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Not rare, not coveted, not particularly valuable.  It just has some really dynamite cover art, in my opinion.  So, I bought it and will have it framed for display.  Browsed six of them and picked the one of best overall condition.  It involves a character that was popular from the early 1940's to the mid 1970's.  If it ever rises value, that would be a plus, but I'm not counting on it.


To keep it from being completely pointless and boring as fuck.

All you have to do is put me in your ignore box when that's your opinion.  You come into my threads, troll me and change the topic.  Stop being such a whiner. 

Serious question - Why do you come here?


I'd say 95% of the people here despise you and the other ones just go through the motions but really couldn't care less if you came down with aggressive cancer and died (fingers still crossed for that one)


So why even come here?


You know who cares?


















What's with this totally retarded "spoilers within spoilers" thing?  Just make your damned point, if you have one.

Serious question - Why do you come here?


I'd say 95% of the people here despise you and the other ones just go through the motions but really couldn't care less if you came down with aggressive cancer and died (fingers still crossed for that one)


So why even come here?

Because nobody here has any visible basis for hating me.  I'm learning how trolling bullies think. 

What's with this totally retarded "spoilers within spoilers" thing?  Just make your damned point, if you have one.




























Because nobody here has any visible basis for hating me.  I'm learning how trolling bullies think.

If you can't see why people don't like you, you need to look closer at yourself, not us.


Because nobody here has any visible basis for hating me.  I'm learning how trolling bullies think.


You are insufferable.  Take this thread for example......It's vague, it goes no where, and only YOU know what you're even talking about.


If someone were to engage you and inquire about which comic it was, you would deflect the question and try to make what would take you 3 seconds to answer into some long drawn out task that leaves the reader pissed.


Besides that, you try to validate you meager existence with  boring tales of frugality and outright disdain for anyone not wallowing in the squalor that you have built for yourself.  You knowingly evade taxes yet have the nerve to call other people criminals based solely on a hairstyle.  Like some of the shittiest of criminals don't don the balding rattail.


You also adamantly subscribe to the stupidest notion of smoke not leaving an odor which just makes you the dumbest individual on this planet.......Well, maybe no the dumbest....There's like 2 other posters here perpetually lowering the bar which you for some reason manage to limbo under constantly.  There are multiple more reasons to hate you, but wasting more examples on a man who chooses to remain the biggest tool in the shed of a forum on life support.




You are insufferable.  Take this thread for example......It's vague, it goes no where, and only YOU know what you're even talking about.


If someone were to engage you and inquire about which comic it was, you would deflect the question and try to make what would take you 3 seconds to answer into some long drawn out task that leaves the reader pissed.


Besides that, you try to validate you meager existence with  boring tales of frugality and outright disdain for anyone not wallowing in the squalor that you have built for yourself.  You knowingly evade taxes yet have the nerve to call other people criminals based solely on a hairstyle.  Like some of the shittiest of criminals don't don the balding rattail.


You also adamantly subscribe to the stupidest notion of smoke not leaving an odor which just makes you the dumbest individual on this planet.......Well, maybe no the dumbest....There's like 2 other posters here perpetually lowering the bar which you for some reason manage to limbo under constantly.  There are multiple more reasons to hate you, but wasting more examples on a man who chooses to remain the biggest tool in the shed of a forum on life support.


i read his post. saw he wasnt being specific. and decided not to respond. WOW LIKE .. THE VERY CONCEPT ! IT JUST ELUDED YOU HUH? LOL


i read his post. saw he wasnt being specific. and decided not to respond. WOW LIKE .. THE VERY CONCEPT ! IT JUST ELUDED YOU HUH? LOL


And yet you still made time to respond to me.  I'm not going to give you what you want though, go back to one of your turds, Precious.




You are such a fucking peasant.


Dude asks a legit question, and you just packard that shit up.

Why does he have to assume there were only two publishers back then?  I answered his question.  It was neither of the two.

Why does he have to assume there were only two publishers back then?  I answered his question.  It was neither of the two.


But, you didn't... your reading comprehension trash.


"That's cool.  Which comic is it?  Is it a DC or Marvel comic book?"


See the question you didn't answer?



But, you didn't... your reading comprehension trash.


"That's cool.  Which comic is it?  Is it a DC or Marvel comic book?"


See the question you didn't answer?


Question: "Is it a Marvel or DC comic book?"

Answer:  "No"


It's not a Marvel or DC, it's from a different publisher.


Question answered.  See, I could have been terse with just a simple, "No" and instead pointed out that the American comic book universe has more than two facets.  I'm educating him.



Question: "Is it a Marvel or DC comic book?"

Answer:  "No"


It's not a Marvel or DC, it's from a different publisher.


Question answered.  See, I could have been terse with just a simple, "No" and instead pointed out that the American comic book universe has more than two facets.  I'm educating him.





Question: "Is it a Marvel or DC comic book?"

Answer:  "No"


It's not a Marvel or DC, it's from a different publisher.


Question answered.  See, I could have been terse with just a simple, "No" and instead pointed out that the American comic book universe has more than two facets.  I'm educating him.


Fine, I'll be your huckleberry.....Which publisher?  What the comic?  No go ahead and prove to yourself why everyone has a reason to hate you.


Fine, I'll be your huckleberry.....Which publisher?  What the comic?  No go ahead and prove to yourself why everyone has a reason to hate you.


There you guys go again, taking the thread off on tangents and later you will accuse me of changing the subject.  I'm not answering any more questions after this because you are not being sincere in your questions.


Now, Google Harvey Tunes.


There you guys go again, taking the thread off on tangents and later you will accuse me of changing the subject.  I'm not answering any more questions after this because you are not being sincere in your questions.


Now, Google Harvey Tunes.


What tangent, we are simply asking about the comic because the OP doesn't do much in the way of making this slightly interesting.  No, I will not google anything because as OP it's your responsibility to to enthrall your audience and fill in holes you left unfilled.


But you can go back and read my earlier post in this thread as well.......You never want to elaborate on your OPs which in turn makes people hate you.  There you go.  I've solved the mystery of why no one engages you in proper discourse.


What tangent, we are simply asking about the comic because the OP doesn't do much in the way of making this slightly interesting.  No, I will not google anything because as OP it's your responsibility to to enthrall your audience and fill in holes you left unfilled.


But you can go back and read my earlier post in this thread as well.......You never with to elaborate on your OPs which in turn makes people hate you.  There you go.  I've solved the mystery of why no one engages you in proper discourse.


Typical conversation with you...


Me: "I saw a lady driving 80 mph in a 25 zone, what a bitch."

You: "Was she a red head?  Was the car a Toyota?  Was the street wet?  Was she wearing a toga?  Did she have green eyes?"


That goes on ad infinium until I start trying to actually answer the questions and then you accuse me of "embelishing", followed by "Stop changing the subject".


Let me walk your slow ass through this

Not rare, not coveted, not particularly valuable.  It just has some really dynamite cover art, in my opinion. 




And no, I never said you've embellished or changed any subject......I've called you a flat out liar many times though.


im sorry why do we hate packard again?....I dunno...it just seems odd that with no new members we're alienating each other....I can't keep it all straight...


well anyways...more on topic...I have a few comics around...like I love the swamp thing...was super pissed that they cancelled the new 52 of it....but in our kitchen I have a blown up poster I framed and it's a og D.C. Superman Cover


well anyways...more on topic...I have a few comics around...like I love the swamp thing...was super pissed that they cancelled the new 52 of it....but in our kitchen I have a blown up poster I framed and it's a og D.C. Superman Cover


Oh wow, you actually gave us details about what you're referring to.  It's almost as if your post has a point unlike the OP.


Oh wow, you actually gave us details about what you're referring to.  It's almost as if your post has a point unlike the OP.


yeah but in essence this post lacks any definitive point to what I'm actually talking about....

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