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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by ben0119

  1. Why the hell are they replaying FLCL: Grunge instead of continuing this show? Demarco's decisions only become more baffling.
  2. You should have learned from your mother, dude. Mash just crushed the spell!
  3. This guy is really annoying. Why are you locking rocks for. Angsty kids do that. 🤣
  4. Resonating? Not him. That reaction LOL. Why would you save that asshole? Oh, the other asshole saved him. The handkerchief really has magic properties?!
  5. Stop hitting yourself! The REAL puppet master. He just launched the cream puffs?! No we don't want them anymore!
  6. Screen time is good. 🤣 Heroine and the hero. 🤣 Dot's face is still mashed in and Mash had to pee. 🤣 Bitch slap of doom! He went easy on them, actually.
  7. I always love how anime characters get "overweight," but their character models don't change at all. 😄
  8. Send it back around like a boomerang. Got her. Damn, Jadeite blocked it! Tuxedo Mask run-in again lol. LOL her reaction. And Jadeite got away. A love letter chase haha.
  9. Wow, that scepter can create disguises too! Jadeite is the enemy, Usagi LOL. Interrupt this show with breaking news! Alas, she was an ugly monster. Now the real transformation!
  10. Yeah, they lose their ability to digest it after they aren't kittens anymore.
  11. Luna, you interrupted the dream right at the good part!
  12. This reminds me of Power Rangers' formula haha.
  13. How does the radio station not know about this broadcast going on?
  14. Luna almost got caught talking. 😄 Milk actually isn't good for cats haha. It's purple pants again!
  15. Usagi's family don't even look related to each other haha. And I don't think Usagi is supposed to be a gayaru. Don't think that was even a thing back then. She has the love sickness. 😄 A program that doesn't exist??
  16. LOL a radio show reading love letter submissions. And that is definitely from the teacher. 😄 Well, at least it's not completely alien to any younger viewers. I could see a podcast doing something like this. 😄
  17. Doflamingo and Sugar really take the cake for over-powered powers though. Even with an over the top fantastical series, there should be some sort of limits. And this isn't just a matter of raw power. Everything you described with Doflamingo is bad enough. I thought he couldn't use clones and the bird cage at the same time, but nope lol. Honestly, other Devil Fruits and non-Devil Fruit powers don't hold a candle to even one of their abilities. You'd think turning people into toys and then making everyone forget them should be 2 separate powers.
  18. And then Trunks kicks Frieza and King Cold's ass later and then everyone gets their asses kicked by 17 and 18, and so on. 🤣 I still wish we kept being told the power levels. I remember that online list from years ago, but it turned out it was bullshit. I think Super Saiyan 4 was listed as a power level of 4 billion. 🤣 Then Babidi and Dabura gave power level readings, but used a different unit of measurement. 🤣
  19. I still don't get how Viz could claim they accidentally recast Yoruichi, especially when Wendee Lee was already playing other characters in the new anime. I'm glad Wendee Lee got the role back. Ah, good point. I forget some of the VAs do voice directing too.
  20. "I'm barely using a third of my power!"
  21. Gohan is supposed to be the smart one. 😄
  22. No weighted clothes trick this time lol. LOL already used the 10x Kaio-ken. 🤣 Damn it King Kai. 🤣 Piccolo finally gets suspicious lmao.
  23. Frieza really wants to try to recruit Goku at this point?! Goku was holding back because reasons, and Frieza hasn't even used 50% of his power yet. 😄 Oh no, the voice changer was destroyed in the crash haha.
  24. Give me back the body my personality deserves. 🤣 They don't notice the voice change at all. 🤣
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