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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. And They're both kind of pieces of shit though
  2. That reminds me Admin[/member] I need a name change: NaTulsi2020. I've accepted it.
  3. That sounds awful but I love chips and mustard. Actually I love anything w mustard
  4. Riding on my ? now it'll take me far away I don't know where to or if I'll be back some day Far away
  5. As for everyone else it's pretty messed up you people couldn't scrape together $40 for me. Are you even adults? That's pathetic. 40 adults should have $40 among them.
  6. What's ur name? I'll interact w you on there to show you how it works so you can save me in 2 weeks when this happens again
  7. Well I'll get on its back it'll take me to the sky I don't know why now but one day I will know why
  8. I always eat small portions. I'll never make a three course meal and eat it at once, I like to prepare and eat them individually throughout the day. I generally only drink water and green tea and alcoholic beverages. When I'm alone I eat quickly but if I'm eating w others I like to take it really slow and like to talk a lot and listen to people without chewing and focus on that rather than the food. I hate meeting people for dinner before an event bc that means I'm probably taking my shit home in a box. Much better to save dinner for after the event so there can be lounging and dialogue and slow eating and drinking and ordering more food and drinks and staying out later than intended.
  9. You have to let the right kind of crazy seep into your brain first, then you'll see the patterns and how it all fits together
  10. And take me away?
  11. Also try not to kill anybody this time.
  12. Should've ridden that unemployment longer. You could hang out all day on UE while on UE!
  13. After 9pm you're supposed to use email or Facebook message
  14. Crazy Kyrie is fun http://sports.yahoo.com/news/kyrie-irving-doubles-down-on-his-flat-earth-theory-and-can-now-control-his-dreams-022633638.html
  15. I got the local non emergency# saved because night audit. I bet that would still work.
  16. Find nearest service location via Google, call the buildings themselves directly
  17. Yeah I have to use sneaky ways now.
  18. It was actually completely fine and normal, I was shocked. I thought all the boiling and freezing and defrosting and refreezing during this hot and cold winter would have done something to it. It's kinda like how you can leave a plate of McDonald's food on a table for 20 years and it won't grow mold or really lose any quality. We need to make both of those companies stop existing.
  19. That's not really true.
  20. This year went straight to shit
  21. "making the rounds in talk radio" Maybe you should seek out the story through some media that isn't Petet Schiff and the rest of the right-wing AM radio roundup. When it comes to the topics of wikileaks and wack things the CIA is doing, I'm partial to The Intercept https://theintercept.com/2017/03/07/wikileaks-dump-shows-cia-could-turn-smart-tvs-into-listening-devices/
  22. My laziness is crippling, in a sense. I'm like Sparks.
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