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She was not please. Its september 29th. Hopefully by then she will forget why im not there. She might not tho because shes avideo game freak and has the nes classic. Her daughter works at toys r us and hooks her up so she might not care abt the release date.


Meh. All I have to do is go to the gamers store near work and ask.


Pretty much anything with boobs that aren't attached to a cheeto-dust crusted dude can request virtually anything there and get it.  >:D


Meh. All I have to do is go to the gamers store near work and ask.


Pretty much anything with boobs that aren't attached to a cheeto-dust crusted dude can request virtually anything there and get it.  >:D


There's a retro game/card shop across the street and I can pretty much do the same there. They're currently mad at me, though, cause I saw they priced an expensive game way too low and I snagged it.


Meh. All I have to do is go to the gamers store near work and ask.


Pretty much anything with boobs that aren't attached to a cheeto-dust crusted dude can request virtually anything there and get it.  >:D

Like theyd give you something thats sold out  just hush


Time off isnt approved by her. Our receptionist does it and its already approved.

i've never heard of a receptionist approving PTO. manager or director, yes. why is a receptionist expected to keep track of head count


i've never heard of a receptionist approving PTO. manager or director, yes. why is a receptionist expected to keep track of head count


Or business needs.... this just proves how absolutely useless fuggz is....


i've never heard of a receptionist approving PTO. manager or director, yes. why is a receptionist expected to keep track of head count


I dunno. They make her do all kinds of shit.Still a great job since she dont have to deal with all the crazies.


She just puts our requests in outlook calendar and if too many people already have it she denies it. Management still watches it.


Or business needs.... this just proves how absolutely useless fuggz is....

i just find it really hard to believe that a receptionist is approving PTO. would you ask the person answering the phones "hey i know you're not a manager but make sure you keep track of everyone in the department" uhhhhhhh no i answer phones. now if they were an assistant to a director or a manager or whatever, then i can also see that. but not some person who transfers phone numbers to the billing department


Or business needs.... this just proves how absolutely useless fuggz is....


Its a small center. They dont do call tracking like bigger centers. Their busy times are pretty much a surprise to them and they give us overtime at the last minute. Answer this...how is their bad management mean im useless?


I dunno. They make her do all kinds of shit.Still a great job since she dont have to deal with all the crazies.


She just puts our requests in outlook calendar and if too many people already have it she denies it. Management still watches it.

that just raises MORE questions. she puts them in OUTLOOK? is there not a centralized place where you keep track of already taken PTO days, free PTO days, etc. what do you do email her and CC your manager? that's a great way to lose track of attendance.


i just find it really hard to believe that a receptionist is approving PTO. would you ask the person answering the phones "hey i know you're not a manager but make sure you keep track of everyone in the department" uhhhhhhh no i answer phones. now if they were an assistant to a director or a manager or whatever, then i can also see that. but not some person who transfers phone numbers to the billing department


There are no other depts she handles. She does pto for like 50 people and relies on outlook calendar. Hows that hard?  And she barely gets any phone calls. She just mails out claim forms all day.


There are no other depts she handles. She does pto for like 50 people and relies on outlook calendar. Hows that hard?  And she barely gets any phone calls. She just mails out claim forms all day.

so is she trained in what is and isn't an accepted FMLA PTO request? what about jury duty and bereavement? you keep track of all of that for 50 people.....only in Microsoft Outlook


that just raises MORE questions. she puts them in OUTLOOK? is there not a centralized place where you keep track of already taken PTO days, free PTO days, etc. what do you do email her and CC your manager? that's a great way to lose track of attendance.


Management keeps track of how much pto people still have and we get our pto balance at the end of the month. I track my own pto with my calendar in my cube so i dont request what i dont have.


so is she trained in what is and isn't an accepted FMLA PTO request? what about jury duty and bereavement? you keep track of all of that for 50 people.....only in Microsoft Outlook


Management knows what people have fmla and other types of days off and management watches her work and she gets appraisals on it. She doesnt handle the balances..we manage our own and so does management.


Management keeps track of how much pto people still have and we get our pto balance at the end of the month. I track my own pto with my calendar in my cube so i dont request what i dont have.



Like theyd give you something thats sold out  just hush


Unlike yourself, I don't trip on my own boobs when I walk through the door so yeah, advantage totally me.


They'll hold anything for me if I ask because they know I'll show up promptly and pay for it.


Unlike yourself, I don't trip on my own boobs when I walk through the door so yeah, advantage totally me.


They'll hold anything for me if I ask because they know I'll show up promptly and pay for it.

They dont know you hoe


They know my money is good.


If they actually knew me, I'd probably get stuff for an autograph but that's cheating on so many levels.  :P

Youre delusional. The crazy cat lady thats a little off in the head. Tsk tsk.

Yah i want an autograph from the manager in retail lol sit down


Youre delusional. The crazy cat lady thats a little off in the head. Tsk tsk.

Yah i want an autograph from the manager in retail lol sit down


Like I've only ever been a manager in retail and that's what they'd be interested in.  >:D That's called a 'day job' . I do what I want and it's usually behind-the-scenes at this point. But in the past, I've been published in both short and long form, been on the radio, been on tv, been in a movie, been a cartoonist, been streamed, won a few awards here and there, and just basically kept myself occupied.


*waits to see how long before fuggs decides to mix any of those things in to the history of things fuggs totally did too once before going back to call center work


Like I've only ever been a manager in retail and that's what they'd be interested in.  >:D That's called a 'day job' . I do what I want and it's usually behind-the-scenes at this point. But in the past, I've been published in both short and long form, been on the radio, been on tv, been in a movie, been a cartoonist, been streamed, won a few awards here and there, and just basically kept myself occupied.


*waits to see how long before fuggs decides to mix any of those things in to the history of things fuggs totally did too once before going back to call center work


Must have not been good at any of it if you still have to clock in for the man and do retail 8 hours a day. Ive done retail. Its hell. I make more than you sitting on my ass all day.


I make more than you sitting on my ass all day.


Yeah. I doubt that. If you did, you might actually have a hot tub and all that other stuff you claimed you had instead of a plastic turtle tub from the Dollar store. :D But you don't.


I haven't even been in since 1p on Saturday and I'm still getting paid. I was getting paid when I took a nap earlier. I was getting paid while I was painting. My bills are already out for the entire month and the rent is already covered. In short, I have been sitting on my ass almost the entire day and everything I have is already dealt with. Even this iced tea. *sips


Yeah. I doubt that. If you did, you might actually have a hot tub and all that other stuff you claimed you had instead of a plastic turtle tub from the Dollar store. :D But you don't.


I haven't even been in since 1p on Saturday and I'm still getting paid. I was getting paid when I took a nap earlier. I was getting paid while I was painting. My bills are already out for the entire month and the rent is already covered. In short, I have been sitting on my ass almost the entire day and everything I have is already dealt with. Even this iced tea. *sips


I have AC and a queen sized bed AND a new car...you walk and probably have fans all over your house and sleep in a cot. Woman please.


I have AC and a queen sized bed AND a new car...you walk and probably have fans all over your house and sleep in a cot. Woman please.


I have a north facing apartment, a full sized bed that's big enough for me to sleep in pretty much any direction I want without hanging off the edges, and I sold my car ages ago because if I really need to go somewhere too far to walk or bike, it's called a taxi or an airplane. I don't need a car because I don't get winded walking downhill.  ;)


I have a north facing apartment, a full sized bed that's big enough for me to sleep in pretty much any direction I want without hanging off the edges, and I sold my car ages ago because if I really need to go somewhere too far to walk or bike, it's called a taxi or an airplane. I don't need a car because I don't get winded walking downhill.  ;)

You could barely handle carrying kitty litter home and you obviously couldnt afford a ride that day. I do remember some things.


You could barely handle carrying kitty litter home and you obviously couldnt afford a ride that day. I do remember some things.


Was that the time I had just gotten home from having tumors removed from my stomach? Or was that after my second infarct? Or was that when I was going through physical therapy while they tried to figure out why my left side is losing nerve function? Check yourself. Just because you like to wallow in self pity when you don't feel well doesn't mean everyone does that. I do as much for myself as I can despite whatever health handicaps I might be dealing with. It's called responsibility.


I live a few blocks from grocery store. It would take longer to wait for a taxi than it would to just walk.


Wow i may be out of shape but i have zero health issues. Youre a walking webmd search.


Asshole was exposed to an Agent Orange type chemical in Korea and my mom used prenatal pills that turned out to cause birth defects and infant deaths. Between those two, my genetic make-up is skewed and toxic and will become more so the older I get. It's why I can't give blood. Ever.


And yet I still walk or bike about 8 miles 5 days a week minimum. What's your excuse again?


Asshole was exposed to an Agent Orange type chemical in Korea and my mom used prenatal pills that turned out to cause birth defects and infant deaths. Between those two, my genetic make-up is skewed and toxic and will become more so the older I get. It's why I can't give blood. Ever.


And yet I still walk or bike about 8 miles 5 days a week minimum. What's your excuse again?


I have a child my mother gets pissed off if i spend any time away with her. My schedule should change soon so i can work out while shes in school. I haveny always been big and i have the pics from 2 years ago to prove it. I alsp eat healthy and my genetic makeup is impeccable. Gonna live forrreeeverrrrr

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