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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. I wanted him Deported back to South Africa
  2. Is that true I just heard that again pop up I know this is a weird roomer that pops up every so often
  3. I only know but all the rules are driving now apparently the 10 and three thing is gone so if the cop notice me driving like that I get a ticket what the hell can't we consistently have the same rules on stuff
  4. I Don't know how to reply ?
  5. @[classic swim]
  6. Fun life lesson for today you have your seat pulled up too close in your car when you punch yourself in the balls when you're turning the steering wheel
  7. Have you ever been keelhauled and you have been Moon by drunk maybe sailors
  8. I want to know if the US government conducts a military operation named Operation Bond villain are we the baddies now
  9. RIP he was a talk show Pioneer we won't have Oprah ,Maury, Dr Phil , or Jerry Springer without him
  10. ? I mean honestly honestly I think people would be surprised that if there's a younger person wanting me including me
  11. ? This person is not old she is actually somewhat Young ? Late 20s early 30s type
  12. other day at the bank a a female teller hit on me So that was different that I didn't realize she hit on me until 2 hours after I left the bank
  13. yup fascist are taking over
  14. same as my mom next her 3rd is die hard 1
  15. You know how many years has been since I seen it hell I think I only seen the DVD version possibly three times I own the DVD for 20 years plus now
  16. That is a damn good movie that is a masterpiece
  17. One I need to see but I don't want to
  18. Yes sounds like a film I need to look up it's on Tubi I need to look this up @Insipid
  19. My suggestion is is 1954s Gojira underrated in comparison to other films that are considered great but started a whole franchise and a genre but just in case I'm going to say 1927 Metropolis that's a masterpiece there And for anime films I would say skycrawlers that is a very good well made movie
  20. did not know that
  21. Really I didn't really pay attention actually I didn't even watch that one
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