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Everything posted by Kehotik

  1. I put two and two together. Yeah that's sad to hear.
  2. Another one. Yeah I'm my own worst critic. I'm not terribly bad at it. It's just not where I want to be.
  3. Might check out YouTube. Worth a shot.
  4. Or at least better confidence in my skills. I wanna draw Moze hugging a bear and saying. "I love my big ol' bear!"
  5. Good god no. I was quoting a game. Lol
  6. Robots becoming self aware, taming vicious animals, and hunting loot.
  7. Lol apparently it's shortened from a 512 alphanumeric characters long factory designator. Go figure.
  8. Flak.
  9. Fl4k. They're a character in Borderlands 3. The Cocky Bastard is a sniper rifle. It ended up not being very good. The Unseen Threat is better. Perhaps I should have clarified this before. But then it wouldn't have been funny.
  10. What if it is? Heh heh heh
  11. Apparently it's good for my Fl4k.
  12. I spoke with my doc that way too recently. I need a scope in September. Hopefully I can.
  13. I'm a happy C
  14. And you're gonna be all like nooooooo!!
  15. I almost thought that was legit chicken chaser and I was scared.
  16. 21 hours and already 35k likes? I'm pretty jelly.
  17. A British comedy staring @molarbear
  18. Lol no it was that it was just appetizers.
  19. Apparently. Again.
  20. Brrrrr ring ring ring!
  21. My sister, about chicken wings.
  22. I used to take shots for that. Well for a different medical issue anyway. But it was used for psoriatic arthritis I think.
  23. My phone isnt a phone
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