women, if you ask me. But whoever’s better, at least that Old Spice commercial was still better than the new Alexa commercials they’ve been putting out.


Turns out Joseph and Jotaro heard the whole thing.

I understand you’re upset, but why push Jotaro against the wall?

She can’t with-STAND it, you say? (Sorry for the terrible importaste joke.)

Yes, killing Dio will fix everything.

Jotaro’s STAND is a living crime show camera footage magnifier, or whatever that sort of thing is called.

To the super-local library!

“Jotaro, get some water, and not from the pond this time!”

Gratuitous Holly ass. :fap:

Brushing someone’s teeth for them in anime: it either goes like that, or it goes like this.

If Holly wasn’t in the situation she was in, Jotaro probably would’ve asked for fajitas, assuming it’s Tuesday.

Welp, there goes all of her willpower.

Turns out Dio’s still in Egypt.

Kakyoin’s a protagonist now, deal with it.

The two things I got from that: Holly is the anti-DIO, and Kakyoin wants to do her.

Always put your trust in the Speedwagon Foundation.


You gotta love those poses.


Turns out Dio can use Hermit Purple too. And apparently, he doesn’t even need to break the camera in order to make it work.

Next week: episodes I have not already seen before.



Oh good, Shinohara survived, that’s all that matters. :)

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Oh come on how did that guy live.” Kaneki just ate his armor, which isn’t really fatality-worthy.

Even after gaining a fucked-up personality, Kaneki’s still a little bitch.

I agree with that hat, Hide is number one.

Interesting how all those tombstones pay mention to “Saint Joseph’s College”.

Meanwhile, father-son bonding that has no relevance whatsoever on the plot.


Apparently, 60 good boy points gets you castrated.

Suzuya really does dance the line between Deadman Wonderland-level fun edge and this show’s special brand of cringeworthy edge.

“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” :D They threw that in there on purpose, didn’t they?

This whole flashback really does feel like manga material, doesn’t it?

That’s the most abstract interpretation of a giraffe I’ve ever seen.

Even this show’s not edgy enough to have the psycho shota kill a harmless cat.

Strange how I care more about the CCG partnerships than any of the Ghoul business. Probably because they’ve been getting most of the screentime this season.

Pickle Rick honestly wasn’t that bad an episode, no matter what the memes say. Jaguar is best one-off this season thus far.

Gentlemen… behold! Kaneki’s replacement! Who just so happens to be worse at the job than he was, somehow.

Aw cripes, not another Kaneki fangirl. :|

Nevermind, turns out she’s just Touka’s replacement.

Don’t bother Irimi during her crossword time. Rumors that I just made up have it it’s only then that she shows her kagune…

Meanwhile, Touka’s having a hard time studying, what with her poor grades and all the people talking in the library.

When it comes to angst comas, Kaneki tends to slip in and out of the Shinji Zone.

Oh hey, a random cat picture. One that apparently belongs to Akira.


Takizawa’s just depressed that he’s now a third wheel in what’s basically a work date.

:D I love these drunkards.

If not for Kaneki and his major case of wangst, Takizawa would be the big loser of this episode.

Two-drink Akira is surprisingly sentimental.

Well this date sure took a major downturn, now that Akira’s showing signs of her inner Sera.

I sure hope all that food didn’t go to waste.

Heh, that cat picture turned out to be important after all. :-D

That was the quickest trip to the drug store I’ve ever seen.

“Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts…”

These two really do make a nice couple.

:D 300 pushups for not considering other interpretations.

Over 7,000 pushups? Didn’t see that one coming.

And now Akira’s gonna show you how to make a traditional Japanese breakfast. The miso soup is her favorite.


I feel like they just lifted these credits from last week’s episode.


“Egg.” “Bacon.” “WRONG!” [facehugger attack]



Wow, so we’re getting the rock paper scissors tournament out of the way already, huh?

You win “Sword For Truth”, now on Blu-Ray. :P

Weird, the OP makes me want to root for the evil loli and against the token Todd Haberkorn character. Wonder why that is…

Easy, you just say “gain” and no one will know you have that card. At least, at first glance, they won’t.

:D Gon, you’re way too generous.

Oh shit, they’re surrounded.

Man, fuck those guys. I hope they’re happy with their poor quality Blu-Ray of a shitty anime movie.

To Pasadora, everybody!

Because all secret hideouts should be huge-ass caves.

That sounds too complicated for me to comment on right now.

Aw, so much for their free giant fish.

“Those boys ain’t right.”

And so the evil loli finally makes her move.

:D Burrrrrrrrrrrrn.

Oh hey, my waifu managed to make it in.

Rock: the ultimate card. :D

And that right there is the big twist of Greed Island.

If there’s thievery involved, expect the Phantom Troupe to be all over that like white on rice.

He’s in surprisingly good shape for someone who supposedly got murdered by two Phantom Troupe members.

If you ignore her, she’ll go away.


Oh no, this village of poorly dressed ninjas are being killed by their own STANDs!

Evil loli doesn’t like being talked down to.

This is playing out just like a video game sob story.

And of course, they got nothing in return.


Of course their eyes would be their weak spot. :)



Loli thinks those two are so hopeless.

Sweet, explosive bubbles.

Thanks for the exposition.


And then she reached her breaking point.

Amazing how she went from trying to ruin their friendship to just being frustrated with their simplicity in things.

:D Killua wasn’t fast enough, now he has to follow Amon’s example.

REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “Who names their kid Biscuit?” The same person who names their next kids Cookie and Cracker.


:D Sucks to be Killua tonight.


Were they saving that commercial for today specifically? Because it looks like they were saving it for today specifically.



Sweet, Nyx’s car glows in the dark.

That’s two more daughters than I was expecting him to have.

You telling me Justin is his real name? That’s surprisingly plain for someone of his badassery.

Meanwhile, Lupin and Jigen are taking advantage of yet another one of Goemon’s lengthy absences to have pizza for dinner.

The daughter who’s the fan of Rebecca sounds a lot like Rebecca if she were young.

Speaking of whom… :3

A man going into the ladies’ room? Well, he is her butler…

:D Well so much for my assumption, then.

This week’s target: generic jewelry rings, which I’m sure have some interesting backstory behind them.

In the end, she got her autograph, albeit a strange one.

Oh no… pedophiles-in-training.

Is that the same “Italian Dream” Nyx was looking into several episodes ago?

Only the flashiest sports car for Rebecca.

Meanwhile, Zenigata’s doing his own thing, and with a picture I assume he took himself.

:D You gotta love these chase scenes.

And they took the car with Nyx’s daughter in it.

What is it about anime that makes their prostitutes so damn attractive?

I’m surprised they gave this episode best rating with all the subtle pedo references.

That man with the tablet inherited the will of Peter Lorre.


Think Liam Neeson with a British accent pretending to have an Italian accent.

I wonder what the deal with all these overhead security cam establishing shots.

Lupin’s not sure what kind of anime he’s in anymore.

Is Decker retarded or something? He sure does that open-mouth thing more than is necessary.

It’s a complicated plot, and yet it’s easier to understand than Evangelion.

:D Rebecca, you joyrider.

Yep, we full Liam Neeson now.

“Time to bring in…”

:D Oh boy, Nyx’s daughter’s now a Lupin fangirl.

His favorite color changes based on what jacket he’s wearing. For this series, it’s blue.


A storm’s a comin’.

Again, this series seems to be picking up my old habit of ignoring other indicators in favor of best rating.

Never underestimate a butler with a machinegun.


“Bridgette, you can hide and here. And don’t you make a peep until the coast is clear.” Hey, Lupin just pulled a Bullhorn!

Nyx is the best new (male) character this season introduced, don’t deny it.

Hm, so Rebecca’s taking the blame for the kidnapping. Curious…


“Anything that is taken away from you, you get it back.” Simple, yet powerful, and also rather fitting. ;D


Huh, so the B-Team was just keeping an eye on him so he didn’t go super-full Liam Neeson.

Welp, so much for the steal of the week.

Ooh, more plot stuff.



I wouldn’t say he did it “all on his own”, he got help from his dad’s ghost, after all.

When all else fails, use the Rasengan. Naruto 101.

Hm. Guess he succeeded after all.

I’m still surprised by how many smart moves he’s been making this arc.

Even for a stupid move, stabbing himself in the hand is more on the fence than anything else.

The way Sakura was holding her hands out over her chest, it looked like she was about three seconds away from groping them.

Well, at least some people managed to catch up to him in lieu of the others’.

Huh, that was an awfully short first act, though that’s probably just my lack of comments.

Speaking of which, here’s an even larger lack of comments.

Nothing good ever comes from being depressed.

Huh, so that’s why Naruto said “believe it” so much and so often.

Yep, that’s definitely a fake tree if I’ve ever seen one.

Honestly wasn’t expecting them to be on the ground level.

Or maybe it was just a fake cover for the real entrance.


I love the cross-shaped look of the sage mode pupils mixed with the Nine-Tails pupils.


Welp, so much for settling things peacefully.

Hmm, maybe that sort of thing is attainable after all.

“We’ll tell you everything… about our pain.” Two weeks from now. Next week… is filler.



I’m glad I was finally able to give this show a complete in-order run-through, and manage to make decent sense of the plot on top of that. The whole thing at the end with Serano in the parking garage still puzzles me, though. By the way, did anyone ever save that huge-ass analysis FurionTassadar made for the first season back on the ASMB? I think now is as good a time as ever for me to finally give that one a look-see.


[shame if I can’t though]


Seeing how this was always the place news from other sections of the board was reported to the crowd posting here for the anime, I might as well say it.


Luuv, ASMB mod and founder of this post-ASMB group, has passed away from natural causes. Not since GeckoZero have we experienced a loss this great, especially considering Luuv was the one person who cared about the future of our community and allowed it to survive after [as] themselves abandoned us. If not for him, we wouldn't be here. May he rest in peace. :(


Welcome to the future: a place where good guys finish last, a quick draw is the best defense, and your wits are all you can count on. A future where one treasure is coveted above all else. Legend speaks of a Galactic Leyline offering the ultimate power of the universe to those who seek its glory. Utilizing the latest technology, a living starship has been built with the power to find the Galactic Leyline. By twist of fate, it has fallen into the hands of an outlaw. An outlaw named Gene Starwind. His luck is about to change... Together with his crew of bounty hunters, he'll take to the stars once again as Outlaw Star returns to Toonami, tonight at 2:30 A.M.


But before we get to it (plus most everything I just mentioned), Goku and Vegeta go recruiting for the last two slots of the upcoming tournament, our protagonists use the lull in Buu's path of destruction to go Dragonball-hunting (with sexy results), Jotaro and crew find themselves up against a wild STAND user during their plane trip to Egypt, Anteiku finds itself privy to visitors both new and old on the cusp of a plot nobody cares about, Gon and Killua begin a whole new stage of Nen training under Biscuit, Lupin and Jigen search for treasure in a castle said to be haunted by g-g-g-ghosts, and instead of Nagato's tragic backstory here's part 1 of a two-part flashback filler. After our introduction to Gene Starwind and the events that thrust him into the plot above, the scouts holed up in the castle begin their attack against the Titans... at night.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #29 - The Combat Matches Are a Go! The Captain is Someone Stronger Than Goku - TV-PGL

8:30 - Dragonball Super #30 - A Run-Through for the Competition! Who Are the Last Two Members!? - TV-14L


11:00 - Dragonball Super #30 - A Run-Through for the Competition! Who Are the Last Two Members!? - TV-14L

11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #129 - A Secret Plan to Defeat Buu! Its Name is Fusion - TV-PGLSV :robotD

12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #4 - Tower of Gray - TV-MAV

12:30 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #7 - Permeation - TV-MA

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #63 - A Hard Master - TV-14

1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #9 - Welcome to the Haunted Hotel! - TV-14

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #170 - Big Adventure! The Quest for the Fourth Hokage's Legacy, Part 1 - TV-PGL

2:30 - Outlaw Star #1 - Outlaw World - TV-PGDLS (actual), TV-14LSV (personal) (mumble grumble my rating's better than theirs)

3:00 - Attack on Titan #29 - Soldier - TV-14LV


Time to roll the dice.




Hunter.. I'm gonna kick this girl down some stairs.


If you have to end up in the trunk of some criminals, Lupin and Jigen are probably the best case scenario.


Whoa! Whoa. I don't like her either, but even I think she's not earned such murderous rage yet.




Poke: Serano was ready to testify regarding TLM incident and the subsequent corporate blackmail, the kickbacks, and the MHWL's involvement, especially that of Yakushima. When he touched the door handle of his car, he made contact with a device that, either electrically or via injected micromachines, attacked his cyberbrain, which would make any of his testimony inadmissible, if he would even survive the attack. The device was planted by a remaining at-large member of the crooked Narc Squad.


DBS - I'm with Goku both in liking the WMA Tournament rules and being interested in learning who this other past opponent of Beerus is who is stronger than Goku.


I can appreciate Champa choosing a planet that was uninhabited so the matches won't disturb any local populations, but he would more likely consider it as avoiding the hassle of having to deal with any locals. Vados made a pretty good atmospheric shell and ring. I'm sure Beerus and Goku will both appreciate the inclusion of concession stands.


It's sensible that Shenron would be unable to detect the remaining Super Dragon Ball in Universe 6. Shame on you, Goku, for forgetting to revive King Kai again.


I don't recall Bulma or Dr. Briefs ever mentioning that Bulma has a sister before now, but she's pretty. She's not as pretty as Bulma, but is still nice to watch. Her having access to a really fast ship sure is convenient for Bulma's quest for the Super Dragon Balls of Universe 7.


I'm curious who Goku and Vegeta will pick for the two remaining slots on their team.


DBZK - Well, crap. Babidi survived Piccolo's attack. I had forgotten about that. It's a shame Piccolo didn't finish the job when he came back to the crater, but I can understand that he was too preoccupied with the unreal spectacle of the re-forming Buu.


Still, Piccolo's reflection on Vegeta's sacrifice was nice.


Yes, to the Lookout with the boys, Krillin!


When the craft carrying our heroes' friends and families became disabled, I saw another solution than 18 helping the craft to land. We know that she, Videl and Yamcha can fly. Given their years of training and energy manipulation, it should be possible for Chi Chi, Gyumaoh and Master Roshi to fly as well. If those three can't, it's simply because they never bothered to learn how to do it.  This would leave only Bulma, Oolong (was he there? I think he was), and Marron who would need one of the flying characters to carry them. They could've abandoned the craft, or some of the other fliers could've tried to help 18 with easing the craft down. Oh well.


JoJo: SC - Just to get this out of the way, I feel like Joseph being able to fit into Jotaro's pants (inseam considerations aside) says more about how fit Joseph still is than how beefy Jotaro is.


When I saw Dio's flesh bud on Kakyoin's forehead for mind control, my first thought was "ew. that looks gross." I'm not so sure about Dio's mind control being via charisma, though. Sure, Dio's always been a charming cad, but I'm more willing to attribute the mind control to there being a foreign object in Kakyoin's head where it can manipulate electrical activity or neurotransmitter levels. Sure, Dio would need telepathic communication with the bud in real time to directly control someone, but he can simply make the person chemically or electrically susceptible to his suggestions. Thankfully for Kakyoin, Jotaro was able to use Star Platinum to remove the bud. I was also glad to see that Dio's flesh in this form is still vulnerable to hamon. With that in mind, it might be a good idea to teach Jotaro how to use hamon, even if he does already have a Stand.


Thankfully, Avdol was forewarned about Dio before the proper start of this arc and escaped, so he didn't need to be rescued.


Holly was kind to treat the wounds of someone who attacked her son, but she understands that Kakyoin was under mind control at the time. However, I can't say I liked her statement to Joseph that she wouldn't respond unless he called her Seiko, which was a shortening of the Japanese name for the holly plant. Hm, Holly has a Stand, and it looks similar to Joseph's, which makes sense. However, she doesn't have the fighting spirit to dominate her Stand, so it's making her sick. I want to fault Joseph for that. He saw the threats of the Pillar Men, the stone masks, and the vampires for himself. He couldn't be certain that all the vampires and stone masks were destroyed. By not teaching Holly to use hamon, he deprived her of a useful self-defense tool. He knows that women can be proficient hamon-users, since he saw what his own mother could do and heard the tale of how she avenged George II's murder by a vampire. I can understand Joseph wanting to keep his precious baby girl out of harm's way, but he knows that vampire trouble has a way of finding the Joestars, so it would've been prudent to teach her in case he wasn't nearby to protect her. Given that she spent years on another continent, he clearly wouldn't have been able to respond to an immediate threat, so yeah. Bad choice there, Joseph. At least now they have a goodly amount of time (fifty days) to find and defeat Dio, and presumably to teach Holly how to control her Stand.


Star Platinum being able to detect a tsetse fly in the darkness of a photograph and Avdol recognizing it in the sketch are both a little far-fetched, but eh. Now, off to Egypt! I'm fine with Kakyoin joining them out of gratitude, but I feel like he should be informed that allying with the Joestars in situations like this has a tendency not to turn out well for the ally. I think it's a little weird for a teenage guy like Kakyoin to say he would like to marry a woman like Holly, but I can't blame him. Holly has a very pleasant disposition and is a darn good looking woman.


Well, crap. Dio can use the Stand powers of Jonathan's body to spy on the Joestars, but at least they can feel it when he does. More crap, he has at least one Stand-user ally.


Also, what is up with Avdol's hair? It looks like pegs sticking out of his head? It's a weird thing to have as part of his character design.


Oh, and I'm with Joseph. I also wouldn't be keen on sleeping on a futon instead of a Western bed.


TG: Root A - Poor Sado, being called back while drunk to complete some reports. As for drunken Akira blaming Amon for Mado's death, Amon was occupied with fighting a different ghoul at the time, and that ghoul was determined not to let him get to Mado. Plus, Mado was a sadistic jerk who had it coming.


Wait. If Akira was passed out drunk, how did Amon get her apartment keys? I'm not sure whether the medicine he went to get was to reduce nausea or for her upcoming hangover effects. As for when she drunkenly mistook him for Mado, that should've been his cue to correct her, say he'd see her on whatever the next work day was and leave, not go out on the balcony to do thousands of push-ups. Plus, even for a hoss like Amon, I have trouble believing he could do even 5% of that as a single set.


Hm, Ken's kagune was acting up. That's not looking like a good thing. It is interesting that kagune can change through cannibalism.


Juzo being raised by ghouls explains his psychopathy. Regarding his "good boy score," I would guess that the more slowly he could make his human victims die, thus prolonging the carnage spectacle for the ghoul audience, the higher his score would be, and so he wouldn't be injured/tortured as much afterward. I say that the CCG deciding not to commit him, but rather to employ him, showed questionable judgment. Sure, he had promising skills, but it could be considered that he's simply being deployed to engage in willful violence by another set of masters. I don't think much consideration was paid to his physical and mental welfare when weighed against how his skills could contribute to the safety of society,


Hinami is a good and helpful kid. It appears Touka's studies aren't going so well. As for the other students' conversation, she could've simply said, "hey! No talking in the library/study hall."


HxH - Of course the P.T. would take cards from players and kill them. I am intrigued regarding the way they worked out that Greed Island is somewhere in the physical world. The game teleports players there (somehow?). However, this raises a new set of questions. How do spell cards, the books, the items, and the monster defeats work as part of the gameplay if it's all actually real? This seems like real magic versus the nen stuff that we were asked to accept as part of the show's universe. We even saw that Koltopi's copy ability wouldn't make a functional card, or even populate all the appropriate numbers on the card. That means it works in a way that nen (at least the nen of people other than the ones who made the "game" ), can't duplicate, which, to me, strengthens the claim of this being non-nen magic.


It now makes sense that, since Greed Island is in the physical world, dying in the "game" means actual death.


Early in show, I think it was said that there are places on Earth where only Hunters are allowed to travel. I'm going to guess that the actual location of Greed Island is in one of those regions. However, since this is in the physical world, we don't truly have NPCs. These would be real people who are essentially trapped in the world of the "game," because this is where they happened to live when Ging and Company "made" the "game." I'm curious as to how the creation of the "game" changed the residents' lives. Think about that. Some group of people showed up and decided to turn their home into a game setting which would not only draw potentially hundreds of strangers with pseudo-magical powers, but, if the outright magical stuff didn't already exist, then they introduced that too. Ging and Co. completely disrupted these people's lives. Ging and Co. even forced a new economy on the locals, because these cards, which are ostensibly worthless to them, can now, by game-creator fiat, be turned in for money. As far as I can tell, the only reason(s) Ging and Co. even did this was either 1. because they could, and/or 2. potentially to remove other Hunters from the field of competition in the rest of the world, which would make Ging and Co.'s hunts easier. With this, which could be considered a massive and ongoing crime against the island's native populace, in mind, two things occur to me. The first is just an iteration of a point I've raised previously, which is that the world of HxH is an awful place to live if you happen to run afoul of a Hunter or their plans. The second is that I'm fine if we never get to meet any of the jerkwads who made the game, unless either Gon or Killua immediately land a face-breaking punch to the person(s) upon learning their identity.


I respect Gon and Killua for playing the game the proper way. Unfortunately, that makes them prime targets to get robbed and swindled.


The brat girl, Biscuit, has no room to call Killua a brat. Plus, since she's way older than she looks, I can call her a bitch now. I'm not terribly excited that it looks like she's poised to be the boys' new nen coach.


Lupin - Hm, two consecutive episodes have touched on human trafficking and forced prostitution. If this is leading to an overarching story intended to highlight these problems, I'm cool with it.


I wouldn't expect an agent of MI6 to have his family in the same foreign country where he's on an operation. Still, Nyx's family seems nice, but the voice of the youngest daughter seems too young for her appearance. I'll attribute that to the dub cast and direction, though.


The middle daughter is a fangirl of Rebecca. Sure. Why not? I can buy Rebecca being in a hurry to ditch an autograph-seeker and forgetting to take her purse (with disguises) as she left.


Hey, middle daughter? When two grown men approach a teenage girl like you in a foreign country, it's probably a bad idea to go with them.


Sure, the jewel heist itself went well, but Lupin and Jigen couldn't reach their own car, because of Zenigata being just good enough to be a problem. I'll consider it the traffickers' error that they left a key in the car which held their abductee. Lupin and Jigen removing the tape and rope were good gestures of their honorable intentions. However, their presence with the abducted daughter and Nyx's ski mask made for one big misunderstanding on both sides. Lupin took a risk when he figured out who Nyx was, but it worked out for the best on both sides. It was nice of Rebecca and her attendant to help smooth things out with the middle daughter.


I like that B-squad was not there for the mission, but rather to keep Nyx from causing too much trouble. At least his superior was understanding that he would move on the information that his daughter had been abducted, even if it did flush all the work they'd done on building a case against this group.


Shippuden - Good, the Rasengan at the end of the previous episode worked. Following the defeat of Yahiko!Pain, it was prudent to remove the chakra receiver rods to neutralize that body.


Regarding Naruto wanting to confront Nagato alone and Shikaku consenting, I like that it wasn't portrayed as him trusting Naruto. Instead, Shikaku trusted Shikamaru's judgment regarding Naruto.


Yay, Hinata recovered enough to be out of immediate danger from her injuries! Good work, Sakura.


It was wise (no pun intended) for Naurto to go back into Sage Mode to confront Nagato. I really liked the look of Naruto's eyes after he was hit by a chakra receiver rod. Still, I'm a little curious as to how the nature energy of Sage Mode could coexist with the Nine Tails' chakra. Fukasaku couldn't synchronize with Naruto because of the Nine Tails' chakra, so I would think that it could also disrupt Naruto's Sage Mode. Still, I like the look, so oh well.


Naruto agreeing to listen to Nagato's story says to me that we have a tragic background flashback coming up soon. Sure, it'll tell Naruto how fellow students of Jiraiya ended up like this, but coupling that with Nagato's apparent declining health and the strain on his chakra of this battle indicates that he's not long for this show.


GitS - I enjoyed the exchange of looks between Aramaki and Yakushima, but it's made better by Aramaki not changing his expression in the slightest.


I think this is the first time I've recognized the mark on the face of the guy walking in the opposite direction to Serano and his security detail. The guy was a member of the Narc squad who evidently was still at-large.


AoT: Second Course - Levi was acutely aware that Eren is a little rageball. Why else would Levi have cautioned Eren not to give in to rage and risk making his comrades' efforts worthless?


While we know that Luna emits no light of its own, rather reflecting the sunlight that shines upon it, we can't be sure that Humanity in the AoT-verse knows this. Still, if there are any nighttime conditions which might permit titans, which are solar-powered, to move at night, then a bright full moon would fit the bill.


Jack - I'm torn on my sentiments regarding the mountain goats. Yes, yes. Jack, in his anger and frustration, struck mortal blows to innocent animals which had been transformed into dangerous beasts by Aku's magic. Once they were dead, part of me thinks that Jack should've processed their bodies for meat and wool/pelts, which would at least be making use of their deaths. However, had he done that, then it's possible he would've moved their dressed bodies elsewhere, which would've denied Ashi the horn that she needed to block her mother's dagger and protect Jack. Thus, I can't really decide which would've been the better option.


I think Horus, Odin and Vishnu did Jack a disservice in removing his awesome beard when they restored his old look. Maybe they could've done just a trim? Oh well.


I'm fine with Kakyoin joining them out of gratitude, but I feel like he should be informed that allying with the Joestars in situations like this has a tendency not to turn out well for the ally.


Also, what is up with Avdol's hair? It looks like pegs sticking out of his head? It's a weird thing to have as part of his character design.

Please show, for the love of god let Avdol live.


The best explanation I can come up with is his his hair's just tied up really tight into those pegs and it's a real pain in the ass to take it all down.


Jojo- When did Yoda get here? Yeah that lady died but at least she fucked Dio first. Or in Avdol's case, you feel the gay panic and jump out a window. How did all that muscle fit in those tiny airplane seats? THE BEETLE IS A STAND. Well that's terrifying. Oh no protect your beautiful face! Oh yeah baby gimme that exposition. Just kill everyone on the plane, problem solved. Ewwww. That thing's got pretty good handwriting. ALWAYS KILL BUGS WITH FIRE. Oh no old man your bladder's gonna kill you. Kakyoin what the hell. I mean half the plane's dead already, you might as well use the fire. Way to shit the bed here, Kakyoin. Eat shit, bug dude. That old guy didn't have to pee at all! Wow rude. He wasn't brainwashed, just an asshole. Never get on a plane with Joseph Joestar. :D I love these bitches. Whelp they're doomed. Maybe y'all should have just killed that guy earlier. Those flight attendants are having a rough day. Joseph last time you flew a plane you got attacked by piranhas and crashed it. I'm genuinely impressed that Joseph pulled that landing off. Now I'm hungry. Hot cola sounds disgusting. Kakyoin's just showing off now. Aw shit y'all gotta walk all the way to Egypt now. We're all concerned about the milf, Avdol. I would listen to Avdol read a phone book. I'm sure this guy will be friendly. This man has stupid hair and no eyebrows. I agree with Jotaro, kick his ass out. Just order everything, five beefy men gotta eat a lot. You asshole. Menacing carrot. I'd recommend not eating that dish. Ohhh yeah whip out that cock for me, baby. :D That clock is so unnecessary.


Ghoul- I'm glad he's suffering. Big deal you woke up naked in an ocean of blood being felt up by dead people, who hasn't had that dream. I do like that big stuffed bunny in the background. Yeah there's no safer place for a child that the government wants dead than standing outside your hideout doing cartwheels. BABY DON'T HURT ME. Love is ignoring that your fuckbuddy is a face-eating cannibal for the sake of getting some of that zombie dick. Go away Hisoka nobody likes you. I hope he dies painfully. Oh no little girl stay away from Hisoka he'll eat you. HE'S GONNA EAT YOU DON'T TRUST HIM. Hisoka she's like ten, please don't fuck and/or eat her. Don't trust this lady either. I am very uncomfortable. I continue to hate everyone in this show. Lady you know damn well that's possible. Yeah this girl dictating your words verbatim isn't creepy at all. Wow what a shock you're all going to die. Oh hey dickwad. Girl you could have just called her. Take your stuff at least before it gets stolen. I know this is supposed to be emotional or something but I could not give less of a fuck. And now everyone is going to die. It's always a great idea to eat and drink things given to you by the enemies you're openly trying to kill.


Hunter- Fuck off, Biscy. I'm with Killua here, we don't want your help. Aw crap is Hisoka here? Oh scissors, I'm so scared. And then he got. bitchslapped. Well rude now she looks even worse. What the fuck, man. Christ you're old now it's just creepy that you're hanging around with young kids. I'm still with Killua here, fuck off lady. Please tell me that's not his mom. What he lacks in any parenting skills whatsoever he makes up for in nen abilities. What are they supposed to eat for two weeks? Leave the adorable children alone, you asshole. Throw those rocks, kids! You're weird, lady. Gon that's lame just let him shock the shit out of that guy. Gon why are you so nice? This is a backstory I don't particularly want or need, show. Where are you people peeing while you're fighting?  Now stab him in the back while he walks away. Welcome to Oz, kids. What the fuck, lady? Let the kids sleep. That's kinda fucked up, sexy dad. Magic shovels, go! Fix your fucked up hair it's bugging me.


Lupin- I don't think things are gonna go well for this guy. That's a lot of treasure. Definitely don't trust this evil butler. Man I hate it when I get executed because of an arranged marriage I had no say in. Is that the evil family from the Goonies? Poor Jjigen let the man smoke. Okay he's definitely earned that smoke now. Jigen is drunk and hell. Well this sure is suspicious. JIGEN NO DON'T PEE IN THERE. That is a really weird way to unlock a secret passage. Aww, she's so cute! The plot thickens. :D Jigen's in the armor. She's precious, please take her away from the scary haunted mansion. Damnit Lupin. Aw shit there's no treasure after all. Batman would be proud of that grappler. Oh no Lupin don't lie to the little girl. Wow these guys are dumb. This seems like a trap. Aw shit now you're gonna die for real. I really hope Jigen's drunk aim is as good as his sober aim. That's a risky plan there, Lupin. Oh no she was the ghost all along. Well this shit got dark.


Naruto- Mother fuck, I'm not watching this.


JoJo: Dio's been busy. Joseph and planes have a history, I don't think this is going to end well. Is that Stand beetle talking? Can Stands talk? When will we hear Joestar and friends Stands talk? That beetle is fast, just have Avdol kill it fire. That old man is the only one moving...bet he's the Stand user. There goes a few thousand in dental work :D Kakyoin earning his keep. That was a pretty good plan. Old man was the Stand user and now he's dead. Did....did you split his skull looking for the flesh thing of Dio's? Joseph's spidy sense is tingling. Joseph and planes :D Those flight atttendants didn't stand a chance against the ol' Joestar charm. Aren't you supposed to be dead?  I'm with Jotaro....no more plane rides with Gramps. Safe on the ground again. Street vendors, same everywhere. Jotaro doesn't give a damn Kakyoin. Don't let the new guy sit with you. I told you not to let the new guy sit with you. No. I''m much more attached to Avdol than Kakyoin....kill Kakyoin first.


TG: Why did you want to eat them anyway? Hinami is the best part of this show. Aww she has a crush. No...go away....I hate you. Old man...there has to be someone/anyone better suited to keeping tabs on Kenny than the ghoul that wants to eat him. No Hinami! Stay away! You better not hurt her! Writer lady, you're not fooling anyone. How is the conversation lasting so long? What the hell is Gourmet doing in the bathroom? Nevermind I take it back. I said I took it back show! This lasted so long as a punishment for me asking didn't it? Lady what is your deal? Why....why would you feed information to your enemies? Kenny....did you finally realize how stupid you are and come crawling back. Of course not. Never, and I mean never, chase after a guy. This feel....anticlimatic. The doves are in the coffee shop. Everyone is going to die now. Good job Kenny!


HH: She's going to be their new teacher now, aint she? Scissors? This arc is just going to be one long rock/paper/scissors game. Dude, you have scissors and you're surrounded by rocks....you're going to lose :D What is with this backstory? Yes, people are assholes. That couple was the king and queen of assholes. Yep, every bad guy is just a good guy at heart....that was the lesson right? Why would you go back after getting to the town? Is it time for a new game....Digger maybe? New skill unlocked!


L3: Haunted Hotel here we come. This ma ain't got nothing on Ma Barker. Jigen needs a drink. Lupin wants that treasure and no ghost is going to stop him. That's a different way to have a secret entrance. Why is that girl all by herself? You guys are bad at this. Ma's here to save the day. Thank you for helping Lupin little girl. Good bye Ma. This isn't really a safe way to the top of the tower. No. So she was the ghost. I'm not crying.


OS: Not sure what's happening here but I"m sure it will be important.  Hello Gene! There's someone here to see you. You don't mess with Gene Starwind. Sorry kid, Gene has grownup stuff to do. Finally, someone's getting laid. Why do you need a bodyguard lady? It's those guys from earlier. Hey, it's that woman from earlier. If one gun doesn't work, just try another. Don't shoot Gene! Oh thank god. Is...is that a girl?


Hunter- ...Biscy... Please tell me that's not his mom... Fix your... hair it's bugging me.


I also very much hope she isn't.


Yes. Binolt left a bunch of scissors with you. Evening the pigtails out would be relatively simple, and she had plenty of time to do it.


Witchy: I really didn't notice the rock versus scissors thing. It's much funnier thinking about it now. Thanks. :)


DBS - Wow. That was a lot of recap.


Buu and Mr. Satan are the best hetero life-mates. It sure is nice for Buu to promise the wish promised to him to Mr. Satan. Now to convince Beerus to agree to give Buu one of the wishes.


I'm fine with going with Piccolo over Gohan due to Gohan being out of top fighting form and have too many daily-life distractions.


While three years of training may help Goku and Vegeta get stronger, I feel like it would be problematic for them to adjust to interacting with others after three years of having only one another for company. Plus, hasn't Goku already used the Hyperbolic Time Chamber twice? Wasn't there a limit of two times for its use by one person? Also, doesn't the door disappear after a year? Dende must've made some substantial changes.


DBZK - Contain yourself, Master Roshi. 18 is Krillin's wife. If you can't respect her as a person, at least respect your former student's relationship with her.


Good teamwork getting the Four-Star Ball out of that dinosaur, Chi Chi, Videl, Yamcha, and yes, even Master Roshi. Plus, points to Bulma for making to effort to climb and get it from the nest.


"Videl! You're supposed to marry Gohan! Protect your face!" :D Oh, Chi Chi.


Hooray for Mr. Popo! Not only did he come up with the idea for Goku to teach fusion to Goten and Trunks, but he had everyone covered for dinner.


JoJo: SC - The guy with the stag beetle Stand put up a convincing act, though I'm not sure how he was able to project his voice through it. I feel like Jotaro missed his chance when the barb from the beetle was through Star Platinum's hand. It was bound up in Star Platinum (S.P) at that point, and S.P. could've grabbed the rest of the barb with the other hand and smashed it to the floor, at which point stepping on it to smash it would've been simple. I guess they wanted to showcase how Kakyoin could use Hierophant (sp?) Green to distract and lay a trap for an unwary adversary. While it didn't surprise me that the fight crew, minus attendants, had already been slain, I did like the way Joseph and Jotaro took charge of the situation, telling the attendants what the Joestars needed them to do and telling them what they would do. Yes, piloting a jet is more difficult than flying a prop plane due to the increased speeds, but the basics are the same, and Joseph showed he had the Devil's own luck, surviving now three plane crashes. Jotaro has a good point about not wanting to fly with his grandfather again. Also, I don't blame the flight attendants at all for nearly swooning over the Joestar men. Kaykoin, maybe a little, but not the Joestars. Still, even knowing this show, I have trouble accepting that the old man with the split skull and newly bifurcated tongue was able to stand up and deliver a final villainous speech to our group, all while spurting large amounts of blood.


Even though a trip by sea has the danger of sinking the ship, it's still much faster to get to Cairo that way than by land. Plus, once the Joestar party is certain that there are no more enemy Stand-users on the ship, then more can't find and come at them, unless the enemies chase them in a faster ship and board the ship with the Joestar party or the ship docks at a port. On land, a different enemy Stand-user could be hiding behind every tree, large rock, or building along the way. Going by ship greatly limits the ability of enemies to intercept them.


Soooo, Joseph isn't exactly literate in Chinese. That's fine, because as long as it tastes good and is dead when it gets to the table, those are the things that matter.


This new Stand user who, judging by the OP, will eventually ally with the Joestars reminds me of Dire. Maybe it's just the hair.


TG: Root A - That was a freaky dream, Ken. Maybe you should've simply killed Jason rather than taking a bite out of him. However, I am glad that you spared Shinohara and only attacked his quinque armor. As for transforming into a kakuja, I take it that's what his changing kagune is about. I'll take this dream and his own estimation that those he's consumed are actually consuming his personality to be both a figurative take on "you are what you eat" and a sign that he knows he's picked the wrong side/path.


Hinami? You're a good kid and very thoughtful, but what were you thinking? Did neither you nor anyone else on the service floor have a cell phone with Touka's number? Does Touka not have a cell phone? In modern Japan, I find that very difficult to believe. Rather than running to tell Touka about Ken being there and speaking to Yoshimura, you could've called or texted her about it and saved all the time you spent running to where she was, meaning she would've gotten there while he was still there, rather than having to chase after him.


Touka's studies showed improvement, which is good, but of course she went running at the news of Ken showing up at Anteiku. I think he deserved at least some of those punches. He really should go back to the people who care about him.


Dang, Tsukiyama. Chill. Yes, we know you want to taste Ken, but that was exceedingly creepy.


Were I on the staff at Anteiku, I would resent Tsukiyama asking Hinami to try the coffee somewhere else. Yes, it served to prevent the staff, who are friends and associates of Ken, from having the chance to discover how obsessed Tsukiyama still is with Ken, but even on the face of it, it's insulting.


As for the chance meeting with Sen the author, who does she think she is? While I agree with her estimation of Hinami brimming with love, compassion and understanding, how could Sen possibly know what Ken needs? However, that wasn't the only difficulty she presented. She asked Shinohara and Juzo (who stayed oddly quiet, despite knowing the answer), about whether making hybrids was possible, and when Shinohara didn't know, she pointed them in the direction of Anteiku. I feel like she knows more than she should. She must have some secret source or connection. That is, unless Hinami inadvertently let more details slip than she (and I) thought she did.


HxH - Gon, I don't think you should tell anyone else that your dad was part of the group who "made" Greed Island. It could impress people who have no seriously sinister intent, like Biscuit, and it might scare off some who are more timid or unsure of their ability to best you, but truly evil people or people looking to beat a challenging opponent, like Hisoka, might be unfazed or take it as an opportunity to increase their reputations, respectively. Also, if I'm right about the NPCs being ordinary people whose lives have been upended by the "creation" of Greed Island, then they might want to harm you for revenge. With those things in mind, I think you should keep quiet about that.


Yeah, yeah, Ging is an amazing nen-user, but he's also a terrible parent and strikes me as an all-around bad person. That's the problem with celebrity worship; they may be great at what they do, but they're still people, and they're not necessarily good ones outside of what they do for a living.


Yes, Binolt had a bad past. I don't think many people would truly fault a malnourished street urchin like him for taking that wallet, but, at that time, he was still a decent person who, by his own admission, wasn't looking for a reward or thanks. He simply returned it, because it was the right thing to do. That said, he was treated horribly by that couple. The woman did drop the wallet on her own, and they beat this child with impunity before even looking to see whether any contents were missing. When they would've eventually discovered all the contents were present, I sincerely doubt that either of them would've sought him out to apologize for abusing him. That is to say, they perpetrated a crime against him, and yet likely went completely unpunished by the law or whatever passed for their consciences. Still, despite his later life of crime, he carried that seed of decency, and upon seeing the ways and times that either of the boys could've ended him, yet chose to spare him, he decided to turn himself in to whatever authorities exist on the island (or maybe to log out and surrender to those authorities. I'm not sure which).


I think I'll go with Killua's name for Biscuit when she's being especially unpleasant: hag. Still, her decades of experience have honed her into a truly formidable combatant and instructor. Being taught by a teacher's teacher is pretty standard fare for shonen, so that's fine. What wasn't fine was the boys spending days in combat training with Binolt in a crater in an arid area. They were all engaged in strenuous, prolonged exertion. They would've needed a lot of water, and I saw no source for it in the crater, nor did I see them drink while in it. Sure, they're strong, but they're still alive, and thus they would need water.


Biscuit had an interesting training idea, leaving the boys to discover the principle of extending their nen around an object to amplify the potential of the object whilst digging their tunnels back to Masadora. As an Enhancer, this should be easier for Gon than for Killua.


Lupin - Because it wouldn't fit anywhere else, I loved that Mama had a minigun.


Sure, a haunted hotel which formerly was a castle. Why not?


What the crap? Who would make a secret passage that could be activated by pouring liquid into a hole in the corner? Sure, it was probably intended to be triggered by inserting a pole into it, but there would need to be some sort of container down there capable of catching and holding liquid until the weight of the liquid was enough to trip the mechanism for what Lupin tried to work. Also, what kind of horrible guests relieve themselves in the corner of their room? Well, they're horrible, unless they were specifically told that the hole connected to the sanitary sewer system of the hotel, but even then special cleaning considerations would be needed for that corner.


Yes, yes. Jigen discovered the fake ghost publicity ploy, but of course it would be based on a real ghost which Lupin would meet.


Speaking of which, Lupin sure was a charmer to convince the ghost girl that he was a friend sent by her big sister to check on the treasure. Given the Indiana Jones-style deadly traps he found, I would say that it was lucky for the other guests who were scared off that they fell into the first trapdoor and were chased/guided safely outside. However, Lupin himself was lucky that the ghost girl helped him find ways out of the deadly traps. Mama and her lackeys, however could've easily died from the impact at the end of the fall when the water swept them out of that corridor.


Five things left me somewhat incredulous, though. No, not the actual ghost girl. I'm fine with that. First, why would the tower be built to be inaccessible from the inside? In an attack on the castle, that would require anyone seeking to access the tower, such as to use it as a firing position or to supply or relieve troops posted there, to be outside the protection of the stone walls. Second, the chain with its counterweight lifting Lupin to the top would prove a problem for the descent, unless someone was at the bottom to raise the counterweight and reverse the chain's travel. Third, the chain lift and anchor system were metal exposed to the elements. They could easily have rusted to the point of failure in the span of time that the treasure was hidden there. Fourth, how did no one ever find the younger princess while she was still alive? Surely she would answer to family calling for her from below. It's tragic and difficult to believe that her family never found her. At least Lupin had the decency to let the whereabouts of her remains be known so they could be respectfully interred next to her sister. Fifth, how was Lupin able to grab and hold onto a ghost for the chain ride up the tower? He should've been able to feel that she wasn't a physical entity.


Lupin may not have come away from this with any treasure, but he did help that little girl's ghost find rest. He puts the "gentleman" in "gentleman thief."


Shippuden - Not only was this filler, but it was flashback filler to before Naruto headbutted the crazy out of Gaara. Guy was ridiculous, but mildly amusing. Also, it's you, Naruto. You didn't know it then, but as Minato and Kushina's son, you are the legacy of both of  them, both in your desire to protect Konoha and as the jinchuriki keeping the Nine Tails from running wild.


OS - Yep, Gene is a cold-blooded killer. Sure, Death Rob was a deadly threat which sought out Gene, but Gene didn't hesitate to use what he thought would be deadly shots. However, Gene and Jim are luckier than Jet and Spike, because the reward on Rob was able to cover the bar repairs and still leave more than enough cash for Gene to go out and get laid.


I can respect Jim not wanting his first time to be with a prostitute. Plus, he's still a kid. A genius kid, but a kid nonetheless.


Hilda's Rachel mask was very good.


The last time I watched this, I don't think I appreciated how formidable the Tao magic was against standard weapons.


AoT: Second Course - I still don't get why it was such a big deal to Reiner that Ymir could read a language from outside the Walls. I would think that almost all the ancestors of everyone inside the Walls would've come from outside the Walls. It makes sense that some of them would bring at least one book, meaning there could be at least one foreign language library somewhere. When we consider that pockets of populations may have kept their ancestral languages (Little Italy, Chinatown, etc.), it makes sense that some of the recruits for the military would be at least as proficient in their ancestral languages as the common language inside the Walls, meaning there may be a need for some written materials for instruction to be in more than one language. That would make such materials available for other cadets to peruse in whatever leisure time they had, or, if the cadet was especially motivated to learn, during instruction, reading the materials side-by-side. Of course, we know that Ymir knows this language by virtue of her long past, but it's possible others who aren't several decades old could've learned different languages by fairly mundane means.


Dagnabbit, Squatchy! Why do you have to ruin everything for the veterans?


Jack - Yes, Ashi and Jack were desperate for shelter from the sandstorm, but they missed the big danger clue that the opening through which they entered was a large, irregular rupture, meaning some calamity happened inside the structure to make that opening.


At least Jack was honest that giving Ashi his robe to wear was for his protection, since he would otherwise be too distracted by her nudity to fight effectively.


Since Ashi was trained with more traditional weapons, rather than firearms, I can't truly blame her for her negligent discharge of the rifle, even though the effect of the shot did interfere with Jack listening to the instructions for the device they needed.


Poke: Serano was ready to testify regarding TLM incident and the subsequent corporate blackmail, the kickbacks, and the MHWL's involvement, especially that of Yakushima. When he touched the door handle of his car, he made contact with a device that, either electrically or via injected micromachines, attacked his cyberbrain, which would make any of his testimony inadmissible, if he would even survive the attack. The device was planted by a remaining at-large member of the crooked Narc Squad.


I had a feeling that was the case, but I have to disagree that a Narc Squad member was the perpetrator. That guy actually looked more like Fukami, that Special Investigations guy from the original Laughing Man task force who told Togusa about the Interceptors and later killed Nanao A before Section 9 could get to him. Hell, he was even credited as such.



The full version doesn’t update the animation, but the shortened version does. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a case like that before Super.

Huh, no narration this time?

Krillin sure grew his hair back fast.

:D That story-as-told-from-Krillin’s-perspective was hilarious.

Oh Vegeta, you so tsundere.

There’s the narrator.

Instant ramen: the ultimate trump card.

Too soon, show.

Oh Goku, your and your raging fightboner.

And then he became the Space Dandy narrator, but without Ginyu’s voice.

:D Oh goddammit Goku.

Mmm… Tacos.

Now for flashbacks to scenes in Kai that haven’t happened yet.


By the way, that blue cat thing is Neko Majin, another separate manga character of Toriyama’s. Like Jaco, only fictional in the DBZ-verse.

I bet it’s one wish per Dragonball.

What a waste of good OJ.

Maybe Mr. Satan can wish for powers worthy of his reputation.

Poor Noob-Noob didn’t get more than two scenes last episode, let alone an invitation to the end-of-episode dance party. He truly deserved that Vindicator position.

Random purring.

“Itadakimasu, or whatever.”

Oh great, more recap.

Maybe when he saw the Super Saiyan God, he didn’t realize there was an extra Super Saiyan in there.


It’s good that Beerus evolved from his previous character.

Oh great, the kids are here.

It might as well be a space picnic, what with the concession stands on-site.

Depressed Trunks.

Oh hey, Piccolo finally remembered his arm-stretching powers.

I understand your worry, Gohan, but goddamn you a bitch.

Always rely on Piccolo.

Piccolo works best in wastelands.

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber is probably the best place to hide from Chi-Chi, unless you’re in Gohan’s abridged dream world.

I can only imagine what this Monaka character looks like.

TOP BILLING: Goku, with the narrator as #2. :D


No matter what that one Beerus doujin might tell you, Vegeta is super anti-NTR.



This episode will have… sexy results~.

And Gohan is still dead, at the insistence of people too stupid to check his pulse.

Oh hey, Yamcha fixed their flying machine.

But what if some of those spectators already came back to life after the Cell incident.


Why ask for the Supreme Kai’s help, anyways? He’s useless, considering he can’t even beat Buu like you’d expect out of a Kai!

Piccolo’s pupils are awfully big for this episode.

Oh shit, he’s gonna wreck that amusement park.

FUN FACT: The pendulum ride at Cedar Point is the most “extreme” ride I’ve ever gone on at any amusement park. I’m too much of a pussy for roller coasters. :robot[

:D Looks like Babidi’s got as little backbone for this amusement as I do.

And then a bunch of people died horribly for comedic effect.

:D Oh goddammit Yamcha.

>:D There’s our sexy results: Roshi being even more of a perv than ever.

“This is the worst day ever!” Considering your wife just got groped by Roshi a few minutes ago… yeah, I can’t blame your dissertation.


White Mage powers, go!

Huh, random narrator again.

The menu is too difficult? MINUS TWO AND A HALF POINTS!

Of course the last Dragonball would be a literal nest egg.

Videl’s shirt says “FIGHT”, that’s all the motivation Bulma needs from her.

Even the dinosaurs are producing sexy results this week! :D

Well… that sucks.

Thanks, Yamcha.

YOU CAN FLY, YOU IDI-oh right, the suit.

Great, now I wanna know what kind of underwear he’s wearing, no homo.

“Protect your face!” I’m sorry, what? ???

Guess getting beaten by Spopovich kinda lessened her fighting ability. THE POWER OF RYONA, EVERYBODY.

Hm… Those boxers are more garish than they are “wild”.

Yamcha showed his bare ass, Mochi is pleased.

You know it’s filler when you have Master Roshi defeating a dragon with old man farts. ohno

And now he’s got a migraine.

So I take it Ox King, Oolong and Puar were just hiding in the flying machine the whole time?

More horrible deaths, but less of a comedic effect.

Dammit, don’t you idiots know that checking a pulse is the best way to tell if someone’s dead or not!? >( Besides, Supreme Kai is still alive, you said that much yourself.

Well… shit.


That’s actually pretty easy to understand, Krillin.


All this “Gohan’s dead” talk is still stupid, considering we don’t even know his fate yet.

Hello? Namekian Dragonballs? Anyone?


I have a feeling the Hyperbolic Time Chamber may need using for this fusion strategy.

Welp, so much for the Toei 60th Anniversary vanity plate.


The chances of Ghosted being good are as high as the chances of FOX canning it during its first season.



Why hello, random creepy old lady.

That hot girl is going to die.

Kakyoin can’t sleep with that fly buzzing around… and apparently neither can the rest of the crew.

“Look to your right!” And then he did… in the OP.

That’s the creepiest insect I’ve ever seen, and I’ve read a list of real life’s creepiest insects before.

That mouth-grabbed is very reminiscent of Alien.

Dear god, what happened to Avdol’s voice?

You sure it dodged it? Didn’t really look like it did.

Anyone could be a suspect… apart from the main four, of course.

Old man doesn’t give a crap.



I feel like I’ve seen this stance before.

That fly STAND sure knows… how to DOOOOOOOOOOODGE!

Tower needle? Is that what it’s called?


Turns out the old man was the STAND user the whole time.

Or maybe he was just that loyal.

“Dammit, this always happens when I’m on a plane!”

And then Jotaro and Kakyoin used their handsome good looks to distract the flight attendants.

Thanks for the warning, creepy STAND-using old guy.

Joseph landing the plane? Oh boy, we’re in for a ride now…

“Have you ever heard of someone being in a plane crash three times? Let alone surviving each one…” Well, there’s a first for everything.

Why take the bowl of watermelon if you aren’t bringing any salt along to flavor it? I’d have gone with the blueberries myself.

In short, it was a successful crash landing.

Hot cola?

:D And of course Joseph has a problem with that.

I like how the show’s aware that the plot would be over by now, were the flight successful.

The safest way is any way that doesn’t go through Roanapur.

That silver-haired gent over there looks mighty suspicious.

Kakyoin sure knows his Hong Kong customs.

And now he’s coming over to join them, very suspicious indeed.

I understand the fish and clams, but wholly baked frogs? Now that’s just weird.

Star-shaped carrots? How aesthetic. :)

Well, two of those guys are seated at the table with you.


Huh, the fire spells something… [pauses] Oh, it’s a clock!

A word of the wise to Jingai: who cares if it’s “soiling the sheets” like you claim, this show is fun and your pessimistic ass won’t stop me from enjoying it.


“You make my heart erect?” How did they even get away with that?



Meanwhile, in Kaneki’s night terrors…

First we see Yamcha’s ass, now we see Kaneki’s. Thank god we’re getting female nudity later tonight…

Kaneki’s gonna get raped by these two apparitions.

“…I really gotta stop taking heroin.”

So that’s what CCG stands for?

Who knew Ghouls could be so personable when they aren’t eating flesh?

Oh hey, it’s been a while since we’ve seen Nishio’s girlfriend.

“Keep your pompadour out of this.” It’s the little things this dub brings that make me prefer them to subs more often than not.

Tsukiyama’s wearing pink now, that’s a new color for him.


Oh, so Kaneki’s power-up is a cannibalism thing.

Nothing good comfortable can come from Hinami and Tsukiyama actually interacting with one another.

Don’t do it, Hinami, taking up his offer to go to the place where he huffed a hankerchief Kaneki bled on and creamed his pants over it is a terrible idea.

Eh, I guess denying his handshake is a start.

And then he taught her gratuitous French.

He’s using the restroom? That ain’t good… ohno


Oh no, Hinami wants to join Kaneki’s lawlharem.

And apparently Takatsuki’s telling her she needs to become a woman before she can do so.

That overalls dress looks rather cute on her.


I don’t know whether to be aroused or disturbed by his hands-off breathplay. :painfap:

Even this Chobani commercial isn’t as disturbing as Tsukiyama’s boner.

Takatsuki is best girl.

Her pen-spinning skills are totally off the hook. ::]::

Well yeah, that’s how Kaneki became one. I assume the same applies to those creepy twins from before.

Oh, so are they gonna go to Anteiku now?


Ah, the days when he had black hair and wasn’t entirely edgy.

I just realized Kaneki’s technically older than Touka.


Hinami knows the OTP when she sees it.

Oh man, look at all the CGI background characters.

The CGI vehicles, though, I can understand.

And so they meet again for the first time in six episodes.

Hmm, turns out he moved to Aogiri for their safety. I guess that’s sensible, but still rather foolish.

:D He’s blocking all her attacks. Well, except for that one, and those few.

Oh Touka, you so tsundere.

Huh, wonder why they muted out her screams there.

Man, Anteiku’s been getting a lot of business lately.

REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “It's always a great idea to eat and drink things given to you by the enemies you're openly trying to kill.” Hey, as long as it tastes good…

Likewise, Juzo is best boy.



Okay, she’s got a shorthand, so we won’t have to confuse her with the fat kid from IBO.

So she’s a grandmaster, so to speak.

Oh shit, creepy scissors guy at 6:00.

“Aim for that alarmingly phallic-looking pillar.”


I was gonna ask why she slapped him, but since it’s all an act… ::]::

Aww, one of her pigtails got cut.

Oh god, the way he was positioned, it looked like the scissors were his dick.

What the actual fuck. ohno

A 57-year old loli. Surprised, aren’t you?


:D It’s funny when Killua goes blasting off again.

Didn’t your dad outright say in that message that there was no clue to finding him?

Well now, that’s an interesting way to start off their training.

And now there’s Jerry’s ass. The female nudity later on better be damn good.


Rock smashes scissors, that plan is flawless!

…I could’ve taken out that rock with a ghost train.

If you can dodge a boulder, you can dodge a ball.

Nen potential gets her hot and bothered.

That may have sounded silly at first, but it makes sense once you think about it.

Hmm, never expected a flashback for the bad guy.

So death stares from better off adults trigger him. No wonder he murders people.

That’s one week down.

And that’s how a notorious criminal decided to reform himself after fighting two small children for a whole week.


Well, so much for staying there.

You kids are tempting fate with your expectations.

Damn those are some nasty bumps.

He’s gonna have brain damage before their training finishes.

Any particular reason why “custard”?


Decker shooting that alien shouldn’t have been as amusing as it was.



We haunted house tonight?

And it’s haunted by a ghost loli princess. At least, that’s what it looks like.

Ooh, a fictional Michelangelo painting. Now that’s a steal!

If that old dude wasn’t already creepy, that purple tint on the sides of his neck would definitely do it.

That letter must be pretty damn old, if the one family was murdered over two centuries ago.

Now that’s a tragedy if I’ve ever heard one.

“There sure are some weirdos out there, y’know?” You don’t know the half of it, Jigen.


Oh boy, rival thieves! And the matriarch is rather attractive for a fat old broad with a terrible voice.


:D Sick burn, Jigen.

Jigen’s eye is visible, that means shit’s gotten spooky!


“There’s something in common with all the ghost sightings that appear in this guidebook. Here, why don’t you take a look?” Damn, Lupin’s Bullhorn game has been strong these past two weeks.

Lupin’s got this theory surprisingly down pat.

Jigen’s already got a smoking problem, lord knows Lupin doesn’t need him to have a drinking problem on top of that.

Huh, that girl who spooked Jigen is a real person after all.

Yes, what a waste of wine indeed. But at least some good(?) came out of it.

For a second there, I thought he was walking off to get more wine.


So the loli princess was the bride of legend. That’s… somewhat creepy in hindsight.

Never mind, she’s just the bride’s imouto. Still, cute lolis this show has.


Oh, so the spooky girl was the ghost all along.

Lupin’s way better at spooking than he is at getting spooked.


And then they payed homage to Indiana Jones.

Thank god he remembered he had his gadget watch on him.

Lupin does really well with kids.


When distracting others, act fast once they’ve got their heads turned. The last guy to brag about it instead got his ass electrocuted by a girl three years younger than him.

Turns out the treasure was in the bell tower all along.


Well this is definitely a cliché-looking trap. :D

And now they’re back where they started.


That’s a pretty neat-looking stash.

As I expected, the loli was a ghost all along. :(

I’m gonna guess Jigen’s excessive drinking also gave him the shits. :poop:


Shippuden and Outlaw Star thoughts on Monday. But first…


REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “Naruto- Mother fuck, I'm not watching this.” The same I assume applies to Outlaw Star, considering your lack of thoughts for it. ::]::


Here's my Top Ten for 8/19/17 Toonami (and beyond) 11 PM-4 AM:


#10: Tokyo Ghoul - Seriously? We go from the awesomeness of JoJo: Stardust Crusaders to THIS!? One minute of action and 23 of "what the hell WAS that!?"

#09: Naruto - Yes, no "Shippuden" this time, folks. Episode 170 was actually "Episode 221" of the original series!

#08: Dragon Ball Z Kai - Master Roshi, you're a dirty, flatulent old man!!

#07: Samurai Jack - "Everybody Needs Some Lovin' Sometimes..."

#06: Attack on Titan - Ymir's secret, finally revealed amid some impressive tower assault scenes!!

#05: Dragon Ball Super - Questioning this? Well the comedy cranked it up a notch, and it was full of plenty of good exposition despite being half-recap!

#04: Lupin the 3rd - Lupin's ghost story!!

#03: Hunter x Hunter - Wow, Bisky! You make Pai Mei from Kill Bill look like Mr. Rogers! And Will Zeppeli and Whis' training was like child's play!

#02: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - Well, it wasn't "Snakes On A Plane", but "Stands On A Plane"! And then what's worse than going to a Chinese restaurant and the food making you sick? The nightmare that awaited Team JoJo!

#01: Outlaw Star - Damn, it's NICE having this back on the air! Gene Starwind's world just drips with intrigue and I hope over 500,000 Faithful will be along for the ride!


#10: Tokyo Ghoul - Seriously? We go from the awesomeness of JoJo: Stardust Crusaders to THIS!? One minute of action and 23 of "what the hell WAS that!?"


I dunno, I felt it was more one minute of action, one minute of WTF, and 22 of YAWWWWWWWWN.


And here's the rest.




Well, at least that tadpole has legs. That’s still an improvement, even if it’s no good.

Sweet, we get the original soundtrack back too.

“There are no shortcuts in the ninja way!” Tell that to Kishimoto.

Huh, so Kakashi’s the narrator this time.

Of course Naruto’s odds are low, this was before people started taking him seriously, after all.

I personally prefer Choji’s Shippuden voice to the younger model.

:D It ain’t technically dining and dashing if you leave the other person behind.

RANDOM KONOHAMARU. It’s a shame he’s got that stupid headpiece on instead of the goggles that I swear he took up this arc.


Whatever you do, don’t look at that Gaara kid the wrong way. I heard he killed someone for doing that.

I honestly can’t tell if he’s bullshitting or not.

Is it wrong that I feel that the faceplant was a little much?

Eh, at least his asking Iruka went better.

I’m still mad that Anko’s undershirt is chainmail and not fishnets.

Little did she know that Naruto was inadvertently trying to help her avoid the inevitable.

:D Gai-sensei is the greatest.

“My belly’s full but my wallet’s empty.” Ironic, isn’t it?

Hey, is that a magazine with the Fourth’s picture on it in his back pocket.

Okay, so the Third was bullshitting.

Turns out the pamphlet is a treasure map.

It’s natural for Gai-sensei to scare people.

I bet you anything the Fourth Hokage’s legacy is the ability to uppercut people from underground.


Oh goddammit Sakura.

So Shikamaru’s getting involved, this should make things more tolerable.


Oh hey, it’s villagers from the House of Pain.

“Wow, this is sad and painful to watch.” Which is what Angel would say if she actually watched this.

Part of me feels that “Time to take ‘em all down” isn’t as cool a one-liner as this show thinks it is.

This dub is truly summoning the spirit they put into the first series a little too well. All that’s missing is a random “Believe it!”.

:D Even before I saw the eyebrows I knew that weird old dude was Gai.

Okay, so we have stupider-than-normal Naruto this time.

More difficult than S-Rank? So it’s… SS-Rank?


Why do NaruSaku shippers think their pairing’s a good idea, again?

A giant bridge made of spiderwebs? That’s… fairly suspicious in and of itself.

Funny how they get stuck at the most inopportune time.


Apparently it’s a spider that can sense weapons.

Now I’m getting Naruto video game flashbacks.

He kicked that giant spider’s ass good!

Yeah, those are some pretty vague hints.

And just like OG Naruto filler, the theme songs are the best part. :)



FUCK YEAH TOONAMI PILLARBOXING. Boo personally inaccurate TV rating, though. :|

I assume this whole opening thing is a flash-forward. Anime really seems to like that for some reason…

Eh, if one thing can be said, it’s that this opening theme is totally awesome.


Huh, so we get the Japanese title cards instead of the ones Bandai made for the English dub. Interesting way of going about that.

Once again, too absorbed in the action to bother quipping.

“Damn that whore-us!”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lip stud on a guy before.

Go fish, motherfucker.

I assume he thought his name was “Deaf Rob”.

And this isn’t even moderate violence? Damn, what’s S&P been smoking?

Nothin’ like a celebratory ass-grope.

The damage didn’t look that bad, so it shouldn’t cost all that much.

Gene’s gonna get himself laid.

Oh shut up, kid.

Hey, it’s those three guys from the start of the episode.


Huh, so he’s not even wearing any boxers.

And then sex happened. :fap:

I certainly don’t remember that alley shot from either of my previous watches.

Back at 5? More sex than I expected, apparently.

Huh, so that bread wasn’t toasted after all.

Fixing everything from tractors to relationships. :)

I still don’t understand the symbolism of the red desk.

This is a pretty cool info block. “3SIZE: DYNAMITE” :D

Maybe she’s just a mechanical engineer for a company that has underworld enemies.

I always found custom scene transitions to be kind of gimmicky. >_>

I’d say something here, but I’d rather not sound sexist.


Oh shit, masked assassins! :o

Dodges and headbutts. I like his fighting style.

So that thing’s considered “classic”, huh?

I hate human roadblocks.

“Playtime is done now.” Don’t you mean, “Playtime is over.”?

Rule of threes. Shame Jim had to be the one to apply it. :|


I’ve seen realistic masks in cartoons before, but none that visually compensated for one’s partial lack of eyesight.

Oh hey, action, no time for talk now.


“Your job’s done, but you know too much.” [bang]

:D That PDA blocked the shot.

And there’s the payoff for the three naked males you didn’t want to see tonight. :fap:

I have no idea who the girls in these ending illustrations are even supposed to be.


Okay so maybe Outlaw Star wasn’t as great as advertised, but I’m still gonna watch it to the end because that’s how I roll. 8)


REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “Naruto- Mother fuck, I'm not watching this.” The same I assume applies to Outlaw Star, considering your lack of thoughts for it. ::]::

I actually forgot it was coming on, took enough Nyquil to bring down a medium-sized moose, and passed out while ignoring Naruto.


Tonight on Toonami, Bulma and Jaco head off to begin their search for the Super Dragon Balls, the regular Dragon Balls are used to control at least some of the damage brought about by the day's events, it's Avdol's time to shine as he faces off against the STAND user Jean-Pierre Eiffel Polnareff, Yoshimura tells Kaneki his life story on the true cusp of the battle nobody cares about, Gon and Killua's training under Bisky continues, Goemon finally gets his own episode after another three-episode absence, the poorly-placed nostalgia trip to the days of pre-timeskip Naruto and its wacky filler episodes comes to its conclusion (that was fast), Gene finally gets his chance to go into space as he and Jim (alongside the naked girl) escape Sentinel III on Hilda's personal starship, and Krista and Ymir share some rather startling truths about themselves.


8:00 - Dragonball Super #30 - A Run-Through for the Competition! Who Are the Last Two Members!? - TV-14L

8:30 - Dragonball Super #31 - Off to See Master Zuno! Find Out Where the Super Dragon Balls Are! - TV-14


11:00 - Dragonball Super #31 - Off to See Master Zuno! Find Out Where the Super Dragon Balls Are! - TV-14

11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #130 - Found! A Faint Ray of Hope! Awaken, Warriors! - TV-PGLV

12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #5 - Silver Chariot - TV-14DLV

12:30 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #8 - Old Nines - TV-MAV

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #64 - Strengthen and Threaten - TV-14V

1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #10 - Requiem for the Assassins - TV-14V

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #171 - Big Adventure! The Quest for the Fourth Hokage's Legacy, Part 2 - TV-PG

2:30 - Outlaw Star #2 - World of Desires - TV-14DLS

3:00 - Attack on Titan #30 - Historia - TV-14LV

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