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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. @Insipid ok nice to someone will moren me
  2. no i was not in fact just feel bad
  3. I'm okay it's not my fault the other guy got cited that's all I'm saying right now but I am okay just making this public finally after a few days after it's happened
  4. Yes it's kind of funny if it wasn't so horrifying @scoobdog
  5. here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davis–Besse_Nuclear_Power_Station#:~:text=Throughout its operation%2C Davis–Besse,the United States since 1979.
  6. dude I have the electric company in my area that runs a nuclear plant that would make Springfields from The Simpsons look like the best nuclear power plant in the world I'm biased in my opinion but the local Nuclear Power Plant Would be Chernobyl meet Fukushima Daiichi if anything goes wrong okay their PR is the last thing I'm worried about
  7. well toledo edison has no pr bs like that well it just sucks
  8. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/01/neets-and-new-unemployables-why-fewer-young-adults-are-working.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-us wow not good
  9. I woke up this morning to a pop and a squirrel jumping on its electrical Transformer and died Only in my small town must have to number of squirrel suicides per capita
  10. You know how I could tell it's how his head was shaped sometimes males have different shaped heads than females and if that sounds kind of funny but it's true
  11. yes, they are but I am begging for everyone's forgiveness I am sorry I am lumping two groups of people together. And I am sorry for making assumptions about a group based on a few @scoobdog
  12. Oh I can say is I'm sorry I'm not lying about this I do feel what I feel I am sorry I'm sorry about stuff like this and yes I know a lot of people who do cannabis are pretty decent people and I am this have to humble myself to you guys and hope you forgive me
  13. Yes I do admit that but the quote-and-unquote abusers are also heavy cannabis smokers and yeah lumping in a lot of people who smoke into Abel is Camp and no I know better not all people who do that are assholes may all you guys forgive me for acting like a fucking asshole
  14. True, but when I was in school the other people said when I was in school said I will end up waiting people end up raping people as an adults. People also made up a rumor about me that presuming and most people assumed it was true because of my disability. So what you're saying about a false correlation and making assumptions? @scoobdog
  15. Well all that is a big I don't know
  16. @UwPp look I know a lot of people who do it who are nice and reasonable people who are treating me badly or not right now they're somehow got really into Political opinions that might be a little bit ableist and very paranoid about the federal government like it does not exist the Constitution does not apply to them that type of opinion.
  17. Well deep down without giving you all the details I feel that some people I know are ableists against people like me. And the worst ablest ones are ironically the ones that consume cannabis the most
  18. Well I think they're shitty people in general and they're just getting worse but you know would be nice for some standards because they do it practically every moment they can I'm just pissed off lately there's been treating me badly and I think they're ableists . And they're getting pissier with me when I said I'm not interested in you know consuming marijuana in any way.
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