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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. HardcoreHunter


    Game theory did a thing talking about what it may have been based on.
  2. I have like 5 $50 surge protectors in different rooms of the house, and My PC is hooked up to a $200 UPS. The UPS is important for computer stuff as your computer just shutting down suddenly can screw shit up even if you have a surge protector. Also it has saved me a few times from having to re-write a paper due to power outages. PC get a UPS Game systems, sound systems, AC, TVs use a good rated $40-$80 surge. Fans, crock pots/roasters, and Lamps I give no fucks about, just plug it into the wall. 220v things like Fridge/Freezer, Washer/Dryer, Oven may need a surge breaker installed. I installed one after my last oven went to shit after a power outage.
  3. The British Broadcasting Corporation will be the end of us all.
  4. All that dark powder tainting that pure white milk
  5. Thats called heartburn, take an antacid
  6. Breakfast food in general is unhealthy as hell. It's why you are supposed to eat it in the morning, so you can burn off the calories over the day.
  7. Finding out that sirius's fin ears are fake may belong on the top 10 anime betrayals list.
  8. I like how lazy they got with the bulpan fusion. Literally just Bulla/Bra in Pan's hat and top.
  9. I have to get up in 6hrs better post in this thread
  10. Under cooked bacon and scrapple? Throw in a beer and I'm in.
  11. Funny how the comments are ranging from confusion to this being a brilliant turn of events.
  12. Some people just do things differently. Not to mention in this thread; the ones before it, and the things being said to remember luuv are more legitimate than the memorials and condolences I have seen at many funerals.
  13. If you count the past decade as recent then yes roughly 50% of all anime in that time frame has had at least one lesbian character. Really I have never been into the whole girl/girl thing, but Japan makes the shit out of it. Pretty much the anime industry makes what will sell merchandise and DVD/Blurays. There was an interview a while back where I think one of the animators of Idol master said he would love to work on something else, but they have to do what the studio gives them because it sells.
  14. They look the same but in Index her name is Orsola.
  15. The worst is when it happens in your sleep and you wake up with your face stuck to part of your pillow and your pillow case and sheets get ruined.
  16. If there is no viewing and the body is being cremated then the cost is lower around 1k-2k. When my Uncle died, my cousin only had to pay $500 so they sometimes can cut you a break. When my Mom died in the hospital apparently they will do a cremation there which insurance will help pay. However we had to forgo that to have a viewing. With a viewing and other variables a funeral can cost between $5k-$12k not counting a burial plot which can cost up to an extra $3k.
  17. Unless you count all of her clone sisters as friends . Meanwhile on touma's side (a dozen other girls not shown in image nor the thousands of sisters)
  18. I can vouch for that, when my grandma died when I was little it almost bankrupt my family. It took around 5 years for things to just be stable after that where I wasn't eating a can of 50 cent beans or stale bread with milk as a meal.
  19. You might like the twist in cross days then because it has a part where straight characters rape a gay character....I guess it's not gay if he's dressed as a girl???
  20. Index Railgun - Kuroko, Saten, Uiharu (creator confirmed) 7 Mortal Sins - Whole female Cast softcore porn Cross Days - The Gay route of School Days lots of Trap sex Steins Gate - Urushibara *outspoken love for the MC and wishes to be a Girl so Senpai MC would accept him Tsunomomo - Gay crossdressing character confessing to the MC in the first episode, is really the Student Council President and later repeats how much he loves the MC. fate prisma illya - girls making out the series Strike Witches - Girls groping each other in pantsu and doki doki feelings the series Sakura Trick - Girls making out lesbian cast Attack on Titan - Yimir Tiger and Bunny - Fire Emblem Ixon Saga DT - Mariandale (trans-pre op likes men) Tokyo Godfathers Wandering Son - The main characters are pre op male trans, and there is a post op male to female trans that is their mentor Free may not be gay but god damnit it's trying
  21. I forgot about Steins Gate has a gay character. Either way there are gay characters and series everywhere. Just because Free isn't one doesn't mean the list is bunk. Hell I remember you making 5 threads a day about Goku and Vegeta being gay despite them being married and having kids If you want girl/girl ones I would go as far to say every other anime has at least one lesbian character, if not a full lesbian cast. For guys though it's probably closer to every fourth anime having a guy/guy thing going on. Really just watch more anime it pops up all the time.
  22. Funi doesn't edit the gay out of their dubs. Never watched Free!, but it's in the Fujoshi listings. Some shows are odd with the creators, like HunterXHunter goes heavy on gay implications, but never confirms that the characters are gay. The creator even said that Hisoka isn't gay despite Gon making him Hard, and some scenes where Hisoka is looking at Gon and Kills asses. There is also this video. Kinda makes you wonder how the creator views women since they have either been evil or deformed or have odd messed up features through most of the series. An easier option though watching everything I listed will be just to go to TV Tropes and look up the yaoi and yuri pages and click the characters tabs.
  23. Free! (gay cast) My First Girlfriend Is a Gal (bisexual) Tsugumomo (gay character) Seven Mortal Sins (Lesbian cast) Attack on Titan (Yimir) Love Tyrant (bisexual) Danganronpa 3 (gay character) Nanbaka Special (gay cast) Starmyu (gay cast) Miss Kobiyashi's dragon Maid fate prisma illya (lesbians) Magical Index/Railgun (lesbian characters) Sakura trick (lesbians) Cross Days (Gay) Kuttsukiboshi (lesbians) Strike Witches (lesbians) Inu X Boku SS (gay) Aoharu X Kikanjuu (gay) Snaffu! (gay character) Hatsukoi Monster (gay) I could go on but I may have made my point.
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