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Ikebukuro West Gate Park (J-Drama) 9


Thanks to my cursory knowledge of Japanese text on Wikipedia, I knew Shun was gonna die. He just died two episodes earlier than I was expecting. It's like Caesar Zeppeli all over again.



Big Brother S22 ep 21

I'm starting to really hate this show.  After next episode, I'll only have one favorite left.

I'm so disappointed.  I really wanted David to be backdoored.  It sucks so much.

Won't be watching this STUPID season much longer.  Next week is probably my last week watching.


Big Brother S20 ep 8

Season 20 is so much better than season 22.  Even though the alliance I like the most

is losing, the people in the winning alliance aren't totally overpowering the losers and they're not obnoxious

like the ones in season 22.  I'm so glad Scottie won HOH.  He's my favorite guy in the losing alliance.

Posted (edited)

Big Brother S20 ep 9 and 10

Scottie is so cool.  I'm so glad he had the balls to nominate two

strong guys from the other alliance.  Proud of the guy.  He has guts.

So glad he's won the veto.  I'll be glad to see of the power guys

from the main alliance get voted out.  Hopefully Sam didn't use her power.

Edited by blueraven1999
Posted (edited)

Big Brother S20 ep 12

I feel bad for JC.  He's being depicted as the bad guy just because

he was trying to explain that being called a midget is the same as calling

a black person the n word.  Disappointed in Sam.  She likes the jerks in the house.

A lot of those guys do not deserve respect especially Brett.  He's a big jerk.

Edited by blueraven1999

Big Brother S20 ep 13

Okay now I'm starting to hate more of them.  I liked Sam before but she's a jerk.  There's no good reason to put up Rockstar. 

She was only defending herself after Brett lied to her and made her look bad on her daughter's birthday.  She had the right to get angry.

I hope Rockstar doesn't get voted out but at least she has the chance to get back into the house if she is evicted thanks to the twist.


Big Brother S20 ep 19

I feel bad for Bayleigh.  A lot of people think she's the hacker,

but she's not.  It's too bad she didn't get to use her power before she was backdoored.

I'd be shocked if she wasn't evicted after this.

Posted (edited)

Ikebukuro West Gate Park (J-Drama) 10

Let's see if I've got all these reveals straight.


Seriously, legitimate spoilers await you under the next tag.

  • Shun was the one who stabbed Kana, and was apparently pressured into it by the Black Angels.
  • Yamai was supposedly the one behind Shun's death, the reasons for which remain unclear.
  • Takashi has gone from Bunny Ears Lawyer mode to full anime adaptation mode over the death of one of his guys, with no sign of him coming back from it.
  • Hikaru was molested by her father while in middle school, and because of that, she's developed a split personality that Shun appeared to be aware of.
  • Yokoyama's wife isn't sickly; she's just paraplegic.
  • Yokoyama also pitted Takashi and Kyoichi against one another as part of a plot to arrest both of their gangs (and the yakuza clans backing them) all at once.
  • Hasunuma bought out the brothel Chiaki works at and is going to turn it into Be My Baby from Yakuza 2, I think?
  • And poor Makoto is dealing with the brunt of all this. Both Takashi and Kyoichi insisting that he witness their be-all end-all duel, Yokoyama warning him that he'll be the first arrested if he gets involved, even if only as an observer, and on top of all that, Hikaru's split personality admitting that she was the one who killed Rika.


...Holy fucking shit. 😨

Edited by PokeNirvash

Ikebukuro West Gate Park (J-Drama) 11

I don't think I've ever had this much fun watching a live-action show since Brooklyn Nine-Nine (back before it went full liberal). Legitimately great stuff, clearly aged but aged well. 11/10.

And with this, I can finally watch the anime undeterred when it drops tomorrow.

23 hours ago, Mewn said:

The Haunting of Bly Manor 2x06

I'll be finishing this today or tomorrow >_>

Very well done.

Well I finished and wow, it was "perfectly splendid".

But I did have a few issues 😂

Will lez relationships ever have a happy ending in TV? Nope 😅

I May Destroy You 1x10

I need to finish this one.


Big Brother S20 ep 22

I like Rockstar but she deserves to be voted out next episode.

All she had to do was keep her mouth shut and Tyler would have lost.

She would have been able to stay and one of the houseguests from the jerk alliance

would have gone home probably Angela.  It's too bad she wasn't quiet.  Never ask a enemy a question.

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