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How many of you would be interested in continuing the One Piece dub as a group?

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I mean from where Toonami dropped it at the Sabaoday Archipelago arc (from what I'm told). I never watched the Dub, until just recently starting to watch it from start due to the desire to really compare quality, and also to relieve the experience through a fresh set of eyes. Mainly since it is such a long long series, and I have been watching the Sub for many years now and first saw it as a kid.


I'd be interested in continuing with you guys as a group if there are enough here interested.  My thought would be viewing via a legal streaming source most of the season is free and I have a subscription for the few parts that are not. Could be group watched on any of the group streaming sites maybe a couple episodes once or twice a week?  The Toonami broadcast stopped at literally the best part of the first half of the anime, when I found out about how you guys never really got to see some of the best scenes from that era it really made me sad. It is my second favorite Saga that you didn't even get to next to one other that comes later. It also has some of the best background information on the One Piece world, and the best bits of character development for some of the Straw Hats.


Anyways, if you would be interested in this let me know here or in PM. If there is enough interest I might try to organize said weekly viewings as a group. No promises or anything though as of yet.




We currently meet at 8 PM Central / 9 PM Eastern, unless otherwise notified here.

Permanent link to my Rabb.it channel: https://www.rabb.it/OuroborosBlack


Join the above to participate every Saturday before Toonami!

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In case those of you wondering what I'm referring to, there are sites that allow for the viewing of private streams from someone's browser or desktop. It's not like a distribution or illegal streaming site. It's basically just a service that is the equivalent of inviting people to your house to watch a show. There is no copyright infringement or illegal distribution going on, and it is not an unlimited access free platform, it would be me inviting you to watch a stream at a set time or times with me.


I have two people that have expressed interest for this so far. If we get probably 5 people total or more I'll look into coordinating times to watch One Piece as a group. It would start from the beginning of Season 7 and go through the current dubbed Season 9 which is still 4 seasons behind the current Sub. I'm thinking probably 2 episodes (or more depending on what people want to do) per week at a set time so that you guys would catch up to current a bit faster. And since One Piece is slow paced in some parts it might help alleviate some of those complaints.


Anyways, if anyone else is interested let me know.


Mmmm I wasn't aware, I know there are several here though that have hinted at not having kept up with the series since Toonami canceled it. Just thought I'd offer. Not sure what you're referring to and what it entails though, but may be useful to others.


We tried to get something like this going before but it never panned out.  You might have noticed the pinned thread.


I hadn't watched any for a long time since Toonami canceled it.  I ended up binging 385-417 a little while ago though.  Planning to watch more at some point.  But I wouldn't mind re-watching with others, since I didn't get to discuss them yet.  And yes, so far, these arcs are awesome!


Uuuuuuh Twitter kind of already is. #onepiecesailson occurs every Saturday at 10 for two eps per week.  But of course you can watch the 2 eps any time.


Twitter is chaotic and disorganized, difficult to keep up with, has a shitty user interface and set up, and anything more than a day old might as well not exist.  So yeah, no thanks.


Yeah, it's really a shame that they cancelled it right before some of the best sagas took off for plot development. Lots of Character backstory reveals, good storylines, and some darker more adult-oriented themes start getting introduced though still fairly light-hearted as it is a shounen. Lots more elements in terms of world design and mysteries have been developed and explained as well. Toonami stopped at probably the worst possible place to stop that anime at.


Anyways, yes I am looking at a weekly streaming group through a site to a small group (probably between 5 and 10 at this point, though I have been getting some more interest this past week so could be around 15 to 20 when it finally gets set up) weekly with possible marathon weekends or recaps for those that miss. I will be attempting to get more replies from those interested for a week or two then set up the effective weekly group viewing times. Will make some announcements here and start to figure out when would be the optimal time.


Glad to see more are interesting, I have a definite 5 at this point with several more may be interested. So we will see what happens.


Oh, definitely.



Saobody is the definition of "that escalated quickly!" :D Then that leads to another great arc which is leading to another one!  Stakes are raising!  It's crazy!



Well, not the worst time.  The writing had been on the wall for a while, so it was nice of them to let One Piece stay long enough to finish out Thriller Bark.  And 385 was a perfect send-off so I'm pretty sure it was intentional.


Good to hear.  Sounds like a plan!


I'm thinking of attempting to try out a first viewing tomorrow at some point. If there is anyone else interested let me know. I'm planning on probably trying to get it together around 8 central time 9 eastern which as I understand it is 1 hour before toonami (or at least it has been when I've watched recently). So there would be a few episodes played there with a possible group discussion. I also need to test it out to see if it'll be a good enough format with some people. As I have not used Rabb.it very much and need to set up a discord probably as a chat room for those watching. :)


Let me know if there are any more interested in trying it out tomorrow evening!


I'm thinking of attempting to try out a first viewing tomorrow at some point. If there is anyone else interested let me know. I'm planning on probably trying to get it together around 9ish central time (10ish eastern) which as I understand it is 1 hour before toonami (or at least it has been when I've watched recently). So there would be a few episodes played there with a possible group discussion. I also need to test it out to see if it'll be a good enough format with some people. As I have not used Rabb.it very much and need to set up a discord probably as a chat room for those watching. :)


Let me know if there are any more interested in trying it out tomorrow evening!

I'm gonna be gone until sometime after 6, but if the viewing starts at 8 I'd be willing to watch it instead of the early airing of super

Glad to hear it, I know Ben said he'd be interested in here I think. I talked to animation fan and there were some others that messaged me as well. I'll see if we can at least get 5 to start with so that I get a good test size to see how the chat rooms function. Hopefully, more people will see this and climb aboard. I'll probably make a discord for this topic specifically tomorrow and invite whoever is interested to start with. We can probably make an ongoing discussion thread here after viewing but probably should wait at first to see if its going to pan out fully. Anyways, if for whatever reason I can't work it in (which as far as I can tell it should be happening), then I'll leave a message here explaining the delay. It deffinitely won't be on earlier than 8 though. I kind of lined it up that way so those that showed up a bit before Toonami could join if they were interested. :)


We will see how it goes. If anyone has any suggestions about anything at all, let me know here or elsewhere. I won't bite.... well too hard. ;)


Dat's fine would love to have extra commentary though. Also, I'm currently up to date on everything as I watch the Sub primarily and read the Manga currently. I tend to read the Manga for a few chapters if there isn't a huge fight going on. I'm gonna make the discord chat for it shortly, will post the link here when I put it up ahead of time for those interested, if something prevents the showing I'll let everyone know here as well though. I believe I will be able to host the viewing and plan on starting at 8:00 pm central (9:00 pm eastern), and hopefully can run 3 or 4 episodes. I will probably skip the like minute and a half obligatory last episode recaps that they tend to put on every episode start since Thriller Bark arc.


Still working out everything that can and will happen with the rabb.it use just in case I have problems so that things go smoothly.




Permanent discord server link for the group. I plan on starting the viewing at approximately 8:00 pm tonight central and run until 9:00 pm tonight central. That is approximately 1 and half hours from this posting. You can join the discord to discuss via text chat whenever you want, in the future I may actually be on voice if others want to discuss that way instead. I am also going to just say we can use this thread as a secondary discussion and/or episode related review so as to not have a bunch of threads about this. If there aren't any objections.


The beginning episode to be aired for this group is episode 385, the first episode of the show to be dubbed after the end of the Toonami run. As far as I'm aware they ended at the very end of Thriller Bark arc, at episode 384. If this is incorrect please someone let me know, so I can adjust. I will probably be skipping the episode recaps during this viewing but leaving the intros. In order to fit 4 episodes in if possible. We will be able to get through 3 at the least during the hour, so plan on episodes 385 - 388 and we will see if can get 389 in without obstructing any other shows. :)


The Viewing Room Link: http://lets.rabb.it/886j/UtN9EoAJGG


Just tested for lag issues, none that are apparent. It's also got an integrated side chat as it turns out, its accessible through the arrow on the right side of the screen. There is a full-screen option in the " . . . " menu at the bottom. :)


Additionally, I would recommend on changing your "guest name" in the bottom bar options, under "settings" (I believe it is done by clicking or hovering on your name icon but I don't know cause I have an account which is also free). If you don't change your name it will just remain as "guest", so it would be confusing in chat. ;)


Small note for those that want an account instead: The chat name that will be displayed is your first name not the username for whatever reason. You don't have to put your real name if you don't want to. :)


It's also linked on the discord server. I will be starting the viewing about 30ish mins. Come and chill if you like. :)


I'd be interested in hearing how you found that Rabbit site to work in practice, as I hadn't heard of it before now.  The old AD animu-watching group we still have plodding along has everyone queue up the episodes and countdown to start playing.  The one benefit we've found over the years is that, when someone's connection was flaky (especially when we were still using AIM, dear lord), so long as everyone was connected when we started, everyone could still stay on-pace with the episode through any disconnects.


I've used rabbit before many times. We used it for our Halloween anime viewing marathon that one year and the DB rewatch.


It works pretty good for the most part but if someone's connection is bad they can have problems seeing the stream well.


the vieweing went wall and even with my sub par connection I was able to watch just fine


so if you have nothing to do up to an hour before Toonami and you like OP I'd suggest we keep doing this



could also use it for other things like anime marathons on special occasions


I didn't realize you were starting the One Piece viewing this soon, or on Saturday.  Guess that's what I get for not checking the boards every day! 


Doing it on Saturday makes sense, though.  People already try to set that time aside for Toonami, so it's a great time to do it, and would flow into the rest of the night well.  385 was actually the last episode Toonami showed, which was a great send-off for the show (think it was intentional), but not a bad place to start again, either.  Watching 3-4 episodes is a good idea too.  The show is long and it's faster to progress that way.  If you skip the OP, recap, and WHEN THEY CHART A COURSE AWASH IN DANGER AND INTRIGUE that's like 4 minutes right there shaved off.


Not real high on using a chat, though.  Any comments will be down the drain.  I'd rather discuss on the boards.  But, I don't know how that would work if you were using the same screen to watch and to type. 


Which episodes did you watch?  I could re-watch those to set my mind in that place for next week's viewing.  Not stopping my binge-a-thon, though, haha.  This part of the show is too good!


But yeah I don't mind re-watching because then I get to discuss the stuff.  Not likely to find any other place interested in discussing the episodes where Toonami left off, as most folks are likely going to be about the current episodes.




Top Gun[/member]





We are going to be viewing again tonight for anyone interested in joining yet again. We managed to get through 4 episodes before Toonami. The viewing will start tonight at 9 pm central (10 pm eastern). We will air the viewing right up until about 15 mins before Toonami broadcast. Highly encourage those that want to join come along about 5ish minutes early. If you are going to be late and not too long let me know via pm and we will hold it for a small duration if reasonable.




To answer questions, it worked and worked very well. There was only one small hiccup in the second episode Animation fan disconnected so had to pause for a minute to let him reconnect. Other than that no stability issues or lag on either end. People were able to view in full quality and fullscreen. Rabb.it has good features and includes a theatre mode with the chat on the side of a maximized full-screen window. This lets people chat and discuss anytime they like about the episode without having to minimize. Further discussion after episodes are aired should be discussed/reviewed here. Please put any and all discussions about episodes in spoilers with the indication for those that may miss. I will also post a very short episode recap in a spoiler from now on for those that miss attached to the weekly announcement post the day of the viewing. :)


This will probably be the standard time from now on unless I post a postponement for the week here or on the group discord (in the event of being unable to show that week or over major holidays/vacation weeks). In addition, I may organize some weekends such as 4 day weekends etc... where people will be available as small Marathons of new episodes or potential recaps for anyone that missed. I will post here and on Discord with all relevant updates about this group. :)


For those that missed last week, there was not that much missed, the first ark after Thriller Bark Saga is a very short filler/setup ark for the new main storyline Saga known as



The War of the Best Saga



Which is arguably one of the biggest quality increases in content in all of One Piece and a real turning point for the Straw Hats. :)


My rabb.it link for tonight's group viewing:



Try this if the above doesn't work:



Permanent Group Discord:



I will be in my Rabb.it room approximately 10 minutes before viewing to set things up and make sure I'm not lagging. Will post here if there is a delay, but there shouldn't be. :)


Also, apologize for not posting this a bit sooner, I hope everyone gets a chance to see the above notice. I have just been very busy this week with a project and stuff. Very much looking forward to this and Toonami tonight, which I will be around for this week! :)




Top Gun[/member]





A quick reminder to anyone interested, the One Piece group will start viewing the next four episodes in approximately 40 to 50ish mins.


Episodes 389 - 393 are the intended schedule tonight.


For those that missed last week but may want to join this week a brief recap if you are interested:



Shortly after departing Thriller Bark, the Straw Hat crew arrives at the base of the Red Line. The Red Line is the massive land mass, that extends into the sky for miles (you can't see the top from the bottom). It blocks their path into the second half of the Grand Line known colloquially as the "New World" and is the next stage of their quest to reach the last Island of Raftel in search of One Piece. Before they can figure out what to do about crossing the Red Line, they are suddenly introduced to a flying in Fishman kissing gourami mermaid by the name of Keimi and her companion talking starfish Pappug.


They relay a tale of how their buddy and captain who saved them from their fate of being eaten was captured and enlist the help of the Straw Hats on a small detour to rescue their friend. Enticing Luffy with tales of their savor's legendary Takoyaki (Octopus Balls). They discover that their friend is none other than Hatchan of the former Arlong Pirates that they defeated. He was captured by the mysterious Duval, who we learned at the end of the last episode looked exactly like Sanji's wanted poster and thus was pissed at them and wanted revenge for the ill-treatment he'd received as a result.



Tune in to see what happens!


Thanks for the invites, but with all the watching stuff I'm already locked into every week I don't really have the time or will to get in on this.  (Doesn't help that I've seen this part of the show at least twice previously.)  I'm glad to see people making a weekly thing of it though.


Thanks for the heads up and info.  Looks like I won't have time to catch up, though I did watch these episodes a few months ago.  Just wanted to be in the same place in my mind, but no big deal.



Don't think Hachi is their "captain" or that they are a crew of any kind.  And wait, Camie is a Kissing Gourami Mermaid? :D






Yeah they are part of his "crew", which was basically a ship that was a roaming restaurant called "Takoyaki 8". Link is here: http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Takoyaki_8



Also no worries, I'm sure we will have more participants eventually! xD


We are going to be starting very shortly btw, in case anyone wants to join.



Not sure I would call them a "crew" or him a "captain" though.  It's a food truck boat.  :D Didn't realize they were with him like that before, though.  Just thought they knew each other and were helping out after they got Hatchi back.



So, is the start time 9 or 8?  You wrote 9 Central in the thread... :|



8 to 10 Central 9 to 11 Eastern from this point forward. It is approximately when we ended up starting last week as well. Very sorry for the confusion. xD


Group was awesome sauce tonight btw, I had great fun. And the episodes are a good watch for me second time in Dub form. It's been years since i've seen these parts anyways and they are pretty epic.


Just a quick reminder to everyone, we are on for tomorrow night's showing of One Piece! Things are starting to heat up now that our heroes have arrived at Sabaody Archipelago!


The Showing will start at 8 PM Central, 9 PM Eastern and run until slightly before Toonami. We've extended it just a bit from the original plan the last few weeks to allow for holdups and intros ect... seems to be working well.


Disregard time for the start on the OP, time is always 8 PM Central from here forward. Check here shortly before for more info and updated Rabb.it link, otherwise use the main link to my profile that I provided. :)


Looking forward to seeing you guys!




Now is the perfect time to join as we are just starting out the new main arc. I will probably be doing a recap day for those still joining at some point where I play most or all of the relevant missed episodes (we have covered 7 so far, mostly because last week only got through 1 do to Funimation's site going down for emergency maintenance).






We are on for tonight, unless there is a further notice of a delay or postponement. Check back here slightly before 8pm central  9 pm eastern to see if there are any updates.


For those that have not bookmarked it my rabb.it profile is:




I strongly recommend actually making a free account in order to not have issues with the chat. Some users have experienced an inability to chat without being signed in, while others have not! Sign up a free account before tonight's show just to make sure!


As per usual, I will be in the room setting things up about 5 to 10 minutes before the broadcast. :)


Episodes we will be airing tonight will be 394 to 397 and  398 if there is enough time left before Toonami broadcast. I generally let the first intro and recap play and then skip any further openings/recaps to save on time.


Looking forward to the fun, come hang out with us!


I will post a short recap here in spoiler tags, before airing for those just joining (unless someone wants to do it for me xD). Thanks, guys and check back later and join in!


EDIT: check the last post on the previous page for info on tonight's show (10/14/2017). Thanks.


Of course it's real.  The cover pages for the past couple of years have been Oda drawing whatever crazy shit the fans request him to do. He did a gender-swapped Straw Hats doodle ages ago...Brook just had a question mark next to him/her. :D


Of course it's real.  The cover pages for the past couple of years have been Oda drawing whatever crazy shit the fans request him to do. He did a gender-swapped Straw Hats doodle ages ago...Brook just had a question mark next to him/her. :D


This is true, the famous ones being the gender swap portrayals. Oda takes requests from fans and uses them to make cover art. :)





Also, I'm thinking that I may postpone tomorrow's showing to Sunday if everyone can make that night instead? Are there any difficulties that would arise for people? I know mochi[/member] said he could not join tomorrow among others.


AnimationFan14[/member] if you are willing and able I could show the episodes from last week tomorrow night for you and anyone else that might want to join or catch up and then the next four on Sunday evening (presumably same time period 8 to 10 unless you guys would want it sooner).


Let me know what everyone thinks!







Also, I'm thinking that I may postpone tomorrow's showing to Sunday if everyone can make that night instead? Are there any difficulties that would arise for people? I know mochi[/member] said he could not join tomorrow among others.


AnimationFan14[/member] if you are willing and able I could show the episodes from last week tomorrow night for you and anyone else that might want to join or catch up and then the next four on Sunday evening (presumably same time period 8 to 10 unless you guys would want it sooner).


Let me know what everyone thinks!

I may be able to make it home before 9 after all....but for convenience sake postponing it till sunday would be okay if that's what you ultimately choose to do



Well, I need more responses first. I'd really like to give AnimationFan14[/member]  a chance to catch up anyways since I think we can all agree last weeks episodes were not only amazing but also pretty crucial to the storyline :P


Have not heard from him though. I'll try on Discord. If you manage to get his attention ask him about it. :)


I'm not sure if CorbeauKarasu[/member]  is still interested in joining but this would be a good chance for him to catch up tonight. And I haven't heard from ben0119[/member] yet, whether or not Sunday night would be ok for this week. If not and worse comes to worse we could push it to an early slot in one of the weekdays next week like Tuesday or Wednesday. :)

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