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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Kudasai[/member] you alien mother fucker [YouTube] [/YouTube]
  2. molarbear[/member] you are really all that you've been looking for [YouTube] [/YouTube]
  3. This one is a little unfair bc I've got the Rick and Morty episode on the brain, but anyway you reek of R&M fan so I say it works bc that's how this works [Youtube] [/YouTube]
  4. Bitches love deduction. They want a guy who can locate them without asking permission. All part of the hunt
  5. She lives far away from me I'm so depressed rn
  6. I'm alone drinking 48 oz of 8% abv Redd's bc until just recently I didn't realize these were made legal here when we got wine in grocery stores last year P good day
  7. I found a $20 in the dryer last month when I washed my jacket for the first time in a year. It was still fine, and very clutch
  8. Even in the uploader's description of the vid LB linked it says "this took FOREVER" Really tho. It's never been easier to make a good competitive team, this gen is extremely accessible.
  9. You know that isn't, eh, nevermind
  10. Why are you watching so many Endeavor gimmick elite 4 videos anyway? "Damn near 90%" Watch a competitive pokemon match if you want an idea of what the game is actually like.
  11. That gimmick has nothing to do w EVs or IVs, which have always existed I don't even know what to say to this Just lmao
  12. Lmao are you fucking serious right now
  13. NaBarney


    Cyberbully360[/member] don't like stupid shit like this
  14. Nobody wants that shit I'll take one.
  15. Battle me
  16. Zeni falls for this all the time. She got your response and ignored it, the date/interview will be canceled due to a lie.
  17. It's hilarious how you characterize all girls as being as possessive and monogamy-obsessed as you portray yourself to be. You mean she's going to have sex with a variety of guys throughout college without entering exclusive relationships with each of them? How awful, I'm sure you're right she'll absolutely hate that and wish she had missed out on all those experiences and just settled for the first way too invested guy who messaged her on a casual sex hookup app when she was 18
  18. It's hard to decide who to hate on first in a Draymond Green-Barkley feud. Probably Draymond. Glad my early season posts are lost on the old UE forum, I distinctly remember saying the Bulls with their awful new collection of guards who can't shoot looked surprisingly hopeful in their first televised game that I saw. https://mobile.twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/830907383010299904/video/1
  19. Luuv needs to get over there quick and advertise this place, we need some new fat complaining nerds who care too much about pop culture.
  20. This seriously isn't true at all, definitely not in the campaign where you outlevel everyone and even the toughest opponents don't use items except for z crystals, and anyway levels aren't a factor when you battle someone 1v1 like what we're talking about they're all set to level 50. There are no nuclear items, like they're useful but the best ones are defensive IMO and the best offensive ones have serious drawbacks like costing you HP or locking you into that move until you switch out. When I battle Buddy most of my Pokemon are either level 100 or levels 1-30. Doesn't matter, they're all set to have the stats they'd have at 50. You don't even have to level them up to get most of their best moves anymore, you can just buy heart scales and trade them to tutor your Pokemon moves they learn at higher levels.
  21. I don't mind those threads, I almost never have sex and they remind me that the "almost" makes me a king here
  22. NaBarney


    I watched AS and various other anime that aired on America television as a kid but can probably count on two hands the # of anime series I've seen as an adult.
  23. Okay, I finally moved my ORAS boys over to Moon. Who is down for an incredibly drawn out tournament that probably won't start for several weeks, contingent on availability and team building? Get your monsters ready.
  24. Whenever things aren't looking good, throw some bows
  25. Do more google research into their lives to figure out why they're not responding well to your attempts to assert yourself
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