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Everything posted by Gammenon

  1. See? There you go. Even a devote troll can have manners.
  2. No no... let Buddy-boy do what he's all about.
  3. This thread is a curious one....I'm sure this Sammy (whoever he is) can take it, straightforward or a cowardly sucker punch.
  4. Overall, fail...you should get a "B" in uniqueness, tho.
  5. All of the above
  6. Gammenon


    He'd be dead if that was the case.
  7. Any movements I make to benefit others I will do so if they deserve it. Anyone else can get mounted by a rabid dog. I'm sorry, I forgot to quote you. Was that close enough?
  8. I read somewhere that Gilgamesh was a rapist and a pedophile.
  9. Gammenon


  10. I still use a VCR for most of the surveillance at the house. Analog recordings are more reliable imo. I also have some tapes with anime recorded on them.
  11. *snickers*
  12. I do some public-speaking recording. Not sure if that's worth quality input.
  13. RIP Bill...He starred in some of my favorite films. Little trivia...He was also Sam Houston's cousin, 3 times removed.
  14. Actually, this really made me think of the first time I played Super Castlevania 4. All of that time was magical actually. Your OP reminded me of some great memories too.
  15. Zeni makes sense; you don't. Now, go back into your hole.
  16. You need to pass out the secret decoder rings, Zeni. Those things seem to be pretty stylish on this message board.
  17. Ok...I was hoping there was an extra "members only" secret decoder ring you could spare.
  18. Yeah, that sucks. It almost happened to me a few years ago when my alternator died while I was driving, ironically, to my garage to get it fixed. I say "almost" bc it did die in a busy intersection but I was able to coast to the side of the nearest back road. I called my brother to get a temporary jump start and luckily made it straight to the mechanic.
  19. How is it "completely humanity-changing"?
  20. Who?
  21. Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure reminded me what my favorite Yes song is... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EywgBDq_LLk
  22. Being a Yes fan, I never would have imaged any song of theirs would be associated with anime.
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