CorbeauKarasu Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 why would they go from voting for a black man twice to voting for a white supremacist? the same reason Obama beat Hillary in 08. people would rather see a black guy win over a white woman. i love Obama and I'm glad he won, but it was made plain to me then and much plainer now, that it was about how much our culture hates women.
Meilag32 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 More like Hillary and the DNC screwing Bernie over prevented him from beating Trump. Hillary was a weak candidate that never stood a chance. And I highly doubt many Bernie supporters voted for Trump. Most of them probably stayed home. But, they foresaw that Hillary would lose as well. It was a mix of them voting for Hilary and a lot of Dems staying home, partly because all the polls were saying it was a lock for Hilary.
ben0119 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 why does this anime use losing sheen in one eye as going blind?.......Blind people's eyes are still shiny Most anime does that. And this show did it show Karda dying, too.
CountFrylock Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 the same reason Obama beat Hillary in 08. people would rather see a black guy win over a white woman. i love Obama and I'm glad he won, but it was made plain to me then and much plainer now, that it was about how much our culture hates women. so much so that they would rather have a guy who wants to build a attack on titan's style wall around mexico and force all mexicans to pay for it.... granted he's not really doing that it was one of the main points to his platform and why people voted for him because they feared anyone who wasn't white would be out to get them and their jobs
CorbeauKarasu Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 ever since code geass and gundam 00, the idea of a gundam series being split into two non-consecutive seasons has really caught on. i expect we'll see a lot more of that in the future.
ben0119 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Okay, so Sketchor had said that not everything was wrapped up when this show ends, hence the need for season 2. But... what wasn't wrapped up here? What of any importance and note? What could possibly happen in a season 2 of this? If it is, it's going to be something like Gurren Lagann. The second arc showed us what happens when the good guys are in charge, which is where most shows would end. So, things could potentially get interesting with the aftermath in season 2, like it did in that show, but I dunno'.
CorbeauKarasu Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 I always thought Megan Mullally was pretty hot.
DangerMouse Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 It was a mix of them voting for Hilary and a lot of Dems staying home, partly because all the polls were saying it was a lock for Hilary. Which is a shame cause now we're stuck with the orange turd and his absolutely grotesque picks for key positions.
Meilag32 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 why would they go from voting for a black man twice to voting for a white supremacist? One word. Jobs. The majority of Trump voters are not horrible people. I know a lot of people who voted Obama twice and voted Trump. For them it was financial security for them and their loved ones versus social issues. The election made it seem like you couldn't get both. I have the "benefit" of living in a recently-turned Red State. So I heard both sides of the issue. And a lot of Trump voters here were not saying "Kill all minorities!", they were saying "We need work!". Though, yes, all the racists and bigots did vote Trump as well. But they're a minority themselves.
ben0119 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 the same reason Obama beat Hillary in 08. people would rather see a black guy win over a white woman. i love Obama and I'm glad he won, but it was made plain to me then and much plainer now, that it was about how much our culture hates women. More about how our culture hates that woman. She's an evil crook. I'm fine with a woman in the White House, but not that cretin.
DangerMouse Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Okay, so Sketchor had said that not everything was wrapped up when this show ends, hence the need for season 2. But... what wasn't wrapped up here? What of any importance and note? What could possibly happen in a season 2 of this? If it is, it's going to be something like Gurren Lagann. The second arc showed us what happens when the good guys are in charge, which is where most shows would end. So, things could potentially get interesting with the aftermath in season 2, like it did in that show, but I dunno'. Everything that McGillis is upto for example. We have no idea of his real plans in my opinion.
ben0119 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 One word. Jobs. The majority of Trump voters are not horrible people. I know a lot of people who voted Obama twice and voted Trump. For them it was financial security for them and their loved ones versus social issues. The election made it seem like you couldn't get both. I have the "benefit" of living in a recently-turned Red State. So I heard both sides of the issue. And a lot of Trump voters here were not saying "Kill all minorities!", they were saying "We need work!". Though, yes, all the racists and bigots did vote Trump as well. But they're a minority themselves. Right, you understand the situation.
ben0119 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Everything that McGillis is upto for example. We have no idea of his real plans in my opinion. Yeah, I could see a lot happening with that. The dude may have helped the good guys, but he's bad news, in my opinion.
mochi Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 One word. Jobs. The majority of Trump voters are not horrible people. I know a lot of people who voted Obama twice and voted Trump. For them it was financial security for them and their loved ones versus social issues. The election made it seem like you couldn't get both. I have the "benefit" of living in a recently-turned Red State. So I heard both sides of the issue. And a lot of Trump voters here were not saying "Kill all minorities!", they were saying "We need work!". Though, yes, all the racists and bigots did vote Trump as well. But they're a minority themselves. well I hope those people are proud of themselves when people like me are shipped off to undergo shock therapy or worse also Hunter X Hunter is on
CountFrylock Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 One word. Jobs. The majority of Trump voters are not horrible people. I know a lot of people who voted Obama twice and voted Trump. For them it was financial security for them and their loved ones versus social issues. The election made it seem like you couldn't get both. I have the "benefit" of living in a recently-turned Red State. So I heard both sides of the issue. And a lot of Trump voters here were not saying "Kill all minorities!", they were saying "We need work!". Though, yes, all the racists and bigots did vote Trump as well. But they're a minority themselves. how can they expect job security from someone who wants to send the SNL Cast To Prison just for making fun of him on a show full of parodies...? how can they expect jobs to be made when the president spends more time arguing with people on twitter than thinking about anything presidential? when you voted trump you took the whole package racism and bigotry included i don't care what the reason for voting for him was You voting for him meant you either agreed with those horrible opinions on Non-White People And Women Or You Simply chose to ignore them because you thought we can pick the aspects of a candidate we like and just throw away the ones we don't like anyone who claims they voted trump and aren't against gays or non-whites have to remember they still voted for someone who doesn't have a high opinion on those people
DangerMouse Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 One word. Jobs. The majority of Trump voters are not horrible people. I know a lot of people who voted Obama twice and voted Trump. For them it was financial security for them and their loved ones versus social issues. The election made it seem like you couldn't get both. I have the "benefit" of living in a recently-turned Red State. So I heard both sides of the issue. And a lot of Trump voters here were not saying "Kill all minorities!", they were saying "We need work!". Though, yes, all the racists and bigots did vote Trump as well. But they're a minority themselves. Maybe someone should have told that contingent of voters that Trump has no intention of bringing their jobs back. Hell it's fucking Trump, he'd fire their asses himself. He was lying out the asshole and they didn't care.
CorbeauKarasu Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 More about how our culture hates that woman. She's an evil crook. I'm fine with a woman in the White House, but not that cretin. the misconception that she was crooked is another misogynist farce. she wasn't sexy. she was too accomplished and intelligent and competent. so they hated her. so it is with all assertive women. we won't have another woman as qualified and perfect for the position get anywhere as close to the presidency as she did for decades.
DangerMouse Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 how can they expect job security from someone who wants to send the SNL Cast To Prison just for making fun of him on a show full of parodies...? how can they expect jobs to be made when the president spends more time arguing with people on twitter than thinking about anything presidential? when you voted trump you took the whole package racism and bigotry included i don't care what the reason for voting for him was You voting for him meant you either agreed with those horrible opinions on Non-White People And Women Or You Simply chose to ignore them because you thought we can pick the aspects of a candidate we like and just throw away the ones we don't like This.
DangerMouse Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Yeah, I could see a lot happening with that. The dude may have helped the good guys, but he's bad news, in my opinion. Yeah, my thought as well.
Meilag32 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Right, you understand the situation. No, I don't. Because I can see a con when I see it. And I can't understand why all you Trump voters were fooled by him. Although I'm now starting to see a growing amount of regret for Trump voters here. His cabinet picks are very bad signs: the pick for the EPA who denies climate change and tried to sell off National Park resources; the Dept. of Labor pick who advocates for abolishing the minimum wage (I heard a lot of grumbling about this one), the Dept. of Education pick who advocates for charter schools even when her state is failing under her policy and studies show charters schools rarely do better; Housing pick is Ben Carson who says that "being poor is a choice"; Steve Bannon, a white supremacist, as Chief Strategist; and just today we heard that Sectatary of State is a CEO of ExxonMobil.
ben0119 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 the misconception that she was crooked is another misogynist farce. she wasn't sexy. she was too accomplished and intelligent and competent. so they hated her. so it is with all assertive women. we won't have another woman as qualified and perfect for the position get anywhere as close to the presidency as she did for decades. Really? Have you not been following her career? Hillary was not only crooked, but also incompetent. Her incompetence lead to things like the Iraq War, which she supported, Benghazi, the shitty Iran deal, and many other failures. What's more, she was refusing to negotiate with Putin, meaning we'd likely be at war with Russia is she was in charge. We know her history as a warmonger, after all. She got a pedo off and laughed about it. Vince Foster mysteriously died "by suicide." There was White Water. How about how she treated the accusers of her husband. Not very "feminist" there. The Clinton Global Massage Parlor Slush Fund. The private email server. She did that intentionally, purely for sneaky, self-serving purposes. Or how about this - The racist policies of the Clintons lead to the mass incarceration of young black people and the formation of Black Lives Matter. She's intelligent, I'll give you that. But not crooked? Competent? Please. You must be living with blinders on if you think Hillary Clinton is a competent, clean, good-intentioned politician. She was power hungry and corrupt as they come, plain and simple. Well, I suppose she did prove she can be just as corrupt and crooked as any male politician! ;D YAY GIRL POWER!
Meilag32 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 how can they expect job security from someone who wants to send the SNL Cast To Prison just for making fun of him on a show full of parodies...? how can they expect jobs to be made when the president spends more time arguing with people on twitter than thinking about anything presidential? when you voted trump you took the whole package racism and bigotry included i don't care what the reason for voting for him was You voting for him meant you either agreed with those horrible opinions on Non-White People And Women Or You Simply chose to ignore them because you thought we can pick the aspects of a candidate we like and just throw away the ones we don't like anyone who claims they voted trump and aren't against gays or non-whites have to remember they still voted for someone who doesn't have a high opinion on those people Hey, don't get on my case. I don't understand it either. I voted for Hillary. I just heard a lot of people saying they wanted him to fulfill his jobs promises but ignore his racist promises.
Meilag32 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Really? Have you not been following her career? Hillary was not only crooked, but also incompetent. Her incompetence lead to things like the Iraq War, which she supported, Benghazi, the shitty Iran deal, and many other failures. What's more, she was refusing to negotiate with Putin, meaning we'd likely be at war with Russia is she was in charge. We know her history as a warmonger, after all. She got a pedo off and laughed about it. Vince Foster mysteriously died "by suicide." There was White Water. How about how she treated the accusers of her husband. Not very "feminist" there. The Clinton Global Massage Parlor Slush Fund. The private email server. She did that intentionally, purely for sneaky, self-serving purposes. The racist policies of the Clintons lead to the mass incarceration of young black people and the formation of Black Lives Matter. She's intelligent, I'll give you that. But not crooked? Competent? Please. You must be living with blinders on if you think Hillary Clinton is a competent, clean, good-intentioned politician. She was power hungry and corrupt as they come, plain and simple. Well, I suppose she did prove she can be just as corrupt and crooked as any male politician! ;D YAY GIRL POWER! How did she cause the Iraq War? As I recall, Bush was in office for that? And not bending over backward for Russia is not the same as not negotiating. And if you think it would have led to war, you misunderstand the situation. I already explained the whole "pedo" thing to be false in the past. And now you site fake news stories? Why don't you go head over to Comet Ping Pong and shoot up the place to try and find that secret child sex ring.
ben0119 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 No, I don't. Because I can see a con when I see it. And I can't understand why all you Trump voters were fooled by him. Although I'm now starting to see a growing amount of regret for Trump voters here. His cabinet picks are very bad signs: the pick for the EPA who denies climate change and tried to sell off National Park resources; the Dept. of Labor pick who advocates for abolishing the minimum wage (I heard a lot of grumbling about this one), the Dept. of Education pick who advocates for charter schools even when her state is failing under her policy and studies show charters schools rarely do better; Housing pick is Ben Carson who says that "being poor is a choice"; Steve Bannon, a white supremacist, as Chief Strategist; and just today we heard that Sectatary of State is a CEO of ExxonMobil. I don't know, he's already saved jobs with the Ford situation and that other deal with the AC company, and he's not even in office yet. And then there's the proposed 35% tax on anyone who tries to go out of country and then re-import things back in. Obviously not all the cabinet picks are perfect, especially the EPA guy, but overall it's pretty good. I'm liking all those generals he's putting in charge of things. About time we got some real men, men who actually served in the military, in charge of that stuff, and not a bunch of incompetent ninny paper pushers. And as far as I last checked, Steve Bannon was just part of the campaign team, not the cabinet. Haven't kept up with the news in the past week or so, admittedly, though. Been doing other things. But, all that being said, I care less about some hurt feelings of snowflakes and safe space babies than I do my own standard of living and financial security, and the prosperity of the country. I think Trump will surprise a lot of people. Some people in that AC factory already changing their tune.
ben0119 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 How did she cause the Iraq War? As I recall, Bush was in office for that? And not bending over backward for Russia is not the same as not negotiating. And if you think it would have led to war, you misunderstand the situation. I already explained the whole "pedo" thing to be false in the past. And now you site fake news stories? Why don't you go head over to Comet Ping Pong and shoot up the place to try and find that secret child sex ring. Bush sucked too. He was a socialist and pro-illegals, and got us into the Iraq War. But, he didn't do it alone. People like Clinton voted for it. Well she's already started plenty of other wars. Libya, namely. We saw how well that went, and how well things are going in Syria and Iraq. Obama and Clinton did a terrible job of clean up. And I'm pretty sure she said she would not negotiate with Putin at one of the debates. You made it out like she had no choice to take the case. She could have quit her job, if she had any morals. So you have nothing to say for the Super Predator thing and the way crime was handled under and since the Clintons. Okay, then. And you're the one who wanted to burn down Trump Tower with him in it. Don't project your violent tendencies onto me.
CorbeauKarasu Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 the e-mail server meant absolutely nothing. it was played up as a desperate attempt to make her look sneaky. her career hasn't been milk-white, but she's as clean as anyone who's ever risen in politics ever has been. Trump is a disaster who never should have stood a chance against her. people complain that she has ties to despicable one-percenters and then elect one of the people they claim she's crooked for associating with? it's bullshit. Trump hasn't saved shit and the only people he's going to surprise are those who thought he had anything at all to offer. i'll say at least you're talking about the super-predator thing (which, though i don't think she still feels that way, is at least the only valid criticism I've ever heard of her) which most people sweep under the rug in favor of the much more meaningless e-mail faux-scandal. But everything she's accused of, Trump boasts about fully representing. we fucked up as a country by electing him. we fucked up as a country by failing to elect her. it's simple and clear as that and people who can;t see it yet, will. "real men". please. what garbage.
Meilag32 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 I don't know, he's already saved jobs with the Ford situation and that other deal with the AC company, and he's not even in office yet. And then there's the proposed 35% tax on anyone who tries to go out of country and then re-import things back in. Obviously not all the cabinet picks are perfect, especially the EPA guy, but overall it's pretty good. I'm liking all those generals he's putting in charge of things. About time we got some real men, men who actually served in the military, in charge of that stuff, and not a bunch of incompetent ninny paper pushers. And as far as I last checked, Steve Bannon was just part of the campaign team, not the cabinet. Haven't kept up with the news in the past week or so, admittedly, though. Been doing other things. But, all that being said, I care less about some hurt feelings of snowflakes and safe space babies than I do my own standard of living and financial security, and the prosperity of the country. I think Trump will surprise a lot of people. Some people in that AC factory already changing their tune. The Ford thing was proven false. The Ford Company was fairly surprised when they saw on the news that Trump had somehow negotiated with them. They had never planned on shipping jobs to Mexico. Carrier (the AC company) got 800 jobs saved, but at a large cost for tax payers and the CEO said on Mad Money that he intends to use those tax incentives to automate the factory and eliminate other jobs within the company. The 35% tariff will be a FAILURE!!!! History has proven time and again that tariffs don't work. It doesn't incentivize companies to stay here, they simply raise their prices by that corresponding amount. Every analyst and economist is saying that this will be horrible for consumers since it will do nothing but drive prices up. His recent attack on Boeing, while seeming good at first glance, falls apart once it was discovered that Boeing contributed to the Clinton campaign, so it's just a revenge scheme. Steve Bannon was named Chief Strategist weeks ago. The generals: not sure. The verdicts out. Maybe good, maybe bad. Probably more willing to go war. We'll see. Strange how one of them was found guilty of revealing state secrets in exchange for some pussy, even though Trump railed against Hillary for those emails. And I just love that people who don't agree with you get automatically labelled as "snowflakes" and "safe space babies". My final point that you don't seem to understand is that we're on YOUR side. We hope that Trump is the best president in history because we all will be so much better for it. We are hoping that you are right. We're just worried that it won't go in that direction. And we're doubly worried that, if Trump does fail or goes into full "civil rights abuse mode", that those of you who voted for him won't call him out on it or might even laugh at us as it happens.
ben0119 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 The Ford thing was proven false. The Ford Company was fairly surprised when they saw on the news that Trump had somehow negotiated with them. They had never planned on shipping jobs to Mexico. Carrier (the AC company) got 800 jobs saved, but at a large cost for tax payers and the CEO said on Mad Money that he intends to use those tax incentives to automate the factory and eliminate other jobs within the company. The 35% tariff will be a FAILURE!!!! History has proven time and again that tariffs don't work. It doesn't incentivize companies to stay here, they simply raise their prices by that corresponding amount. Every analyst and economist is saying that this will be horrible for consumers since it will do nothing but drive prices up. His recent attack on Boeing, while seeming good at first glance, falls apart once it was discovered that Boeing contributed to the Clinton campaign, so it's just a revenge scheme. Steve Bannon was named Chief Strategist weeks ago. The generals: not sure. The verdicts out. Maybe good, maybe bad. Probably more willing to go war. We'll see. Strange how one of them was found guilty of revealing state secrets in exchange for some pussy, even though Trump railed against Hillary for those emails. And I just love that people who don't agree with you get automatically labelled as "snowflakes" and "safe space babies". My final point that you don't seem to understand is that we're on YOUR side. We hope that Trump is the best president in history because we all will be so much better for it. We are hoping that you are right. We're just worried that it won't go in that direction. And we're doubly worried that, if Trump does fail or goes into full "civil rights abuse mode", that those of you who voted for him won't call him out on it or might even laugh at us as it happens. Well, that's unfortunate if true. But at least some jobs were saved. What is the solution, then? Bend over backwards and give them tax breaks and de-regulate to encourage them to stay here? I'm sure you wouldn't be on board with that. And we can't afford so many tax breaks in this economy, and with some of the things Trump has planned, like the infrastructure spending. Maybe it will drive the price up to the point where no one will buy their products and they'll be forced to return to America or go out of business. You know they're only exploiting foreign workers. They'll do whatever they can to to be as cheap and greedy as possible. If they had their way, we'd have slavery back, because THAT'S THE FREE MARKET HUR HUR. As I said, I haven't been paying attention to the news the past week or two. Took a break from the boards, as well. I've been trying to cool off. But regardless of motive, it's good of him to put Boeing in their place, if it was needed. Well that's unfortunate. But I again ask, regardless of the website he ran, do we know for sure Bannon himself is racist? And I don't recall seeing anything racist on Breitbart, either, but I only saw a handful of stories from it pop up on Google News. Most of them seem pretty good to me. I've read up on them. They sound like they're know what they're doing. Maybe we can finally crush ISIS and be done with things in that miserable part of the world. True, Petraeus did do that, and look how he got crucified, while Hillary got off scot free. And still others rot in jail for doing for less worse than what Hillary did. It's not equal justice. In any case, Petraeus, outside of that one incident, did a lot for this country. His strategies were working. All Hillary has done is ruin everything she touches as she hungered for more and more power. I was mainly referring to the people who were butthurt over Trump and his win. There was a whole dorm crying, if one story was to be believed. Loved watching all the celebrities losing their shit, too. Still waiting for everyone to leave the country like they promised! Amy Schumer said she would leave and never come back! I'm holding her to that promise, even if it was a joke, damn it! Can't stand her! I doubt he will fail. That would probably only happen if Congress doesn't go along with him, which would be to their peril. They'll be voted out of power if they don't go along with Trump. I don't see him going into full "civil rights abuse mode", either. We've already seen his diverse cabinet picks. We've heard his comments on gay marriage. The matter is over with and settled. Of course, some liberals quickly forget how much they love "diversity" when it's a minority they don't agree with; they were quite nasty and frankly downright racist and sexist towards various conservative minorities and women over the years. Liberals abhor diversity of views, after all. That's why they're all acting like Trump winning is so apocalyptic. It really is quite a sight to behold. Funny, but also sad, unfortunately. Either way, we can't do any worse than we were under the Self-hating American Socialist Eurocrats of the last eight years. Their ways weren't working. No sense in doing more of the same. Of course, if I'm wrong, I'll own up to it. I since regret both of my votes for Bush, after all. But... probably not as bad as Gore or Kerry? Bleh. I am just hoping we can at least have our first good president since Reagan.
Bookend47 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Now this was a season finale, and a damn fine one at that. Felt like all of the good elements of the show barring the Kudelia parts culminated in this last episode. The Ein vs Mikazuki fight was great, I actually rooted for Ein a bit since Mikazuki was too nonchalant for my liking. It was refreshing to see him actually struggle in a fight for once too. The Mcgillis and Gaelio part was excellent as well, with Mcgillis being such a stone-cold bastard that I was honestly surprised. I felt a bit sorry for him as he killed Gaelio, since I always enjoy villains who shows a tinge of regret in their sacrifices to further their goals. If he doesn't end up being at least a major antagonist for Tekkadan in Season 2 then there will be a big missed opportunity. But from my knowledge of the "new" villain in season 2 I think that Mcgillis in that role won't be necessary. Not much to say about the rest of the episode except I'm surprised that the asspull about Shino, Lafter, and Azee being alive wasn't as bullshit as I thought it was going to be. But I guess killing characters off for needless shock value is too edgy and letting it seemed that you did is somehow better writing. Everything else was wrapped up nice and neat, so yeah it was good. My overall thoughts of IBO is that I didn't pay any attention to the first few eps and pretty missed the great parts of the show, I had later rewatched the first 9 eps and growth a large appreciation for it, it was the mature, complex show Toonami needed at the time along with Champloo to keep it from looking like a late-night kid block, if HXH had started half a year earlier that would have helped too. But since I started to get into the show around the time of the Brewers arc I noticed that I was enjoying it far less than the earlier eps and was forcing myself to like the show. Then the Dort arc happened which was where I kinda stopped caring but the Carta and Edmonton arcs salvaged my final opinion of season 1 though, so it's all good. I definitely don't think it's trash like the loud minority of posters on this forum, it's just a very mixed bag of a show. I personally think that most people just don't get it. I'm also happy in the end that the gundam/hunter power hour is still alive.
OwlChemist81 Posted December 11, 2016 Author Posted December 11, 2016 Yeah, I know. It sucks. Not sure of the timeslot, though. Maybe they'll shove it after Hunter X Hunter. The first hour is now all DBZ. So Jojo will be pushed back 30 minutes. Maybe Hunter will keep it's timeslot. Toonami starts at 11:30 in 2017, so JoJo won't budge.
OwlChemist81 Posted December 11, 2016 Author Posted December 11, 2016 My overall thoughts of IBO is that I didn't pay any attention to the first few eps and pretty missed the great parts of the show, I had later rewatched the first 9 eps and growth a large appreciation for it, it was the mature, complex show Toonami needed at the time along with Champloo to keep it from looking like a late-night kid block, if HXH had started half a year earlier that would have helped too. But since I started to get into the show around the time of the Brewers arc I noticed that I was enjoying it far less than the earlier eps and was forcing myself to like the show. Then the Dort arc happened which was where I kinda stopped caring but the Carta and Edmonton arcs salvaged my final opinion of season 1 though, so it's all good. I definitely don't think it's trash like the loud minority of posters on this forum, it's just a very mixed bag of a show. I personally think that most people just don't get it. I'm also happy in the end that the gundam/hunter power hour is still alive. THANK YOU for getting back to the main topic, after nearly 2 whole pages of political chat-fail! I enjoyed Gundam IBO. I thought most episodes besides the slowest ones were decent, and in retrospect there weren't quite as many as I remembered. Well over half the episodes (I count 15) contained some great mecha - on - mecha action, while most of the others at least involved some sort of drama or suspense. I give the whole series a solid 8.5/10, but mark my words, Gundam Unicorn Re:0096 will be MUCH BETTER!!
Bookend47 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 You're welcome. I can remember a few highlights from every ep but that mostly came from many rewatches of certain eps. IBO was a bad show to watch so late especially when it came after One Punch Man. I mostly just tried to pay attention while my focus was divided between reading forums and posting but when I rewatched the show Sunday mornings I enjoyed it a lot more. Maybe more people would feel the same if they did that. Personally the show peaked for me at ep 3 when Mikazuki dueled Lieutenant Crank, but the action in this show was generally pretty good, I agree. I like it when characters in anime just spend time talking, even more so than fight scenes because it's fun to see how the writers allow them to interact. Whenever IBO did this I couldn't help but enjoy it. But I grew a bit sick of the pattern in the middle of the show, where there's a action ep, then a character building ep, then another action scene which is resolved at the beginning of a development ep. That's a generous rating, personally there's a lot of greatness in the show with the concept and themes but the execution just wasn't clicking with me. I watched halfway through Unicorn and while I haven't finished it I think that you would have to be insane to think it's worst than IBO. Also I don't think that it will be as confusing as most people think for a newbie to UC. There were some terms and connections that went over my head but most of the stuff the show explains, and what isn't is easy enough to figure out. Like Laplace's Box is some sort of puzzle and the title gundam is the key to locating it. I doubt that vague simplified description is on the mark but from the clues the show gave that's what I figured.
PokeNirvash Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 It's the final episode! It's over after this! Thank God! The fact that you used Minions to express your joy just made me hate you even more.
Blatch Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 The fact that you used Minions to express your joy just made me hate you even more. =L [that's... like, the ultimate forum faux pas] [also, my 100th post here]
ben0119 Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 I think it's pretty funny that I usually hate Gundam and I actually liked this one and most everyone else hated it besides me and Jman. ;D I love the way Mikazuki brutally, mercilessly slaughters his enemies. He's no whiny crybaby bitch like Amuro! ;D ROFL... I googled it and my brain meant to write the actual title but my hands wrote Mobile Shit Gundam of their own volition! LOOOOOOOL! I also love Mikazuki's violent, no-fucks-given brawling style. And he broke anime rules by saying fuck this duel and just attacked! That was great! ;D But yeah, add this along with G Gundam as the only two Gundam series I like. Hmm, do I have issues for enjoying the way Mikazuki kills his opponents?
ben0119 Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 THANK YOU for getting back to the main topic, after nearly 2 whole pages of political chat-fail! I enjoyed Gundam IBO. I thought most episodes besides the slowest ones were decent, and in retrospect there weren't quite as many as I remembered. Well over half the episodes (I count 15) contained some great mecha - on - mecha action, while most of the others at least involved some sort of drama or suspense. I give the whole series a solid 8.5/10, but mark my words, Gundam Unicorn Re:0096 will be MUCH BETTER!! Kinda have to blame Gundam itself for that. The franchise is full of political machinations, which inevitably leads to arguments about real world politics in the threads. But, I wish people would get over the election results and move on, or at least keep the political stuff to the "Babbling" folder. I enjoyed it too. Of course, I liked the slice of life stuff IN SPAAAAACE. Got to have good down periods and story and reasons to fight to have good action! The action was good, and the eating and talking episodes were relaxing and calming... which is something I could use more of these days. You are right that even without action there was drama and suspense involved. Not sure what I would give it. Don't like to rank things. 7 or 8 out of 10, I suppose?
ben0119 Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 The fact that you used Minions to express your joy just made me hate you even more.
DangerMouse Posted December 18, 2016 Posted December 18, 2016 I definitely don't think it's trash like the loud minority of posters on this forum, it's just a very mixed bag of a show. I personally think that most people just don't get it. I'm also happy in the end that the gundam/hunter power hour is still alive. Yeah.
Meilag32 Posted December 18, 2016 Posted December 18, 2016 The fact that you used Minions to express your joy just made me hate you even more. Good, good. Let the Hate flow through you. I really couldn't care less if you hated me. I only chose the minions one because it came up as one of the first gif entries when I typed "celebration gif" into Google.
ben0119 Posted December 18, 2016 Posted December 18, 2016 Good, good. Let the Hate flow through you. I really couldn't care less if you hated me. I only chose the minions one because it came up as one of the first gif entries when I typed "celebration gif" into Google. Well, I doubt Poke was being entirely serious with that comment.
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