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Free Money!!!???


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So there's a Class Action Lawsuit against a robocaller, who was calling residences & cells between 6/2009 and 3/2014 for Cruise Lines.  Each call can be worth $300, with a max payout of $900 per person/number.

You don't even have to remember if you were called, just plug in your phone# & the system checks (TV networks & major mags have stories about it).  If you show up in the check, you fill out the info & you're part of the Lawsuit.




Up to you, I was surprised my number was found - but I get a lot of calls I don't answer.  My residence# passed/Cell didn't.


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lol. lowkey harvesting of active numbers for the next round of robocalls. or better yet, sold off to nefarious 3rd parties and cloned for dirty, dirty criminal activity.



Well, then I'd be able to sue ABC/Disney and/or Time-Warner, just two of the places that had the story.
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i don't think they can be sued for getting fooled into running an inaccurate story.

Not for just running the story, but ABCNews was telling people how to find the website & sign up (haven't read the Time article & there are others), so they were promoting it & should be libel for doing so.
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lol. lowkey harvesting of active numbers for the next round of robocalls. or better yet, sold off to nefarious 3rd parties and cloned for dirty, dirty criminal activity.



It's on reddit so it must be true.  >:D



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Not for just running the story, but ABCNews was telling people how to find the website & sign up (haven't read the Time article & there are others), so they were promoting it & should be libel for doing so.

nah, i'm just playin. wife and i are both included in the lawsuit.
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