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Finally this arc is coming to an end


This arc has been especially embarrassing.


Gohan being a bitch who can barely fight underlings. He forgot his mystic form along with the writers eh? He was stronger than SS3 for the love of god.


Freiza can train from being weaker than a SS to going past SS2, SS3, Mystic, SSGod and fighting on equal footing with SSblue because he trained with a random underling.... for 4 months. K?


After decades of DBZ we still start fights in base form to needlessly prolong fights and create filler.


Piccolo dies ... again. Gohan forgets that the dragonballs can revive him. And he's supposed to be super smart.


Ginyu steals a new body, is able to use it's powers perfectly, the exact opposite of what happened when he took Goku's body.


Underwhelming and poorly animated fights that have no real stakes because anything that goes wrong will just be fixed with the dragonballs or some other bs ability.


In summation.... it's not great.



Piccolo dies ... again. Gohan forgets that the dragonballs can revive him. And he's supposed to be super smart.


Underwhelming and poorly animated fights that have no real stakes because anything that goes wrong will just be fixed with the dragonballs or some other bs ability.


Uhhh, where to even begin with this?


1. The Dragon Balls were just used to revive Frieza so they can't be used for like another 130 days. Or a whole year. I can't remember which. I guess not a year because there was a six-month timeskip between the summoning of Shenron to learn about Super Saiyan God (though to be fair what the hell happened to the other two wishes then is beyond me) and his summoning to revive Frieza. Point being, they can't be used to revive Piccolo yet. I guess the Namekian Dragon Balls could be, but it ain't like anyone besides Goku knows Instant Transmission, and he's kinda busy at the moment!


2. Underwhelming, maybe, but poorly animated? I'd say it's slightly above-average animation. For an example of poor animation, go watch the new Berserk. It DOES indeed pale in comparison to the movies, though.


Y'all might be hating but I'm still enjoying it! And I'll probably be watching at 8 PM tonight.



Finally this arc is coming to an end



I've heard it actually goes through Episode 28, which means the meat of this fight is likely to last 3 or 4 episodes. Whatever the case, I REALLY hope they break from convention and air the movies on Labor Day Weekend. A traditional marathon of DBS would be episodes 25-31, though I suppose they could go 21-28 instead to showcase the meat of the Frieza fight!




Uhhh, where to even begin with this?


1. The Dragon Balls were just used to revive Frieza so they can't be used for like another 130 days. Or a whole year. I can't remember which. I guess not a year because there was a six-month timeskip between the summoning of Shenron to learn about Super Saiyan God (though to be fair what the hell happened to the other two wishes then is beyond me) and his summoning to revive Frieza. Point being, they can't be used to revive Piccolo yet. I guess the Namekian Dragon Balls could be, but it ain't like anyone besides Goku knows Instant Transmission, and he's kinda busy at the moment!


2. Underwhelming, maybe, but poorly animated? I'd say it's slightly above-average animation. For an example of poor animation, go watch the new Berserk. It DOES indeed pale in comparison to the movies, though.


Y'all might be hating but I'm still enjoying it! And I'll probably be watching at 8 PM tonight.


I think someone actually specifically mentioned reviving piccolo with the Namekian balls to which Gohan replied "Oh Yeah"


Because he forgot about them. The guy that used to wear a hat made out of a dragonball when he was a kid.




I think someone actually specifically mentioned reviving piccolo with the Namekian balls to which Gohan replied "Oh Yeah"


Because he forgot about them. The guy that used to wear a hat made out of a dragonball when he was a kid.


Oh yeah, you're right! Well, I rest my case that Gohan just can't fly to Namek himself in a split second. Only Goku is capable of that, and he's busy right now!


Besides, I think it only makes sense that they wait until after Frieza is vanquished before restoring Piccolo!


Ironically all the torture Vegeta is being put through in this show appears to be making him MORE popular


he and his family have tons of real life Merchandise and ads that the Son family does not















it's having the effect of making viewers pity him, which is making him seem loveable


it's the same reason the only character from Xiaolin Showdown I still like is Jack




Oh yeah, you're right! Well, I rest my case that Gohan just can't fly to Namek himself in a split second. Only Goku is capable of that, and he's busy right now!


Besides, I think it only makes sense that they wait until after Frieza is vanquished before restoring Piccolo!


Yeah but the issue here is Gohan making a huge deal out of Piccolo dying because he "forgot" they could go get the Namek balls to revive him 5 minutes after Freiza dies.


It's like dude.. you were on Namek. You had a hat with a dragonball on it for years. Who better than you to understand how this works by now?


And he's supposedly a genius. But he just had a Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo bout of amnesia/ stupidity.


It's just horrifically bad writing, trying to give some sort of weight to Piccolo's death by having a smart character suddenly become so stupid that they forget they can revive him and don't remember until someone literally tells them.


"You know we have those Dragonballs that can bring people back from the dead right? We do it all the time. Hell... Freiza just did it like an hour ago."


"Oh yeah!"


So,why is goku's hair blue now?


The awnser is because a  actual blue flame(super Saiyan blue aka super Saiyan god super Saiyan) burns hotter than a red flame(super Saiyan god) and a red flame burns hotter than a yellow flame ( SSj 1, 2 and 3).its scientifically proven.


Daos[/member] The movie is a lot better.  You should have watched that instead of this arc.  Or at least watched it beforehand.  A lot of plot points got changed, not for the better, not to mention the massive art and animation downgrade.


So,why is goku's hair blue now?


The awnser is because a  actual blue flame(super Saiyan blue aka super Saiyan god super Saiyan) burns hotter than a red flame(super Saiyan god) and a yellow flame ( SSj 1, 2 and 3)

kay, so why

is Broly's hair Green and Super Saiyan Rose Pink?



a his current baseline, shouldn't even normal super saiyan have been enough to make a differnce? if freeza's about to match him, that means he's gonna have to jump four different levels of power to get there.


Btw, I'm not sure how it happened, but how did Frieza train if he was tied up in Hell for so long?


He trained for 4 months with that underling after coming back to life. That's literally the only explanation they give for why he's so strong now.


a his current baseline, shouldn't even normal super saiyan have been enough to make a differnce? if freeza's about to match him, that means he's gonna have to jump four different levels of power to get there.


Heh yeah.


Let's go Goku.



This is technically a fight and this is marketed as a shonen fighting anime, yet all they do is talk.




We were cool with it back then. But rehashing the same thing decades later...... the format really shows its age and it has not held up well. Plus Super just doesn't have the same charm.

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