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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by ben0119

  1. Senior Pink? No, just no. The idea of Trebol being the higher power or even chief of staff behind Doflamingo is HILARIOUS. That goof in the heels is half-fishman? Did I hear that right? How?
  2. So maybe the flashback is over with now. Luffy and Law seem to be doing better than before. At least Luffy finally figured out Bellamy is being controlled. 😄
  3. Poor Corazon, Doflamingo's cooler non-asshole brother who had to die. If only he hadn't been in a flashback, he'd be immune to death! Only 2 characters have died in 700+ episodes of the current story!
  4. We finally got our double One Piece back, but at the cost of DBZ Kai. D: Why not get rid of Naruto? I'm never watching that crappy show again! I don't even know why it was brought back. Or at least stick it at the end, so I don't have to kill 30 minutes and come back for Sailor Moon.
  5. It's kind of funny how this episode had a big climactic moment to an arc and then we settled into cool down, aftermath, and transition into the next arc. Usually you'd have the climax at the END of an episode and do the cool down, aftermath, and transition in the next episode. This show being a half-filler homonculus maybe caused this.
  6. Speaking of someone else who is prone to being possessed by Satan. It's almost like turning to the Dark Side. Exorcists commonly have demon heritage? That sure doesn't sound CANON. "It's not like I like you or anything, stupid!"
  7. Is that thing just launching a bunch of clay pigeons? Always thought it was silly those things were called clay pigeons haha. Burned their clothes off LOL. Good job Rin, giving us Shura in her underwear. And she doesn't wear a bra apparently. 😄
  8. The Paladin dude's sword who has an inexplicably cute voice. No idea if he or the sword is canon or if that's ever explained haha.
  9. Shura: Rin only did this well so far because of raw power oof. 😄
  10. I sadly couldn't find the clip or gif of HHH saying IT NEVER HAPPENED-AH, but this is pretty good too. 😄
  11. Seems pretty clear those flames only hurt demons, or only the target of Rin's attacks. Hey now, just because your dad was bad, doesn't mean you have to be bad, even if he's Satan, right? Wow Bon you asshole.
  12. Mephisto looks like the mayor of Candyland or Demon Willy Wonka. 😄
  13. Why does the sword talk? Is it like one of the weapons from Soul Eater?
  14. King of Earth and he's dead just like that. So Mephisto just sacrificed his own brother? That dude is ice cold! LOL execution stayed for now. Well, there's a lot worse anime governments than this, like the Central 46. 😄
  15. LOL Sailor Moon got a song dedicated to her too. 😄
  16. Why is Luna making such weird noises in this episode? 😄
  17. Technically that tape could still be repaired by a specialist, since it was just broken and not completely destroyed haha.
  18. Even old guys like you have a right to fall in love. 🤣
  19. That disguise LOL. Don't think they'd let an old cat like you in here. 🤣 "I wrote that song for her. Maybe she's a little slow on the uptake, but still." So Akiko is from a romance anime lmao.
  20. Take a peak into the grown up world? What?
  21. Could've sworn she was older than this when I watched it way back during the original US airings haha.
  22. Damn witch! No one likes a cockblock!
  23. I figured the Japanese school sailor uniforms were because Japan is an island nation with a naval history. But, it's based on the British Navy?? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_uniforms_in_Japan
  24. Yeah. The show was really just in the introductory set up phase and then diverged into a filler route. Very odd. Weird move to make an anime so soon and then not just end the season or do a standalone filler arc that wouldn't affect anything.
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