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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. @Global-Moderators Luuv[/member] @Perseus @swimbob
  2. I've heard you do a check-in before, it's what instilled the concern in me I have a switch to shut off the screen but it auto kills wifi connection too.
  3. Well not until I get home wifi Don't need anyone hearing the customer service voice when a guest interrupts me mid-battle
  4. Despicable
  5. Bump
  6. Did that whet anyone's appetite?
  7. I see this is on page ten, so I'll assume this isn't about Snapchat anymore and withhold my SC username.
  8. YouTube has taken down all the ones I tried to find.
  9. I have a hackneyed theory that advantageous evolutionary adaptations aren't usually the result of random mutations but conscious efforts made on the cellular level to keep life forms viable for as long as possible so they can continue absorbing heat/energy or whatever purpose drives our instincts but I don't like talking about it bc of how dumb it sounds.
  10. Kid should be suspended for not lining up when recess was over. It's February, he knows the drill by now.
  11. I guess if you could get a teammate to lift you up for the assisted dunk they might let you in for comic relief
  12. Like this post if you fapped to WWE divas as a kid bc you didn't know what else to look up
  13. Look it's a new board, we've moved past that. Clean slate.
  14. She only communicates in Groening animation screencaps
  15. He spells it "Metta"
  16. Snort it
  17. And fish Killed so many pet fish
  18. Is that what happened to you? Did you let your wife watch?
  19. They're less than $2, I'm good. Stop trying to make peace it ain't that serious and I will always say negative things to you on the internet. Figure it out.
  20. So much better than the mild salt and vinegar of the Lays and such of the world. This shit burns, hurts, stings to eat. A delicious ordeal that I am enjoying more than usual at this slower pace
  21. My favorite kind. Kroger brand salt and vinegar
  22. Eating slowly and cautiously to avoid any surprise bugs or whatever. It's actually pretty nice eating this way, being forced to savor each bite. Usually I just shovel them in. Discuss
  23. A lot of dudes got PAID last summer, some cartoonishly overpaid, some overpaid but at least they're going to provide something close to the level of help that was expected. No contract though was worse than Parsons tricking Memphis into throwing him the max imo, even if it takes a few years for that to become obvious
  24. SonicNaricun
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