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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by ben0119

  1. How did snotbrain just get over being permanently cut by Law? Wow, Law actually connected and seemed to do some damage. Annnd got impaled for his trouble. If Bellamy is going to be this much of a dumbass, Luffy is going to have to Old Yeller him.
  2. So giant stone guy with basically Majn Buu's voice making Pikachu noises. Please put this guy out of our misery, Zoro.
  3. Bellamy, you're drunk. It's time to go home. Not going to turn on Doflamingo after he turned on you LOL. I guess Bellamy just wants Luffy to help him commit suicide basically. I thought he was trying to collapse the chamber so Luffy could escape or something at first. What an idiot.
  4. Amazing that of all the things that happen to One Piece characters and they survive it, and they actually die from being shot. Especially if it's in a flashback! Maybe Law's white lead disease made him immune to bullets! Damn, shot her from the shadows. That bastard. And she died not remembering who Kyros was. Yeah, Kyros doesn't want Rebecca to have to fight, get blood on her hands, whatever, but doesn't look like he can win this battle on his own. "I killed your wife, I might as well kill your daughter too trololololo!" Ladies and gentlemen, in the wrestling industry, that's what we call cheap heat. 😄
  5. Bold of One Piece to assume we would give a shit about Bellamy. I'm glad it's Happosui Army and not named after that miserable bastard Happosai. Zoro breaking the fourth wall and pointing out a stupid laugh again. Zoro: No, don't help me, I want the fight to be dragged out even longer!
  6. I saw the announcments but didn't watch the trailer. I wonder if Toonami will get it. The lore went into total nonsense territory, but still had some good action and fun moments.
  7. Lazarus looks kinda generic and un-creative, especially for a Shinichiro Watanabe series. I hope it's better than it appears.
  8. Oh that's right, that birthday backstory. Most likely...
  9. Clearly you boys were dropped off by a stork...
  10. LOL Izumo is perfectly misinterpreting everything. Oh, Kaku, not Paku. Hah. Izumo just did a prat fall. I'm surprised she didn't accidentally kiss Shima or just fly into both of them. And no accidental grope happened. Well, we'll leave that to Fire Force's Tamaki. 😄 Good job Shima you dumbass! Using me as an excuse to have fun LOL what a way of looking at it. Booo the lazy lumping of birthdays together. I'm glad mine isn't close to anyone else's. 😄
  11. If you guys wanted advice on baking a cake, you should've asked Yoshimori! Or maybe...
  12. What drives me nuts is how cat hair gets to places the cat has never even been. It defies gravity and has a mind of its own. 😄
  13. I asked to have mine tested because at the time it was thought certain blood types were more resistant to covid, but my doctor said it's not really necessary to test for it. Maybe if you needed a blood transfusion you'd need to know it?
  14. Set up a surprise birthday party for a tsundere. There's no way this could go wrong. 😄 Shiemi: ACTUALLY, some flowers are totally edible! I forgot there were "regular" exorcist classes and school since we barely ever, if ever, saw them haha. Shima's actually managing to charm a girl?! Lol girls got it totally wrong. Good job making yourselves look even more suspicious. 🤣 Well, thinking Shima and Paku are dating is actually good cover haha.
  15. Doctors don't even test for blood type anymore haha. Astrological blah blah blah stuff is bullshit. Oh, our resident ladies' man. 🤣
  16. The funny thing about Usagi's disguises is, even though she took the form of a reporter or nurse or whatever, it's still just a random person no one there has seen before. 😄
  17. Looked like some water elemental and illusory ability. ...I guess Mercury technically has some ice in certain parts of craters that never receive sunlight. But it probably has more to do with the Roman god... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_(mythology) Or not. 🤣
  18. Mercury is a terrible place, by the way. Don't ever move there! How did you make a mistake like that, Luna?! Ami isn't very surprised by Luna talking. 😄 She's gonna be better at this too. What am I gonna do LOL.
  19. I love that reaction to Usagi transforming. 😄 Didn't use the disk because it's like cheating bahahaha. Jeez get your energy sensing right, Luna! She's a Sailor Guardian, not a monster!
  20. THERE'S the monster you fools! She was never a monster. You hear that, you suspicious cat. 🤣 Quiz monster lmao. Answering right stops the attack lmao.
  21. Crystal disc... that must be the monster thingy and that lady is probably a monster. "Was that cat just talking to you?" LOL they run off like Sonic.
  22. Luna trying to spy and gets done in by chin rubs. 🤣 She isn't a monster, you crazy cat! Luna an angel? Aww. Luna is exasperated and annoyed again. 🤣 Make friends with her and get out of going to cram school. 😄
  23. Over 9000? That joke was snuck in by the dubbers, right? Lex Luthor and Doctor Robotnik both have an IQ of 300, which is ridiculous. I got a score of 138 on the IQ test I took in high school, though. But 120 is supposed to be enough to be considered a genius. But I HATED school and especially math. 🤣 Now, I did enjoy history, geography, social studies, science, art, and English. But the other kids were assholes a lot of the time haha.
  24. Usagi with the creative logic and crocodile tears. 😄 "I wish I were a cat with nothing to do." Me too, Usagi. 🤣 Luna doesn't know what the monsters are? Hey, that princess might be closer than you think! Hah, that's JYB on the other end.
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