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Goku lost?  What the hell kind of move did Frost use?  Must have hit a nerve cluster or something.


If I had to guess, since he swiped at Goku, I think it may have been a poison of some kind (possibly non-fatal). I guess we'll have to wait next week to find out.


But a nice guy like Frost (if he's as nice as he seems) wouldn't seem the type to use such measures.


Somehow I think FUNimation will try to keep Goku "good". I don't know how bad it gets but I have a feeling.

....it gets reeeeeeal bad, he confesses to being a sociopath at one point, the fanbase is VERY confused at this point



Yeah...no not clicking on that.

fair enough, just suffice it to say if you went into Super Liking Goku you'll hate him about 4 arcs in

Ok, seriously, though, what is up with this show and all the fluff? Feels like every episode, there's some chunk that just doesn't contribute anything to anything. The entire first fight in this was just a throwaway (lolpun). Every week, seems like writers just needed to pad things out.


Ok, seriously, though, what is up with this show and all the fluff? Feels like every episode, there's some chunk that just doesn't contribute anything to anything. The entire first fight in this was just a throwaway (lolpun). Every week, seems like writers just needed to pad things out.


How else are they gonna drag Super out for 200 plus episodes? Not on the strength of its plot that's for sure.


Just finished watching the episode.


Looks like this guy has the powers of The Blob!



Watch out Goku! :D


Jaco - "He's dispersing the blows and sending the energy to another dimension!"


Bulma - "Do you really know that?"


Dragon Ball making fun of its own bullshit technique commentary now. :D


So he's so fat and heavy that he can't do anything if someone knocks him over or picks him up?  Goku should have done this a long time ago!  Not like the swing and throw has never been used in Dragon Ball before.


So polite and friendly!  And honorable!


Goku says tells Frost to use full power while he's still fighting in his base form...


That spinning hurricanrana was impressive, Frost!


Final form my ass! :D :D :D :D


Well, Goku never saw Xenomorph Frieza.  Still, he should know better than this.


So he does!


Frost used his power to put an end to senseless wars and saves orphans!  :D :D :D


Super Saiyan 1 is still not your full power, Goku...


That Universe 6 Saiyan looks like he is lying about not knowing about Super Saiyan.


Alright this fight is getting good.


Did Vegeta really just say "Goku" instead of "Kakarot?"


If you have trouble controlling your final form, maybe you should train with it more?


What the hell happened to Goku?  Did Frost use some crazy paralysis technique?  Did Goku catch some alien disease from Universe 6?  Did his heart virus come back? :D


Great episode!  Can't wait to see the rest of the tournament!  Should be especially interesting given Goku has been eliminated.


Somehow I think FUNimation will try to keep Goku "good". I don't know how bad it gets but I have a feeling.




Don't base anything on what Mochi says.  He's been consistently shown to not know what he's talking about.




Alot of people have commented on the evolution in the nature of Vegeta and Goku's relationship. Where it seems that they are acting more like ace partners for the group in complimenting each other's strengths and weaknesses. One thing that has been mentioned is that Vegeta has been referring to Goku by his earth given name quite a lot and is just, in general, more friendly and warm towards him. While there is a strong remnant of angst between the two and lots of butthurt feelings of past events, the overall attitude is shifting to be an ideal where Goku and Vegeta are working together to resolve major issues that the rest can't handle. And what ends up happening in Super consistently is that Vegeta ends up taking the more mature and measured approach to their combat while Goku ends up doing testing, initial planning, and most of the team creation using his (at this point) vast connections.


Personally while not actually stated directly, I think the warmer relationship could arise from the fact that since the start of Super this is really the first time they have been trained together for an extended period of time by the same teachers (Whis most notably and Beerus some). This I think has lead to a kind of unspoken acknowledgement between both of them and a type of reconciliation at least somewhat. Vegeta still thinks Goku is an idiot in Super, and probably rightfully should based on his actions throughout the series so far.


Don't base anything on what Mochi says.  He's been consistently shown to not know what he's talking about.

the current arc in Japan literally has the z-team killing innocent people because Goku gave them no other choice



How else are they gonna drag Super out for 200 plus episodes? Not on the strength of its plot that's for sure.


The old fashioned way, dammit! With lots of yelling, flashbacks, dragging the good fights out into tedium, and drivers ed filler.




Alot of people have commented on the evolution in the nature of Vegeta and Goku's relationship. Where it seems that they are acting more like ace partners for the group in complimenting each other's strengths and weaknesses. One thing that has been mentioned is that Vegeta has been referring to Goku by his earth given name quite a lot and is just, in general, more friendly and warm towards him. While there is a strong remnant of angst between the two and lots of butthurt feelings of past events, the overall attitude is shifting to be an ideal where Goku and Vegeta are working together to resolve major issues that the rest can't handle. And what ends up happening in Super consistently is that Vegeta ends up taking the more mature and measured approach to their combat while Goku ends up doing testing, initial planning, and most of the team creation using his (at this point) vast connections.


Personally while not actually stated directly, I think the warmer relationship could arise from the fact that since the start of Super this is really the first time they have been trained together for an extended period of time by the same teachers (Whis most notably and Beerus some). This I think has lead to a kind of unspoken acknowledgement between both of them and a type of reconciliation at least somewhat. Vegeta still thinks Goku is an idiot in Super, and probably rightfully should based on his actions throughout the series so far.


That is the first time I can point to Vegeta calling him Goku.  Maybe it happened before and I didn't notice.  I am kind of surprised it wasn't made a big deal of him calling him Goku for the first time hahaha.


That doesn't sound too bad.  Nice to see the characters and relationship evolve and develop.  Even Vegeta has to mellow out at some point, LOL.  While I am glad that it's the two of them as a team now, I hope Gohan, Goten, and Trunks get some focus more at some point as well.  The thing that bothered me about GT was it should've been the next generation's story, but they reset Goku's age and made him front and center again.  Of course, Gohan was supposed to be the new main character after the Cell Saga, but Toriyama reversed course on that, as well.  Either way, I don't mind Goku still getting focus, along with Vegeta, but some of the others should be included as well.



the current arc in Japan literally has the z-team killing innocent people because Goku gave them no other choice



You really think I'm going to trust your interpretation of events?  Even with shows you are actually watching you get stuff completely twisted.

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