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Everything posted by Kehotik

  1. I'm aware I look awful.
  2. It's been happening a lot. I'm quite annoyed.
  3. *enters fatality combination* *loud buzzing* *kicked to dashboard*
  4. You should. It's a good'n. Well its actually the premise for something I planned for today.
  5. And it just so happens that I planned something with cheeseburgers today. It works out.
  6. Can't say. But they could attract ants or other insects.
  7. Giant rabid cheeseburgers out for blood. Plus they swear in fits of anger. Also Yoshi's there. Well anyway it's happening tomorrow.
  8. Skyrim. No question. Crohn's is a hell of a thing man
  9. Kehotik


    He liked to sleep on my chest while I was sleeping. And if I kicked him out he'd force open the door with his 30 pounds of fat.
  10. But then again who doesn't? Lol Anyway I'm super happy regardless.
  11. Kehotik


    Uh oh
  12. Kehotik


    I miss him because stupid xbax live is borked and I can't get in a party with him.
  13. Kehotik


    Do you miss dbz4ever?
  14. Ate a burger LIKE A VIKING!
  15. Kehotik


  16. Blurghhh!
  17. Lol naw the word is blocked by Bob's hand. Pizzer.
  18. Relevant information.
  19. Oh I totally thought about Mr. Sparkle!
  20. Not the bunnies! 😧
  21. Anyone notice Teddy? He's cookoo for burgers.
  22. I know right? I remember! 😮
  23. Amateurish I know but it gets the point across.
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