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I have HuniePop in my Steam inventory, but I've never played it. I didn't even know HunieCam Studio existed before this bundle came about, nor any of the Sakura games.


So yeah... there will be a time and a place for these, but not right now. :fap:


I enjoyed Huniepop quite a bit, but Huniecam was pretty disappointing.


I know Sakura Spirit has a bad rap for only having 1 choice that doesn't really matter, but I haven't played any of those.


I did buy it went it up since collecting trashy "vn"/dating sims is just what I do.


No, but I'm not really a weeb. I actually try to get these out of my Queue by clicking not interested repeatedly on each shitty animu fan service game I see. Alas, they are still being shoveled onto my feed at record pace, probably because I have some actual JRPGs in my library which are actually good and aren't stuffed full of lolis or pantsu scenes.


I don't really plan on buying either, but if we're talking HuniePop and HunieCam Studio, I know them somewhat well from when Vegeta and Goku played them respectively.



the only good content to come out of Huniepop


also, the gamegrumps made a prank gay dating sim, why hasn't someone made a gay male rip-off of Huniepop yet?


I mean it'd just make sense


It wouldn't bother me so much if there weren't like hundreds of these types of games on Steam and other platforms being pumped out regularly and they weren't clogging my Queue up and the front page, further obscuring things that are actually good and have real content.


Please mochi, don't encourage more fanservice games, straight, gay or otherwise....

xD, hey I'd be all for fanservice if it was made with gay men in mind :P


I mean my male hawtness thread basically devolved into the gay fanservice thread xD


xD, hey I'd be all for fanservice if it was made with gay men in mind :P


I mean my male hawtness thread basically devolved into the gay fanservice thread xD


Yes but those are pictures and stuff, not full length games people are having to pay for, and also subsequently view even though they don't want them cause the gameplay is always awful or non-existant.


I think I'm going to pass because Sakura Dungeon is the only I'd probably actually play(I would try Huniepop but match puzzle games seem to be more miss than hit with me) I think and that's in the $10-tier.

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