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Wow, I'm a bit SHOCKED no one made this thread, but I guess interest in the series is waning.


Well, we're in the home stretch now anyway, so ENJOY!!! 12:30 AM tomorrow (7/8/17), ONLY TOONAMI!!


Manga spoiler from the most recent chapter



So, remember the flashback of Reiner and Bertholt looking on in horror as one of their friends was eaten by Ymir? Well, it turns out that friend was a special titan and Ymir gained his power by eating him.



God, UE is worse than what it was before the upgrades.  It's constantly timing out for me.  It's basically unusable.  At least there's the Toonami discord chat.


"What the hell is going on?"


People are still asking these questions in the fucking manga...


And they've all been answered quite perfectly.


"What the hell is going on?"


People are still asking these questions in the fucking manga...


It's a requirement that that questions gets asked once a chapter/episode. Characters must be confused at all times.


so nobody noticed that Titan had Connie's mom's face until just now? :|


Reiner almost immediately tried to get his mind off it so I think he noticed too. If he's ever seen a picture of her though.


You know what would be funny? During the time they look back at the smoke, they hit a tree.




Unlike in Naruto where it's a gag though they'd probably die then stuck on the ground lol.


DAMN, what a first half!


I guess you could say she's on the "Right Side of Historia!"



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