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  1. Mike Johnson “floating around the idea to get rid of the federal courts” how though? The judicial branch is a government branch. Remove fed judges them the states can’t stop the other branches from accomplishing what they’re trying to do now. Plus then how would the fed try criminal cases? Never? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna197986
  2. Right?!? Anyone thinking this valuation wasn’t literally beat out of whoever makes those decisions, instead of an honest valuation is a fuckin moron.
  3. 😆😆 I didn’t think it was that bright seizure inducing flash either but I’m not a doctor so I figured why chance it?
  4. I didn’t say Goldberg was aware or in on it. Only that someone could have added him on purpose to witness the irresponsible shit they’re doing.
  5. Just the other day Hegseth was lying his ass off about the reason Musk was meeting with him at the Pentagon. A source suggested that Musk was going to, or did, receive information pertaining to China or some shit. Hegseth totally denied it. It was a perfect “getting to know you, welcome aboard” meeting where they all just sat around and double fisted shots while snorting lines of ketamine
  6. They’re doing the deny deny deny bullshit cuz Jeffrey Goldberg has, but won’t release, the receipts. He knew what time the bombs were gonna start falling and everything I wonder if JG was put in on the chat on purpose because of how they were communicating. They’re so cowardly that it’s believable that they would be a whistleblower but hide behind incompetence
  7. lol back in the “bUt HeR EmAiLs” days
  8. The “but her emails” crowd is busy making memes about how funny it was that they leaked info on an insecure app. Bet any amount of $ they’ll still shout about those emails because all they do is double down on idiocy
  9. Right on time
  10. All of the violations to the Constitution and human rights violations are so fuckin hilarious. Hard working federal employees losing their jobs illegally, and then being belittled by Trump is so hysterical. Mishandling secret information. That’s just comedic gold. Never mind that screeching of “BUT HER EMAILS” is all we heard since 2016. Egg prices are up. Inflation is up. Employment is down but hey, as long as we all have a good laugh.
  11. lol “Michael Waltz is a good man and he’s learned his lesson” DJT on his advisor’s oopsie daisy during a group chat.
  12. Love the trick where Hegseth blames the journalist for being added to a chat, probably by Hegseth when he was drunk and tries discrediting all of Goldberg’s work. Mind you, he didn’t release all the texts. Goldberg could have been a scumbag and printed classified information in his story, but he didn’t. I say “could have been a scumbag” because printing all the texts could have dire consequences, especially if they involved strategic information and shit like that. Hegseth should be fired and whatever happened to the “but her emails” crowd? wtf are they now?
  13. Trump strong arming major law firms because they fought against him during his 2020 election shit and the law firm caved. No fight at all. wtf is that bullshit?!? where is MD to tell us how great this is or Wacky to say how “it’s fear mongering” this isn’t a democracy anymore. Not if law firms following the law are going to say they used poor legal practices. That’s bullshit. The firms defending Trump were the ones doing wrong and are doing wrong. So wrong that judges damn near lose their fuckin minds
  14. Trump is such a fuckin clown. Not three days after screaming “bIdEn’S eOs r nOt vAlId bEcAuSe….uhh durr aUtOpEn!” He admits to knowing nothing about the 1798 Aliens enemies act he enacted because he didn’t sign it. Honing in a CNN interview then goes on to say “oh no, he meant he didn’t sign the Act in 1798” are they even being serious right now? What kind of crazy fuckin answer is that? https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5208986-cnn-elie-honig-donald-trump-deportation-flight-fight/amp/
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