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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. I just put it on the hotdog itself If not potato salad ... cole slaw
  2. My parents drowned a baby turtle in our goldfish tank because they couldn't understand that all turtles are not sea turtles
  3. He didn't seem bothered by not getting the thermos back. What was even in it? He had milk on his tray
  4. They didnt give him his thermos back because ..... fuck em ... thats why But he made friends because his outfit is fly as fuck .... thats the moral of the commercial Get fly, get bitches.
  5. I like how they specified the type of T-Rex it is. hmmm the lesbian loving kind
  6. Or 10 business men for 20$ each ... but you probably need to be moderately good at it.
  7. Drunk on a school night?
  8. Those bears in the background are fucking adorable
  9. Vamped


    I think my old apartment was haunted by a ghost dog. Whenever I would have guests spend the night they would feel a tail beating against their leg or hands .... and then sometimes I would feel a little weight on my bed when I was laying down watching TV or playing on the internet. I miss that apartment so much :'(
  10. yep. I head its pretty lucrative depending on where you live. I've never used them ... but every weekend I'm tempted.
  11. I mean people fuck donkeys, dogs, sheep, and manatees why not monkeys?
  12. what could be next?!
  13. prostitution is easy money or Ubereats
  14. That fucking old man is really feeling it
  15. How do we know for sure the donkey didn't have STDs prior?
  16. Thats how you know its working
  17. shhhh .... shhhh Its just the tip but why animals?! Its people outside right now that will give away sex for free or at worst .... reasonable prices given the caliber and quality of the seller.
  18. He apparently likes them blindfolded
  19. http://wreg.com/2017/08/01/man-accused-of-having-sex-with-arkansas-couples-pet-donkeys/ .... but why put a bag over the donkey's head? I'm so confused.
  20. tell her how eager you are to rub your vaginas together I dunno.
  21. A Mickey Mouse phone
  22. How weird ?
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