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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. One time an angry guy roared at me.
  2. As long as Republicans are repealing Dodd-Frank, why not loosen the rules on gambling. I want poker nights to be as common as trivia nights.
  3. Way more fun than I thought it would be. Prob gonna get a regular poker game started Gambling is great.
  4. Nah, they'd just be down there waiting for me to check them in.
  5. I've masturbated at work countless times. One time my roommate got off work at the strip club around 3am and called me, she was drunk and horny. She came to the hotel I was working at, we went up to the only vacant room in the building (the person who reserved it hadn't shown up yet) and fucked on the bed, then made it up and left our juices on the comforter. Someone definitely slept in it. Shout out to people who don't show up for their rooms
  6. If she is going hard at lowering her bp without medicine that's one thing But if she's just waiting for death, that's kind of dark
  7. Nah dreams are just random shit happening it doesn't mean anything
  8. Okay wow I'm an idiot This is what you get for rushing the process
  9. Wait no I need to make a rare correction Cyberbully360[/member] I'm trying to call you an asshole but idk a song about that
  10. I've had the teeth one a lot but never lost my dick despite being highly inadequate
  11. I haven't watched the Wire in a long time but I think reading Russell Westbrook's stats just before bed influenced that dream, because he looks exactly like the character Bodie.
  12. My last dream series, the first one involved me opening a double door fridge, looking at the two drawers on the bottom, seeing them full of bloody pulp and human bits, discovering that my dad had killed my mom and the pulp was her body, then pretending like I was cool with it once he realized I knew what he had done so he wouldn't kill me too. This somehow transitioned into me running through a dense city of mostly streets and alleys, all the buildings I went into were very small and narrow one room affairs, hiding from four characters from The Wire who were after me for some reason. At one point I was sitting at a table at a diner catching my breath when Pooh and another character came in and sat at a table next to me, smirking at me and casually loading their weapons. I ran out and managed to eventually kill those two separately, but there were two more still after me when I awoke. Both dreams were unusually lucid
  13. Cyberbully360[/member]
  14. When you get home post a screencap of your OKC IP ban screen
  15. If someone swears at me I immediately stop helping them and tell them to leave. If they don't, pick up the phone and threaten to call the police and follow through if they keep going off. Sometimes I've wished angry customers would swear at me so I could do this. Pissed off yelling is w/e, you can't shut them out over that. But let one swear word come out and they're done, no boss can say shit to you about washing your hands of that situation.
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