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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Holy shit .... havent talked to flammus in forever. Those tiny chat days way back in the day were fun as shit lol
  2. but did you get the decorations down?
  3. is she hot?
  4. I thought about getting a Tinder .... but then i was like .... nah .... im just going through a horny phase right now ... seems like too much trouble
  5. Im pretty much using my XB1 for Netflix & Hulu .... until next year for Mass Effect Andromeda. I play Smite every so often but I haven't played in awhile ... maybe this weekend
  6. Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy is probably one of the best books I've read lately
  7. Its looks fine outside. Its just cold as shit ... but Im in the south so my cold as shit probably isnt the same as your cold as shit
  8. Im always down for sick days
  9. Vamped


    Im getting all kinds of crazy customer service phone calls now that its Xmas time. I got a voicemail from a lady who ..... apparently didn't know she was talking to a voicemail ... called us all kinds of bitches
  10. Im done with Transformers ... I barely watched the last one. Iffy on Spiderman and The Mummy .... but I'll probably go see them at the drive in.
  11. I've never been drunk. I was buzzed probably once from like a Margarita at a Mexican restaurant during happy hour at a bacherlorette party but I get sober pretty quick.
  12. ....is that ... not what you're supposed to do?
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