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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. It's a contraction of Ghostbusters and Star Trek I'm not dumb enough to post my real name on the Internet
  2. it's June? really! I know Jesus Christ's birthday is not in December that's a historical fact that can be determined by reading the Gospels. It wasn't wintertime when that happened Shepherds because they won't have their flocks out when it could be freaking cold yes Israel's kind of desert country but still pretty far north. It's only celebrated on December 25th because some Roman Emperor decided to make it the official Christmas because he became a Christian and decided to Co-op an existing holiday. We're learning history fun ain't it? We just celebrate it on December 25th as I said but it's tradition might as well go with it no one really knows because the writers of the gospels did not put what Hebrew month Jesus was born in and there's a calendar difference between them did Julian / Gregorian calendars and the Hebrew one so months might not line up every year. Finally, it is June too early to complain about the War on Christmas
  3. Apparently he was at home when it happened in the song and his wife just up and left them there
  4. True but the whole thing was about a guy getting his nuts stuck in the door
  5. How in the hell that's possible I don't know but it just seems painful
  6. Yes I know I intentionally do that I don't like people getting humor off my misery
  7. @PenguinBoss i hope it hits the news
  8. i dont want to
  9. @katt_goddess wow i hop you healed from psychological trauma
  10. no i am not
  11. what
  12. Dude I'm going to say this out of me being an anger control someone wanted to beat my ass today as in kick my ass like it's handled this like fisticuffs it's like what the fuck that's the issue I have
  13. I had an altercation technically two with a co-worker and he's a fucking asshole and somehow I'm fucking The weird thing is I'm somehow in the right this time or at least in one of the cases yet this is bullshit it's been a few hours and my anger is still worked up
  14. In real life, I'm named after my father, and put it this way if any of my relatives call me by my real name which is the same as my father I would take it as a fucking insult
  15. What I have a hard time not try to killing myself which what I meant because frankly living my life is not the best 39 years essentially being retarded yet not being retarded so I'm in between the two fucking worlds and yet I'm the problem and yet I'm not the problem and etc etc whatever analogy want to take and yes I'm fucking pissed off because because almost got my ass whooped today at work from a coworker @scoobdog sorry
  16. one i am following in the footsteps of greats and the genre I want to wright in
  17. hell no. it is hard at times to keep myself from killing me
  18. I don't a fly flag from my truck well
  19. it called freedom of speech and patriotism
  20. Help it would be you never know
  21. I had a weird dream that I joined some Army somewhere and I was in like a service dress uniform IE like military equivalent of business dress and I was somehow in combat and it was my first day out of boot camp it was weird one I'm 39 who in the hell is going to let someone 39 years old no experience being combat normally
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