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Spiders are all around us


The other day I was staring at some bushes and saw this crazy looking spider. All aggressive strutting, shiny and black with tribal markings.


Then I saw on another branch this other spider curled up in a leaf with a thin layer of web over him. Smaller, completely white, with a big bulbous butt and both pairs of front legs pressed tightly together and extended straight out away from its body.


I needled him gently with a leaf stem and made him do that thing where they piss a string of web and jump, hanging from it. I carried him by this string and put him on the branch with the black spider to see what would happen.


The moment the black spider saw the white one it leapt several inches across the branch and landed on it, wrapping it up tightly in its legs and carried it away, draining its life fluids.








While this was happening I noticed observing the action a third spider, also all white, a different and much larger species than the other two. He was hanging out on a leaf and seemed aware of what was going on between the other two but didn't get close to investigate. I tried to prod him over to the black one to see what would happen but he panicked and just jumped to the ground.






Spiders are great


I love spiders. such interesting little creatures. I once watched a bunch of wolf spiders avoids a black widow like she was the devil in my bathroom. I like to get eggs sacs and put them where they will infest buildings on purpose


I love spiders. such interesting little creatures. I once watched a bunch of wolf spiders avoids a black widow like she was the devil in my bathroom. I like to get eggs sacs and put them where they will infest buildings on purpose


That's diabolical as fuck.


I'm cool with all spiders that aren't poisonous. I've had a few black widow encounters, they always leave me on edge for awhile afterward. I'm forever afraid of standing too close to an oven barefoot after finding one living under there many years ago.


One time I tipped over and looked inside an old coffee can that had been laying in an overgrown corner of a garden for a long time, it was full of black widows.


I've identified the little spider that got eaten in my op as a white crab spider. Do you have any idea what the one who ate it is? I'm thinking "ant mimic spider" but that's just from googling.


What about the big white one lurking in the last two pics? Yellow sac spider?


it's a jumping spider I'm unsure of what type of jumper tho. it's harmless to us


Ah okay. I only know of jumping spiders as those little fuzzy guys with cool markings.


I know they're all harmless, where I live only widows and recluses are poisonous. I was confronting him with my finger to try to get him to go near the big one and he wasn't running away, would put up his forelegs and try to intimidate me right back. Pretty ballsy.


i moved to Texas a few years back and I've found that the most amusing things to watch are these tiny little scorpions and tree roaches....never had that shit in NY...crazy fun






Spiders don't bother me all that much.  If I feel one crawling on me it's no big deal.


I have to wonder about the intellectual maturity of someone that gets off on manipulating creatures in the wild as if they're a wannabe naturalist.


Spiders don't bother me all that much.  If I feel one crawling on me it's no big deal.


I have to wonder about the intellectual maturity of someone that gets off on manipulating creatures in the wild as if they're a wannabe naturalist.

what the actual fuck are you even talking about? human civilization is built upon manipulating the wild. people do it every day unwittingly. someone playing with spiders in the woods is pretty tame and innocent. I'm more worried about folks trying to burn the whole city down because they saw a little bitty spider. arachnophobes are ridiculous.

i moved to Texas a few years back and I've found that the most amusing things to watch are these tiny little scorpions and tree roaches....never had that shit in NY...crazy fun



What are those scorpions like? I've only ever seen one scorpion in the wild while stripping bark from a tree, it was small and quickly escaped before I could study it. It was very pale green/white, like a glow in the dark looking toy scorpion.


What are those scorpions like? I've only ever seen one scorpion in the wild while stripping bark from a tree, it was small and quickly escaped before I could study it. It was very pale green/white, like a glow in the dark looking toy scorpion.

you can tell how venomous a scorpion is by looking at it's claws. a scorpion with big meaty claws isn't very venomous. it just crushes shit with its claws. but a scorpion with small scissor-like claws is something not to fuck with

what the actual fuck are you even talking about? human civilization is built upon manipulating the wild. people do it every day unwittingly. someone playing with spiders in the woods is pretty tame and innocent. I'm more worried about folks trying to burn the whole city down because they saw a little bitty spider. arachnophobes are ridiculous.


Don't go down that road, dude is as pathologically inclined to start shit with certain people over any stupid subject as he is to click like on other certain people's posts regardless of content. That's the only reason why the intellectual maturity of someone who observes the behavior of spiders is questioned while that of someone who kills all spiders on sight is upvoted by him.

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