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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Senioritis Or are you subconsciously afraid of being in the position where you have to take an action and can no longer use still being in school as an excuse so now you're paralyzed by the options before you?
  2. Celery? Or the mayo? I'm weird about tuna salad but I'm cool with chicken salad
  3. Thinking about jobs and working and interviews and then thinking there's a woman selling farts in jar and people are buying them and complaining they cant smell the farts ......
  4. .... I mean you could put it in chicken salad and like ... potato salad
  5. Update: They just sleep in front of the Dollar Tree. Usually the people in Dollar Tree wakes them up when they open the store. I guess they didn't care today (?) I was talking to one of the EMS people that brings the patients in super early in the morning. So now they're at Wendy's chilling.
  6. That ....I'm not doing as a woman by myself.
  7. So my clinic is in the middle of shopping center and there are alot of homeless people around at any given time of the day. The shopping center is also literally across the street from the only hospital in this area. I was driving in today and I see a wheelchair out infront of the Dollar Tree. So ... I'm like ... thats weird so I slow down and there's a person laying on the ground infront of the wheelchair but it doesn't look like they fell out of the wheelchair. I think maybe they're just sleeping there .... but now I'm like ... but what if they did fall out?! If I call 911 and they're just homeless ... like am I just causing them more trouble ....? I think I'm gonna call to make sure .... but I dunno. I've asked my coworkers have they noticed? The security guard was like .... he was just chilling over there a few minutes ago
  8. Bruuuuh ..... now I gotta spend money on the Witcher 3 remaster ..... y'all already made me pay for Mass Effect LE But goddammit Imma get it
  9. I'm just telling you the truth. You out here letting this girl lie to herself
  10. "This cunnilingus is for your orgasm"
  11. Must not be driving them too crazy if you're still a side piece looking out the window of an Uber
  12. I ... think I might eventually go back to hospice .... see patients more on a short term kinda basis >.> ..... but then there's home visits ... .... I dunno. I think hospice is where my heart is ... maybe
  13. Aaahh naaaaw .... I just attempted to tweet Shinji from Evangelion is less of a bitch in the rebuild movies but still a bitch and Twitter said .... most tweeters don't post like this, maybe you should delete it
  14. Catching up on AoT now that the dubs are coming out
  15. Thread needs more women
  16. I dunno man .... there's has to be something else in the deal besides some mediocre dick. Otherwise I feel like its not worth it.
  17. There's gotta be a side piece benefit .... otherwise there's no point in being a side piece. XD I commented on this lady's nails at work and she told me she has a man but their whole relationship is they have sex occasionally and he pays for her nails and her hair
  18. Does she atleast get money with the uber and 5 minute dick?
  19. pass on the harem in general
  20. I'd prefer it to be a horror series personally
  21. I was already in a bad mood this morning. I think I'm just emotionally drained with everything going on and then I just spilled my whole little container of coffee all over my desk. Luckily my laptop didn't take too much liquid and still works but my knees are wet I'm just standing behind my desk with a river of coffee and one of the doctor's pops in to ask me a question and I'm just like ..... You betcha .... I'll get right on that !!
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