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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. It's overly complicated, nuanced social etiquette but what you're supposed to do to be polite in that situation is make them eat whatever you cooked, you eat what they ordered for themselves, and save for later the food they got for you.
  2. No, Raticate is shit
  3. Catch me blowing up your daughter's DMS like "Why haven't you responded to me I know you're reading my messages it says so"
  4. I bred a Wimpod with aqua jet today, so kingly
  5. SPORE
  6. I make $140 a week I'm only $100 a week richer than Phillies
  7. The suspect reportedly claimed to have a head full of angry sharks
  8. He cucked himself Edit woops wrong Rog
  9. Yo enough with the E Rog idolatry it's becoming unsettling
  10. Yeah they paddled if your parents signed the form. If your parents didn't sign the form then instead of being paddled for a minute and sent back to class they would force your parents to come pick you up and take you home for at least the rest of the day. Kids who got paddled always came back and were like it was w/e. A weirdly formal process of standing there and getting paddled in the butt w a piece of wood. Sometimes old fat lady teachers would say to kids acting up "stop it Bradley, or I'll send you to the office and it won't be me or Mrs Principal spanking you, I'll get Mr. Large male teacher to hwhack your asshole"
  11. Prob a go for tonight, def for Sunday.
  12. Sick children
  13. Idk right away
  14. NaBarney


  15. I don't smoke cigarettes and don't drink much caffeine and don't touch prescription medication. So yeah, $90 gets me a quarter which lasts over a month with the difference going toward occasional binge drinking. So maybe like $4 a day
  16. My state just made proof of insurance required in order to register a vehicle/renew vehicle registration, and drastically increased the fine for driving without insurance, not having car insurance and not having registration are necessities otherwise you'll get pulled into a never ending shit spiral of cops and unaffordable fines and fees
  17. The skin is the largest edible organ
  18. A little less than $3 a day For just $3 a day you can sponsor my drug use. Won't you pick up the phone and call now?
  19. I hate my job because it benefits the millionaire and billionaire corporate owners while no one who works there can afford basic necessities like car insurance or health insurance
  20. The evidence is clear Theft of posts
  21. NaBarney


    Paul Giamatti?
  22. Shot down how specifically?
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