My last dream series, the first one involved me opening a double door fridge, looking at the two drawers on the bottom, seeing them full of bloody pulp and human bits, discovering that my dad had killed my mom and the pulp was her body, then pretending like I was cool with it once he realized I knew what he had done so he wouldn't kill me too.
This somehow transitioned into me running through a dense city of mostly streets and alleys, all the buildings I went into were very small and narrow one room affairs, hiding from four characters from The Wire who were after me for some reason. At one point I was sitting at a table at a diner catching my breath when Pooh and another character came in and sat at a table next to me, smirking at me and casually loading their weapons. I ran out and managed to eventually kill those two separately, but there were two more still after me when I awoke.
Both dreams were unusually lucid