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Really depresses me how shoddy most of DBS's animation is, at least up to this point in the series


Toriyama literally called out TOEI on their shitty animation.


Toriyama literally called out TOEI on their shitty animation.


And from what I recall, this is the fixed up stuff we're getting in the US.


Or at least that was the case earlier in the season I think.


Toriyama literally called out TOEI on their shitty animation.

it hasn't improved much as of the most recent arc


maybe very slightly but it's still fairly terrible


I've been told once before that in the Movie, Vegeta ascends to this form first



here, Goku does it first


On this show?


He IS aware of what studio this is, and what era we're in??


Yup on Super. He wasn't happy about it.


Frieza's sarcasm, Funimation's tranlations, and Chris Ayres' epic delivery are the only saving graces of this episode.

Vegeta gives this form a better name later btw



"Super Saiyan Blue"



you know with how soddy all Toei's rebooted anime animation have become I wonder if they should just train for CGI?  That ending vanity plate looked cool!


Well, I'm afraid  this con left me a bit tired so I'm gonna sit the rest of the evening out and just watch! Have fun!


Is it because I haven't seen the show for 2 weeks or does the art and animation look even worse than normal?  The characters are terribly off-model too.


This dialogue between Frieza and Goku is as bad as the visuals.


Ok these interludes with Jaco are getting annoying.


Frieza is mad that he couldn't get away with being lazy anymore. :D


I hate your face, your voice, and everything about you. :D


Do you have to spell it out for us Dende?


No one is coming back. :D Frieza has been watching Dragonball long enough to know the perfect strategy. :D But is he really giving up on immortality? :P


Oh yeah Vegeta totally sided with Frieza again. ::) God damn you guys are stupid.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. :D Yeah sure you were just using Frieza that whole time Vegeta. :D


So Goku is a Super Saiyan Super Saiyan God? :D I agree with Frieza!


Goten should never have been born. everything after the cell games should have just been the fun adventures of badass teen Gohan and Little Trunks training like with Piccolo and hanging out like with Kuririn


Goten should never have been born. everything after the cell games should have just been the fun adventures of badass teen Gohan and Little Trunks training like with Piccolo and hanging out like with Kuririn


I like the Buu saga as is. But that was the place to end it. GT and Super should never have existed.


you know with how soddy all Toei's rebooted anime animation have become I wonder if they should just train for CGI?  That ending vanity plate looked cool!


Well, I'm afraid  this con left me a bit tired so I'm gonna sit the rest of the evening out and just watch! Have fun!


Well goodnight and good watching Elfie


I like the new form for the most part.  It's a huge improvement over Super Saiyan God, but the eyes shouldn't be the same color as the hair.


you know with how soddy all Toei's rebooted anime animation have become I wonder if they should just train for CGI?  That ending vanity plate looked cool!


Well, I'm afraid  this con left me a bit tired so I'm gonna sit the rest of the evening out and just watch! Have fun!


Speaking of their CG


Expelled From Paradise, their first full CG film, looked quite nice. Though ofcourse that had a movie budget and some amazing main staff so no idea what they could manage to achieve at series level.


Yay,the arrival of super saiyan 5 goku is finally unveiled,ERM I mean super saiyan god super saiyan,no wait toei changed the forms official name to super saiyan blue  :D  :o  I liked the form but it honestly just looks  like super saiyan 1 with blue spreaded all over it.  S:


Finally watched the rest of the episode. That rapid kick punch and ki blast between goku and frieza  >:( was really lacking  and  the padding the episode really wasn't good (likes vegetas long clapping)  >:( as well as the z warriors  question whether vegeta is on their side or not

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