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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Has a live South American pit viper ever wriggled around on that floor?
  2. What gay things do you think they say to fuck girls?
  3. Has it been confirmed that he's ever gotten positive, receptive responses though? Is he an asexual just messing with people who fuck
  4. Are you a fuckin alien biologist
  5. Ditch everything but the the oxy, blunt, and coconut water. Replace the 20mg amphetamine with 400mg dextromethorphan.
  6. Just say whatever those guys who have sex with these girls are saying to them. Or tell her about your best Mega Man time
  7. Why play along with this? Packard is dead. RIP
  8. Oh, I didn't realize the blatantly Jewish character is what you meant by "deceptively inserting the Jewishness"
  9. Where was the Jewishness in Futurama?
  10. Ha ha ha I would like to hear more about this
  11. It is ok I should have just ignored it. I remember you always being pro-unions, you seem cool now that you're presumably no longer a neoconservative Republican/independent. I remember your great wars w westpark where cryptonazi and fascist labels were bandied about and insulting Hitchens was your biggest trigger. Anyway welcome back
  12. I was talking about op's misspelling the word rogue throughout this thread, not your Pokemon
  13. Cosign And it's spelled rogue.
  14. Second favorite character is Jimmy Jr's trash kid friend
  15. I've been singing her porcelain baby song and laughing hard the last few minutes
  16. Linda is easily my favorite character. So many quick lines that are laugh out loud funny. "That's my maybe baby!" And this hilarious scene [YouTube] [/YouTube] I hate all the kids.
  17. Do you still wear togas just around?
  18. That's really cool that you have sex op, disregard these haters who don't appreciate what a cool feat that is. Keep us updated on the holes you date
  19. My grandfather came to the US from Portugal
  20. In a daze shortly after nutting on myself
  21. Leon[/member] You [YouTube] [/YouTube]
  22. Zenigundam[/member] I got you boy [YouTube] [/YouTube]
  23. [YouTube] [/YouTube] poof[/member] it was either this or that Fergie song about taking your broke ass home if you haven't any money. It's late and I'm tired
  24. Word [YouTube] [/YouTube] DJ Sona[/member]
  25. CAC[/member] if this is from the heart your heart is full of unintelligible shit. But then so is everything else. Even this post. Even! [YouTube] [/YouTube]
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