CorbeauKarasu Posted January 2, 2017 Posted January 2, 2017 Anime is some fun stuff, absolutely stocked with lines worthy of remembrance and quotation. The original ASMB had a thread for documenting and preserving these quotes and, while I managed to preserv a scant few of them from back then, many elude me and many more are delivered each season. Here's a place to put down some of your favorite classic quotes from old series and introduce some from newer series you've just seen. Go nuts. Quote
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted January 2, 2017 Posted January 2, 2017 "You should never get between people and their pudding." - Millie from Trigun "This world is made of... love and peace!" - Vash from Trigun "I am both at once, and neither one." - Gren from Cowboy Bebop I'm surprised I can't think of anything from FMA. S: Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 2, 2017 Posted January 2, 2017 "And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge." - Spike, Cowboy Bebop 1 Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 2, 2017 Author Posted January 2, 2017 "Devil that you were, you drove mother to an early grave. I'm glad you're dead; may you burn for your sins. The riches that eluded your grasp -- I will claim them in excess. You lacked the cunning to take what you wanted, but I'll prevail!" - Dio Brando (at his father's grave). "Loneliness will devour a man from within. I'll reduce JoJo to a an empty husk. Bit by devious bit, I'll steal the life he was meant to have. By the time we're grown, there'll be nothing left of him!" - Dio Brando "You thought your first kiss would be JoJo, BUT IT WAS I, DIO!!" "I've killed their romance before it began. I'll deny JoJo the comfort of friendship AND love!!" -- Dio Brando, (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) "Try it, then! The moment you pull, my foot will kick out at your groin with all the force of a sledgehammer!" - Jonathan Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) "I took the lad for an easy mark. Guess I've been right disabused of that notion!" -- Robert E. O. Speedwagon (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) "Ohh. Your threat has been quaking in my boots, you old guttersnipe. How will I escape this mortal peril?" - Dio Brando Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 2, 2017 Author Posted January 2, 2017 "Right about now, you're probably wondering who I am. Allow me to elucidate ya! The name is Robert E. O. Speedwagon! I had a hunch Jonathan's run of trouble might not be done, so I followed him back home. I like you, Jonathan, so I'm gonna offer up this little tidbit pro bono: living in the gutter, you learn to spot lowlifes pretty quick if you want to see tomorrow. I've trained my nose to sort out the bad ones from the good just from a sniff. This fellow reeks of brimstone and blood worse than anyone I've ever laid eyes on! He is pure evil, right down to his very bones! Is he a victim of circumstance, you're wondering? Not on your life! He's been evil since he drew his first breath!" -- Speedwagon (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) "Don't look so sad, JoJo. Where better to die than in the arms of my son?" - Maser Joestar "You're wrong! All that was good in that man, he passed it along to Jonathan, every bit of it! You can be sure JoJo's gonna live an upright life, using what his father gave him. Rich folks are rubbish. Watching 'em flounce around, I wanna throw the whole lot of them into the Thames! But not the Joestars. They're heroic and merciful and, just...the whole damn lot of them are giants among men!" -- Speedwagon "You were a fool to attack me. I have disowned my weakness in favor of life everlasting! You're behind the curtain like Polonius. And like Polonius, it is there that you shall meet your end!" -- Dio Brando Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 2, 2017 Author Posted January 2, 2017 "From my perspective, you lot are much harder to understand. Always looking for some way to rationalize your role on the battlefield…Is it evil to kill with alchemy? Is it more virtuous to kill with a gun? Or maybe you were prepared to kill one or two people, but not thousands? The moment you put on this uniform out of your own free will, you knew something like this could be expected of you. If you don’t like it, you shouldn’t have put it on in the first place. Why do you act as though you’re the victims when this was the path you chose, free of coercion? If you’re going to pity yourselves, then don’t kill anyone in the first place! Don’t avert your eyes from death. Look straight ahead. Look squarely at the people you’re killing. And don’t forget them. Never forget them. Because they won’t forget you." — Solf J. Kimbley (Fullmetal Alchemist) "Hughes…one word of advice. It happens in movies and novels all the time. Soldiers who go on and on about their family and loved ones have a high probability of getting killed. So just stop right there!" — Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist) "We ruin the countries we govern and the people in our care. We slaughter our enemies and sacrifice all our allies. We’ll keep killing until there’s nothing left but to destroy ourselves. It will never be enough. We are incorrigible warmongers, aren’t we, Major?" — Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 2, 2017 Author Posted January 2, 2017 Those who ate of the Fruit of Life. Yes, they exist only to destroy us who ate of the Fruit of Wisdom. — Evangelion "Grandma said there were two places I could cry. In the bathroom and in the embrace of my father." — Ushio (Clannad ~After Story~) "It is a light that destroys us and guides us all to death…but…it is so beautiful." — Axel Thurston (Eureka Seven) "You and your dream of a bygone Golden Age shall fall and rot to nothingness." — Cornelia Li Britannia (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion) "The current king of this world keeps eluding his own sins in order to live without repercussions and he is supported in that. However, someday, the king must accept death to atone for his grievous sins, no matter how much eluding he does. On the other hand, if the king is offering his head to the executioner, isn’t it only proper decorum to accept his offer and chop it off?" — Dewey Novak (Eureka Seven) "I don’t need to live forever. As long as I get through today, that’ll be enough." — Portgas D. Ace’s first line (One Piece) "The Swimming Bird shall meet a woman. The bird shall be hunted by this woman, and then… death." — Laughing Bull (Cowboy Bebop) Quote
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted January 2, 2017 Posted January 2, 2017 "But Edward IS Edward!" - Ed, Cowboy Bebop Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 2, 2017 Posted January 2, 2017 "Stop your babbling you stupid dog! My place disappeared from this world a long time ago! The reality is that there is no place for me anymore, but that's the reality I hafta face!" - Ikari, Paranoia Agent The entire seen really, easily the best scene in the entire series. And that music...glorious. Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 2, 2017 Author Posted January 2, 2017 "Most men shackle themselves to petty morality; they fear the consequences of their evil. But some are unfettered by man's laws and all their tyranny. They are the vanguard. Become my servant, Jack the Ripper! You've no further need for free will. I will make you an instrument of death, the likes of which you can't begin to imagine. As for what I shall take in return..." -- Dio Brando "Now, you mewling corpses-to-be...prepare for the carnage!" -- Jack the Ripper (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) "JoJo, this creature illustrates a principle: imagine a minuscule small that it's barely visible. Why is it they bite humans who tower over them without a single thought to their own safety? Would you call their behavior courageous? Of course not. It's hunger compelling them. I will tell you what courage is, JoJo. Courage is to look your fear in the eye and know that it has no dominion over you! Fear scatters your breathing! When you toss your fear into the dust, breathing is the sword ever at your hip! Breath with courage and you will never want for Hamon! Bravery is our birthright, lads and, for all the abilities they may bring into a battle, courage is something a zombie relinquished when he took this form. They're no better than fleas! SENDO WAVE KICK!! A knee full Hamon to the head seems to have cured this one's braggadocio." Baron Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) "There were no Vikings in the land of Norway until the north wind blew in and created them." -- Baron Zeppeli "The harsh wind blowing down off of the Arctic Ocean birthed the fearsome Vikings. Only when we are tossed headlong into the crucible of adversity do we rise to the challenge. What will a glass of vino create this night?" -- Baron Zeppeli Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 2, 2017 Author Posted January 2, 2017 "I've been trying to steel my spine leading up to this little tête-à-tête, but it's like the Grim Reaper's breathing down me neck! I'm all asweat! How am I supposed to find my courage when that monster's staring right at us!? Sir Joestar loved him and all he got for his trouble was death! Listen you! You're gonna pay for it!" -- Speedwagon "So anemic, this parlor trick of yours. You should save your breath. You're going to need that air for all the screaming I have in store for you!" - Dio Brando "I can read people like a book and these two are full of story Speedwagon don't wanna hear, thank you kindly!" -- Speedwagon Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 3, 2017 Author Posted January 3, 2017 "No matter how old a man gets, he is still weak against a pretty face." — Xam’d: Lost Memories "Without subtlety, a sword is but an iron bar." — Dracule Mihawk (One Piece) "GO AND DIE TO PROVE THAT YOU LOVE ME!!" — Haruhara Haruko (FLCL) "If we don’t sieze the moment now, later we’ll pay with our lives for our reluctance to take action." — Rau Le Creuset (Gundam SEED) "The Swimming Bird shall meet a woman. The bird shall be hunted by this woman, and then… death." — Laughing Bull (Cowboy Bebop) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 3, 2017 Author Posted January 3, 2017 "What a letdown, Kurosaki-san. A real letdown. After all, there’s nothing but fear reflected in your sword. When you dodge, ‘I’m afraid of getting cut.’ When you attack, 'I’m afraid of cutting someone.’ Even when you try to protect someone, 'I’m afraid of letting them die.’ Yes, your sword speaks to me only of absurd fear. That’s not it. What’s necessary in a fight isn’t fear. Nothing can be born from that. If you dodge, 'I won’t let them cut me.’ If you protect someone, 'I won’t let them die.’ If you attack, 'I’ll cut them.’ Well, can’t you see the resolve to cut you reflected in my sword?" — Urahara Kisuke (Bleach) "I’m killing the spiders to save the butterflies." — Knives (Trigun) "Don’t you feel shame? I thought scum could at least feel shame." — Alucard "I’m so fucked up." — Ikari Shinji (End of Evangelion) "You fucked-up killing Bruno! You fucked-up stealing the Arbalest! You’re a double fuck-up, and I don’t fucking like that!" — Mr Gates (Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid) "Like an angel from the underworld…or maybe a devil from paradise." — Faye Valentine "Let one walk alone, committing no sin, with few wishes." — GITS 2 Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 3, 2017 Author Posted January 3, 2017 "Who can gaze into the mirror without becoming evil? A mirror does not reflect evil, but creates it." — Kusanagi Motoko (GITS 2) "Jacob Grimm wrote that by inscribing ‘aemaeth’ upon the ancient Golem’s brow, the clay man lived by drawing energy from the word for 'truth’. But simply removing 'ae’ to form 'maeth’ or 'death’ returned the Golem back to inanimate clay." — Batou (GITS 2) "Just as luck appears in threes, misfortune also arrives three times. A gaze averted in discomfort, a realization unspoken, advice unbidden. Without noticing, we welcome catastrophe. But our world cannot afford to ignore the first sign, let alone all three." — Batou (GITS 2) "No matter how far a jackass travels, it won’t come back a horse. His downfall came when his reach exceeded his grasp." — Batou (GITS 2) "How great is the sum of thy thoughts. If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand." — (Psalms 139) but also Togusa from GITS 2 "If the essence of life is information carried in DNA, then society and civilization are just colossal external memory systems and a metropolis like this one, simply a sprawling external memory." — Batou (Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence) "The world cannot live at the level of its great men." — Batou (Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence) "Apparently, you don’t need to be Caesar to understand him." — Togusa (Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence) "Perhaps it’s a protest against their own obsolescence." — Dr. Holloway (GITS 2: Innocence) "Raising children is the simplest way to achieve the ancient dream of artificial life." — Holloway (GITS 2) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 3, 2017 Author Posted January 3, 2017 "This bloody savagery is unbelievable!" -- Speedwagon (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is askew. The mirror is not an instrument of enlightenment, but of illusion. — Batou and Togusa (GITS 2) "If our gods and our hopes are nothing but scientific phenomena, then it must be said that our love is scientific as well." — L'Eve Future (GITS 2: Innocence) "The flower wins the favor of the lord of the night, and gives off her scent. Firm and eternal in countenance, her form is as a lily-white, supple maiden. She distills and condenses time until all is a precious, frozen mass. It is then that the beast shall appear." — The Book of the Moon (Wolf’s Rain) "Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty." — Big O Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 3, 2017 Author Posted January 3, 2017 "We’re about to embark on ‘Operation: Let’s Turn Reality Into A Bitchin’ Anime Story By Way Of A Happy Ending’!" — Walker (DRRR!!) "A heart’s a heavy burden." — Sophie (Howl’s Moving Castle) "Bloody Protestants screw everything up." — Alexander Anderson (Hellsing Ultimate) "We are the monsters that protect England from the other monsters." — Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing "To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose is the next best." -- William Thackery (as quoted by JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 3, 2017 Author Posted January 3, 2017 "You’re too loud, police girl. I don’t care if you are a vampire; you’re still English. Have some manners." — Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing "You who swallowed a falling star, O heartless man, your heart shall soon belong to me." — Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle) "Even chance encounters can be part of your destiny." — Musubi (Sekirei) "I won’t apologize. Doing so would invalidate everything I’ve ever done in my life." — Anri (Durarara!!) "There is an invariable rule in men’s battles. It states: ‘an ugly, macho guy can never beat an intelligent, popular, slender, and handsome hero. Your fate was sealed when you showed up with your ugly face." — Dark Schneider (BASTARD!!) Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 "I'm warning you: If you so much as bruise what's in your hand, I'll show you true pain. The hue of you soul will cease to matter because you will not be judged when you will no longer exist." - Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho) Quote
blueraven1999 Posted January 8, 2017 Posted January 8, 2017 "I'll take a potato chip and eat it!" - Light (Death Note) "Sit boy" - Kagome (InuYasha) "Lucy Kick!" - Lucy (Fairy Tail) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 8, 2017 Author Posted January 8, 2017 "Gundam is..the enemy!!' --Gundam UC Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted January 8, 2017 Author Posted January 8, 2017 "Not killing people is harder than I thought it'd be. Oh man, honest living is tough..." -- Killua (Hunter x Hunter) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted April 9, 2017 Author Posted April 9, 2017 "There are two fighters having a fight and their powers are big and scary. They will make your planet and maybe everything go BOOM." - Whis (Dragon Ball Super) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted June 11, 2017 Author Posted June 11, 2017 "You can't fly anywhere on that wing of yours. Crawl like the insect you are." -- Ayato (Tokyo Ghoul) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted June 11, 2017 Author Posted June 11, 2017 "Recklessness is the way of the young, and tolerance is the beauty of adulthood." -- Nyanta (Log Horizon) "Die in vain while cursing the world? Or fight an endless war? Those were our two choices." -- Gundam Unicorn Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted June 11, 2017 Author Posted June 11, 2017 "It's the same old story: fathers never say enough to their sons. Children are always forced to fill in the blanks on their own." -- Riddhe Marcenas ( Gundam Unicorn) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted June 11, 2017 Author Posted June 11, 2017 "There are things the rest of you can't see. However, I can see them now. Here, even Time seems to glow. No matter how deep the Despair is, Hope always rises out of it. You are Light; you can even use sadness as fuel to light the way. Do it together with the princess. Humanity is standing at a threshold now. The time may one day come when they will cross it while still in their physical bodies. When they do, the path will lead here: Over the Rainbow." -- Marida Cruz (Gundam Unicorn) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted June 11, 2017 Author Posted June 11, 2017 "The surest method of assassination is to get right next to your target without giving any thought to escape." -- (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex) i was actually able to use this in a conversation recently. Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted June 18, 2017 Author Posted June 18, 2017 "Writing each enemy defeat as a sentence, each battle as a chapter, and collecting all those chapters into a book called Tactics." -- Nyanta (Log Horizon) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted July 9, 2017 Author Posted July 9, 2017 "While such effort has strengthened my body, it's inflicted indescribable damage to my pride. Effort is a humiliation! No superior being should have to toil and sweat and stink like some lowly beast! Training is meant for the monkey and not for the master!" -- Frieza (DBS) Quote
Daos Posted July 10, 2017 Posted July 10, 2017 "You should never get between people and their pudding." - Millie from Trigun "This world is made of... love and peace!" - Vash from Trigun "I am both at once, and neither one." - Gren from Cowboy Bebop I'm surprised I can't think of anything from FMA. S: FMA 2003 "There's no such thing as god" -Mustang "We can't know that for sure. However devils do exist. They're the alchemists that dare to get in my way." -Bradley Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted February 28, 2018 Author Posted February 28, 2018 "Gon, you're light itself. Sometimes you're so bright, I can't even look at you. But still, can I stay by your side?" -- Killua Zoldyck Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted February 28, 2018 Author Posted February 28, 2018 "Sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil in order to fight him as an equal." - Gundam IBO Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted February 28, 2018 Author Posted February 28, 2018 "IT WAS YOU WHO BROKE MY MASON PLATE" "BREAKFAST IS SIGNALED WITH A SILVER SPOON." -- Outlaw Star Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted February 28, 2018 Author Posted February 28, 2018 "So, tell me, pops; don't you get lonely here all by yourself?" "Oh, you feel something long enough and it becomes a state of being. You don't notice it so much, then." -- Space Dandy Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted February 28, 2018 Author Posted February 28, 2018 "Women are the sun, you know. And if the sun doesn't keep shining its light, we men will wither and die." - Naze Turbine (Iron-Blooded Orphans) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted February 28, 2018 Author Posted February 28, 2018 "What is a true 'revolution' but a strong wind that disperses the stench of rot?" -- McGillis Fareed "What are dreams except the mind laid bare?" - Death 13 (JJBA) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted February 28, 2018 Author Posted February 28, 2018 "Good is something that is narrow-minded and discriminatory. Evil is much more tolerant than good." - Homura (Senran Kagura) "Evil doesn't turn anyone away. However, everything is at your own risk." -- Homura (Senran Kagura) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted February 28, 2018 Author Posted February 28, 2018 "I won't let this bastard walk off on some technicality. He will leave because I have KNOCKED. HIM. OUT!" -- Prince Vegeta Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted February 28, 2018 Author Posted February 28, 2018 "Becoming independent of the system doesn't make you free." Ghost In The Shell: Arise Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted April 8, 2018 Author Posted April 8, 2018 "I'm just a simple terrorist...although, I suppose I'm a little high on heroism at the moment." -- Hideo Kuze ( GITS: SAC 2nd Gig) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted April 8, 2018 Author Posted April 8, 2018 "Never turn your back on family, even when they hurt you. Never let life get the better of you. And if you remember nothing else, remember to find time to eat together as a family. Even when times are rough; especially when times are rough. There's no lack of painful things in this world, but hunger and loneliness must surely be two of the worst. Thanks to you, my precious family, I didn't know a moment of either of those the last ninety years." - Jinnouchi Sakae (Summer Wars) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted July 15, 2018 Author Posted July 15, 2018 " I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO DIE WITHOUT EVER GETTING TO TOUCH YAOYOROZU'S BOOBS" - Mineta Minoru (My Hero Academia) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted July 23, 2018 Author Posted July 23, 2018 "I am no king, just a simple warrior." - LordGenome "Do not grieve for me, daughter! My soul once drowned in a sea of despair and weariness, but has reawakened!" -- LordGenome "The tomorrow we're trying to grab for ourselves isn't the tomorrow that you've set out for us!" -- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann "All the lights in the heavens are our enemy now..." -- TTGL "And we'll all go together to where Charles is waiting for us!!" -- Ray Beams (Eureka Seven) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted July 23, 2018 Author Posted July 23, 2018 "Oh, Precious Upside-Down Coconut Pie, what's wrong?" -- Space Dandy "A video game expert is an expert at life!" -- D'Arby the Younger (Stardust Crusaders) "We keep losing these people who have so much to teach us..." Commandant Wakkein (Mobile Suit Gundam) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted September 30, 2018 Author Posted September 30, 2018 "Peace between men will never be certain. Not until our numbers fall to one or less." - Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan) Quote
CorbeauKarasu Posted November 18, 2018 Author Posted November 18, 2018 '"But didn't I ever tell you what happens to a cornered rat? 'Cause if i had you'd know that, wherever you run, you'll find a bullet waiting." - Kenny Ackerman (Attack on Titan) Quote
stilgar Posted November 24, 2018 Posted November 24, 2018 How can you say you love her if you won't eat her poop? 1 Quote
Gina Szanboti Posted November 24, 2018 Posted November 24, 2018 Is there only one job I'm the only man for?!! - Subaru Ichinose (Space Battleship Tiramisu Zwei) Quote
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