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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by ben0119

  1. Man Luna was a real bitch with the weight jabs in this episode.
  2. Caught the pork bun LOL. Evil gym bros attacking! Oh, they're being controlled, not monsters in disguise. Usagi doesn't need to lose weight lmao. She looks exactly the same as always. 🤣
  3. Making no bones about it. Jadeite is going to drain the girls until they die!
  4. What is that fantasy lmao. Spoken like a real man! Better for women to be curvy lmao. Screw you, Luna!
  5. Not eating all day is not a diet! It's starving yourself!
  6. Didn't realize it took this long haha.
  7. Uh you girls lost TOO much weight. Fools.
  8. Jeez those tubes don't look suspicious at all! Whoa Jadeite creeper alert!
  9. So is Usagi really named after a rabbit or what? Usagi doesn't recognize him as Jadeite. 😄
  10. I mean, when you're still growing, how do you determine if you're gaining weight or just growing? Haha. We didn't get an actual weight either. Wow, the family and Luna are being assholes. 😄 Cat fight! Umino is being creepy wow.
  11. Well I'm speculating. I'm not certain haha. But, only Goku seems to be able to hear him.
  12. The memory of Vegeta or maybe Goku imagining what he would say. Don't think this is his ghost.
  13. Frieza actually isn't unhurt and he's mad haha.
  14. Wow Goku started the Kamehameha while he was striking Frieza haha.
  15. Those aren't even the outfits Krillin and Gohan are wearing and some of those other guys are still dead from the Saiyan Saga lmao.
  16. Seems like some exaggerated animation effects being used, or Frieza's tail has some stretching ability.
  17. Wtf was that? Adult Swim is really making some garbage shows on the comedy side these days.
  18. I just thought of something. Why didn't Supreme Kai do anything about Frieza?
  19. Looks like Goku never had a chance to use Kaio-Ken times twenty, or he did and it didn't make a difference.
  20. LOL swapped back into the frog again. Good thinking, Gohan! 😄 Damn, Goku getting his ass KICKED. And Bulma is blasting off again. 😄 No idea what Frieza even did there haha. Oh, it was a cutting attack, and Goku dodged it.
  21. Law said Doflamingo killed Corazone. Maybe Law eats the Op-Op Fruit and heals Corazone, only for Doflamingo to kill him afterwards.
  22. You clumsy idiot, Corazone! 🤣 Eh, he probably dodged those shots, right? No? He got hit, really??
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