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I don't see the point here.  It's not about somebody eating a lot, it's about being fat.  Although I'm sure greasy food like that isn't good for you.  People need to limit what they eat to what their body can handle.  If top girl can eat all that and stay thin, that's fine.  The girl in the lower picture can't and should probably go on a diet.  Like I can eat a lot  but my metabolism can handle it so it's fine.  I burn a lot of calories.


I'm not going to sit here and fat shame but you have to remember that there is no such thing as healthy fat.  Being overweight puts stress on your joints and organs.

It honestly makes me sad when people can't walk around a store without getting winded or worse, have to ride scooters because they can't support their own weight.  We should never, ever encourage obesity.


  On 9/4/2017 at 2:06 AM, Sieg67 said:

I don't see the point here.  It's not about somebody eating a lot, it's about being fat.  Although I'm sure greasy food like that isn't good for you.  People need to limit what they eat to what their body can handle.  If top girl can eat all that and stay thin, that's fine.  If the girl in the lower picture can't and should probably go on a diet.  Like I can eat a lot  but my metabolism can handle it so it's fine.  I burn a lot of calories.


I'm not going to sit here and fat shame but you have to remember that there is no such thing has healthy fat.  Being overweight puts stress on your joints and organs.

It honestly makes me sad when people can walk around a store without getting winded or worse, have to ride scooters because they can't support their own weight.  We should never, ever encourage obesity.



but your still judging based on sight alone. the big girl isnt encouraging anything. you dont know what she eats, what her metabolism is or any of that. you just see a fat girl and assume shes unhealthy..but she could be running marathons or just have lost 100lbs. you dont know.


and eating a lot is not necessarily healthy either. the thin girl could be always eating a lot and then throwing it up.. which is extremely unhealthy and actually fatal. so if we were going to be fair, youd have to say that the thin girl is encouraging bullimia.

  On 9/4/2017 at 2:13 AM, fuggnificent said:


but your still judging based on sight alone. the big girl isnt encouraging anything. you dont know what she eats, what her metabolism is or any of that. you just see a fat girl and assume shes unhealthy..but she could be running marathons or just have lost 100lbs. you dont know.


and eating a lot is not necessarily healthy either. the thin girl could be always eating a lot and then throwing it up.. which is extremely unhealthy and actually fatal. so if we were going to be fair, youd have to say that the thin girl is encouraging bullimia.


You're only right about one thing.  A picture of the girl on the bottom isn't encouraging anything.  You talk about me judging and then you go off on bulimia.  Hypocrite.  Lastly I just got done saying that there is no such thing as healthy fat.  That's a myth.  Fat puts a huge strain on your body and increases the risk of heart failure.  Have you noticed that there are not a lot of old fat people?  It's because they don't make it that long.  I already addressed that greasy food probably isn't good for you so I don't even know why you made that a point.


Learn how to read.

  On 9/4/2017 at 2:20 AM, Sieg67 said:

You're only right about one thing.  A picture of the girl on the bottom isn't encouraging anything.  You talk about me judging and then you go off on bulimia.  Hypocrite.  Lastly I just got done saying that there is no such thing as healthy fat.  That's a myth.  Fat puts a huge strain on your body and increases the risk of heart failure.  Have you noticed that there are not a lot of old fat people?  It's because they don't make it that long.


thats just a stupid thing to say. theres plenty of old bigger people. and skinny people die suddenly WITHOUT REASON all the fucking time. skinny people also have high blood pressure (which i dont have) and heart disease, too.

  On 9/4/2017 at 2:29 AM, Sieg67 said:

I never said that.  It will however lower certain health risks.


possibly. you dont know that. people get so angry over a big person and call them unhealthy as if all skinny people are healthy and its a double standard, ignorant, and unfair


I do know because I have some medical knowledge and common sense.  It won't eliminate the possibility but it will lower risks and I don't know how many times I've covered this but I already acknowledge that a skinny person can be unhealthy.  The difference is that unless they're all skin and bones, being thin((or normal weight) doesn't make them unhealthy.    I'm telling you that not being obese will give you a chance of a longer life.  Unless you like, get stranded somewhere and your body has to eat it's own fat to survive.  Then it could be a live saver.

  On 9/4/2017 at 2:42 AM, Sieg67 said:

I do know because I have some medical knowledge and common sense.  It won't eliminate the possibility but it will lower risks and I don't know how many times I've covered this but I already acknowledge that a skinny person can be unhealthy.  The difference is that unless they're all skin and bones, being thin((or normal weight) doesn't make them unhealthy.    I'm telling you that not being obese will give you a chance of a longer life.  Unless you like, get stranded somewhere and your body has to eat it's own fat to survive.  Then it could be a live saver.


being normal weight does not guarantee a longer life. at all. i know a skinny dood, normal weight .. and hes my age and has had TWO strokes. fuck that normal weight is healthy shit. its bullshit.

  On 9/4/2017 at 2:13 AM, fuggnificent said:


but your still judging based on sight alone. the big girl isnt encouraging anything. you dont know what she eats, what her metabolism is or any of that. you just see a fat girl and assume shes unhealthy..but she could be running marathons or just have lost 100lbs. you dont know.


and eating a lot is not necessarily healthy either. the thin girl could be always eating a lot and then throwing it up.. which is extremely unhealthy and actually fatal. so if we were going to be fair, youd have to say that the thin girl is encouraging bullimia.


She didn't just lose 100 lbs - that skin is fairly taut. You lose 100 lbs, you sag like hell, even at her age.


And she didn't just run a marathon. With such a load on her weight-bearing joints, I doubt that she could walk a marathon without serious pain.


Yes it's mean to pick on fat people, but making up a positive back story doesn't make fat healthy. Yes, skinny people get diabetes; part of it is genetic, but I have also seen (not read about, or heard about) patients normalize their blood sugar by losing weight. They didn't get to model-thin, either, just down to a normal BMI. And excess weight will tear the hell out of your feet, ankles, knees, and hips - yes, skinny people get arthritis, too, but being obese will cause more damage sooner - and will make repairs more likely to fail. It's not a judgement, it's simple mechanics.

  On 9/4/2017 at 3:23 AM, mthor said:

She didn't just lose 100 lbs - that skin is fairly taut. You lose 100 lbs, you sag like hell, even at her age.


And she didn't just run a marathon. With such a load on her weight-bearing joints, I doubt that she could walk a marathon without serious pain.


Yes it's mean to pick on fat people, but making up a positive back story doesn't make fat healthy. Yes, skinny people get diabetes; part of it is genetic, but I have also seen (not read about, or heard about) patients normalize their blood sugar by losing weight. They didn't get to model-thin, either, just down to a normal BMI. And excess weight will tear the hell out of your feet, ankles, knees, and hips - yes, skinny people get arthritis, too, but being obese will cause more damage sooner - and will make repairs more likely to fail. It's not a judgement, it's simple mechanics.


Stop with your facts and let her believe that she's healthy while cruising Wally World in a Mart-Kart.


Fat shaming is certainly one thing, but no one with any intellgence would ever suggest the thin girl eating plates of junk food is healthy.  A healthy diet isn't about how it doesn't impact the body as much as how it helps the body.

  On 9/4/2017 at 4:26 AM, scoobdog said:

Fat shaming is certainly one thing, but no one with any intellgence would ever suggest the thin girl eating plates of junk food is healthy.  A healthy diet isn't about how it doesn't impact the body as much as how it helps the body.


if you look closely at the graphic some asshole called it sexy


The vast majority of fat people should be ashamed of being fat.


Being fat isn't a lifelong handicap or illness like the body positivity "movement" wants it to seem, they just make it sound that way so they don't have to feel accountable for their own problems. It's much easier to cry victim and tell other people to stop exercising their thin privilege than it is to take some initiative and have some perseverance. Hard work is hard, so instead of climbing their way to the mountaintop they instead declare that where they are is the mountaintop and that anybody who tries to better themselves is just shaming them with thin privilege due to genetics and other factors beyond their control, when the biggest fucking factor is they need to stop stuffing their fat fucking face, drinking two liters of soda pop every day and go on a walk.


There are people with diseases that cause them to be obese through no fault of their own, but they are a very small number compared to the average American who is fat because they don't get enough exercise and consume way too many calories.


"Body positivity" and "Health at every size" is a joke. Obesity is not healthy, is 100% avoidable for most people and it should remain stigmatized, period.


And this isn't a call to arms to tell people to start calling fat people names out of cruelty, but if you don't like that someone is thinner and better looking and doesn't get out of breath after climbing the stairs, then strive to better yourself.

  On 9/4/2017 at 4:26 AM, scoobdog said:

Fat shaming is certainly one thing, but no one with any intellgence would ever suggest the thin girl eating plates of junk food is healthy.  A healthy diet isn't about how it doesn't impact the body as much as how it helps the body.


I'd be willing to bet that the skinny girl doesn't eat that way every day, although I'm really curious to know if she managed to keep it down (not because she's bulimic, but because the average human stomach isn't made to hold that kind of volume.) It is an unhealthy meal, but one meal isn't necessarily indicative of one's usual diet.

  On 9/4/2017 at 9:18 AM, empty said:

And this isn't a call to arms to tell people to start calling fat people names out of cruelty, but if you don't like that someone is thinner and better looking and doesn't get out of breath after climbing the stairs, then strive to better yourself.


Agreed.....My girl, my kid's mother, and my older sister have all taken strides to lose weight and are all doing well.  It's can even be as simple as just changing your diet (not excusing exercise, just saying that it can be done without it) ....My old lady has been going the gym and eats leaner meats, but she hasn't even tried to cut out candy/snacks......She's actually just getting stronger and toned but her waist to booty ratio is amazing now.  My sis and kid's mother changed their diets and have dropped a lot of weight without much excercise that I'm aware of beside normal daily activity.

  On 9/4/2017 at 10:18 AM, mthor said:

I'd be willing to bet that the skinny girl doesn't eat that way every day, although I'm really curious to know if she managed to keep it down (not because she's bulimic, but because the average human stomach isn't made to hold that kind of volume.) It is an unhealthy meal, but one meal isn't necessarily indicative of one's usual diet.


Probably doesn't eat like that at all, just took some pics to make the fatty foods appear desirable to people who are slaves to societal norms of beauty

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