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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by ben0119

  1. That is a TERRIBLE stand-up routine. Lol no one notices her evil face. BOOOOO those are King Kai tier jokes!
  2. Kind of messed up by Luna, even if the contest is a trick by the bad guys. Usagi and Luna don't know that yet.
  3. Usagi and Maru are already rivals. 😄 Act sorry. 😄 Wtf was that? A slime string latex attack? Gotta say I've never seen that in any anime or hentai. 🤣 Umino is in drag and doing a valley girl voice?! Why?! Booo that monster bitch replaced the real Mikan.
  4. Hitting the internet in 92? He had to be a MAJOR NERD. Is that in the original script? LOL why do those girls even care about this nerd's opinion. 😄 Dancing and badly singing to the theme song. 😄 Sounds like Erica Mendez as Maru.
  5. The most contemptible thing about Doflamingo are those capri pants and elf shoes!
  6. Hmm. Well the Jet Gatling seems to have destroyed the thread clone Doflamingo just now. I don't know if any threads were broken (torn apart more than cut, probably, per se) or Luffy just destabilized it with all those punches.
  7. It's too bad Law couldn't have taken out Doflamingo. Do we have to follow the formula of Luffy beating the main villain EVERY time?
  8. I really hope Vergo is actually dead. OK, so counting him and the bird lady, 4 people might have actually died in the current story, if you count villain deaths. You should've done that a long time ago, Luffy.
  9. Didn't cut... Doflamingo just RIPPED Law's arm off. Holy shit. And was that censored from the manga? Law might he able to fix his arm with his ability, if he can survive this battle.
  10. Doflamingo: You should've killed me in a cowardly and manipulative way, Law! That's what a smart guy would do!
  11. It doesn't usually work to punch threads lol. Luffy needs a sword or someone with one. Too bad he got separated from Law and Zoro is busy fighting that Buu-voiced giant.
  12. Orlumbus going bowling. That wasn't a power, those goons just listened to him and stood in a line to get knocked down for some reason. 😄 LOL someone finally calls out a ridiculous One Piece laugh. Zoro: "That's too stupid to be your real laugh!"
  13. This was mentioned before, but it's ridiculous that Doflamingo is somehow able to concentrate enough to fight Law, while at the same time controlling a string clone, and puppeteering Bellamy and a bunch of other randos on the island. 😄
  14. You made a spider web and a bird cage? Is there is any limit to Doflamingo's power? Luffy doesn't have any way to cut those wires unfortunately.
  15. Ok so either Law's ability did very little damage or Doflamingo isn't selling the pain. SHUT UP TREBOL!
  16. So Corazon wasn't beat to the trigger by Doflamingo, he just never fired at all? That's unfortunate. Corazon couldn't kill his own brother, even though he had to know Doflamingo has no redeeming qualities.
  17. Come on Law, that's gotta be some silly superstition. And you know I hate to agree with Doflamingo. Damn booger man warning Doflamingo. Whoa, is Doflamingo actually hurt? What did Law do?
  18. That's not what he meant by strike through your heart, Baby 5! I thought Zoro already defeated his opponent. Sabo is doing pretty well for never having that power until a few hours ago.
  19. Rebecca may be top and front heavy but she's gotta do better on shaky land than a one-legged man!
  20. More body horror or at least body squickiness from Robin's power. I can see why she was originally a villain lol.
  21. Wasn't a fan of the series, but Lao G reminds me of a Hunter x Hunter character.
  22. Except for Sugar and maybe Steven Tyler. The other characters are mostly jokes. It would be like if Aizen had filler villains working for him. 😄
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