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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by ben0119

  1. Lazarus is a Shinichiro Watanabe series? Hopefully it should be good.
  2. You dun goofed, Frieza! There's the iconic sound effect, glow, golden hair, and green eyes! And THIS is where Demarco cuts the rerun off. 😄
  3. Bad move, Piccolo! We need you for the Dragon Balls! Damn, Gohan shouted to the heavens. You were wrong, King Kai! You should be able to sense better than that!
  4. Poor guy. Krillin will at least will get a great girlfriend in the future.
  5. You need energy to sense energy huh? Haha.
  6. Bulma is blasting off again and squashed Ginyu for good measure. 🤣
  7. Booo they shoulda got rid of Naruto instead!
  8. Frieza's energy ball just got wiped away by the Spirit Bomb haha.
  9. Really? What's it being replaced with? Hopefully not another rerun. I suppose I can continue watching this on my own later at some point. Of course, I've seen the original series and Kai many times by now. So much for our weekly discussions, I guess.
  10. And somehow Doflamingo and his goons survive that bombardment. 😄
  11. I was going to say, if Doflamingo shoots Corazon in that position, the bullets could fly through Corazon and the treasure chest and hit Law. Maybe that's why he stood up.
  12. The idea of that goon being the one to recruit Doflamingo is hilarious. And then made him the boss instead of himself?? Who recruits someone else to be their leader?
  13. It's kind of ridiculous how impossible it is to kill One Piece characters. Corazone should've been dead from the gun shot wounds already, never mind all these beatings. Hiding always works on pirates LOL. So they're good at finding treasure but not people. 😄
  14. Treble is the one who found Doflamingo? Really? Damn, Doflamingo killed his own father.
  15. All the pirates are just going insane. Sure that makes sense haha. So the guy that ran off will be important later or is just a rando?
  16. Oh, the Satan story was totally ridiculous haha. Satan went from being a badass troll to a Twilight character! How the hell did these writers think trying to make SATAN sympathetic was a good idea?!
  17. Went to a filler divirgence in the middle of an arc? Oof.
  18. So all the religions are canon in this universe? Buddha vs Satan? No, is this a demon in disguise?
  19. Is that about the time Satan turns into a Twilight character? 🤣
  20. Childhood Friend Alert! There's hope for Bon yet! I hope this girl isn't filler. 😄
  21. https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/blue-exorcist/gamble Anime Filler List puts 16 and 17 as mixed canon/filler. The filler here must really throw things off and isn't just extended battles and whatnot then. 😄
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