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Everything posted by Gammenon

  1. Lia does have a beautiful voice.
  2. I hate to be Debbie downer but if you got fired, getting a claim might be rather difficult...and it maybe free for you if you do get it, but since a lot of the businesses like laying off people, they'll pick up the tab.
  3. Bump, I guess...I don't know how well your endeavour is coming along but I would learn the definitions of commonly used words used in all logic structures like "if", "while", "until", "then", "or", and "and". Then practice writing down some instructions of simple task (making your bed, getting to work, something like that) on a piece of paper. This is practicing a good first step of creating algorithms that will be used to create a program.
  4. What is this, a schedule of singles releases? I've never seen anything like this.
  5. Hard to say at this point. The show will be pretty tiresome after a few episodes if it stays the same tone of the first two. I was kinda lost differentiating between what was reality and what wasn't (esp the first episode) but I got a grasp on things after watching the rebroadcast. It does have the potential of being a crazy series, in a good way. Imagine if David is helped to reach or realize his psionic potential but he never overcomes his schizophrenia. Very bad things could happen on Planet Earth.
  6. Yeah I agree. They could have came up with better labels. Maybe they were badly translated (?).
  7. Boy I thought he died a while ago. So many old school wrestlers died in the past few years I thought he was one of them. It was ridiculous but funny when he ripped apart the turnbuckle pad with his teeth. RIP
  8. You know what, that's true. When I said it was aimless, I meant this film lost the feel of the original. The director did do the carnal sin in making remakes, which is making that movie as their own creation and not what made the original popular. It looks like he went social commentary on the audience. I hate that stuff.
  9. Yeah, it was pretty aimless. It seems it was only made to upgrade the special effects of the original but nothing else...except the Sam L. Jackson talk show arc but that was pretty dumb. And Michael Keaton just didn't/doesn't pass off as a convincing bad guy.
  10. It kinda has a Sucker Punch / Insurrection feel to it. I don't mind the tone so far but I hope its just in the first few episode as a backdrop of the rest of the series.
  11. Chapter 1 was pretty interesting; a little bizarre, but interesting. I guess it would be a problem if an omega level telepath had little control over his powers.
  12. Looks like the pats's body blows took their effect. Atlanta is just hanging on the ropes.
  13. Gammenon

    Vidya Game Music

  14. Gammenon

    Vidya Game Music

  15. Only thing I remember from 2 was that messed up nursery scene.
  16. Not if you have weak management. Even after cycle counts, they won't care until the store loses a significant amount of money. I'm in no way saying to try it again. As much as i loathe workers, esp management, not doing their job it isn't worth another risk of getting caught.
  17. So when the system says that that store should have one ps4 on the shelf and doesn't, isn't somebody there to figure out the discrepancy?
  18. Well sorry to hear that. Don't give up.
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