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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. Looks like the old ghostrek is coming back
  2. No a woman never walked up into me it said they have to wash my hair because I'm bald
  3. Walk up to someone and say have to wash their hair next Friday that's why you can't go out on a date. You know how creepy that sounds
  4. But in all fairness it's a good movie he just didn't he doesn't do a lot of actual acting
  5. Watching the movie King of Kings and I realize Jeffrey Hunter should have stayed on Star Trek. Because is the performance of the crisis well no pun intended wooden
  6. me to
  7. Right here it is the actual video of the track on the map and the actual footage and this is pretty interesting but honestly I don't think it's anything malicious
  8. That is cool looking
  9. I liked it it had some flaws but overall I liked it
  10. red october truagth me desperate people will do anything for freedom at least that is partially captain the captain of the Red Octobers arc Plus there's a lesson there with Jack Ryan throughout the Tom Clancy Ryan verse that in the common man can do something
  11. that what i was geting at but never read the books
  12. I'm not justifying any opinions either person had but each other's culture because frankly I have bad opinion of our culture and I'm American that has ancestry dating back to the revolution
  13. JRR Tolkien did not mean that to represent the Japanese people but the but the Soviet Union or Russia in general must be Chinese Communists considered the last 1 was published in 1956 or something like that
  14. The points are valid and I do agree with that but it's over simplification and from later in a video from a cultural Centric point of view.
  15. I am sorry for causing that but I also know he was Catholic that's because JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis were good friends yeah Narnia creator and the creator of Lord of the Rings we're good friends. one was Protestant albeit West commonly know as high Church Protestant I believe and one was Roman Catholic
  16. there alot of aint-catholic propaganda for centuries in the UK in general ever before the Irish independence movement
  17. of the yes but there was a lot of anti papists Sentiment Their longest period of time The Anglican communion worldwide is part of the protestant camp
  18. @André Toulon what?
  19. ok Though the guy that made Spirited Away does not like The Lord of the Rings. Because it is one pacifist view And he and his anit- Americanism Despite the fact the middle earth universe are like the better term is a fictional mythology of England? Not just me or I'm offended that it is an American citizen and of Anglo-Saxon ( English ) Heritage Is offering may the way J RR Tokin was A catholic in a historic lead one of the most high catholic countries ever Historically speaking The guy knows what being a minority and underrepresented feels like to a certain degree Although I'm not defending Mr.Tokin or Mr Miyazaki either way Their lack of Nuance in understanding In the works of the one or the other
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